“99.9% of life forms on Earth are already extinct. This threatens us too"

Michio Kaku is confident that our great-grandchildren will live like Greek gods. Dmitry Nikonorov/Correspondent

Interview with futurist physicist Michio Kaku

Physicist and TV presenter Michio Kaku in an interview with Alexander Golubov in issue No. 12 of the Correspondent magazine dated May 31, 2013. - that science is closer to understanding only 4% of the Universe.

Last year, The New York Times named Michio Kaku one of the most smart people New York. The American scientist of Japanese origin not only had a hand in creating string theory - one of the most promising in modern physics - but also spared no effort in explaining to the public the essence of the dry scientific works of his colleagues. Kaku has seriously succeeded in this: he has written seven best-selling books dedicated to the mysteries of the Universe, as well as a series of programs on BBC and Discovery.

We are now living a life that our great-grandparents would have considered the life of wizards

Kaku came to Kyiv at the invitation of the Victor Pinchuk Foundation as a special guest of the youth forum of the Zavtra.UA program. On the eve of his speech, the physicist told the Correspondent that the future will come faster than we realize.

Sometimes you can hear the opinion that after the discovery of the Higgs boson - the missing element of the so-called Standard Model - there will be nothing left to explain in physics. Is it too early to give up?

Indeed, the Higgs boson helps complete the Standard Model. But it only explains the 4% of the Universe that is made up of atoms. Yes, now we have very good knowledge about atoms. But 23% of the Universe is represented by dark matter and 73% by dark energy. And we don’t know at all what they are made of. More than one Nobel Prize awaits those who can solve this.

Nowadays, the specialization of different scientific fields is constantly increasing. Will this not lead to the fact that it will be increasingly difficult to create a complete overall picture of the world, even for scientists, not to mention ordinary people?

Initially, science moved in the direction of greater specialization. And, most likely, in the future we will experience rapid development of bio and nanotechnologies, as well as artificial intelligence. But now it is almost impossible to study cybernetics without knowledge of the workings of the human brain. And it is also impossible to understand the human brain without knowledge in the field of biotechnology. That is, we again see unification: people from different fields of science are forced to constantly search mutual language to move forward.

Despite the development of science and universal education, people continue to believe in irrational things. Is this an inevitable property of human nature?

We are genetically programmed to believe in crazy ideas. When we were monkeys in the forest, we had to find an explanation for everything that happened - why the thunder rumbled and the rain fell. And we came up with crazy ideas about people in the sky, about spirits. We needed this: such faith created a sense of community and helped us at least somehow comprehend our place in the world.

And so now we are forced to observe a continuous struggle between science, which seeks to rationally explain nature, and our desire to simplify to the maximum the answers to all the complex mysteries of nature. And to a certain extent, this struggle with irrationality will always continue in us.

According to many experts, universities in their current form are hopelessly outdated. Will they retain their place as a stronghold of science, or will the situation inevitably change?

In the future, Internet access will be everywhere, and the computer screen will be located in our contact lens. When I want to see a professor, all I have to do is blink my eye and I can watch a lecture on astronomy or history. And it will change the university system.

Online courses already exist. They may be primitive, but thanks to the computer you can see a famous professor giving a lecture. True, the percentage of people who quit studying such courses is huge - almost 90%.

This is due to the fact that students do not have their own mentor during such training. There is no personal advice, no peer pressure to motivate you to develop, and no motivation - just you and the computer screen.

That's why we will save universities. But they will become different: constant physical presence will not be necessary, but the essence of interaction between students and teachers will remain.


Your next book is devoted to the changes that await human intelligence in connection with the development of modern technologies - from medicine to cybernetics. However, is it normal to interfere with what nature has created?

It is worth understanding that if we eliminate everything that was created by human hands, we will again find ourselves in the forest alone with nature. Although we are still afraid of the future. I think this is also programmed by our genes - such a fear of change.

At first, all the inventions you write about will be available only to the rich. Is there a risk of further worsening social inequality in such conditions?

This is true, but such a phenomenon will be temporary. Until recently, it was common to talk about the digital divide. It was assumed that computers and laptops would become available only to the rich, while the poor would be left with pencil and paper. But now we see computers becoming half cheaper every year. In 10-15 years, a computer will cost a penny, almost cheaper than the paper that, according to this theory, the poor were left with.

Scientists rarely decide to become science popularizers. Why did you choose this difficult task for yourself - explaining complex things to people? in simple words?

I write books to say that the future is already coming, coming faster than they realize it. Soon I will be able to extend my life, grow new organs, and be able to live in the Matrix. The funny thing is, soon people will say that all this is outdated a long time ago. They will quickly get used to it, that's all.

We now live a life that our great-grandparents would have considered the life of wizards. Now think about the possible lives of our great-grandchildren. In the eyes of our grandparents they will simply look like Greek gods! For example, Venus - she had perfect body, and she was immortal. We will have something similar in the future.

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Diplomas will disappear as unnecessary - primarily because education will no longer be limited to any time or space boundaries.

Last year the newspaper The New York Times called Michio Kaku one of the smartest people in New York. An American physicist of Japanese origin, he conducted a number of studies in the field of studying black holes and accelerating the expansion of the Universe. Known as an active popularizer of science. The scientist has several best-selling books to his credit (many have been translated into Russian, including “Introduction to Superstring Theory”, “Physics of the Impossible”, “Physics of the Future”), series of programs on BBC And Discovery. Kaku is a world-renowned teacher: he is a professor of theoretical physics at City College of New York and travels a lot around the world giving lectures. Recently, Michio Kaku told in an interview with the publication “Power of Money” how he sees the education of the future.

In your book “Physics of the Future” you write that education will be based on Internet technologies and gadgets like Google Glass. What other global changes will occur in the field of education?

Michio Kaku. The most important thing is that learning will no longer be based on memorization. Very soon computers and glasses Google Glass transform into tiny lenses that provide the ability to download all the necessary information. There are already augmented reality glasses that have this feature. Therefore, in a year or two, schoolchildren and students taking exams will be able to easily search for answers to questions on the Internet: just blink and the necessary information will appear. On the one hand, there will be no need to overload the brain with useless knowledge, the main percentage of which, as practice shows, is subsequently not used. On the other hand, the freed mental reserve is reoriented to developing the ability to think, analyze, argue and ultimately make the right decisions.

In this case, there will be no need for both exams and teachers?

M.K. Of course, we will become more autonomous, we will take greater responsibility for our lives, and accordingly, we will not need any “controlling bodies.” People will begin to educate themselves, and really realize what kind of knowledge they need. And if consultation is needed, they will receive it, for example, at the “smart” wall. Very soon, such devices based on artificial intelligence technologies will be located everywhere: in apartments, offices, and on the streets. It will be enough to approach the wall and say: “I want to talk to the biology professor.” And then a scientist will appear on the wall who can give you all the information you need. Such a system will be applicable not only in the field of education, but also in other areas: medicine, law, design, psychology, etc. Of course, real specialists, such as surgeons, will be needed, but simple problems can be solved virtually. As for teachers, they certainly won’t be needed “live.”

Will people be able to quickly switch to self-education and online learning?

M.K. Online university courses already exist, which is a truly brilliant idea. True, the percentage of students who drop out of such programs is still very high. This is due to the fact that people have not yet readjusted, have not learned to work without a mentor according to the principle “just you and a computer monitor”, they do not have high motivation. On the other hand, the online system is just in its infancy and needs to be adjusted. But it is developing and improving quite quickly, and, of course, it is the formation of the next 50 years. Universities will remain, but they will be predominantly virtual universities, where education is based on a cloud-based system. Those who attend lectures in traditional educational institutions, will be considered failures. They will say about them: “He could not construct his own education.”

Nowadays, a diploma is a confirmation of the acquired knowledge base. How will a specialist in the future confirm his competence in a particular area?

M.K. Diplomas will disappear as unnecessary - primarily because education will no longer be limited to any time or space boundaries. Apparently, certification centers will appear in which specialists will take qualifying exams that determine a set of skills and competencies. Depending on the result, a person will receive or not receive a certain position. It is likely that over time they will also introduce a unified scale of points - their number will allow you to occupy a certain position in society. Accordingly, universities become service providers who do not evaluate these services themselves. In the USA, Canada, Japan, and Europe, the portfolio system is very popular, when during study a person accumulates diplomas, certificates, and certificates and provides them to the employer. In the future, accumulated intellectual knowledge will become one of the key elements of the education system, and information technology will make a person’s merits accessible and transparent.

If adults can be expected to take a conscious approach to education, then children are unlikely to learn without constant supervision...

M.K. Children's educational services will be actively developed. In the next 10-15 years, the possibilities of what is now called non-systemic education will become limitless. In particular, there will be such a service as online pedagogy. Moreover, online does not mean that everyone sits in front of computers and looks at monitors: the very environment in which people live and the interfaces that interact with them are changing. Cities of the future, filled with information and communication solutions, will themselves become active participants in the new educational environment. In particular, large games for children will be offered, which will take place over many days and months in real urban or specially prepared spaces. Textbooks will learn to be filled with artificial intelligence, and it will be able to select educational materials - photos, texts, videos, assignments, diagrams to suit the needs of each specific student, regardless of how old he is - six or sixty. There are a lot of such developments, they are gradually being implemented.

Now, to become a good specialist, you need to develop a knowledge base and gain experience. What will it take to become a successful person in the future?

M.K. To achieve real success, you need to develop those abilities that are inaccessible to robots: creativity, imagination, initiative, leadership qualities. Society is gradually moving from a commodity economy to an intellectual and creative one. No wonder Tony Blair likes to say that England gets more income from rock and roll than from its mines. Those countries that can balance commodity markets and cognitive-creative potential have a much greater chance of success. Nations that believe only in agriculture will not last long, they are doomed to poverty.

Most futurists predict that the lion's share of jobs will soon be taken by robots. What remains for man?

M.K. The most profitable ones will be biotechnologies, nanotechnologies and artificial intelligence. Not only the education system is changing, but also the work system. Very soon there will be no more people left in factories, but many new specialties will appear in the intellectual sphere. The most important thing is to get your bearings and switch in time. The problem with most people is that they are inert and cannot take a single step without looking at the crowd. The first thing you need to learn if you want to succeed in the future is not to be afraid to be different from others, to take full responsibility for your life, not to be afraid to change everything one day and follow a new path.

Now the unemployment rate is higher than ever, especially among young people. Should this be attributed only to the global crisis or does some of the blame also lie with the ineffective education system?

M.K. The current education system prepares specialists of the past. We teach them so that they go to work that no longer exists, we provide them with those intellectual tools that have long been ineffective. That is why there is such a high percentage of unemployed people in the world. Why on earth would a business owner hire graduates: not only do they not have the proper knowledge, they also lack experience. As a result, most of the world's leading companies are dominated by 50-60 year olds. But they will continue to study - as soon as people calmly live to be 120 years old and follow the inevitable, in my opinion, concept of lifelong education. Therefore, now specialists in the educational sphere are radically revising curricula in the natural sciences, which are directly related to the technologies of the future.

But not everyone has a penchant for intellectual work. Thanks to what talents can a person who is not inclined to mental activity survive in the world of robots?

M.K. No highly developed artificial intelligence can completely replace humans. We actually have many more advantages over machines than we might imagine. For example, robots lack imaginative thinking, they do not have consciousness or intuition. Therefore, they, say, cannot replace stock brokers, for whom the main thing is not intelligence, but intuition. The ones who will survive are gardeners, builders, and manual workers whose work is based on creativity - that is, it is not assumed that functions will be automatically performed, but that the approach will change at different stages. In the near future, specialties that are now considered intellectual will be recognized as “workers”: programming, web design, 3D design. Whatever a person does, he must have a creative approach to everything, a vivid imagination, the ability to quickly navigate changing circumstances and well-developed intuition.

What changes await human intelligence in connection with the development of modern technologies - from medicine to cybernetics?

M.K. It is quite possible that by 2050 a superintelligence will be created that will significantly surpass the best minds of humanity in almost all areas. For example, quite recently an international team of scientists within the framework of a European project Human Brain Project with an investment of $1 billion, created a unique map of the human brain Big Brain, showing its detailed structure down to 20 micrometers. Such an anatomical atlas will not only simplify the work of neurologists and neurosurgeons and help treat serious diseases, but will also provide an opportunity to see how the brain processes emotions and perceives information. This will significantly speed up the process of creating superintelligence, and will also make it possible to safely improve and stimulate natural cognitive processes and develop a knowledge base. Brain chips that provide a continuous supply of information are a technology of the near future.

Michio Kaku - a famous theoretical physicist, futurist and best-selling author - has developed a theory that proves the existence of God using the so-called String Theory.

String Theory suggests that the apparent variety of elementary particles are actually “vibrational states.”

Dr. Kaku is convinced of the intelligent design of the universe, which greatly irritates the scientific community - after all, he is one of the most famous, respected physicists in the world, co-author of string field theory (one of the directions in String Theory).

“I came to the conclusion that all of us in this world are guided by laws, rules, which, in turn, were established by Reason,” he said.

Dr. Kaku is one of the continuers of the search for the “Theory of Everything”, which was started by the great Einstein. The “Theory of Everything” would unify the four fundamental forces of the universe: gravity, electromagnetism, the “big force” and the “little force”.

According to Kaku, the very goal of physics is “to find an equation that allows us to combine all the forces of nature and read the mind of God.”

Since String Theory offers a unified description of gravity and particle physics, it claims to be the “Theory of Everything”.

To this conclusion (about the existence of Mind in the universe) Dr. Kaku came after an experiment with “primitive half-radius tachyons” (as he calls them).

A tachyon is a particle that moves faster than light. Many physicists, however, believe that such a particle does not exist in nature, since its existence contradicts the known laws of physics.

As Einstein and others noted, special relativity means that if faster-than-light particles existed, they could be used to communicate in reverse time.

Dr. Kaku used technology developed in 2005 that allowed him to use the primitive tachyon half-radius to analyze the behavior of matter at the subatomic level.

After several such experiments, studying the behavior of tachyons, the physicist came to the conclusion that humanity lives in a “matrix” - a world governed by laws and principles invented by an intelligent architect.

“I have come to the conclusion that we live in a world governed by rules that Mind has created,” he said. “This is not your favorite computer game, but something much larger, complex, incomprehensible.”

Analysis of the behavior of matter at the subatomic level under the influence of a tachyon half-radius shows the complete absurdity of the concept of “randomness”. After all, we live in a world that is governed by stable laws and is not determined by any cosmic accident.

“This means,” Kaku noted, “that in all likelihood there is a force unknown to us in the universe! However, this “unknown force”, which became the cause of everything, gave everything existence and contains everything in its integrity, is none other than the person of Jesus Christ, which all Christians believe in.

As Dr. Kaku understands, the entire Universe is a symphony of vibrating strings emanating from the mind of God Himself. And this cosmic music resonates in 11 dimensions of hyperspace.

This American physicist of Japanese origin stated: “Physicists are the only scientists who can pronounce the word “God” without blushing.”

“It is clear to me that we exist within a single plan, governed by rules that are created and shaped by the universal Mind, and did not appear by chance.”

From the editor. Michio Kaku is a world-famous popularizer of science, futurologist, physicist and author of the books “The Future of Physics”, “The Future of the Mind”, “Physics of the Impossible”. At the St. Petersburg International Economic Forum, Kaku gave a lecture on how humanity may change in the foreseeable future. We publish the most interesting fragments of this lecture.

I interviewed approximately 300 eminent scientists from around the world for different TV channels: BBC, Discovery and others. Together we tried to look at what the future will be like over the next 20, 50 and 100 years, what will change in science and technology. And today I will tell you about it. As we enter a new decade, the most important technology is artificial intelligence. In addition, scientific discoveries at the molecular level, biotechnology and nanotechnology will significantly change our future.

About artificial intelligence, robots and methods of their application

Already today, surgeons can use the Internet in smart glasses to perform operations, upload X-rays, MRIs, and patient medical records into them.

Very soon they will be able to actually communicate with the Internet. An example of how this would work is the Robodoc program, which is able to obtain all the necessary information from the Internet and give accurate medical advice. It will make the work easier not only for doctors, but also for patients. Now you spend a lot of time taking tests, consulting a doctor and finding out the results. In the future, all this will not be needed; you will be able to discuss your health issues with a smart watch or glasses, and it will be practically free. A revolution will occur not only in medicine, but also in jurisprudence. Let's say you're driving through a big European city and you get into an accident. You don't know the language, you don't know the local laws, and you need a lawyer. In the future, you will be able to talk to your wristwatch

and receive the necessary information in any language from a specialized website with the code name “Global Lawyer”. This resource will have access to legislation around the world and can advise you. Such assistance from computers and robots will be ubiquitous. For example, they will help build buildings and teach at universities.

Today we use desktop computers, smartphones, tablets and laptops. But why do we need so many different devices? You won't have to worry about how to drive your car or even how to park it. You just tell her “Park” and she will do it. Most likely, many people will stop buying cars in the future. They will simply rent them. I think that robotics in the future will even surpass the automotive industry in size, because your car will also become a robot. You will talk with him, argue, and make plans for the day. And one more important point: Cars will eventually learn to fly.

How robots will change the labor market

Of course, all these changes will affect the labor market. Some professions will disappear. Robots will be able to replace specialists who perform frequently repeated actions. Middlemen will also disappear. Brokers, accountants, cashiers - people who currently make a living in these professions will have to look for other jobs. Who will no longer be needed in a law firm? Numerous paralegals who review cases and look for precedents. A computer can do this too. But the lawyer himself cannot be replaced, because he, as before, will communicate with people: with the jury, with the judge. A robot can't do it better.

Robots and artificial intelligence have three limitations. The first is interaction with people. Any work related to communication and trusting relationships requires human participation. Second - recognition various models or templates. Robots don't handle this well. For example, if there is a table in front of the robot or it sees an image of a table, it will see some squares or triangles, but will not understand that it is a table, because it does not understand at all what a table is, what the essence of this object is. Therefore, the robot needs a special program that will explain to it what a table is. And finally, the third thing is common sense. The robot doesn't have one. For example, you know that water is wet, not dry. Or that you can touch the strings and they will respond to your movements. Or that mothers are older than daughters. How do you know all this? This is common sense that you have that robots don't have. Even a five-year-old child understands these issues better than a robot.

What does this mean for the labor market? Not at all what people usually think of when they talk about robots. For some reason, many people believe that garbage collectors will be the first to lose their jobs. But no, the robot actually cannot distinguish garbage from objects that are not garbage, because there are different types of garbage. The person who assembles it can recognize it, but this is still too difficult a task for a robot. Gardeners will also not be left without work, because robots do not understand what is beautiful and what is not. Robots will not replace police officers, because each crime is unique in its own way; a robot will not be able to understand people well enough to perform the role of a police officer. Plumbers won't lose their jobs. If your toilet is clogged, no robot in the world can fix it. Why? Because all broken toilets are different.

This all means that humanity will have two areas to work in in the future: on the one hand, they will perform low-skilled work that robots cannot do, and on the other hand, they will work where intellectual capital needs to be used. What is intellectual capital? These are logic, leadership skills, innovation, creativity. Robots have nothing on this list. Tony Blair once said that England today makes more money from rock and roll than from the coal industry. Think about it, why is this so? Because coal is a commodity and its prices change, they may fall. But rock and roll is a product created with the help of intellectual capital; it is more stable.

About virtual and augmented reality

We will be able to live not only in our usual, but also in virtual and augmented reality. You will see not only your interlocutor, but also all the information about him. Science, engineering, design - all this will be connected in one way or another with virtual and augmented reality. Let's say you are a tourist and find yourself in Rome. There is little left of the Roman Empire, but by turning on your glasses you can see the entire history of the Roman Empire.

Now, however, there is one problem with the use of virtual and augmented reality devices is an imbalance between what the eye can see and what the brain can absorb. But if you place the necessary chip not in glasses, but in a contact lens, the situation will change. By the way, we can already put a chip to measure blood sugar levels in a contact lens, and in the future, using a similar contact lens, you will be able to access the Internet. To start using it, all you have to do is blink.

Do you know who will be the first to rush to buy such lenses? Students who are preparing for exams. They will be able to blink and see the answers to all the examiner's questions. This means that the approach to education will have to be completely changed. We will no longer be able to focus on memorizing information. We will not need to ask students to memorize, for example, the periodic table of chemical elements. It will be enough to blink to see her. This means that education in the future will be centered around concepts, principles and images, and there will be no need to memorize simple facts and figures. You will have endless access to information anytime, anywhere.

Thanks to augmented reality and speech recognition technologies, communication will also change. You will be able to speak with foreigners even without knowing the language. Next to your interlocutor you will see captions translated into your language.

Often we do not know that we are being deceived because we are not aware of how much a particular product or service actually costs.

So, we are approaching the era of ideal capitalism, when we will be able to understand absolutely exactly what kind of product is in front of us, how much it costs and what is the margin of those who are trying to sell it to us. We will go into a store and, using special contact lenses with a built-in chip, receive all the information about the products, compare them and choose the one that suits us best. But the companies that sell products will also know everything about us.

About human digitalization in medicine and longevity Let's look at how digitalization can change medicine.

Today we can put a chip, a camera and a magnet inside a tablet. A magnet will guide this pill through your stomach and intestines, and a camera will take pictures. Thanks to this, the robot will be able to perform surgery on you. In the future, computers will be built into your body and will be able to do blood tests in real time.

Cancer may be developing in your body right now, but you may not know it for 10 or 20 years. It takes 10 thousand cancer cells for a tumor to appear. But now you can find one cancer cell in a billion in the blood. This technology will be commercially available this year. It is called a liquid biopsy. In the future, you could simply go to the toilet and have a smart toilet detect cancer cells in your waste years before you develop a tumor. Thanks to this, the word “tumor” may disappear from our language. One of the universities recently created an ear made of biodegradable plastic. The ear cells were seeded and an ear was grown from them. The plastic dissolved and an ear appeared, made from the person's own tissue. This is important because the body will not reject anything made from its own cells. Very soon we will be able to replace skin, bones, cartilage, noses, ears, blood vessels, bladders, trachea, and a little later more complex organs.

We are beginning to understand a little about the aging process. A few years ago, aging was a mystery to us. We didn't understand why cells age and die. And now we know that aging is a process of accumulation of genetic errors. We will use technologies that will allow us to correct these genes and live forever. Thus, a biological clock is built into skin cells. If you place skin cells in a Petri dish, they will divide 60 times and then die. This is one of the reasons why a person dies. We have a built-in clock, but we can stop this clock. There is such an enzyme - telomerase. The people who discovered it received the Nobel Prize in Medicine. This enzyme stops the biological clock. You can put skin cells in a petri dish and they will become immortal and divide and divide. But, of course, there is always some pitfall. It exists in this case too, otherwise we would live forever tomorrow. The catch is that this enzyme also makes cancer cells immortal. Why is cancer killing you? Because cancer cells are immortal, they multiply endlessly and form a tumor. If you are not careful, telomerase will turn a normal cell into a cancer cell.

About the digitalization of the mind, Brainnet and digital copies of humans

Let's talk about the digitalization of the human mind. There is the so-called Connectome Project; Europe and the USA have allocated a billion dollars to finance it. This project promises to be great, its goal is to map the entire brain. Today, using MRI scans and studying blood circulation in the brain, we can confirm or refute many theories about its structure. For example, we found that some myths about the human brain are true. Every parent is sure that teenagers are sick in the head. It turns out this is true. Their prefrontal cortex is undeveloped. The part of their brain responsible for making risky decisions is underdeveloped. That's why they get into accidents and do stupid things. There is confirmation of another myth that many believe. It is believed that men become stupid when they talk to beautiful girls. And this is the honest truth. Blood drains from the prefrontal cortex of their brains and the men become mentally retarded. Pure truth.

Thanks to technology, we can do so much more, such as create works of art. We can visualize what we are thinking about. Every new technology gives us a new form of self-expression. In the future, we will be able to imagine something in our heads and have a 3D printer print it. This will create a completely new art form.

We can record memories. This was already done two years ago: we were able to record simple memories of animals. Short-term memories are processed in the hippocampus and then spread throughout the brain to become long-term memories. By attaching electrodes to the two ends of the hippocampus, brain activity can be measured and recorded. This recording can then be inserted back into the animal's brain, and it will remember what is stored on it. At MIT, scientists were able to insert a fake memory into a mouse's brain, causing it to remember something that didn't actually happen. What is the purpose of these experiments? Now we work not only with monkeys and mice, but also with Alzheimer's patients. You press a button and memories fill your hippocampus.

We're talking about downloading memories like in the movie "The Matrix". We can't do this today, but perhaps in the future, we will be able to press a button and learn math - without having to take a course. We can also photograph dreams. Dream photography is easier than you think. Using MRI, it is possible to create a map of blood circulation in 30 thousand parts of the brain. We put this information into a computer, write an algorithm that determines the picture of what you are dreaming about, and then prints that picture. If you fall asleep in an MRI, the machine may print an image of your sleep. I've seen these pictures, they're not very good, but the fact that I can talk about it is amazing.

Perhaps in the future we will not have the Internet, but the Brainnet. Instead of exchanging digital information, we will be able to exchange emotions, feelings, memories. When teenagers text each other, they put a smiley face at the end of the sentence. Why do this when you can send the emotion itself?

The digitalization of the mind can change movies too. What is a film? This is sound and two-dimensional image. It has been the basis of all entertainment for the last 50 years. Think about the transition from silent films to sound films. This revolutionized the film industry. But in the future we will be able to make another transition: from sound cinema to cinema filled with feelings and sensations.

When we are able to digitize the human mind, these digital patterns will remain even after the death of their owner.

This will give us the possibility of digital immortality. There is already a company in Silicon Valley that can digitize a person: collect everything that is known about him, his photos, emails, bank transactions and create a digital version similar to him. They could even create a robot that speaks and acts almost like that person. And this is already today. Think about what will happen in a few decades. You'll go to the library and instead of reading a book about Winston Churchill or Napoleon, you can talk to a copy of Napoleon and Churchill. Why not? I would love to talk to Einstein. Perhaps someday you too will be digitized and will be able to communicate with your great-great-great-great-great-grandchildren. By the end of the century, when we complete the Connectome Project, we will be able to reproduce all your memories and emotions and digitize them.- Your digital copy that behaves like you and thinks like you,is it you or not?

Let philosophers think about this question. I know that there will definitely be a demand for such technology and some people will want to live forever in digital form.

About space flights and aliens What should we do with our digital copies? I think we should send them into outer space.

Your digital pattern, your digital fingerprint, your digital “soul” can be on the moon in one second with the help of a laser. On Mars - in 20 minutes. You will reach Pluto in 8 hours. You will end up on Alpha Centauri in 4 years. I call it laser movement. We will be able to explore the Universe at the speed of light. Without rockets, problems with weightlessness, cosmic rays, radiation. Just imagine: pure consciousness sent across the entire Universe. I personally believe that this already exists. If there are aliens in space, they may have already done this and are moving just like that, at the speed of light without any flying saucers. I have a program on the radio, people call me on the air and ask questions, say something. next time, if you are abducted by aliens, try to steal something from them, anything. A chip, a pair of scissors, something to prove you were there.

About what to do when robots begin to understand who they are

Next important question: At what point will robots become dangerous? How smart are robots now? Let's compare robots to animals. One of the smartest robots in the world is the Asimo personal robot, created in Japan. I took part in many TV shows with the Asimo robot and interviewed its creators. Asimo can run, climb stairs, he dances better than me, he can talk, he can shake hands. I spoke to its creator on a BBC show and asked how smart the world's smartest robot is. Its creator responded that Asimo has the intelligence of a cockroach. However, in a few years, robots will have the intelligence of a mouse, then a rat, then a rabbit, a cat, and a dog. By the end of the century they may have overtaken the ape. At this point they can become dangerous because monkeys are self-aware, they know that they are monkeys, that they and humans have different interests. Dogs, for example, don’t understand this; they think that we are dogs too. Why do they follow us, obey us, lick our face? They think we are dogs too. Monkeys understand everything, they have no illusions, they know that they are monkeys. So when robots become self-aware by the end of the century, when they understand that they are not human and have other interests, we should put a chip in their brains that will turn them off if they think about killing.

But people come up to me and ask: “Professor, but what happens after? Sooner or later the robots will figure out how to remove this chip. What to do then?

I purchased one of them, called “Parallel Worlds,” and read it, and now I want to share with you, dear reader, my impressions about it.

The book was translated from in English into Russian and published in 2008 by the Sofia publishing house. The annotation for the Russian edition states that this book is an “intellectual bestseller” and is not intended for “entertainment reading.” Kaku also wrote several other popular books that helped introduce superstring theory and other complex concepts involving extra dimensions of spacetime to the general public; let's call them:

  • Hyperspace ( Hyperspace)
  • Introduction to Superstring Theory ( Introduction to Superstrings)
  • Beyond Einstein's scientific thought ( Beyond Einstein)
  • Physics of the impossible ( Physics of the Impossible)
  • Physics of the future ( Physics of the Future)

A few words about the author. Michio Kaku (sometimes pronounced as Michio, in the original it is written as ) was born in San Jose (California). Now he has lived in New York for a quarter of a century and teaches at City College. He is 65. Age, of course, takes its toll, so he travels around the world less and less. But once upon a time it was difficult to guess where on Earth to look for it: Kaku in the USA, Kaku in Japan, Australia, Europe. He also came to Russia; visited the Skolkovo scientific center; attended one of the meetings chaired by then-President Dmitry Medvedev.

But let’s return to our book “Parallel Worlds,” which also has a second title: “On the structure of the universe, higher dimensions and the future of the Cosmos.” Special attention You should pay attention to the small, almost obligatory “Acknowledgments” section for all books. In it, Michio Kaku listed several dozen names of outstanding scientists of the world, on whom he “largely” assigned responsibility for the contents of his book. We read: “I would like to thank the scientists who were kind enough to take the time to talk with me. Their comments, observations and ideas have greatly enriched this book and given it greater depth and clarity. Here are their names:

  • Steven Weinberg, Nobel laureate, University of Texas
  • Austin Murray Gell-Mann, Nobel Laureate, Santa Fe Institute and Caltech
  • Leon Lederman, Nobel laureate, Illinois Institute of Technology
  • Joseph Rotblat, Nobel laureate, St Bartholomew's Hospital (retired)
  • Walter Gilbert
  • Henry Kendall(deceased), Nobel laureate, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
  • Alan Gut (Gus), physicist, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
  • Sir Martin Rees, Astronomer Royal of Great Britain, University of Cambridge
  • Freeman Dyson
  • John Schwartz, physicist, California Institute of Technology
  • Lisa Randall
  • J. Richard Gott III, physicist, Princeton University
  • Neil deGrasse Tyson, astronomer, Princeton University and Hayden Planetarium
  • Paul Davis, physicist, University of Adelaide
  • Ken Croswell
  • Don Goldsmith, astronomer, University of California, Berkeley
  • Brian Greene, physicist, Columbia University
  • Kumrun Wafa, physicist, Harvard University
  • Stuart Samuel
  • Carl Sagan(deceased), astronomer, Cornell University
  • Daniel Greenberger
  • V. P. Nair, physicist, City College of New York
  • Robert P. Kirchner, astronomer, Harvard University
  • Peter D. Ward, geologist, University of Washington
  • John Barrow, astronomer, University of Sussex
  • Marsha Bartuszek, Science Journalist, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
  • John Castie, physicist, Santa Fe Institute
  • Timothy Ferris, science journalist
  • Michael Lemonick, science columnist, Time magazine
  • Fulvio Melia, astronomer, University of Arizona
  • John Horgan, science journalist
  • Richard Muller, physicist, University of California, Berkeley
  • Lawrence Krauss, Physicist, Western Reserve University
  • Ted Taylor, designer of atomic bombs
  • Philip Morrison, physicist, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
  • Hans Moravec, Roboticist, Carnegie Mellon University
  • Rodney Brooks, roboticist, Artificial Intelligence Laboratory, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
  • Donna Shirley, astrophysicist, Jet Propulsion Laboratory
  • Dan Wertheimer, astronomer, SETI@home, University of California, Berkeley
  • Paul Hoffman, science journalist, Discover magazine
  • Francis Everitt, physicist, Gravity Probe B, Stanford University
  • Sydney Perkowitz, physicist, Emory University

Here are the names of scientists to whom I would like to express my gratitude for fruitful discussions on physical topics:

  • T.D. Lee, Nobel laureate, Columbia University
  • Sheldon Glashow, Nobel laureate, Harvard University
  • (deceased), Nobel laureate, California Institute of Technology
  • Edward Witten, physicist, Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton University
  • Joseph Lykken, physicist, Fermi Laboratory
  • David Gross, physicist, Kavli Institute, Santa Barbara
  • Frank Wilczek, University of California, Santa Barbara
  • Paul Townsend, physicist, University of Cambridge
  • Peter van Nieuwenhuizen, physicist, State University of New York, Stony Brook
  • Miguel Virasoro, physicist, University of Rome
  • Bunji Sakita
  • Ashok Des, physicist, University of Rochester
  • Robert Marshak(deceased), physicist, City College of New York
  • Frank Tipler, physicist, Tulane University
  • Edward Tryon, physicist, Hunter College
  • Mitchell Begelman, astronomer, University of Colorado

I would also like to thank Ken Croswell for his many comments on my book. And I also want to express my gratitude to my editor, Roger Scholl, who masterfully edited two of my books. His steady hand has improved these books in many ways, and his comments have always helped clarify and deepen the content and presentation of my books. Lastly, I would like to thank my agent, Stuart Krichevsky, who has been promoting my books for all these years.”

This impressive list of scientific luminaries tells us that no frivolous or heretical ideas could have leaked into Kaku's book. The intellectual power of several dozen outstanding minds on the planet did not give the slightest chance to penetrate into a text intended to be read by millions of readers, some incorrect ones, or, even worse, harmful ideas. The main content of this book was repeatedly presented to listeners of public lectures by the author, which were broadcast to an audience of a billion television viewers and Internet users. Any errors or inaccuracies are excluded. Officials from the US Department of Education, university professors and school teachers would not forgive him for them.

Well, let's take a closer look at what Kaku is telling us about.

His book is divided into three parts. In the first, the author talks about the inflationary theory of the expanding universe - "the most advanced theory of the Big Bang," he adds. The second talks about the emerging theory of the Multiverse. “In addition, it examines the possibility of the existence of wormhole portals, spatial and temporal whirlpools, and the possible connection between them through additional dimensions. Superstring theory and M-theory were the first major advances since Einstein's seminal theory. These theories provide further evidence that our Universe is just one of many. And finally, the third part talks about the Big Chill and how scientists imagine the end of our Universe. I am also having a serious, albeit hypothetical, discussion about how, in the distant future, trillions of years from now, a highly advanced civilization might use the laws of physics to leave our universe and begin the process of rebirth in another, more hospitable universe, or return back to that a time when the universe was warmer."

The author divided the history of cosmology into three periods. The first is associated with the names of Galileo and Newton. The second began with Edwin Hubble's discovery of the phenomenon of the recession of stars and galaxies. It turned out that the spectra of most space objects are shifted to the red region, which indicates, according to today's scientists, that they are moving away from the Earth. In 1948, George Gamow formulated the idea of ​​the Big Bang, and Fred Hoyle outlined the theory of the evolution of the Universe and spoke about the emergence of chemical elements. Michio Kaku linked the third stage with the understanding that, as it expands, the Universe becomes “colder and colder. If this process continues, we will face the prospect Big Cooling, when the Universe will plunge into darkness and cold, and all intelligent life will perish." “I am also having a serious, if hypothetical, conversation about how, in the distant future, trillions of years from now, a highly advanced civilization might use the laws of physics to leave our universe and begin the process of rebirth in another, more hospitable universe, or return back to a time when the Universe was warmer."

The author told us about all this in the “Introduction” to the book. Does it make sense for us to read it further and recommend it to students and schoolchildren? No, we answer. The author himself pointed out to us the main problem of this science. “Historically,” he writes, “cosmologists have had a somewhat tarnished reputation. The stunning passion with which they presented their grandiose theories about the origin of the Universe was matched by the equally stunning poverty of their data. No wonder Nobel laureate Lev Landau sarcastically remarked that “cosmologists are often surprised, but never doubt.” There is an old saying among natural scientists: “There are assumptions, then there are assumptions about assumptions, and then there is cosmology.”

Kaku continues: “When I was a physics student at Harvard in the late 1960s, I briefly entertained the idea of ​​​​doing cosmology - I had been concerned about the origin of the Universe since childhood. However, acquaintance with this science showed it shameful primitiveness. It was not at all the kind of experimental science where one can test hypotheses with the help of precise instruments, but rather a pile of vague and highly unproven theories. Cosmologists had heated debates about whether the Universe arose as a result of a cosmic explosion or whether it had always been in a stable state. But they always had much more theories than data. It’s always like this: the less data, the hotter the debate.

Throughout the history of cosmology, this lack of reliable data has led to brutal wars between astronomers, sometimes dragging on for decades. In particular, at a scientific forum just before Allan Sandage of the Mount Wilson Observatory was to give a talk on the age of the Universe, the previous speaker announced with sarcasm: “Everything you are about to hear is a lie.” And Sandage himself, having heard that a group of rival scientists had achieved some success, growled: “This is all complete nonsense. War is war!”

Knowing this original sin of cosmologists, Michio Kaku, however, continues to uncritically retell them lies, as the “previous speaker” put it. Undoubtedly, cosmology is the most dangerous direction in modern astrophysics, which, unlike, for example, astrology, alchemy and palmistry, is not criticized by official science. Meanwhile, the harm it causes in the development of astrophysics and the education of young people is colossal. Having swollen to incredible sizes, this cancerous tumor creates the impression of almost the most important part of the living organism of science. In reality, cosmology is his mortal disease.

Adherents of cosmology are trying to give their ugly brainchild the shine of respectable science. They constantly talk about superstrings and supercomputers that work day and night to calculate their insanely complex mathematical models. For example, when talking about the mysteries of dark matter and energy, Michio Kaku enthusiastically writes: “If we take the latest theory of subatomic particles and try to calculate the value of their “dark energy”, we get a number that deviates from the norm by 10,120 (this is the unit followed by 120 zeros). This discrepancy between theory and experiment is the greatest gap in science in history. This is one of our insurmountable (at least for now) obstacles. Even with the best of our theories, we cannot calculate the value of the greatest source of energy in the entire Universe. Of course, a whole bunch of Nobel Prizes await the enterprising scientists who can unlock the secrets of “dark energy” and “dark matter.”

To any sensible astrophysicist, “such a discrepancy between theory and experiment” would mean that no dark matter particles exist; the theory according to which they were introduced is erroneous. But no, the phantom in the form of a secret object of nature continues to live happily in modern cosmology. Looking at this nonsense, rationally thinking researchers can only throw up their hands. It is useless to argue and prove something to our cosmologists, since they are not able to abandon the contradictory results that they themselves have discovered.

Getting acquainted with cosmological theories, we constantly come across a low culture of scientific thinking among the most important generals of science, those responsible for expensive projects. For example, the leader of the international team that took part in the processing and analysis of data from the WMAP satellite, Charles L. Bennett, stated: “We have laid the foundation for a single, consistent theory of the cosmos.” Michio Kaku, building on his “foundation,” continues: “At the moment, the leading theory is the “inflationary theory of the Universe, that is, an improved theory of the Big Bang, first proposed by Alan Guth of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. According to the inflationary theory, in the first trillion split second mysterious anti-gravity force forced the Universe to expand much faster than previously thought. The inflationary period was unimaginably explosive, with the Universe expanding at a rate much faster than the speed of light. (This does not contradict Einstein's statement that "nothing" can travel faster than light because empty space [i.e. nothing]. As for material objects, they cannot jump over the light barrier).”

Any natural scientific theory must be self-sufficient. When you need to introduce a “mysterious anti-gravity force” to explain the Big Bang, and “dark matter” to calculate the dynamics of spiral galaxies, it is easier to turn directly to the almighty Lord God, who will immediately solve all your problems. Based on the presence of these artificial supports in theory, you can easily estimate scientific abilities its author: is he a professional researcher or should he be classified as a romantically minded poet-dreamer who chose an unsuitable field for himself.

It is not yet known why the lines shift to the red region in the spectra of some stars and galaxies. In particular, inexplicable shifts into the red region of the chemical elements known to us have been recorded on the Sun, which is at rest relative to the earthly observer. It is very likely that they are not caused by the Doppler effect. Consequently, stars and galaxies are not actually moving away from us, our Universe is not expanding, and there was no Big Bang.

Relativists have no doubt that the so-called cosmic microwave background radiation is its consequence (hence the concept relic). Meanwhile, existence microwave background(another name for the same phenomenon) can be explained in a completely different way. This is a natural low-energy state of the global environment, the excitation of which manifests itself in the form of hot stars and galaxies. If a relativist justifies his concept with speculations like the one above - nothing can travel at superluminal speeds, and something no longer - then you need to run away from him as fast as you can. This scholastic will drive you into delirium tremens in no time.

A cosmologist can also be recognized by the naive childishness of his thinking. He presents all his explanations concerning even the most complex processes occurring in the Universe as if his book was intended for primary schoolchildren. Read the following text written by Michio Kaku.

“To imagine the intensity of an inflationary period (or inflationary era), imagine a balloon with galaxies painted on its surface, which is quickly inflated. The visible Universe, filled with stars and galaxies, lies on the surface balloon, and not inside it. Now place a microscopic dot on the ball. This point is the visible Universe, that is, everything that we can observe with our telescopes. (For comparison, if the visible Universe were the size of a subatomic particle, then the entire Universe would be much larger than the actual visible Universe we observe.) In other words, the inflationary expansion was so intense that there are now entire regions of the Universe outside our visible one. which will forever remain beyond our visibility.

The expansion of the Universe was so intense that when looking at the described ball from a close distance, it appears flat. This fact was experimentally verified by the WMAP satellite. Just as the Earth appears flat to us because we are very small compared to its radius, so the Universe appears flat to us only because it is curved on a much larger scale.

If we assume early inflationary expansion, we can easily explain many of the mysteries of the universe, such as the fact that it appears flat and uniform. Describing inflation theory, physicist Joel Primack said, “None of these great theories has ever been proven wrong.”

This is because, we will add to what Kaku wrote, that fairy-tale constructions cannot be verified. That is why “there are more than 50 theories [and all, of course, correct!] about what caused the beginning and end of the expansion of the Universe, as a result of which our Universe arose.”

“Since no one knows exactly why the expansion began, it is likely that a similar event could occur again - that is, that inflationary explosions could recur. This theory was proposed by Russian physicist Andrei Linde from Stanford University."

It is too presumptuous to call Linde's inventions "theory." It turns out that if “no one knows for sure,” then let’s make up whatever comes to mind. The unbridled poetic imagination of the great dreamer Linde immediately turns on:

“And then a tiny piece of the Universe can suddenly expand and “bud”, sprout a “daughter” universe, from which, in turn, a new daughter universe can bud off; in this case, the “budding” process continues continuously.

Imagine that you are blowing soap bubbles. If you blow hard enough, you can see how some of them divide, forming new, “daughter” bubbles. Likewise, some universes can continually give rise to other universes. According to this scenario, Big Bangs have been happening all along and are still happening. ... This theory also suggests that our Universe may someday develop its own daughter universe. Perhaps our own Universe came into existence by sprouting from an older, earlier universe.”

Linde's teachings can be taught to students primary school or even children in kindergarten- everything will be clear to everyone. If anyone thinks that cosmology involves more mature thinking, he is deeply mistaken. Any housewife can master it perfectly - there will be no problems. Why don’t you need to study anywhere to comprehend the wisdom of this teaching? If you delve deeply into the origins of the idea of ​​parallel worlds, it will not be difficult to discover that it was intensively exploited by mystics and charlatans of the late 19th century, from where it was freely pumped into modern cosmology.

Its introduction into the bosom of official science occurred simultaneously with the promotion of the idea of ​​time travel. This story is well known. The English science fiction writer Herbert Wells, during student discussions in 1887, became acquainted with the amateurish idea of ​​time as the fourth coordinate of space. At that time, conversations about multidimensional geometries were in vogue. And in 1895 his book was published Time Machine, the success of which was stunning.

Poincaré and Lorentz thought about the nature of time. They also proposed a special procedure for measuring it using a beam of light, which Einstein adopted. Any competent physicist understands that the natural course of time cannot depend on the procedure for measuring it. But within the framework of the theory of relativity, which appeared in 1905, this essential point was missed. Then speculation began about the age of observers located in different reference systems.

Albert Einstein's Cosmic Mind
laid the foundations of modern cosmology

Cosmologists proceed from false ideas about space and time that arose along with the special and general theories of relativity (STR and GTR). For this religious sect, Albert Einstein was and remains forever an idol. Any critically thinking and mathematically educated researcher, turning to the origins of relativism, will easily discover a completely untenable methodology. There is no integral relativistic concept. Conclusion and justification of the formula E=mc- found in J. Thomson, Poincaré and others; everything else in SRT and GTR is pure speculation.

This analysis on the Sceptic-Ratio website is given the lion's share of all criticism of modern physics: 0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 4a | 5 | 5a | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | 20 | 21 | 22 | 23 | 24 | . When analyzing the formal speculative reasoning of relativists, two fatal errors are first discovered:

1. Due to the measurement of lengths and periods of time using a light beam, introduced by Einstein - and even earlier, Poincaré real there is no reduction in the spatial dimensions of rapidly moving objects; The clocks located at the facility also do not slow down. Negative result Michelson–Morley experiment, after which SRT arose, was quite predictable and natural. To interpret it, it was not necessary to invoke the Lorentz hypothesis of length contraction.

2. Light, as a form of electromagnetic radiation, does not interact with the gravitational field.

If we neglect refraction - and this is exactly what relativists do - then we will have to admit that in the Earth's gravitational field, rays from stars are deflected much more strongly than from the Sun. The star that we see on the Earth's horizon has in fact long gone beyond the horizon at an angle equal to 35"24". According to general relativity, Einstein predicted, and Eddington allegedly confirmed, a similar value of beam deviation of only 1",74. Can you trust the last value? Under no circumstances!

Einstein once wrote “...The most beautiful and deepest feeling we can experience is mysticism...”. However, he cannot be called a mystic, but Eddington can be. He was an ardent supporter of Einstein's teachings and was never a conscientious scientist. After him, such measurements were not carried out publicly and we can guess why.

Most likely, the data obtained by astronomers disinterested in the success of general relativity were far from Einstein’s predictions. It can be assumed that due to the great heterogeneity of the solar atmosphere, which is visible from the glowing crown during its eclipse, the deviations of rays from the stars due to refraction fluctuate in a wide range of values. When today's relativists, speaking about the confirmation of general relativity by the magnitude of the deviation of rays near the Sun, each time point to dubious results that were centuries old, then every conscientious researcher has well-founded doubts.

The urgent task of today is to create spatial-mechanical model of the world environment(ether), in which electromagnetic and gravitational fields propagate. In his Treatise on Light, Huygens wrote: “The cause of all natural phenomena is comprehended by means of considerations of a mechanical nature, otherwise one has to give up all hope of ever understanding anything in physics.” In connection with the mechanical modeling of the ether, it is appropriate to recall another classic of constructive physics.

In his Treatise on Electricity and Magnetism, Maxwell from the standpoint of the ordinary common sense, not accessible to modern relativist cosmologists, reasoned simply and clearly: “No matter how energy is transferred from one body to another, there must be a medium or substance in which the energy is located after it has left one body, but has not yet reached the other.” . From here it immediately follows, Maxwell further points out, that the theory of electromagnetism, the theory of interaction, or any other theory, first of all, “rests on the concept of the medium in which the propagation of excitation takes place. If we accept this environment as a hypothesis, then it, I think, should occupy the most important place in our research. One should try to build a mental picture of its manifestations in every detail. This was my constant goal in this treatise.”

Based on his models of the ether - albeit rough and inaccurate - Maxwell still managed to create a completely working and complete theory of electromagnetism. The theory of relativity and quantum mechanics are also considered to be full-fledged theories, in any case, with their help it is possible to calculate something. But they were created using a completely different methodology, which no longer required the physicist to think in visual images. This type of creativity was perfectly described by Richard Feynman (R. Feynman) in his Nobel lecture. He said: "... The best way creating a new theory is guessing equations without paying attention to physical models or physical explanation.” And in fact, many useful rules were “guessed”, which, however, led modern physics to a dead end.

In 1949, within the framework of quantum field theory, Feynman introduced the diagrams that now bear his name. The simplest diagram A shown here shows the interaction of a photon (wavy line), electron (arrow pointing towards the node) and positron (arrow pointing away from the node). The interaction can go in three directions: electron + positron = photon, electron + photon = positron, positron + photon = electron. The more complex diagram B already has four interaction options. For node 1 we have: the initial electron absorbs the initial photon, and an intermediate electron is formed, which spreads from node 1 to node 2. Then it emits the final photon and turns into the final electron. The result of the process is the redistribution of energy and momentum between the electron and photon (Compton effect). The second option: movement along the lines from right to left, which corresponds to the scattering of a photon by a positron. The third option: movement from bottom to top - annihilation of an electron and a positron with their transformation into two photons. Fourth option: movement from top to bottom - the birth of an electron-positron pair in the collision of two photons.

Question: What do Feynman diagrams provide in terms of understanding? physicists(those. nature, essence) interactions of photon, electron and positron? Answer: nothing. At best, these graphical images (graphs) can serve as a compact hint for students taking an exam in quantum field theory. About the same mnemonic the function is performed by the Heisenberg uncertainty principle and the Pauli exclusion principle, as well as Bohr's postulates and, of course, the postulates of Einstein's theory of relativity. These axiomatic propositions rely on experiment, but do not provide food for the inquisitive mind. Knowledge formalized in this way nurtured a special caste of scientists, whom constructivist physicists called formalist-phenomenalists. During the most flourishing period of the development of natural sciences, which occurred at the end of the 19th century, they declared a crisis. Thanks to them, physicists have lost a coherent and consistent picture of the world. The former natural scientist, who was the model scientist for all other sciences, died out like a mammoth, which was attacked everywhere by the insatiable primitive man A hunt was declared until complete destruction.

Meanwhile, if we do not close our eyes to obvious things, then we must admit that without the ether it is impossible to take even a step, especially in the “good old” observational astronomy. For example, the annual aberration of the starry sky and the Doppler effect regarding moving stars and galaxies certainly suggest a medium without which these two phenomena cannot exist. Thus, as a result of the movement of the Earth around the Sun, all the stars in the sky throughout the year move in an ellipse, the shape of which depends on the latitude of the observation point. Stellar aberration is entirely determined by the single speed of the Earth in orbit. SRT requires the difference between the Earth's orbital speed and the speed of movement of each star separately. This is not the case. A deep understanding of this one fact will lead any meticulous researcher to the idea of ​​the existence of the world environment and the fallacy of SRT.

People remember Doppler when they talk about the red shift of spectral lines, the scattering of stars and galaxies. The following sections are devoted to the Doppler effect:

  • About the formula describing the classical Doppler effect
  • Classic Doppler effect: | | | | |
  • Use in medicine of the transverse Doppler effect for ultrasound diagnostics of the cardiovascular system
  • The effect of shifting the perceived wavelength to the red region

The main problem of modern astronomy: the lack of a method for determining the distance to deep space stars (in near space by parallax). According to the theory Bigger Bang, it is believed: the greater the Doppler reddening of a star or galaxy, the farther it is from us. The creators of this technique forgot that the observed Doppler effect cannot indicate the expansion of space (the imagination fails many here). If it were space that was expanding, then we would not observe the Doppler effect. From here it already follows that there was no Explosion (at least a Greater Explosion covering the entire Universe). The predominant removal of stars and galaxies is most likely local in nature. Visible matter (there is no dark matter!) is distributed more or less evenly throughout the boundless (so far no boundaries are visible) Universe.

The body moves in the world environment like point defects or dislocations in a crystal. They are transferred by the sequential disappearance of a violation of the regularity of the lattice in one place and its appearance in another place. This transfer occurs due to local stresses in the crystal when the law of conservation of energy is satisfied. This movement of a defect, on the one hand, resembles a wave, and on the other, a particle. Once it starts moving, the defect does not stop and moves by inertia evenly and linearly.

In crystalline germanium, free electrons and holes can exist, forming identical hydrogen-like excitons, described by the Schrödinger equation. Similarly, in the crystal lattice of the world medium, which, like the germanium lattice, apparently has a cubic structure, identical hydrogen atoms are formed from free electrons and protons. If Newton and all subsequent physicists had at one time had before their eyes a model exciton, they would not puzzle over why the speed of the planets around the Sun does not weaken over time. The ether cannot provide resistance to bodies, since the bodies themselves are a complex vortex formation.

The mass of an electron and a hole in a germanium crystal is the same, but in the free space of vacuum the proton is obviously no longer a “hole” from under the electron; here we have a more complex formation associated with the “core” of the vacuum. Body weight and internal energy, measured relative to the band gap, are closely interrelated and subject to redistribution. The transverse nature of the propagation of electromagnetic waves suggests that we are dealing with a dense packing, the rigidity of which is close to absolute.

To a first approximation, the world environment can be modeled by a dense packing of balls. Then the substance would be considered as the result of complex vibrations of a spherical packing. If vibrational energy is supplied to the membrane, then Chladni figures. Perhaps individual atoms and endless crystal lattices, reminiscent of Chladni figures, arise in the world environment when the source of vibrations is located within the environment itself.

Chladni figures formed by granulated sugar
on the surface of a membrane vibrating at different frequencies.

In 1981, Gerd Binnig and Heinrich Rohrer built the scanning tunneling microscope(STM), which allows you to see the atomic structure of surfaces of conductive materials. Here are STM images of the Si(111) silicon surface at three different bias voltages: a) Vs = +2.4 V, the so-called filled-state image, electrons tunneling from the tip into the sample; b) Vs = -2.4 V, image of unfilled states, electrons tunnel from the sample to the probe tip; c) Vs = +1.6 V, image of filled states obtained in linear scale mode; Arrows indicate corner holes. All explanations are given on the website Scanning tunneling microscopy - a new method for studying the surface of solids

The most amazing thing is that with the help of STM it is possible to deposit individual atoms of one metal (in this case, copper) onto the surface of another metal (iron) with high precision. These four pictures show the arrangement of copper atoms in the form of a hexagon, triangle, square and circle. These and the following photographs taken using STM were taken from the website Gallery of private label images

These photographs document the stages of construction
circles of 48 copper atoms on the surface of iron

This “fence” of copper atoms already includes two circles. The blue “teeth” show high jumps in the electron density of copper atoms against a background of lower electron density of iron atoms.

It is interesting to observe the excitations caused by ultrasound (see and). When the wavelength is comparable to the distances between atoms, excitations resembling quasiparticles arise and the energy is quantized. In this case, the excitation wavefront is far from an ideal spherical shape. Ultrasonic excitations propagate along certain energetically favorable directions (see introductory section The nature of sound and ultrasound).

J. Thomson, Lorentz and many other physicists of the late 19th and early 20th centuries were of the opinion that inertial mass is exclusively electromagnetic in origin. Its growth along with the increase in speed (Kaufman's experiment) is explained by the resistance of the ether, when the electron has the so-called effective mass(cm.: Thomson: Matter and Ether).

At that time, vortex concepts were in vogue, according to which a swirling medium has its own mass of rotation. This is revealed as follows. To make a vortex move in a stationary medium at a certain speed, it is necessary to apply a certain force proportional to the rotational moment. And this just means that the mass of a spun top will be slightly greater than that of an unspun one.

Since the inertial mass in the experiments coincided in magnitude with the gravitational mass, they began to believe that there is no other mass other than electromagnetic. But why then does the electromagnetic field not affect the mass and interact with gravitational fields? This can be understood from the following quantitative calculation.

The repulsive force of two electrons according to Coulomb's law is 10 42 times greater than the attractive force, which is determined according to the universal law of gravitation. This colossal difference explains the fact why the electron reacts freely to the action of electric and magnetic fields - the spectral lines of the electronic levels in the atom are shifted and split - but have no effect on gravitational fields. Spectra of chemical elements located on the surface of the Sun, i.e. in a powerful gravitational field, are no different from the spectra of elements located in interstellar space, where there is no gravity. The lines of solar spectra only broaden due to high temperature.

Thus, in the atomic microcosm there is no place for gravitational interactions; it is dominated by electromagnetic forces alone. The mass of a body from the macrocosm consists of a huge number of microscopic vortices of an electromagnetic nature of different directions - after all, electrons have orbital and spin moments, therefore, they have a tiny rotational mass. True, we have no idea how these rotations relate spatially. The mass creates a centrally symmetrical gravitational field of a completely different nature than the electromagnetic field. If there are no electrical charges in this mass, then the body will not respond to the electromagnetic field.

After the creation of the theory of relativity, we had to forget about the electromagnetic nature of the elementary mass that the electron has. But within the framework of a unified field theory, Einstein for 40 years and his followers up to the present day began to look for ways to artificially connect two qualitatively different fields on a purely geometric basis of space-time without matter.

If before Einstein the electromagnetic field was considered primary (fundamental), and the gravitational field secondary (derivative), then today's relativists began to consider the gravitational field more fundamental than the electromagnetic field, since all elementary particles, they say, have mass, but not all of them have a charge . At the same time, they do not take into account the quantitative side of the matter, which was mentioned above. From it, however, it follows that the gravitational field of elementary particles will never give rise to an electromagnetic field, but the opposite is possible.

Based on a comparison of Coulomb's law and the law of universal gravitation, it is useful to introduce the concept gravitational charge (e g), which has the same dimension as the electric charge of the electron ( e):

e g = m e

Where m e- electron mass, G - gravitational constant.
The ratio of these two charges is:

e/e g≈ 2 10 21,

which also indicates a negligibly small influence of gravitational interaction compared to electromagnetic interaction.

Einstein's assertion that the speed of light and the speed of gravity are the same is doubtful. In SRT, such a conclusion is made not even on the basis of an analysis of the radical expression of the Lorentz transformations (it must be positive), but on the basis of the second postulate: nothing in nature can travel faster than light. In general relativity, the speed of gravity or the rate of change of the geometric metric of space-time is equal to the speed of light purely declaratively.

Initially, this equality stemmed from the empirical formula of Paul Gerber, obtained by him in 1898 for the anomalous motion of the perihelion of Mercury (this issue is discussed in section Deflection of light rays near massive bodies). Einstein took it as a basis when he began creating general relativity in 1907. In both theories of relativity there is no experimental data on this matter, unless we take into account Fomalont–Kopeikin experiment, in which specialists do not have high confidence.

For the first time about the so-called delayed potential Gauss thought about it in 1835, when he considered the electrical interaction of two charges, according to Coulomb’s law. Then this concept was borrowed from him by Weber, who relied on Ampere’s experience on the interaction of two conductors with current. Helmholtz undertook to criticize Weber's formulas, which, as he believed, violated the law of conservation of energy. Further, Maxwell, Hertz, Clausius, Lorentz and other physicists dealt with the same problem. Many of them - Riemann, Ritz, Poincaré, Larmore, etc. - tried to extend the concept of retarded potential to the theory of gravitation. However, unlike the electromagnetic field, the gravitational field has never been reconciled with the idea of ​​a finite propagation of the interaction of two or more masses.

Today, in the most popular in our country, “Handbook of Physics for Engineers and University Students,” B.M. Yavorsky and A.A. Detlaff can be read: “In Newton’s classical mechanics, the description of the interaction of bodies using potential energy assumes instant the spread of interactions.” In the wonderful book by N.T. Rosevere "Perihelion of Mercury. From Le Verrier to Einstein (M, 1985) on page 181 it is reported that Newton’s theory is not compatible with STR, since it assumes instant propagation of gravitational action. Well, what about relativists?

Einstein first accepted the dependence of the speed of light on the gravitational potential:

c = c o (1 + F/ c o²)

Einstein forged his general relativity in the struggle with Abraham’s theory, according to which there was a slightly different expression:

c = c o (1 + 2F/ c o ²) ½ .

However, Mie and Nordström believed that the speed of light should be constant, as required by STR. Later, Einstein agreed with them and changed his position (see). Abraham did not accept STR, although he continued to believe that gravitational interaction propagates with a finite speed depending on the constant c o.

Thus, relativists took the speed of light to be the speed of propagation of gravitational forces; the classical law of universal gravitation assumes instant their distribution. If the speed of gravity were some kind ultimate, for example, would be equal to the speed of light, then on the planets solar system the force from the luminary would act with some time delay. Instruments could record this effect of the Sun on distant comets, especially those moving along highly elongated trajectories. Thus, the delay associated with the finiteness of light propagation is easily recorded through the effect of aberration. As a result, the calculations give one point where the celestial body is currently located, and we direct the telescope to a completely different point, taking into account the speed of propagation of the light signal.

However, no one has yet observed the effect gravitational aberrations, therefore the speed of propagation of gravity is never taken into account in astronomical calculations. It is simply not known to anyone, but considering it infinitely large turned out to be very convenient, since in practice no errors arise. Astronomers and physicists have often wondered about this unusual fact. Thus, based on the accuracy of finding empirical data, Laplace gave his estimate of the speed of propagation of gravitational forces. It turned out to be seven orders of magnitude higher than the speed of light.

He wrote: “...I have established that universal gravity is transmitted between celestial bodies at a speed that, if not infinite, is several million times greater than the speed of light, and it is known that light from the Moon reaches the Earth in less than two seconds” [ Pierre Simon Laplace. “Exposition of the World System”, 1796]. This - bottom line for the speed of gravity, i.e. in reality it could be infinitely large. Nowadays, due to the increasing accuracy of astronomical observations, this lower limit has moved even further from the speed of light.

American astronomer, Tom Van Flandern, published an article in 1998 under the eloquent title: “The speed of gravity - what experiments say.” Studying the effect of gravity on the basis of data from the double pulsar PSR 1913 + 16 and the pair of pulsars PSR 1534 + 12, the author names as a lower limit a speed value that is 11 - 14 orders of magnitude higher than the speed of light. It can be expected that with increasing accuracy of astronomical measurements, the lower limit will move further and further away from the speed of light in the direction of increase.

Kepler's laws, the universal law of gravitation, and subsequent refinements of the methods for calculating planetary orbits proposed by Laplace, Poincaré and other mechanics were not associated with the refinement of the light constant. Why? Yes, because it is not included in the formulas of classical celestial mechanics. And this just means that planetary interaction occurs as if instantaneously. The speed of light is included in Maxwell's equations and the related wave equation, but it is not included in the equations of celestial mechanics. If the light constant is introduced into the laws of mechanics, then this mechanics will be very different from traditional ones. With its help, it will no longer be possible to calculate the movement of the planets of the solar system. It says " as if instantly,” since nothing happens instantly in nature. That is why it is necessary to find a way out of this paradoxical situation.

In connection with this problem I recall long-range principle. As you know, this is a physical idealization, in which, nevertheless, the universal law of gravity works flawlessly. In the real world, of course, it dominates short range principle, i.e. For the propagation of any type of interaction, including gravitational interaction, a medium is needed, which naturally requires time for the transfer of excitation. On the face contradiction, which can be circumvented in the case of a completely different idea of ​​the mechanism of the so-called “attraction” of massive bodies.

Look at the movement of the arms of spiral galaxies, which were studied by a group of researchers led by A.M. Friedman (see his article Prediction and discovery of new structures in spiral galaxies). Their speed around the center of the galaxy does not obey Kepler's laws known to us. In this regard, relativists (in our country these are Ginzburg, Rubakov, etc.) began to talk about dark matter. This line of thought, of course, is false: the introduction of hidden parameters for any theory is a speculative step, frankly speaking, dark. Here you can resort to the mechanism cyclone or vortex type, which, in particular, is described in the article by S.N. Artekhi et al. On the role of electromagnetic interactions in the dynamics of powerful atmospheric vortices .

What happens in a cyclone that originates, for example, in the earth's atmosphere? Rotation of water vapor (clouds and thunderclouds) occurs in it not due to some massive central body, but due to the rotational moment dispersed throughout the volume captured by the cyclone. The same mechanism operates in spiral galaxies. Individual stars and interstellar matter are analogous to water condensate in atmospheric cyclones and anticyclones. The arms of galaxies unwind not due to the action of central-radial forces, but due to exclusively tangential forces acting tangentially to the trajectory of movement of material bodies. In other words, in spiral galaxies there is rotation of massive bodies, but there are no gravitational forces in the Newtonian-Keplerian sense.

Mechanism for the promotion of atmospheric cyclones
and spiral galaxies are approximately the same.

The solar system is the same cyclone, only highly evolved, so that it has lost its familiar appearance, but has retained its rotational momentum. It turns out that the Sun exists, but it does not “attract” the planets in the sense that is now commonly believed. (It is calculated that the Sun “pulls” the Earth with a force of 3.6 · 10 21 kg). According to the vortex model, the planets move in their orbits by inertia, maintaining the torque imparted to them initially, even during the formation of the Solar system as a single whole.

Purely externally - phenomenologically- planetary trajectories are described by Kepler’s laws, which are uniquely related to the universal law of gravity. However, it is not the reason why the planets are kept in orbit. The main thing here is the total rotational moment distributed over all bodies of the Solar system. In accordance with the individual rotational moments, the mass of the planets and satellites was “condensed”, so that ultimately these masses correspond to the law of gravity.

According to the latest ideas, gravitational interaction is carried out due to gravitons- virtual particles exchanged between the Sun and the Earth, the Earth and the Moon, etc. Moreover, gravitons must have a negative mass, otherwise celestial bodies will experience repulsive forces rather than attraction. The speed of gravity here refers to the speed of movement of gravitons in empty space. This quantum exchange mechanism, blindly borrowed from the theoretical developments of physicists working in the field of the atomic microworld, remains artificial in many respects (gravitons are a complete analogue of exchange particles mesons).

The mechanism of air cyclones and water vortices is much more transparent to understand, which, however, modern physicists do not favor. Therefore, since the time of Helmholtz and Lord Kelvin, we have not advanced very far in this area. So, we do not understand at all what happens to a cyclone when, instead of air and water, myriads of solid particles appear. Look at what is happening with the rings of Saturn, how intricate their dynamics are (see: section, Fig. 82 - 88); very complex resonances exist in the asteroid belt. These examples show us something intermediate between a spiral galaxy and the solar system. Artificial spacecraft also behave very strangely when left to their own devices. Their vibrations and rotations are completely impossible to predict. And, nevertheless, they obey classical mechanics, which, strange as it may sound now, we still do not know well.

Before directly measuring the speed of gravitational forces, it would not hurt to find out the mechanism of their action that is hidden from us. Apparently, the law of universal gravitation is a simple formal-phenomenological expression that satisfies only some phenomena of observational astronomy. It is now more or less clear that the forces of “attraction” are secondary or better said, induced. They don't act on straight lines, connecting, for example, the Sun and the Earth, the Earth and the Moon. The Sun-Earth-Moon form a connected resonant system, for which it is important history of its formation. Resonance phenomena or synchronisms are a special and very interesting area of ​​classical mechanics (see section Discrete gravity and attractors). Thus, it would be a mistake to measure the speed of gravitational influence along a straight line connecting some test body on the periphery of the cyclone with the center of its rotation. Therefore, as a mathematical fiction, it will always give an infinitely large value.

A few words about the structure of matter. At the beginning of the 20th century, a distinction was made between stationary ( Thomson atomic model) and dynamic ( Bohr atom model) construction of the elementary building block of the Universe. Both models have existed for a long time at a quasi-quantitative level. After the appearance Schrödinger equations atomic models began to be calculated much more accurately. In this case, the numerical orientation was based on the absorption and reflection spectra as follows.

A model Hamiltonian was compiled, which represents the energy of interaction within an atomic system. It can be represented as a matrix. The eigenvalues ​​of this matrix correspond to the energies in the reflection and absorption spectra, and the eigenvectors correspond to the electron wave functions (i.e., psi-functions). If you calculate the simplest hydrogen atom, focusing on its spectrum, it will immediately become clear that its psi functions (i.e. electrons) cannot be represented by any simple models. Electronic states (s, p, d, etc.) do not have uniaxial symmetry, like a dipole, but multiaxial. As a result, the electron became a mathematical function whose geometric form remained largely undetermined.

With the development of quantum physics, the energy of interaction of an electron with the nucleus of an atom came to the fore. They began to distinguish strong coupling models And loose coupling models. The mathematical form of the psi function depends on the environment in which the electron is located, i.e. from structural factor. Whether an electron is considered a localized or delocalized object (there is much debate about this) largely depends on this structural factor. If in direct space crystal lattice Since an electron is a particle, then in reciprocal space it is already a wave and vice versa. Outside of this structural factor, it is meaningless to talk about the localization of an electron - is it a point or a wave.

Back at the end of the 19th century, physicists became confident that we knew how to calculate a dynamical system like the Solar one. However, the synchronisms discussed above reveal vast gaps in our knowledge in the field of classical mechanics. It turned out that the dynamics of the solar system are no less complex than the dynamics of electrons in an atom. As in an atomic system, discrete values ​​are found that obey harmonic proportions.

At the beginning of the 20th century, socio-psychological aspects were added to the purely theoretical difficulties of physics. Not only is the mathematics of unstable, evolving cyclones with multiple resonances very complex and the experiments expensive, but aero- and hydrodynamics are also boring. As a result, this area of ​​physics does not enjoy much attention among young people and the general public. In our country they have been successfully doing it N.P. Kasterin , A.K. Timiryazev And A.S. LeaderLev, but their school was closed down by relativists. Today they are the masters of life; academics and young people prefer to fantasize about Big Bang and black holes, they don’t want to do serious science. For them, speculative physicists, it is already close The end of science; for us, constructivist physicists, astromechics it's just beginning.

In Laplace’s essay “Exposition of the World System” there is a passage that relativist cosmologists associate with the appearance in physics of the concept black hole. “A luminous celestial body,” wrote the French scientist, “having a density equal to that of the Earth, and a diameter two hundred and fifty times greater than the diameter of the Sun, due to the force of its gravity, does not allow light to reach us. Thus, it is possible that the largest luminous bodies in the Universe remain invisible precisely because of their size.”

Back in 1783, the Englishman John Mitchell calculated the speed of light particles (corpuscular concepts dominated at that time), at which particles would not be able to leave a cosmic body of mass M and radius R: , here G is the gravitational constant. This formula is obtained by equating the kinetic and potential energy of a light particle located on the surface of a body, therefore its mass does not appear in the formula. In this regard, relativists began to talk about the gravitational radius of a cosmic body r g = 2GM / c². If the compression of the mass of a cosmic body is such that its radius is less than the gravitational radius (r< r g), то кинетическая энергия частиц света, движущихся со скоростью с, не хватит для преодоления сил тяготения и они не покинут космическое тело.

A black hole is usually depicted as two-dimensional.
It will not be visible in three-dimensional space.

German astronomer Karl Schwarzschild, studying Einstein's gravitational equations under the condition r = r g, obtained a singularity.

When the radius of the Sun decreases first to the size of a white dwarf (40 thousand km), and then to the size of a neutron star (30 km), our star will eventually turn into a black hole.

After this, relativists began to convince their colleagues of the collapse of space-time around massive bodies and introduced their own specific terminology: “Schwarzschild sphere”, “event horizon”, “black hole”, which is obtained from a neutron star, which, in turn, once was a white dwarf.

Decreasing the star's radius causes the rays of light to become more and more bent. Finally, its radius becomes equal to the Schwarzschild radius, at which the rays completely return to the surface of the star. In this case, an outside observer will not see the star collapsed in this way.

If black holes themselves cannot be seen, then how can they be detected? Relativists convince us that their presence is indicated by a number of indirect signs. First of all, when observing the starry sky, you need to focus on those groups of stars that revolve around a certain center of gravity in which there is nothing. Hence, it is assumed that black holes are located in the centers of galaxies.

In our galaxy, relativist cosmologists say, there is certainly a black hole with a mass equal to approximately 2.5 million solar masses. Although black holes the size of an atom can form. In this case, their mass should be equal to 100 million tons. It is argued that these tiny holes can be formed in accelerators when nuclear particles collide. Their appearance is fraught with a global catastrophe, since a black hole the size of an atom can suck the Earth and the entire solar system inside itself.

who for some reason depicted her as two-dimensional
and forgot to draw the accretion disk.

Not only stars revolve around black holes, but also all space objects located nearby, for example, gas, dust, asteroids and entire planets wandering in interstellar space. As a result, a so-called accretion disk, reminiscent of the ring of Saturn. The particles of matter approach the hole in a spiral with increasing acceleration. At some point, the rotating particles begin to emit a powerful stream of X-rays. It can be detected by instruments installed in observatories. In addition, another hole can fall into the gravitational field of one black hole. At the moment of their collision, a giant quantum of gravitational waves will be released, which can be registered using special sensors.

When two black holes collide, a quantum of energy corresponding to one percent of their total mass will be released in the form of gravitational waves.

According to the magazine Nature, at the end of December 1998, at the beginning of January 1999, a group of astronomers led by Professor Paulo de Benardis from the University of Rome conducted an experiment to determine the existence of space curvature on a cosmic scale. The measurements concerned the cosmic microwave background and were carried out using a sensitive telescope raised by a balloon high above Antarctica. The result was negative: our Universe has strictly Euclidean geometry. This means that light rays travel in straight lines and the interior angles of a triangle add up to 180°. Theoretically there can be elliptical(> 180°) and hyperbolic (< 180°) кривизна пространства. Однако Пуанкаре доказал, что их обнаружить и невозможно. Это связано с кругом проблем, которые детально обсуждаются в разделе Geometry and experience .

Arguments have already been given against the existence of space curvature - whether on the scale of the Universe or within the boundaries of massive bodies - but let us name them again:

  • light, like electromagnetic radiation, does not interact with the gravitational field;
  • a photon has no mass and, therefore, cannot really exist;
  • rays from stars do not deflect near the Sun, and when observing the eclipse in 1919, Eddington was mistaken.
Thus, the space-time metric of the real world does not experience any compression, stretching or curvature. Consequently, there are no gravitational lenses, black holes and wormholes that arise due to the existence of a “curved” topology of space-time. However, these arguments are not accepted by relativists; they continue to fantasize, based on the basis of STR and GTR. The scope of today's speculation is comparable to the scale of the growth of scholasticism in the Middle Ages. “The reason for such a sudden turn,” writes Michio Kaku, “was the emergence of a new string theory and her latest version, M-theories, which not only promises to reveal the nature of the Multiverse, but also promises the opportunity to “see God's plan” with your own eyes, as Einstein once so eloquently put it. ...

Hundreds of international conferences have been devoted to this topic. Every university in the world either has a group working on string theory or is making desperate attempts to study it. Although the theory cannot be tested with our imperfect current instruments, it has attracted keen interest from mathematicians, theoretical physicists and even experimentalists who hope to test the periphery of the Universe (in the future, of course) using delicate gravitational wave detectors of outer space and powerful particle accelerators. ...

Cosmic Mind Michio Kaku

In this terminology, the laws of physics, carefully substantiated by thousands of years of experimentation, are nothing more than the laws of harmony, which are valid for strings and membranes. The laws of chemistry are melodies that can be played on these strings. The entire Universe is a divine symphony for a “string orchestra”... The question arises: if the Universe is a symphony for a string orchestra, then who is its author?”

In Chapter 12, Michio Kaku answers this question: “Personally, from a purely scientific point of view, I think that perhaps the strongest argument for the existence of Einstein's or Spinoza's God comes from theology. If string theory is eventually confirmed as the theory of everything, then we will have to wonder where the equations themselves came from. If the unified field theory is truly unique, as Einstein believed, then we will have to ask where this uniqueness comes from. Physicists who believe in God believe that the universe is so beautiful and simple that its fundamental laws cannot be accidental. Otherwise the universe might be completely disordered or made up of lifeless electrons and neutrinos, unable to create any life, let alone intelligent life.”

Michio Kaku draws out a table of correspondences, in which he bashfully put three symbols against the composer - ??! It is somehow inconvenient for modern physicists to appeal to God, nevertheless their worldview includes a supernatural being, through whose mind the Universe is so beautifully structured.

However, our descendants will face a sad fate and God will not help them. The anti-gravity forces that caused the Big Bang will further lead to the Great Cooling and “the Universe will eventually die from the cold. All intelligent life on the planet, freezing, will struggle in excruciating agony, since the temperature of deep space is close to absolute zero, and at such a temperature even molecules can barely “move.” At some point, trillions upon trillions of years from now, the stars will stop emitting light, their nuclear reactor will shut down, running out of fuel, and the universe will plunge into eternal night.

Cosmic expansion will leave behind only a cold, dead Universe of black dwarf stars, neutron stars and black holes. And in an even more distant future, even black holes will give up all their energy, leaving only a lifeless cold nebula of floating elementary particles. In such a faded, cold Universe, intelligent life is physically impossible in principle. The iron laws of thermodynamics will prevent any transmission of information in this icy environment, and all life will undoubtedly cease."

Great specialist in black
holes are considered

This apocalyptic picture can be avoided, Kaku believes, if humanity does not sit idly by, waiting for its demise. "Some physicists, drawing on latest achievements science, have built several plausible, albeit highly hypothetical, schemes that should confirm the reality of creating space portals or gates to another universe. Physics classroom boards around the world are covered in abstract equations as physicists calculate whether it is possible to use "exotic energy" and black holes to find a tunnel leading to another universe. Can a developed civilization, whose technological developments are millions and billions years ahead of ours, take advantage of known laws physics to go to another universe?

The most dangerous tendency for modern physics is to combine it with one form or another of religiosity. The Sceptic-Ratio website has pages where physical systems with God at the head are presented, for example, Physics of God Bozhidar Palyushev and New physics Andrey Grishaev. However, most theories do without the Almighty, which does not make them any less fabulous. Advice to young seekers of truth: do not strive for fundamentality; try to create models of specific physical processes and then, perhaps, if the solutions to particular problems are more or less correct, you will have a large-scale and complete picture of the reality around us in your head.

There is no general and universal system of the world, the so-called Theories of Everything, does not exist. The world is so diverse and inexhaustible that any attempt to describe it entirely from a unified position, based on a certain set of basic principles, will inevitably fail. All the newfangled talk about the end of science stems from the limited knowledge of those who talk about it. In the collection of articles | 4 | 5 ). Their long and widespread dominance is due to the above-mentioned qualities - universality And versatility, behind which, however, two more “wonderful” properties loomed - simplicity And originality(in the sense of wit). In fact, all four “virtues” listed here are illusory. The layman ignorant of the sciences is blatantly inconsistency And absurdity took for originality; behind simplicity usually hides primitiveness And sketchiness explanations; A universality And versatility was achieved through abstract And meaningless philosophizing about everything in the world.

There is an opinion that NASA is purposefully funding the release of hundreds of books and films telling about dark matter, black holes and the Big Bang in order to confuse competing scientific centers, and at the same time make a little extra money on those naive dreamers who enthusiastically read and watch enchanting stupidity about structure of the universe. Whether this is actually true is not known, but given the history of the NASA military propaganda machine, this point of view cannot be ruled out.

At the turn of the century, information began to spread around the world about the extremely rapid disappearance of glaciers. Mount Kilimanjaro has taken the lead in this disinformation campaign. On December 20, 2002, the NASA Earth Observatory, under the title “The Melting Snows of Kilimanjaro,” published two photographs from 1993 and 2000 that went around the world. But on March 25, 2005, under the influence of severe criticism from opponents of the theory of global warming, the title under which these two photographs were published was changed to “Snow and Ice of Kilimanjaro.” The fact is that the photo from 1993 was taken after snow had fallen on the top of Kibo, and in the photo from 2000 only glaciers are visible. However, speculation about the “snow” of Kilimanjaro, Arctic ice and other photographs taken by NASA did not end in 2005.

It is difficult to overcome the feeling of mistrust associated with the deception of the world community, which this organization resorted to when discussing the problem of global warming (see subsection Manipulation of Kilimanjaro photographs). If NASA can violate the unwritten code of scientific ethics in the field of experimental climate science, then it will have little compunction about maintaining sweet, naive fantasies about the curvature of space, black holes and the Big Bang.

Not long ago, on December 26, 2011, NASA's Terra EOS AM-1 satellite photographed a giant underwater whirlpool off the coast of South Africa. Is this photo credible? Obviously not. In any case, there is a very high probability that we are dealing with another fake of a venerable organization.

Another example, also related to NASA photography. A photograph of a huge whirlpool that supposedly arose in the southern part of the Atlantic Ocean was accompanied by an apocalyptic message with the following content: “Pumping water from the Indian Ocean to the Atlantic at the end of 2011, due to which this whirlpool arose near the coast of Africa, has already led to climate change in countries South Atlantic and to the emergence of severe drought in Africa and southern South America in February 2012... A few days ago, the UN warned of a food crisis in Africa. This drought could cause food shortages and higher food prices around the world in 2012."

A space photograph of a giant vortex and its enlarged version have made the rounds of all the world's media. However, for some reason the international scientific community did not react to this sensational information. It is also strange that the origin of the vortex, its forward movement in the Atlantic Ocean and, finally, its final disintegration were not recorded by any other spacecraft, and there are now tens of thousands of them. Thus, we are kept completely in the dark about the physics of this natural phenomenon. Press reports give a completely unsatisfactory explanation: “pumping water from the Indian Ocean to the Atlantic.” Wasn’t this “pumping” there before? The photograph of the whirlpool dates back to the end of December 2011, and it appeared in the media at the end of February 2012, when nothing could be verified. The question is, why did they wait two months?

It seems that, as in the case of the “Kyoto Protocol” - adviser to the President of the Russian Federation Andrei Illarionov was energetically engaged in exposing it in our country - here we are faced with scientific falsification, thrown into the mass consciousness in order to obtain illegal economic benefits. It is easy for a specialist to detect the scientific inconsistency of global warming allegedly caused by humans, and, moreover, the existence of a giant whirlpool in the ocean, which supposedly portends drought over vast territories. It is much more difficult to prove the fact of fraud to millions of ordinary people who wholeheartedly believe official, especially American, sources of information. In this regard, it is quite likely to expect that such an influential scientific and economic organization as NASA will also use the romantic cosmologist Michio Kaku for financial gain. In any case, it would not be amiss for our reader to show at least a small amount of skepticism when he sees amazing pictures, films and videos of unusual content.
