The result of the intellectual development of a preschooler is: Intellectual development of a preschool child

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution

Kindergarten No. 12 “Belochka”, Kotovsk

"Intellectual development of children

preschool age"

Kormyshova Yu.A.

Kotovsk 2015


Intellectual development of children of primary preschool age (children 3-4 years old)

The fourth year of life is the time when a child enters preschool childhood, the beginning of a qualitatively new stage in his development.

In early preschool age, the child’s communicative behavior becomes more complex, subject matter improves and social perception begins to develop, the first stable ideas, imaginative thinking, imagination and productive activities arise.

The first ideas about oneself and the people around them are of great importance for the development of a child of this age period. The child is aware of his emotional, everyday, object-game and communicative experience, strives to reflect it in the game, inept drawings and messages “from personal experience”.

The ability to solve problems in terms of images - representations is expressed in the mastery of shape-making and the appearance of an object drawing, social substitution in the game, the ability to work according to the simplest model, constructing a whole from parts, etc.

Already in early preschool age, the cognitive function of speech becomes of great importance. This applies to the information that an adult tells him in response to the child’s inquisitive questions; the vocabulary is actively replenished with words of a general nature, verbs, names of properties and relationships.

Thus, the development of children of primary preschool age (3 - 4 years) has characteristic abilities. At this time, children show special curiosity about things and events. Every child is filled with a desire to explore and learn. Most skills and knowledge are acquired by children from play.

Intellectual development of children of middle preschool age

Preschool age from 4-5 years is called middle age. He seems to be in the transition from junior to senior preschool age. These children are characterized by some features of younger preschoolers (concreteness and imaginative thinking, instability of attention, interests and emotions, predominance of play motivation, etc.). At the same time, middle preschool age is characterized by the development of cognitive abilities, the development of the communicative, volitional and motivational sides of the personality.

Preschool age from 4 to 5 years has its own development standards:

The social and emotional development of a child is characterized by increased communication and joint games with children and adults (desire to help adults, etc.).

The development of gross motor skills and fine motor skills of the hands becomes more difficult (3-4 years: hold a pencil well, throw the ball over the head; 5 years: throw the ball up and catch it with both hands, consolidate self-care skills).

Intensive speech development and understanding of speech is expressed in the fact that a 4-year-old child can identify and name shape, color, taste, using words - definitions. During this period of preschool age, vocabulary increases significantly due to the naming of basic objects. By the age of five, he masters generalizing words, names animals and their young, professions of people, parts of objects.

Memory and attention develop significantly (memorizes up to 5 words at the request of an adult; maintains attention on activities that are interesting to him for up to 15-20 minutes).

Mathematical concepts and counting skills are developed (they know and name the parts of the day, count within 5).

Thus, middle preschool age is an important stage in the progressive development of a child. He masters a lot of new knowledge, skills and abilities that are extremely important for his further full development.

Intellectual development of children of senior preschool age

The cognitive activity of an older preschooler mainly takes place in the learning process. Expanding the scope of communication is also important.

In older preschool age, the nervous system is improved, the functions of the cerebral hemispheres intensively develop, and the analytical and synthetic functions of the cortex are enhanced. The child’s psyche develops quickly.

Perception, being a special purposeful activity, becomes more complex and deepening, becomes more analytical, differentiating, and takes on an organized character.

Voluntary attention develops along with other functions and, above all, motivation for learning and a sense of responsibility for the success of educational activities.

Thinking in children of senior preschool age moves from emotional-imaginative to abstract-logical.

The cognitive activity of children at this age contributes to the development of intelligence and the formation of readiness for systematic learning.

“On the basis of children's curiosity, interest in learning is subsequently formed; the development of cognitive abilities will serve as the basis for the formation of theoretical thinking; the development of voluntariness will make it possible to overcome difficulties in solving educational problems.”

Studying the intellectual development of preschool children, N.N. Poddyakov wrote: “One of the general tasks of studying the problem of intellectual education of preschool children is to develop such educational content, the mastery of which would allow children, within the limits available to them, to successfully navigate those areas of the surrounding reality that they encounter in everyday life.”

In older preschool age, the child develops and develops complex systems of general ideas about the world around him, and the foundation of meaningful and objective thinking is laid.

Thus, we can conclude that the intellectual development of preschool children is a systematic and targeted pedagogical influence on a growing person with the aim of developing the mind. It proceeds as a systematic process of mastering by the younger generation the social and historical experience accumulated by humanity and represented in knowledge, skills and abilities, in norms, rules, etc.

The essence of intellectual development is understood as the level of development of mental abilities, meaning the stock of knowledge and the development of cognitive processes, i.e. there must be a certain outlook, a stock of specific knowledge in understanding the basic laws. The child must master systematic and dissected perception, elements of theoretical thinking and basic logical operations, semantic memorization.

Intellectual development also presupposes the formation in a child of initial skills in the field of educational activity, in particular, the ability to identify an educational task and turn it into an independent goal of activity.

Tatyana Stanislavovna Kurtsaeva

Reading time: 4 minutes


Article last updated: 01/09/2019

The most important role in the training program for children of senior preschool age is played by their creative and intellectual education. Preschool age is the most fertile time for the formation and education of an aesthetic and purposeful personality. The necessary basic knowledge laid down by parents at an early age will provide undeniable support both in the learning process and in later life. Based on this, every parent should clearly understand the seriousness of the role of mental development in the life of a child, and not shift it completely to teachers and educators.

Intelligence is one of the primary qualities of the human psyche; its formation begins in infancy. The formation of a child’s character is reflected in every new word heard, sensation received, and phenomenon seen.

Creative abilities are individual traits inherent in each individual and influencing the quality of performance of any creative tasks.

Creativity development program

Every newborn has good artistic potential, the specifics of further improvement of which fall on the shoulders of parents and kindergarten teachers. Preschool age is the best period for nurturing in children a developed aesthetic personality, as well as the ability to see and appreciate the beauty of the world around them.

A person’s aesthetic abilities are determined by a number of his characteristics and skills.

  • The ability to come up with the maximum number of non-standard ideas in a short time;
  • The ability to apply knowledge gained as a result of performing some tasks when solving others;
  • The ability to perceive the surrounding reality as a whole;
  • The ability of memory to reproduce the necessary information at the right time;
  • Craving for experiments.

Based on the above, we can conclude that in order to develop creative abilities, it is first of all necessary to develop the child’s imagination, creative thinking and artistic potential.

Methods and means for quickly and maximizing creative potential include certain conditions and programs, following which children and parents can easily achieve positive results.

  • Physical activities with a baby play an important role in his development, and they must begin from the first months of his life.
  • Surround your child with toys that are slightly ahead of his needs. Their design features will encourage the baby to quickly develop creative thinking and imagination.
  • Give your child freedom to choose activities. Don’t force your opinion on him, let him decide for himself what kind of activity he likes.
  • During the implementation of the training program, provide your son or daughter with all possible, but not excessive help, and do not prompt them in cases where they are able to come up with the right solution on their own.

A warm and friendly atmosphere should be maintained in the family and children's educational institution. Parents and teachers should do their best to encourage children to engage in creativity, reward them for this, and console them in case of failure.

Features of intellectual development

The mental development of a preschooler can be divided into several stages corresponding to the child’s age. The main period in the formation of intelligence in a baby begins in the first months of his life, and is determined by the study of the world around him and the acquisition of new emotions and knowledge. Already at this time, the child begins to develop the rudiments of analytical thinking and accumulates his first acquired experience. The more experience a child gains at the beginning of his life’s journey, the more active his aesthetic development and education will be.

The next stage of intellectual development falls at a more conscious age of the child. A two-year-old baby watches with interest what is happening around him and gladly applies previously acquired experience to achieve new goals. During this period, the baby experiments a lot, he is active and inquisitive, and the task and role of the parents is to encourage his aspirations and characteristics by all possible means.

The third period of development of mental abilities takes place in the difficult conditions of the first age crisis of 3 years. At this stage, the child’s development is progressing by leaps and bounds, he learns about the world around him, learns to compare what he sees and hears with previously accumulated knowledge, and is even able to draw his first independent conclusions. He is very inquisitive and constantly asks adults various questions, which in no case should be left unanswered. The primary mission of parents and teachers is to satisfy and reward all manifestations of children's curiosity.

For children of senior preschool age, the fourth period is characteristic, which is distinguished not only by the formation of the child’s intelligence, but also by the development of his communicative characteristics.

Methods and means of developing intellectual abilities

The peculiarity of any classes for preschoolers, both older and younger, is that they are conducted in the form of a game. In this case, assimilation of the program is much easier and faster, children get tired less and do not lose interest in classes for a longer time.

The parents’ task is to provide the baby with the necessary toys, books, coloring books and other visual aids. From early childhood, it is necessary to buy him not just bright and beautiful trinkets, but to acquire those that, in addition to entertaining, will also play a developmental role. All kinds of pyramids, insert frames, various sorters, magic spheres, construction sets and musical toys are perfect for these purposes.

A variety of role-playing games and activities have a good effect on the intellectual development of older preschoolers, especially if the theme and plan of the game program are invented by the child himself.

At the age of 3–4 years, puppet shows will be an excellent educational entertainment for the baby, in which both he and other family members take part. The plots of entertainment programs and productions can be very diverse, but must certainly include a moral and instructive component.

Riddles that develop memory and the ability to think logically provide excellent assistance in developing an intellectual personality. And for the development of attentiveness and the ability to beautifully express one’s thoughts, joint reading of fairy tales and poems will play a good role.

Conducting dialogues with your son or daughter plays an important role in the formation of intelligence, logic and creative thinking. Answer their questions, explain why they need to do it this way and not otherwise, force them to analyze what they heard and saw, reflect and draw conclusions.

Music, physical education, and the study of foreign languages ​​have a positive impact on the aesthetic and intellectual development of preschool children.

One of the leading roles in nurturing the artistic and intellectual abilities of children is played by joint creativity. Do not save money when purchasing materials and various sets; modeling dough, all kinds of coloring books and applications, kinetic sand, paints and much more are ideal for such activities. If at first you did not manage to interest your child, take the initiative and show him what wonderful works he can create with his own hands, showing a little fantasy and imagination.

The role of games and activities in the formation of intellectual and creative abilities

Currently, in the field of preschool education, there are a large number of methods and programs aimed at the aesthetic education of children. But one of the important components of artistic and intellectual education is play. When starting classes with your child, it is enough to repeat two or three exercises, then the baby will not get confused in the rules, and your lessons will give a quick positive result.

  • Name any object and invite your child to come up with good and bad associations for this word. For example, “winter”, good associations are snow, New Year, sleds, skis, bad associations are slippery, you can fall, cold.
  • Blindfold the baby and give him any familiar object in his hands, with the help of tactile sensations he must guess what he is holding and tell from memory what this object looks like, and list its features and characteristics.
  • Even very young children will be very interested in modeling classes. Buy special “Modeling Dough” kits that include all kinds of molds, stacks and boards. Allow your child to fantasize and create, with a little help.
  • Draw geometric shapes on a piece of paper and invite him to use his imagination and turn them into something completely new, finishing and coloring them at his discretion.
  • During a walk, invite your son or daughter to play, coming up with opposites to the words you asked. For example, “sweet” - “sour”, “dry” - “wet”.

Get your child interested in various game programs using educational materials: cards, lotto, children's dominoes, mosaics.

  • Show your child a picture of several different objects, one of which is repeated twice. The child’s task is to find two identical ones.
  • Offer him a card that shows several objects, 4-5 of which are the same, and one is significantly different. Offer to find him.
  • Draw a picture of a house without windows or doors, a bicycle without wheels, or a tree without leaves, and invite your child to find the missing parts and complete them themselves.
  • Place several objects on the table and invite the baby to remember their location, then he turns away, and in the meantime you either remove one of them, or add or swap toys. Turning around, he must guess what changes have occurred on the table.

When raising a child, it is necessary to pay attention not only to physical or mental development, but also to cultivate a versatile personality in him. And let him not become a great artist or musician, but over time he will turn into a harmoniously developed person, capable of finding a creative approach to any life situation.

Read further:

The intellectual development of preschool children is of paramount importance, because it forms the skills for successful mastery of educational activities. In preschool age, knowledge is accumulated at a rapid pace, cognitive processes are improved, and speech is formed. Preschoolers with developed intelligence quickly master and remember new material, are more confident in their own abilities and, as practice shows, have a greater desire to learn.

In the development of the intellectual abilities of preschoolers, a special place is occupied by didactic games, which are a means of learning and help children to acquire and consolidate knowledge, as well as master methods of cognitive activity. Thanks to the didactic game, which effectively increases children's interest in educational activities, preschoolers learn to classify, compare and generalize. The intellectual development of young children should contribute not only to the assimilation and consolidation of knowledge, but also be aimed at activating the mental activity of preschoolers.

The intellectual development of children in preschool educational institutions should include:

  • and speech communication;
  • development of spatial thinking and (calendar, time);
  • development of logical thinking (classification, correlation);
  • formation of sensory coordination and hand motor skills (graphic symbols, shading);
  • developing the ability to observe, describe and make assumptions;
  • acquaintance with the rules of behavior in relation to the natural world and the world of things created by man;
  • instilling respect for oneself and others and developing ethnically valuable ways of communication.

Exercises to develop children's intellectual abilities

1. Compiling a story or story from pictures. The child is shown 4 pictures depicting a fairy tale or events known to him. The child’s task is to arrange the pictures in the correct sequence and compose a short story using illustrations.

2. Recognition of objects by a number of characteristics. The child is given epithets by which he needs to guess what object is being talked about. For example, yellow, sour, oval (lemon).

3. Comparison of two or more objects. The child is asked to name how the words are similar to each other. For example, a cat, a book, a roof. You can ask your child to name how a cat and a dog or a table and a chair are similar. Next, you need to find the differences between objects: a pen and a pencil, a tree and a bush.

4. Select a suitable pair for the subject that will be logically connected with it. For example, the hand is a clock, the wheel is ? (the hand is part of the clock, so the correct answer is a car, because the wheel is a part of the car. Squirrel – hollow, bear - ?; hunter – gun, fisherman – ?; forest – trees, field – ?.

5. Analysis of concepts and identification of features of objects. Which item is extra and why? Night light, floor lamp, lamp; cow, horse, lion; potatoes, carrots, cucumber.

6. Choose a word with the opposite meaning. Buy – sell, open - ?; remember - ?; full - ?; hungry - ?

7. Solving logical problems.

Roma is taller than Vanya, but shorter than Yegor. Who is taller Vanya or Egor?

There were 3 plates of strawberries on the table. Kolya ate 1 plate of strawberries. How many bowls of strawberries are left?

8. Ability to find logical errors. The child must explain the errors of the proposed judgments. The zebra is striped and the fox is cunning; the vase is crystal, and the pan is heavy; the cucumber is green and the pear grows on the tree; the refrigerator is white and the mattress is soft.

9. The ability to operate with numbers within 10. The child can be offered the following didactic games: “Name the neighbors” - we name the adjacent numbers to the given one. “Correct the mistake” - we correct the teacher’s mistake, who deliberately skips or swaps numbers.

A special feature of organizing the intellectual development of children is to create in pupils a good mood and positive emotions from new knowledge, achievements and success.

Alla Chigvintseva
Intellectual and cognitive development in children of primary preschool age

Over the past decades intellectual and cognitive

development in children becomes one of the most pressing problems of modern pedagogy and psychology. Development speech and thinking - one of the most important sections of early childhood pedagogy, aimed at mental child development, who will live in the third millennium. This means a lot to us obliges: we must provide the child with opportunities to master technologies based on the latest achievements of science and designed for developed human intelligence.

We, teachers and parents, must remember that the formation of thinking begins from the first years of life. This is a continuous process in which the first 2-4 years play a strategically important role as a starting period, a period intensive development of the child's brain. Thinking children of primary preschool age attracts the attention of representatives of various fields of knowledge, such as pedagogy, psychology, physiology, general linguistics, sociolinguistics, psycholinguistics. While solving its specific problems, each science at the same time touches upon general issues.

A decisive role in the formation of children's first generalizations is played by the assimilation of the names of surrounding objects and phenomena. Characteristic for children 2 years old is then that they think mainly about things that they perceive at the moment and with which they act at the present time. Analysis, synthesis, comparison and other thought processes are still inseparable from practical actions with the object itself, the actual dissection of it into parts, the combination of elements into one whole.

Objects and phenomena of reality have such properties and relationships that can be know directly, with the help of sensations and perceptions (colors, sounds, shapes, placement and movement of bodies in visible space, and such properties and relationships that can be to know only indirectly and through generalization, that is, through thinking.

Purposeful activities to familiarize the child with surrounding objects teach the child junior preschool age navigate the world around you. He learns to identify significant connections and relationships between objects, which leads to the growth of his intellectual capabilities. Therefore, studying this problem is of great importance.

There is a feature in children's thinking - syncretism, which gives the child the opportunity to think in whole blocks, without dismembering or separating one object from another. The syncretic nature of children's thinking, that is, thinking in whole situations, whole connected parts, is so strong that it still persists in the area of ​​verbal thinking in a schoolchild and is a transformative form of thinking in a child preschool age.

This raises the problem of the need to form thinking, and visual-figurative thinking in particular, from the first years of life. Means, development the child’s speech influences thinking and rebuilds it. The main thing in a teacher’s activity is the enrichment of mental and speech development of children from the first years of life.

For more successful learning of the material, it is advisable to use integrated classes with a variety of visual aids - plot pictures and subject pictures, didactic games, didactic dolls, subject toys, real vegetables, fruits and their dummies.

When preparing for organized educational activities, one must proceed from the leading ideas of modern pedagogy (speech not only serves knowledge, but is also a necessary means, an instrument of human thinking) and modern psychology (in two- to three-year-olds children analysis, synthesis, comparison and other mental operations are still inseparable from practical actions with the object, with the real division of it into parts and the combination of elements into one whole).

Development of thinking in children does not happen by itself, not spontaneously.

It is led by adults, raising and teaching the child. Based on the experience of the child, educators and parents pass on knowledge to him, inform him of concepts that he could not have thought of on his own and which have developed as a result of work experience and scientific research of many generations.

Children junior preschool age not only accumulate impressions and expand their sensory experience. The main thing is that they learn to navigate the world around them, and their knowledge system begins to form. First knowledge is core in knowledge of the surrounding world.

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