9 dpo feeling. What happens after ovulation? Dynamics by day

There are 5 methods that will help you recognize the first signs of pregnancy a week before the delay. These are the methods:

  • detection of implantation;
  • use of ultrasensitive tests;
  • basal thermometry;
  • tracking of secretions;
  • introspection.

These are the most successful and working methods and observations (I tried them all on myself). They are easily applicable and understandable for every woman.The information has been prepared specifically for impatient expectant mothers who want to find out about their interesting situation as soon as possible (checklist at the end of the article!).

Implantation on the 7th–10th day after ovulation - signs and sensations

After successful implantation of the embryo, each woman’s body reacts differently. Pregnancy is a unique thing and its beginning is individual for each person. expectant mother.

Following these instructions, you can right now, without an ultrasound, doctor or laboratory tests, identify the first signs of your pregnancy.

You become pregnant when the embryo implants, that is, grows into the wall of the uterus and blood flow between the mother’s body and the embryo is established.

Method No. 1: identifying signs of possible implantation

Here are the most likely symptoms that future baby at this very moment it attaches to the wall of the uterus:

  • Small bloody issues. Just a few drops of blood are released when the uterine endometrial tissue ruptures.

To distinguish implantation bleeding from regular periods, you need to evaluate the amount of blood, its color, consistency and duration:

Menstrual blood requires the use of pads, is bright scarlet in color, is mixed with mucus and other inclusions (uterine endometrium) and is normally observed for three to six days.

if the pad (or paper) is slightly smeared, the color of the spot is pinkish or brownish and no more than one day old - this is a sign of implantation.

  • Painful sensations. If a woman feels a slight tingling (lumbago), a burning sensation in the lower abdomen, a slight aching pain once or for one or two days, then the first test can be done the next day.
  • Fall in basal temperature. This is another one characteristic symptom, when one day BT drops sharply (0.2-0.4°), and the next morning it rises just as rapidly.

Determination of implantation by basal temperature - the indicator drops sharply for one day

Are you seeing this kind of decline? Expect a promotion the next day. If it happens, you can get tested!

What if the implantation of the embryo was asymptomatic?

To do this you need to find indirect signs the production of hCG and the effects of increased progesterone.

Human chorionic gonadotropin begins to be produced by the trophoblast after it grows into the uterine wall. HCG causes it to continue to function and produce more progesterone. In a normal cycle, it lives for about 12 days and then is destroyed. Both hormones affect a woman’s body, her mood, behavior, and well-being.

Advice(!) Observe your feelings. Perhaps in this cycle something happens completely differently - it manifests itself more intensely or, on the contrary, the usual sensations for this period have completely disappeared and everything is calm.

How does hCG increase from the second to the sixth week after ovulation?

It is to this hormone that the woman’s body reacts most strongly. If its level in the urine is high, home pregnancy tests will give a positive result.

One of the simplest, fastest and most reliable ways to establish the fact that you will soon be a mother is to take a “soak test”.Here's how the hormone increases day by day after embryo attachment:

(information about the increase in hCG by day after ovulation)

As you can see from the table, it is quite possible to get positive stripe already on the 8th, 9th, 10th day after ovulation.

Why is there such a difference in values?

The fact is that The implantation period is not one day, it is different for everyone. In addition, starting hCG level, in other words, its amount at the time of implementation can range from 0 to 5 mIU/ml. And in the first weeks after attachment, it approximately doubles every two days. Now we’ll tell you in more detail how to test.

Method #2: High Sensitivity Pregnancy Tests

It is believed that a week after ovulation it is too early to take pregnancy tests. And most manufacturers really recommend using them only from the first day of the delay.

There are tests, for example, HomeTest, Ultra, Duet, Femitest and others (sensitivity 10 mIU/ml). Such test strips can “catch” pregnancy already on the 7-10th day after ovulation.

Advice(!) Look for just such tests at the pharmacy, with the highest sensitivity – 10 mIU/ml. Then it is possible to catch hCG already on the second day after implantation or 8–11 DPO.

Cheaper versions of test strips differ from expensive ones only in their smaller thickness. Below is a photo comparison of budget and more expensive options. The field for analysis is a little narrower, but it is quite possible to recognize it.

This is interesting(!) Today, five tests are produced (much less!). But here you can easily get a false positive result, since the normal hCG concentration in a non-pregnant woman is from 0 to 5 mIU/ml.

Please note that there won’t be an immediate big fat second stripe, but that’s the beauty of pregnancy tests - for a positive result, even a thin, pale woman will be enough!

Early pregnancy - positive results - the stripes are very pale, but positive

If the result is negative, there may not be enough hCG in the urine yet (see table above).

By following the following five rules, you can easily increase the concentration of hCG in your urine and don't get it false negative test result:

  • do not drink at night;
  • do not take diuretics;
  • use the first morning urine immediately without delay;
  • Follow the exact time specified in the instructions.

Tests are the most reliable home method

They will help you quickly confirm your guesses about successful planning. If you notice the first signs of pregnancy, use test strips the next day.

Note(!) If you are taking progesterone drugs, or before stopping on the 25th day after ovulation, do an ultrasensitive test. By this point, with the standard 5-25/16-25 scheme, the embryo in most cases will already have time to attach to the wall of the uterus and you will most likely get striped results.

Method No. 3: the nature of basal temperature

I have already mentioned basal thermometry when determining implantation – it’s very cool to receive such an ambiguous hint from the body

If implantation retraction of the BT has not occurred, there are several more characteristic types of behavior of the basal curve.

Third phase on the chart

WITH hCG growth The production of progesterone also increases and, as a result, BT rises to a new, more high level. On the graph it looks like this:

Determining pregnancy using the basal temperature chart - the third phase in the cycle
The third phase on the BT chart appears after implantation - the test can be done the next day

Unusual chart behavior

Compare the basal curve of several cycles. You can use the graph overlay option. Here's what to pay attention to:

Method No. 4: special cervical fluid

Normally, on days 8–14 after ovulation, the discharge is scanty, sticky, creamy, and before menstruation it is often completely absent. Please note the following:

  1. Presence of blood (implantation bleeding)– we talked about this at the very beginning of the article.
  2. The appearance of copious transparent discharge, sometimes in the form of mucous clots. In this way, the cervical canal prepares for a long-term “sealing” of the cervix from infection of the fetus.

Thrush(!) Not the most desirable symptom of pregnancy, but, as gynecologists note, it often appears after hormonal changes, when the microbiological balance of the vagina is disrupted. As a result, mushrooms multiply rapidly. Most a suitable drug for the treatment of candidiasis in pregnant women is Pimafucin (6 days, 1 suppository).

Any deviation in the quality, mode and quantity of discharge after ovulation acceptable. Normally, cervical fluid is clear, sometimes cloudy, and odorless. There is no severe or prolonged pain in the lower abdomen, itching or discomfort in the vulva. Otherwise, an additional meeting with a gynecologist is required.

Read more about how the nature of discharge changes at different periods of the monthly cycle.

Method #5: Self-observation

Fifth way to diagnose interesting situation– listen carefully to your body. You will most likely notice the following signs.

Unstable state of mind

Tearfulness and amoeba state for the second day in a row are a common sign early pregnancy- time to take the test

Pay attention to these situations:

– you are watching a movie and suddenly burst into tears, although you have not noticed such sensitivity in yourself before;

– I can’t concentrate and finally finish the job I started;

– I don’t want to do anything, just lie down/sit down and not think about anything;

– your head doesn’t work or you have a burning desire for everyone to leave you alone.

Sharp exacerbation of sensitivity

With the beginning of active production of hCG and an increase in the amount of progesterone, the woman begins:

  • suddenly have an aversion to certain smells. Hence the change in preferences in food, body care products, places of stay, etc.
  • run to the toilet more often in small ways. Although this is most likely not a problem with sensitivity, but the body’s reaction to an increase in the amount of fluid with the onset of pregnancy and increased work of the kidneys and bladder. The increase in the frequency of trips at night is especially noticeable.
  • feel discomfort and even pain when touching the nipples.
  • react painfully to certain foods. The liver is so overloaded with cleaning the blood from waste products of the embryo that it is unable to normally perceive ordinary products. The expectant mother feels sick and nauseous; however, she rarely vomits.

Strong and sudden aversion to certain smells. When I became pregnant, from the first days I couldn’t stand the smell of barbecue, although I usually love it and eat it with pleasure

Pain in the head, stomach and back

New, unusual painful sensations starting from the eighth day after ovulation, also indicate the emergence of new life.

Headache begin due to intensive work of the pituitary gland and increased blood supply mainly to the pelvic organs. A lack of oxygen in the blood causes a feeling of heaviness in the back of the head, minor migraine or aching pain.

Nagging pain in the lower abdomen, lower back(together or separately) during the first few weeks of pregnancy are associated with the growth of the uterus and do not require special treatment. Such pain can be confused with premenstrual pain. However, the latter appear most often on the eve or on the first day of menstruation, and not a week before them.

Advice(!) If you are afraid that increased uterine tone will lead to embryo rejection, make sure that your progesterone level is sufficient. If everything is normal, the pain is caused not by tone, but by the restructuring of the growing uterus.

Here's how to determine if you have enough progesterone:

  • according to the BT schedule. Are the indicators normal? On average, body temperature at rest 14 days after ovulation is 0.3-0.5° above the average values ​​of the first phase. If yes, then everything is fine - check your BT schedule.

  • Another option, more reliable, is to take a test for the level of the hormone in the blood (the norm is from 12 to 18 ng/ml in the first two weeks after ovulation).

Digestive disorders

The cause of problems with the gastrointestinal tract is total relaxation of smooth muscles. This results in slower intestinal motility, indigestion, poor bile flow, and others. As a consequence of this:

  1. Frequent belching;
  2. Nausea and drooling;
  3. Possible unpleasant taste in the mouth, metallic or sour;
  4. Constipation (just below I’ll tell you how to deal with them!);
  5. Bloating.

Note(!) Sometimes the opposite happens - diarrhea. But it already appears due to a bacterial intestinal disorder. The fact is that in the first days of pregnancy, a woman’s immunity is naturally suppressed, which helps to preserve and not reject the embryo. At the same time, the expectant mother can easily catch a rotavirus infection, which, in turn, causes diarrhea.


With a decrease in immunity, it’s not worth getting sick from ARVI. A runny nose in an expectant mother, chills, and a body temperature of 37-37.5 are completely harmless to the child and do not require special treatment. On the contrary, this is a very common sign of successful implantation. You can do the test!

About body temperature(!) If a woman does not have a cold, but has a TT of 37 - 37.5°, this may be due to the action of progesterone in the second phase of the cycle. If during normal non-pregnant cycles there was no increased TT, and suddenly it appeared in this cycle, pregnancy is possible. Frequently accompanying symptom Such an increase causes chills.

How to permanently relieve constipation with one product

For normal intestinal function, you need to eat 7 heaped tablespoons of bran every day. The daily dose can be divided into two or more times.

Bran helps to improve stool even with:

  • irritable bowel syndrome;
  • poor peristalsis (lazy bowel);
  • irregularly shaped sigmoid colon;
  • chronic constipation and other related diagnoses.

Constipation during pregnancy can appear from the very first days - the cheapest and 100% working product is bran

Stool retention contributes to the development of hemorrhoids. All due to the heaviness and pressure of the constantly growing uterus - resulting in blood stagnation, overstrain, stretching and inflammation of the venous walls.

Bran are not absorbed by the body and serve as an excellent “broom” for the intestines. They accumulate water well and soften feces well. Just remember to drink enough water!

Direct benefit(!) Think about it: it’s better to spend about $20 every month on lactulose syrup (for example, I drank Duphalac), an equally effective, harmless remedy for constipation - it can be given to infants. Or still spend $2 on a month's supply of bran. The price ends up being 10 times lower, but the effect is the same (tested personally!).

How many dishes do you think with the addition of bran can you prepare and eat with pleasure? So many! All baked goods, liquid milk porridges, lactic acid drinks and desserts.

Let's sum it up

I have described five working methods that will help every planning woman, long before the delay, easily and quickly detect the beginning of her pregnancy at home.

These are the main and most frequently repeated symptoms. They are described by numerous stories of experienced mothers on forums, and doctors talk about them. I studied each of them - thanks to them, I knew very early that my dream had finally come true. Try to understand your body and “feel” the birth of a new life!

Advice(!) Desired pregnancy It can come very quietly, without signs and special sensations, so do not rush to get upset if you do not see the described manifestations in yourself. In this case, your assistant will be basal temperature and hCG tests from 8–11 DPO.

My pregnancy tests from days 9 to 16 after ovulation

I wish you to see the second strip as soon as possible!

Checklist for early pregnancy detection

  1. Light spotting from 7th to 10th DPO.
  2. The cervical fluid a week before the start of menstruation is mucous, jelly-like, may be streaked, more abundant than usual.
  3. Thrush (candidiasis) has started.
  4. Aching pain, tingling in the lower abdomen, pulling in the lower back for a short period or several days.
  5. BT dropped for one day and then returned to normal indicators or became even higher.
  6. The third phase has been emerging on the graph for the second day already (above the average BT in the second phase by 0.1-0.3°).
  7. A few days before the start of menstruation, the basal temperature did not go down as usual, but remained elevated.
  8. The average BT in the second phase after the 7th DPO is already three days higher than usual.
  9. Sudden changes in mood, tearfulness, weakness, apathy.
  10. Very sensitive, full breasts, especially the nipples.
  11. Aversion to smells and some familiar foods.
  12. It is unclear why the headache hurts (monotonously or just splitting).
  13. Obstetrician-gynecologist Olga Pryadukhina

    Obstetrician-gynecologist, ultrasound diagnostics doctor.
    Certified operating obstetrician-gynecologist.
    Book author :"How to get pregnant quickly."
    Participant in scientific research related to pregnancy complications. He has a number of publications in scientific journals.

    YouTube channel of Olga Pryadukhina

Women who track the onset of the ovulatory phase usually wait for it important day, without thinking that after ovulation, intense and very interesting processes also occur in their body. Whether conception took place or did not occur, the processes will be different from each other. Let's look at each day after the release of the egg in more detail.

What happens on day X?

The ovulatory phase in the cycle is the shortest. It begins when a mature follicle on the ovary bursts under the influence of luteinizing hormone, and ends with the end of the life of the female reproductive cell (after 24-36 hours). It is during this period of time that fertilization occurs if the released egg is met by male reproductive cells.

The membranes of the egg are very strong. Sperm need a lot of strength and activity to find a “gap” in them. If sex took place 1-4 days before ovulation, then the sperm could well survive in the woman’s genital tract. In this case, they immediately begin trying to fertilize the female gamete.

If sex occurs on the day of ovulation, then fertilization of the egg occurs approximately within two hours after intercourse.

Ovulation calculator

Cycle duration

Duration of menstruation

  • Menstruation
  • Ovulation
  • High probability of conception

Enter the first day of your last menstrual period

Ovulation occurs 14 days before menstrual cycle(with a 28-day cycle - on the 14th day). Deviation from the average value occurs frequently, so the calculation is approximate.

Also, together with the calendar method, you can measure basal temperature, examine cervical mucus, use special tests or mini-microscopes, take tests for FSH, LH, estrogens and progesterone.

You can definitely determine the day of ovulation using folliculometry (ultrasound).


  1. Losos, Jonathan B.; Raven, Peter H.; Johnson, George B.; Singer, Susan R. Biology. New York: McGraw-Hill. pp. 1207-1209.
  2. Campbell N. A., Reece J. B., Urry L. A. e. a. Biology. 9th ed. - Benjamin Cummings, 2011. - p. 1263
  3. Tkachenko B. I., Brin V. B., Zakharov Yu. M., Nedospasov V. O., Pyatin V. F. Human physiology. Compendium / Ed. B. I. Tkachenko. - M.: GEOTAR-Media, 2009. - 496 p.
  4. https://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ovulation

As soon as one of the tens of millions of male germ cells penetrates with its head inside the shell of the female gamete, the shell becomes completely invulnerable to the rest of the sperm. They surround the egg for some time, trying in vain to “reach out,” and then die. Inside the oocyte, events on a universal scale occur - the sperm discards its tail, which is no longer needed, and the process of fusion of cell nuclei begins, the exchange of DNA information. It takes 23 chromosomes from a male cell, and the same number from a female cell. The result is a full-fledged zygote with 46 chromosomes.

So far this is just one cell, but it is already unique, there is no other like it in the whole world. It contains information about everything - what gender and height the baby will be, what his eyes and hair will be, skin color, what talents and abilities he will have when he grows up, what diseases he will have along the hereditary line. A zygote is the beginning of a new life.

On a woman’s ovary, where a follicle with an egg inside matures in the first half of her cycle, a corpus luteum appears in place of the follicle and from its residual membranes after rupture. This is a temporary endocrine gland whose task is to produce progesterone.

It makes no difference whether conception has taken place or not, progesterone is produced in all women from the day of ovulation throughout the entire second phase of the cycle, which is why the second half of the cycle is called the corpus luteum phase, the luteal phase or the progesterone phase.

What happens next day by day?

What happens next depends on whether there was conception or not, so there are two options for the development of events.

1 day after ovulation

If conception has taken place, the zygote begins to fragment. This means that through mitotic division the cell begins to split into blastomeres, but the resulting new cells do not grow to the size of the original zygote. Only their number is constantly increasing. This means that the size of the embryo does not increase at all compared to the first day of its existence, the cell simply becomes more complex. On the first day after conception, the zygote fragments slowly. This phase will take approximately 30 hours.

Simultaneously with the slow and asynchronous fragmentation, a smooth movement of the zygote begins from the fallopian tube, where conception took place, into the uterine cavity, where there are all conditions for the further development of the fetus. The zygote cannot move on its own; it is constantly pushed by the thin villi of the fallopian tube, which are set in motion as a result of peristalsis of the tubes (small contractions of their muscles).

The corpus luteum is still small and little progesterone is produced. Regardless of whether fertilization itself has taken place or not, the woman’s discharge changes; under the influence of initial doses of progesterone, it becomes whitish or milky, opaque, and its total quantity decreases.

Day 2

If conception has occurred, then slow fragmentation continues. Blastomeres have already been divided into two types - dark and light. The dark ones are slightly larger than the light ones. Of the former, embryonic structures will form in due time, and the light ones will become the basis of the trophoblast, which is responsible for implantation, attachment of the embryo to the wall of the uterus and receiving nutrition from its blood. But this moment is still far away. The zygote continues its journey through the fallopian tube.

Progesterone concentrations increase, and the inner layer of the uterus, the endometrium, begins to grow.

Its thickness increases and its consistency becomes looser - this is how the woman’s reproductive organ prepares to receive the fertilized egg. If there was no conception or implantation is unsuccessful, the endometrium will be shed during the next menstrual bleeding.

Day 3

From the third day on ultrasound you can see the corpus luteum in the ovary. Of course, its detection is not a sign of pregnancy, because it also forms in non-pregnant women during ovulatory cycles. But the presence of the corpus luteum reliably confirms that ovulation has definitely occurred.

If there was conception, then the zygote (and now the morula) from this moment begins to fragment faster. It continues to move along the fallopian tube towards the uterus. With no unpleasant sensations it is usually not related.

4 day

On the 4th day after ovulation, if fertilization has occurred, the zygote, which previously became a morula, becomes a blastocyst. It already has up to 58 blastomere cells. This day is very important for her, since her journey through the fallopian tube ends, and the embryo ends up in the uterine cavity.

But the fertilized egg is in no hurry to attach; it floats freely in the cavity. At this point, scientists call it a free blastocyst. Crushing continues.

The corpus luteum is confidently identified on ultrasound, the concentration of progesterone increases every day.

5 and 6 days after ovulation

These days, the level of progesterone in a woman’s body rapidly increases. The yellow body enters a state of flourishing, and this is best time to donate blood for progesterone, if this examination is necessary. The endometrium is growing.

The blastocyst enlarges and now contains about a hundred cells, there are outer and inner shells. The woman does not yet feel anything unusual about herself, except for the effect of progesterone, and even then with increased individual sensitivity. The action of this hormone does not depend on whether there is a blastocyst in the uterus or not; a woman may experience sweating, fatigue and mood swings - these are the accompanying effects of progesterone accompaniment of the second phase.

Day 7

In most cases implantation occurs on this day. fertilized egg first adheres to the endometrium and this stage is called adhesion. And then the process of introducing it deeper into the endometrial layer begins. The villi of the outer layer of the fertilized egg secrete special substances that dissolve endometrial cells, and within 40 hours the fertilized egg is immersed in the uterine tissue, and the chorionic villi connect with small blood vessels female body. The baby begins to receive nutrients from the mother's blood.

From the moment of implantation, chorionic villi begin to produce a special substance - human chorionic gonadotropin. HCG keeps the corpus luteum in working order. If there is no pregnancy, then it is from 7-8 days after ovulation that the gradual fading of the corpus luteum begins. If implantation is successful, the hCG hormone begins to accumulate, doubling every two days.

At the time of implantation, some experience weakness, unusual bloody spotting, which quickly passes. It is called implantation bleeding and does not harm the mother or baby in any way.

8-9 days

These days there is also a chance that the embryo will attach to the uterus. Normally, the implantation process occurs between 7 and 10 days after ovulation, and therefore an important event can happen at any time. The thickness of the endometrium is increasing, now it is at least 7-8 mm. A woman cannot yet feel pregnancy, because the doses of hCG are still very small, even laboratory diagnostics cannot detect them.

After the embryo attaches, the embryonic period of its development begins. Organs, systems, this process will continue almost the entire first trimester - until the 10th week.

If there is no conception, progesterone levels begin to decline.

10-11 days

When pregnancy occurs, it is too early to do tests - the hCG level is low, but you can already donate blood for a laboratory study of the quantitative indicator of human chorionic gonadotropin. It will already differ from the non-pregnant state, but it is worth considering that with late implantation (on days 9-10), the hCG level will still be insignificant, so pregnancy cannot be established.

By this day, if there is no pregnancy, the corpus luteum regresses, the production of progesterone is almost complete, in place of the gland a so-called whitish body is formed, which consists of connective tissue and will completely resolve in the near future.

12-13 days

In most cases, pregnancy can be confirmed at this stage using laboratory blood tests for hCG. There is still little trust in the tests, because hCG enters the urine after its concentration in the blood becomes high. The hormone prevents the corpus luteum from regressing; progesterone production remains high in pregnant women.

In women who did not conceive a baby in this cycle, hormonal levels change- the production of estrogen begins, with their help the body prepares for menstruation. The process of preparing for the rejection of the enlarged endometrium begins - in the absence of pregnancy, there is no need for it. It is during this period that some people begin to feel symptoms of PMS under the influence of estrogen. The number of discharges increases slightly.

13-14 days

In non-pregnant women, the cycle is coming to an end. The second phase of the cycle usually lasts 14 days (plus or minus a day). These days, women with a regular cycle begin menstruation, and at the same time a new cycle of folliculogenesis begins in the ovaries - the slow maturation of a new batch of follicles begins, one of which will become dominant and, bursting, will give the woman a chance at motherhood with the release of a new egg.

In women who conceived a baby in the current cycle, progesterone remains high. Their corpus luteum is called gravidary; it will exist until the end of the first trimester, or more precisely, until the moment when the young placenta takes over the endocrine function of producing hormones. She's not there yet.

15-16 days

Pregnant women do not have menstruation. And right now it is quite possible to do pregnancy tests, that is, go to the clinic to donate blood for hCG. Some may experience early signs early toxicosis- nausea in the morning, headaches, changes in the perception of smells and tastes.

But it’s too early to go to the doctor - no doctor will be able to see the pregnancy yet, either during an examination or with the help of ultrasound diagnostics - the size of the embryo does not exceed a millimeter, and therefore it is worth going for an ultrasound in a week, and 10-14 days after the start of the delay, you can visit a gynecologist.

Today is already the 12th or 13th DPO (“Day After Ovulation” - using professional terms).
This is the longest 2 weeks of my life! Never before have the days passed so slowly.

My period is expected on Monday. Whether they will come or not, that is the question.

I have always trusted my intuition. She tells me that everything worked out. But the Mind reminds me of how we screwed up ovulation, and I forcibly convince myself that nothing worked out. Otherwise, it will be incredibly difficult to experience failure.

But I keep a Calendar of Feelings, and I want to publish it here - maybe it will help someone in the future. If everything worked out, this Calendar will tell you ahead of time that you have succeeded. If you fail, this Calendar will show the futility of tracking the smallest “farts” of the body, and you will be less nervous.


1-2 DPO (on the way from Helsinki to St. Petersburg): unusual tingling in the sacrum, sudden runny nose for an hour and a half
On the way from St. Petersburg to Moscow: on the train at night I woke up from strange sensations in the lower abdomen, something like butterflies in the stomach or tickling. I couldn’t sleep, it was a very unusual feeling. Perhaps it's just nervous anticipation.
2-3 DPO: the next night I couldn’t sleep normally again, again this strange incessant tickling in my stomach. I decided that it was definitely nerves. I read on the Internet that it’s too early for any sensations, I feel like an idiot.
3-4 DPO: On Thursday I had this nervous tickling in my stomach all day, I can’t work normally. I found out on the Internet that in some women with hypersensitivity, the body signals in this way that fertilization has occurred. All in hope.
4-5 DPO: a cough started at night, in the evening the temperature was 37, a feeling of numbness in the hands. Shooting in the lower back, reddish stool. I read on the Internet that just from 4 to 7 DPO the fertilized egg attaches to the uterus, and very often the body specifically blocks the immune system so that the uterus does not reject the egg. I was terribly happy about my temperature - it is quite possible that this is the process of implantation.
5-6 DPO: I continue to get slightly sick, but other than temperature there are no other signs. No cough, no runny nose. The second night I suffered from insomnia. I thought it was due to nerves, but I read that this is also a sign of implantation. I was happy. At the same time, I read that the uterus rejects almost every second egg. Damn, now I have to worry about this too...
6-7 DPO. It seems to me, or my breasts have enlarged and my nipples have increased in size?! I couldn't stand it and took a pregnancy test. Of course, it is negative, because it is recommended to do it no earlier than 13-14 DPO. But many people track the appearance of a ghost strip in this way (yes, there is such a thing).
8-9 DPO: I couldn’t sleep until 4 am, I couldn’t sleep in either eye, I started coughing. There is a strong pull in the stomach on the right side, coupled with numbness in the right leg. I read that this happens due to an enlarged corpus luteum. Oh, well, you can go crazy... Alya twists it at her temple and asks her to stop.
9-10 DPO: I took the test again, again negative. There are no new sensations, except for numbness in my right leg, I continue to hurt.
10-11 DPO: I bought an expensive ultra-sensitive electronic test - negative. I read that I’m a fool and it’s too early.
11-12 DPO: held on, didn’t do any more tests. During the day strange sensations began in bladder, as if there was a shooting there and it went into the left leg. Fuck, stop, you're going crazy!

Today is 12-13 DPO and I took the test again. I’m sure that a faint second stripe has appeared there (called a ghost stripe), which can be seen if you look very, very closely at a certain angle, but Alya doesn’t see anything point-blank and begs me to stop torturing myself. The breasts have definitely increased in size, but this is normal before menstruation. BUT! She doesn't hurt or ache like she usually did! You won't believe it, but this is also a sign...

Here's the Diary of a Psycho! :))))))))) To be continued...

04/21/2010 began my happiest cycle! The most beautiful, the most pregnant and the most amazing! On this day a year ago, a cozy place in my tummy began to be prepared for my baby. It was then that such a small egg began to be born, which had such a long, interesting and difficult journey of 9 months ahead, from a tiny cell to my dearest and most beloved daughter!

In that cycle, for the first time in my life, I dreamed of fish (on the 7th and 8th DC (day of the cycle)), and also for the first time, striped tests, and all of mine (on the 14th DC).

Then I redid a bunch of tests for O (ovulation), but not one showed it (and this happens).

And just before ovulation, I talked to a psychic on the phone, and she told me that I would definitely get pregnant within a year and have a girl. These are the miracles. She also said that 1 ovary was inflamed (but now it seems to me that she confused the inflammation with the fact that it was simply enlarged, since O was about to happen). But then with these words my trips to ultrasound and gynecologists began, since my right ovary really hurt...

I went to the first G (gynecologist) at 21 DC (3 DPO (day after ovulation) and was shocked by her words. The gynecologist looked at the ultrasound and said that I might be pregnant! She showed me a spot in the uterus, which, according to her, looks like for a developing new life. Miracles!!! She told me to take a pregnancy test tomorrow morning. I did, it was crystal clear... I still don’t understand what and how G saw in the uterus then... But she really was right! I wanted to believe her , but after the test hope was gone...

And at DC 23 (5 DPO) I went to another uzist. The diagnosis was as follows: chronic inflammation of both ovaries, now the right one is inflamed (size 30 x 19) and it is cystic, there is nothing in the uterus, it is normal. Something like this. After this ultrasound, I started treating the ovary with homeopathy and signed up for another ultrasound (with a vaginal probe) and my sister advised me to go to her gynecologist.

At DC 25 (7 DPO), the ultrasound result was as follows:

G said by ultrasound everything was fine. And on the chair she looked at me and said that there are genital warts on the labia minora, they need to be removed (how many times I went to gynecologists, no one said anything like that). I took swabs. The next day in the morning I found a bunch of egg white with a little blood. Then I thought it was because of the smear test. And now I think it was implantation (at 8 DPO).

27 DC (9 DPO). This is what I wrote on that day: The right ovary (right ovary) still hurts, there was an O in it, and according to the ultrasound there is a corpus luteum of 12 mm (at 25 DC). Stitching influxes, like waves, with a frequency of 5 minutes, and this stabbing pain lasts for about 10 - 15 seconds, then subsides, and again after 5 minutes. And this has been going on for about 10 days. The nipples also hurt very much if you touch them (this has been going on since ovulation). This has never happened before, NEVER. I go to G, who was recommended by my sister. Result: Everything is fine. The uterus is preparing for menstruation (eh...). She said that my appendicitis was tingling, but I could live with it.

In short, I realized that everything is fine, there is no inflammation, we are waiting for the month.

31 DC. The day before the expected months. In the evening my stomach began to ache and my lower back started to tighten. And I was already prepared to meet the mesics.

(DAY X). 32 DC, 14 DPO. The day of your expected period. I measure BT (basal temperature) already on autopilot. I look at the thermometer, and it’s 37.1. I was shocked, usually the temperature drops on this day. And then such a tiny hope crept in: “What if?” And I ran headlong into the toilet to do a test for B (pregnancy).

As I remember now: I peed in a coffee cup, opened the test, stuck it in, waited, put it in, and went nuts. The strip appeared immediately! I was confused, I didn’t expect this, I did 2 more tests, and they also streaked right away. Emotions cannot be conveyed. My hands began to shake, tears welled up, I couldn’t believe such a miracle and that this was happening to me…. I woke up my husband (it was 7 am on a Saturday). I say “You will be a dad!” She showed me the tests. He hugged and kissed me!

All! World turned upside down! He got colored bright colors! Now we knew that there were already three of us! What arose inside me new life! This is something inexplicable, magical, bewitching. To know that a little person lives and develops inside you!

With these two lines on the test came a feeling of happiness, care, anxiety and worry. Confusion and at the same time collected. There was a feeling that I was no longer alone, a very pleasant burden of responsibility appeared!!!

And that’s it, a new life begins, full of new things to do, emotions and impressions!!!

On the same day I ran to take an hCG test (it turned out to be 167)!!! We also agreed to go to nature that day. I couldn’t resist and shared my joy with my friend. And she showed me a method for determining the sex of a child (“pendulum”). He showed me the girl!!!

At 35 DC, hCG was 864, and progesterone was 24.88. The tests were bright:

At 6 weeks I decided to have an ultrasound because I was very afraid of an ectopic one.

At 7 weeks, severe toxicosis began. With this diagnosis, I was taken by ambulance to the hospital. They immediately did an ultrasound: the gallbladder and pancreas were inflamed, there was a threat of miscarriage (detachment of the fertilized egg, 2 pieces of 1 cm each). And I was stuck on the couch in the black, I didn’t understand anything. But when the ultrasound specialist turned on the volume to listen to the baby’s heart, I immediately let go and I burst into tears. I was in the hospital for 2 weeks under IV drips for toxicosis and to maintain the pregnancy. I prayed that everything would be fine with my baby! They had an ultrasound there several more times. At 57 DC: The due date was set at 7 - 8 weeks, the heart is beating, the embryo is already 13 mm!!! At 65 DC: the deadline was set at 8-9 weeks. The fertilized egg is 38 mm, the embryo is 21 mm. Discharged. But the tox remained mild, I felt sick from the smells and if it was stuffy for up to 15 - 17 weeks (I don’t remember exactly).

I’ve already done an ultrasound according to plan:

At 14 weeks I decided to take beautiful photos of the tests as a keepsake:

At 14 weeks I really felt the first tremors. This feeling cannot be confused with anything. And from 15 weeks I already felt them as on schedule: in the morning, at lunch and at night. And from 17 weeks there was already a constant feeling of movements and kicks. This is a miracle!!!

At 16 weeks she came to register at her place of residence. They measured me and wrote out papers for various tests. And when the doctor looked at me in the chair (it was very painful to insert the mirror, I had never been in such pain), she said that it was a threat and showed blood on the gloves. I wrote out a referral to the hospital. Although I think she scratched me there.

She went to the hospital. The doctor looked at me in the chair and said there was no threat, everything was fine, the discharge was good. I took a swab. I sent him for an ultrasound. The ultrasound specialist looked and also said that everything was fine!!! The child is spinning and moving all the time. Presumably a girl!!! According to the ultrasound, we are 15 weeks and 3 days.

I spent a week in the hospital. The smear was of the inflammatory type (many leukocytes). They treated me, cleaned up my liver and sent me home.

18 weeks. We kick, we toss and turn, we climb in our bellies, we are very funny

Funny manyunya, settled down on the right side

19 weeks. First wedding anniversary!

At 20 weeks she was registered at her place of registration with good G. I read good reviews about her on the Internet! I also did my first 3D ultrasound! They already said for sure that we have a girl!

21 weeks. Our daughter got a name!!! Marianna Alekseevna!!! My husband and I re-read the characteristics of all the names.

23 weeks.

31 weeks. My husband and I took a course to prepare for childbirth. Since we decided to give birth together a long time ago. (by the way, thanks to the courses, they really helped, I pushed correctly and gave birth quickly).

33 weeks. I called the doctor with whom I decided to give birth. Then we met and talked. Cool aunt. Sent me for an ultrasound.

34 weeks. I had an ultrasound in the maternity hospital, they said that everything was fine, but my girl was thin. I went with this ultrasound to my local doctor, she said that the weight of 2100 grams is too small for my term, and my placenta is already 1-2 degrees of maturity (she says it has become too early to mature), there is a lack of oxygen, iron, my hemoglobin is 108. She prescribed it for me iron supplements. She said EVERYTHING WILL BE OK!!!

35 weeks. I decided to arrange a photo shoot for myself, since for some reason I couldn’t get along with my friend.

Manyunka has already become strong, she only hits like that. Liver and ribs at a time.

37 weeks. Last ultrasound.

And this is how my daughter’s house grew up.

39 weeks. 01/21/2011. I went to the maternity hospital for an examination at 10 am. Dilatation of 2 fingers, polyhydramnios. I arrived home and began to feel contractions. At 16:45 we arrived to give birth. We were born on January 22, 2011 at 00:50. Weight 3 kg, height 51 cm. Girl Marianna. I gave birth after 4-5 attempts, but the contractions were terribly exhausting, it was very painful. But when this warm, blue, little lump was plopped on my tummy, the pain, fatigue... everything disappeared somewhere, and a feeling of great happiness appeared!!! I am very grateful to my husband, he helped me as much as he could, if it weren’t for him, I probably wouldn’t have given birth... I love him and our daughter!!!

So the long and fascinating journey from a small cell to a little man has ended. And a new, such an unknown and interesting new life began in this huge world, full of colorful colors, various sounds and voices, new faces and emotions!

My daughter will soon be half a year old! She is already a full-fledged personality and a new person in our world! A very curious and cheerful girl!
