Congratulations to grandmother from granddaughter. Beautiful poems for grandmother's anniversary from granddaughter

My dear grandmother,
I love you very much
Happy birthday
And I’ll give you a poem.
Be healthy, smile
Let everything be okay.
Never be upset -
We will help, we will come.
It's a big secret,
Grandma, I'll tell you:
You are the best on the planet
I love you most of all.

Grandmother, beloved, dear,
Happy birthday!
And I hug you tightly,
My grandma is golden!
And don't you ever get sick,
Your soul is young.
Laugh more often, smile,
Don't be upset over trifles!

How I love you, grandma,
Can't put it into words!
Happy birthday congratulations
And, of course, wish:
So that I love my granddaughter the same way
You still have many years left.
Better than my grandma
In the whole world, simply not.
So that my heart does not grow old,
And let the years fly by.
You are mine, that's the point,
I love you always.

Accept congratulations from your granddaughter,
My beloved grandmother -
On this day, your birthday,
All words today are for you!
You are smart, beautiful, noble,
You have a lot of wisdom,
You will always support and help,
One can only dream about such a granny.
I wish you a lot of happiness,
Many, many bright warm days,
Good health and good luck,
For me there is no one dearer.

Granny is like a friend to me,
We love each other very much.
I will wish her happiness -
Congratulations on your birthday.
I promise not to be naughty
Come visit more often
And I’ll tell you, like a granddaughter -
Let the evil cloud go away
Let the sun laugh
A song flows from the heart.
Your kind eyes
Let no tears touch you!

Happy birthday, my dear grandmother.
Congratulations, grandma, I love you.
I wish you happiness, spiritual beauty
And everything, dear, that you want!
Be as sweet, loving, dear,
The most wonderful, the most dear,
My most delightful grandmother,
An extraordinary mother for her children!
I also wish you health.
Know, my dear, I adore you,
I have been in love with you since birth.
May good luck and fortune walk with you!

Happy Birthday, Grandma!
I'm knocking on your door again.
Can I tell you
Everything I want to express.
So invisible, invisible
You always create comfort
This is how you love selflessly
You are giving away your work.
And under this blue sky
May your life be long,
My dear, beloved, strong,
Wise, sensitive person.
Let the dawn greet you
Smiling from above,
Let sadness not darken
These are good traits.
Those who are nice will be nearby
The heart rings with joy,
Let nature give you strength,
And the Lord protects you.

From my granddaughter, a delicate little thing,
Granny, for you,
I wish you on your birthday
Only happiness on earth.
Cheesecakes, delicious buns
Still baking
With a ringing, light gait
Ride tirelessly.
And paint your lips with lipstick,
Yes, bright, bright red,
After all, you are young!
Let everything be fine.

My dear grandmother,
You are my friend, second mother!
I sincerely wish you
So that she can be happy herself.
Never to be sick
To be joyful,
So that my soul does not grow old,
May she live to be a hundred years old!

Congratulations, grandma! Congratulations, honey.
You are the only irreplaceable person in our family.
For your kindness, warmth, business spirit
Let me kiss you, dear grandma.
Is it possible not to love your grandmother's hands?
And it’s so nice for me to be your granddaughter.
You should stay forever young
Forget about diseases, don’t succumb to them.
Do as you wish.
You don’t even know about various difficulties and worries.
Smile from the heart, sing and don’t get bored!

Grandma, happy birthday,
You are relatives of all others,
Please accept congratulations
From his granddaughter,
I wish you joy
Health and miracles,
Not bitter, but sweet
And happiness to heaven!

Dear granny,
I'm hastening to you
I'll kiss you on the cheek,
I'll hand you the bouquet.
Just a birthday
You celebrate
Many wishes
Accept from your granddaughter:
Don't get sick, don't get old,
Let your laughter ring out
Enjoy life
Know that you are the best!

Let joy and happiness live in your heart
New days will only bring good things,
Only good things, loving you very much,
On this holiday I wish you, my grandmother,
I'm like a granddaughter when I grow up
I will immediately fulfill any dream,
I'll do everything I can for you
Well, happy birthday, my granny!

Grandma-granny, my dear,
I congratulate you on your birthday.
It’s so nice for me to be your granddaughter,
So warm and joyful, like in a wonderful dream.
Grandma, be happy and healthy,
And don’t let your energy fall asleep.
Youth, vigor, and spring in your soul!
Be even more beautiful... and without gray hair!

Happy birthday, dear grandmother!
There is no one kinder in the world.
I sincerely wish with love
Congratulations to you and for long years.
Be healthy, forever young,
Don’t be sad that the years float into the distance.
I will not hide the honor of being your granddaughter,
I will always love you.

Today is my grandma's birthday
Please accept congratulations from your “Khitruli”,
You read me good bedtime stories,
You saved your granddaughter from all troubles,
Dear grandmother, live a hundred years!
Be with us, radiating this warm light,
I wish your health to be strong,
Happiness, joy, goodness! Everything that is sweet to the heart!

My dear grandmother,
I want to wish you more.
I appreciate and respect you,
I want to hug and kiss.
When I was a baby
You read books to me.
You were kind and cheerful
And she never lost heart.
I wish you great health,
I wish you many long years.
I want to say with love -
There is no better person in the world.

Well, is it possible to say the word “grandmother”?
Everyone can guess about age for a long time.
She will give everyone a head start both in dancing and in work,
And the dishes are always quite successful.
We all want to wish her as soon as possible,
To remain the youngest of the fairies,
Be tireless and not get sick,
After all, old age cannot overcome her.
Be easy-going, don’t be discouraged,
Bake pies and sing songs!

I want to congratulate you
And wish you good health,
And I also want as a souvenir
Say kind words!
I have loved you since childhood -
Every gesture and every look.
You are still the same, my granny,
Just like many years ago!
You bloom, my dear,
Please us with your warmth,
Surrounding us with care,
Saving our entire house...

I, grandma, have
Little secret.
I wish I could be like you
After many years.
To also be able to bake,
Sew and embroider
And sing beautiful songs,
Knit blouses.
I love being with you
Away from the bustle.
And search diligently for the treasure,
What do cabinets store?
Be healthy and live
Many long years.
Well, if you're sad,
Remember my secret.

Grandmother, my dear, my beloved,
Please accept congratulations from your granddaughter.
For me, grandma, you are a great authority,
There is no such cool grandmother in the world anymore.
You always give useful advice
And you cook the most delicious borscht in the world.
You always surround me with care,
You know a lot of interesting stories.
I wish you good health,
I love you very much, appreciate and respect you.
The main thing, grandma, is not to grow old at heart,
Stay forever young in heart!

For me you are like a friend,
Even though she’s my grandmother!
Happy birthday wishes
Your granddaughter!
Let your years fly by -
Never give up!
Stay young!
With your head held high!
So that you don't know about diseases,
So that the grief recedes.
So that tears are only from happiness,
Let's leave to get out of the bad weather!

On this best day of the year,
Grandma, I'm coming to see you.
And I bring you flowers,
I know you love them.
Happy Birthday dear!
I'm glad you're like this:
Most beloved,
The best, beautiful.
You won't deceive, you won't betray
And you will give good advice.
Well, if you scold me,
You will caress it very quickly.
May your health not fail you
Only good things come
Angel tenderly guards
And protects from troubles.

Grandma, my dear,
I congratulate you with all my heart,
I wish to live a thousand years.
Happiness, wealth, success in work,
Let all sorrows melt in the water.
Like at eighteen health and strength,
Always be so kind and sweet.
Faith, hope, love, beauty,
And may you never cry.
Let the sun warm you,
The Guardian Angel flies behind you.
In spite of all enemies and troubles,
May they protect you with their light.

Happy birthday grandma
My favorite person.
For care and guardianship,
I will be grateful forever.
I'll kiss the wrinkle
On your dear face.
You are my reliable friend in life,
And it’s not boring for the two of us.
Be healthy, dear,
Be cheerful, don't be discouraged,
Your granddaughter is mischievous
Always there, you know that.

My beloved granny,
Congratulations, my love.
Know that I and all my relatives,
We are glad to honor you!
Let the crazy years fly by
Let misfortunes await
I know you can handle it, grandma,
I know you can handle it by playing.
I wish you happiness
And I wish you well.
Remember, there is love in this world
Dear granddaughter!

Granny, my dear,
I congratulate you.
Always healthy, young,
I wish you to be happy.
May your birthday be glorious
You will be glad to have guests.
Their respect, honor
Let it be a reward.
Let fate drive away sadness,
How the wind blows the clouds.
I wish you to live 100 years!
With love, your granddaughter.

Grandma, you are the most beautiful.
Today is your birthday.
I wish you to be happy
May you live to be 100 years old.
I wish you good health and strength,
Always only good news
Above your head there is only a peaceful sky.
And more often than not, a house filled with guests.

With kindness, love, respect,
I wish you a happy birthday.
I bring a wish to grandma
May all wishes come true!
And there is no granddaughter happier than me,
My grandma is beautiful
And may she always be healthy,
And joyful and cheerful!
I congratulate you, may they protect you
All angels will solve problems,
And they will only bring happiness to your home,
Don't think about anything bad!

My dear granny,
I congratulate you
You will always support me
Scold me a little, my love!
On your birthday I wish
Happiness, joy, warmth,
And I admit that it’s always
I took your example.

At my beloved grandmother's
Birthday today,
From granddaughter, darling
I'll send her congratulations.
I'll put a postcard in the envelope
With beautiful flowers
And with her - your smile
With the sweetest words!
Let grandma smile
From my news,
From congratulations to grandma
Let it become more fun!

Today the sun shines in a special way
And there is one big secret in this.
After all, grandma celebrates her birthday,
There is no other like it on the entire planet!
I, your granddaughter, am the happiest,
Because I remember all your works:
Like at night she read long poems to me,
And in the morning you went for milk.
Dear, Happy Birthday!
Health, respect, kindness.
And know, grandma, the main and important thing:
What is most precious to me is you!

Happy birthday, dear grandmother,
Granddaughter congratulates you,
You are still young with us, as before,
And I wish you, lovingly:
And enough health to last forever,
Full of love and joy,
Cheerfulness of spirit and mental strength,
May we all have enough warmth!
To be loved, respected,
And the men all looked after
To be obeyed and considered wise,
And he loved you as in his youth, grandfather!

My star, my standard
And wisdom and strength.
I bow with all my heart
To my dear granny!
Bloom, be forever young,
Not knowing evil ailments,
With a dream in my blue heart,
Bathing in the affection of my grandchildren.
You are perfection, an example -
It's flattering to be your granddaughter.
May the Creator give you happiness,
Grandma is the best!

Dear granny,
May you know no evil.
So that you are happy
She took care of her health.
Have a nice, radiant day,
I wish you.
I am proud of my pure thoughts,
That I am your granddaughter.

Happy birthday grandma
Let spring bloom in your soul.
Let your heart be young
And good health to you for years to come.
So that I have time, grandma,
To give birth to a great-grandchild.
And you helped me, dear,
To nurse him and marry him.

Beloved grandmother, dearest!
Happy birthday to you today.
You live now for at least a hundred more years
Without illnesses, sorrows, sorrows and without troubles.
You get up early in the morning with the sun every day,
You are never too lazy to bake pies.
I want more strength, wish you good health,
So that you remember that you need to rest.
And I wish you harmony in the family,
May she always be strong and big.
May you be met with success in any endeavor.
The main thing is to remember: for your family you are the best!

I love my mother, of course,
But no less - and grandma,
On your birthday the best
I will hug and kiss you.
Wrinkles don't bother her
What wrinkles there are!
They sigh for grandma
All handsome men.
The best grandmother in the world
I dedicate my congratulations,
May good luck shine on you
For many years without fading!

I am like a granddaughter, dear granny,
I just want to wish you health,
May you be as sweet
So that you won't recognize grief.
So that you can please for a long time
Our entire extended family.
On my birthday I consider it my duty
Tell me how much I love you!

Thank you, grandma, for your caresses,
For your lullabies,
For all the tales told,
For all the fought battles!
I wish you health
Warmth, kindness and many years to come!
I want you to be so proud
The whole series of my victories!
I want to say thank you to God
What gives you strength, patience!
Granny, dear, dear,
Be happy! And, happy birthday!

I baked pancakes,
Dear grandma,
Kneaded the dough
Let's cook together!
Various fillings,
We are preparing pies,
Grandma's birthday
Well we remember!
You are beautiful to us
You understand life
And to the table today,
Dress up cool!

With whom I can have fun, I can keep secrets,
Where do they always feel sorry for me and protect me from work?
Well, of course, at grandma's, better place can't be found
And that’s why today I came to you again!
Happy birthday, happiness to you, grandma!
I declare no more beloved than a person on the ground!
I bought a cake and of course prepared a bouquet,
Dear, golden, there is nothing better in the whole world!

You and I are preparing “brushwood”
The whole evening at the stove.
Knit a nice sweater,
You promised today.
Put aside your worries quickly!
And forget your business!
Birthday is an occasion
Be sure to relax!
You are so beautiful,
Age won't take you away
And worldly wisdom,
You will teach again!

My grandmother, there is no one dearer than you,
You are a sweet angel in this world,
I wish you happiness and fewer worries,
So that this life would only make sense.
I wish you to live a very, very long time,
So that your grandfather cares and cherishes you,
The grandchildren grew up and did not forget
My dear grandmother many years later.

Me and my grandmother -
Inseparable friends.
What did you think - girlfriends
Does she have only old ladies?
She has a special look
For all the things in the world,
And she's an expert
In a fashionable retro style.
Let the sun shine in the sky
The clouds will scatter.
Congratulations, grandma,
Take it from your granddaughter!

Dear granny, happy holiday to you
My granddaughter congratulates me, that is, me personally,
How I loved your fairy tales as a child,
You generously give me an ocean of love.
On this birthday, my grandmother,
I confess to you - I love you.
Be always healthy and cheerful,
I wish you only the best!

Granny, do you remember how much
What happened to us?
We were on the road together,
We were sick together sometimes...
We played together and laughed.
It seemed like there would be no end!
Our memory will keep those days
And our hearts are with you.
I wish you health
And many busy years.
I'll play along with you on this!
Today accept my bouquet.
And don't even think about it in the future
That your granddaughter will leave you.
Among the everyday noise
We will hear each other lovingly.

I was little
How long did you not sleep then?
You protected me
When mom was little.
She braided my hair,
Helped like a sister,
I often accompanied her to school,
Never offended!
And I wish you
Many years full of warmth!

I love you, grandma, and with all my heart,
On your birthday I wish you to live a hundred years!
May you remain beautiful for many more years,
And prepare, as before, a delicious lunch for me!
Be cheerful and happy, grandmother, always,
May the harmful years not age you at all!
Here's a little poem for you from your granddaughter,
But a huge, tender congratulations!

Dear, beloved,
My beloved grandmother!
Happy birthday, I congratulate you joyfully,
On this day, never hide your smile!
Many people consider us friends
You always look great!
You have a lot to learn
And we don’t need to count the years!
Look, I do handicrafts too,
Now I’m busy, I’ll take an example,
And my homemade gift,
Try it on yourself soon!

I want to congratulate grandma on this day,
Do you remember, you took me to kindergarten,
I really want to sing a beautiful song,
And get a star from the sky for you,
I want the light of your tender eyes,
Shore from trouble and grief,
Even in reality and in colorful dreams,
We will be secretive with you,
You know, dear, how dear I am,
Your smile is like a reward
Grandma, happy birthday to you,
May she always be by my side!

If not for my grandmother, would I have been able to
My mom cook cabbage soup like this?
If it weren't for grandma, who would have regretted it?
Who would teach you to be fair?
Everything that is best is brought up by her,
Her hands are all in labor, all in labor,
Every day I am under protection,
Grandma, you are my best!
I wish you a happy birthday,
May the sun always smile!
The mood will always be good,
And we don’t give a damn about your age!

You've loved me like this since birth
Like no one else loved. I know.
Second mother, Grandmother! I took my will into my fist
I'll tell you - I love you. And congratulations!
I know you will understand when I feel bad...
I see that you are afraid for me...
But time flew by, and she became an adult.
I want everything, just the other way around. I hope you're not mad.

Grandma is kind, grandma is the best
I wish you a happy birthday!
You are my bright ray in this world,
And you are more and more dear to me day by day!
Be healthy dear grandmother,
May we all enjoy many more years!
You are the dearest, dearest!
Congratulations from your granddaughter - hello!

May there not be a cloud in the sky on your birthday,
Please accept these sincere congratulations,
From sincerely loving grandmother granddaughters,
I wish you only victories ahead!
I wish you health, good luck, love, longevity,
I wish you smiles and happiness in everything, let them manifest themselves,
I hope we will celebrate your centenary one day,
But even at a hundred years old, my grandmother will remain the most beautiful!

Grandma, happy birthday to you,
Your granddaughter has already grown up,
I'm drowning in my thoughts,
Trying to ask you “how are you?”
Let happiness come into your home
And health will arrive in full,
Every smell in your house is familiar to me,
And I’m not hungry at your place,
I'm sorry that I so rarely remember
That I really need you
And now, every day,
Surrounded by my love!

My beloved granny,
I wish you on your birthday -
Be healthy and beautiful
I wish you happiness and good luck!
You always loved me
She understood and appreciated.
I wish you success
You are always kind and sweet.
Be as perky as you are
Live another 100 years.
Shine like the sun in our lives,
There is no better grandmother in the world!

Grandmother, my beloved!
My dearest one,
You are the wisest one,
I don’t know anyone else like him in the world.
You are always an example to follow,
Like a fairy, you will make your wishes come true,
You will always help and teach,
It's so nice to be your granddaughter!
That's why I wish you on your birthday,
So that you are always in a colorful mood,
So that the soul blossoms with love
And may everything you dreamed come true!

This day is the best and sunny
To my dear grandmother
I wish you a happy, cloudless life
And still be young.
I wish you health and mental strength,
So that every moment brings only joy!

Grandmother, beloved, the best in the world,
Happy birthday to you my dear,
These congratulations are for you today,
And with all my heart I wish you!
Good health, so as not to get sick,
Spring youth, so that it always blooms,
Everything you want you to have
And most importantly, that you be happy!

You are always like a friend to me,
My dear grandmother.
Congratulations from the grandson
You better accept it.
Happy Birthday, Grandma,
Smile as always.
Know that I love you very much.
And let the years fly by
But as before, you are beautiful
And you are still kind.
You, with a pure, clear smile,
It's like a rose has bloomed.

Dear grandma, on your birthday
Please accept congratulations from your beloved granddaughter.
Don't get sick, don't get old, never be sad.
Suddenly I offended you with something, you, dear, forgive me.
Your kind fairy tales taught me to love,
She showed me how to live by her personal example.
I am grateful for everything and wish you
Endless happiness in your future destiny.

My dear grandmother,
Today is your holiday
So tender, your own,
Forgave us, pranksters!
Even if the years don't go by quickly,
Good health to you,
Let the sparks of joy not go out,
More happiness on earth!

You taught me how to cook.
Your pies are like fluff.
I'm coming to you, my granny,
I come running with all my might.
I'll tell you how it was at school
Got a scolding.
How can you listen
And always understand me.
I want it for a long, long time
You lived, grandma.
To knit socks for me
And I would bake buns.
So that there is a lot of health,
And so that all medical staff
Along the way with the doctor
Lost to us forever.

Please accept my congratulations, dear,
I wish you to be young
Just as sincere, dear
And needed at every moment!
Associate Professor of Unrecognized Science
“How not to lose optimism”
Cook, iron, wash, wash
Go through your whole life without knowing boredom.
Give us your experience,
Your years, your mistakes,
And decorate everything with your smile,
Like a shining star!

Grandma's birthday -
The holiday is the best
We all blew up the balloons,
Dressed up for the occasion.
Grandpa said the first toast
There's something I don't understand
The whole granny blushed
Apparently it's pleasant.
It's my turn:
Grandma, happy birthday!
I wish you could rest more,
Enjoyed singing.
So that your legs don't hurt,
And so that the grandfather does not offend.
To live soul to soul.
Where is my glass with the drink! ?

My dear granny,
I hasten to congratulate you very much!
You are the most beloved
Grandma, by the way!
You are like me when I was a child,
Everything here breathes warmth,
Your smile is bright
The undead also cradles.
The main thing is health
Vigor, movement,
Let them pass by
Anxiety and excitement!

My dear, beloved grandmother,
I hasten to congratulate you on your birthday!
I want to wish you happiness and health,
Dear God, I will light a candle for you!
Please accept this, my dear, congratulations.
Let's while away a quiet evening together
I will kiss you tenderly, I will hug you lovingly
Grandma, how much I love you!

Grandma, you understood
I feel very good
Forgave my pranks
And she loved with all her soul.
There will be a lot of turns
In my life, fate has
Only old wives' tales
I will never forget.
Always be so beautiful
I'll be honest
And thank you so much
For love and kindness.

There is an alluring smell of the pie
And the whole house is filled with love,
A flying kiss for grandma,
A silver stream down my cheek.
We didn’t just gather today,
They came to congratulate you on your birthday.
And we want you to meet in life
Only warm days like these!

The most beautiful woman
Happy birthday.
Accept it, my granny,
Congratulations from my granddaughter.
I remember your songs
And bedtime stories.
Thank you, grandma,
You bring good things to the house.
you can calm down
With just a kind glance.
I promise, honey
That I will always be there.
Much love, health,
Happiness and warmth.
Let it certainly be
Fate is kind to you.

On grandma's name day,
I've been in a hurry since the morning,
She asked me, after all,
To help her set the table.
It’s not difficult for me to help my grandmother,
Cause I love her so much
I'll reach her in a minute,
Even though I live far away.
And I wish grandma
Good health, love,
I love you, my dear,
Please live longer!

Grandma, you are always beautiful to me,
I take you as the right example!
I like to be like you
More than one good gentleman sighs for you!
On your birthday, will you allow me, my dear,
So that your granddaughter wishes you many, many years
Charm everyone around, and without getting tired
Smile! May you live without troubles!

Happy birthday, grandma,
Long, long years!
You are mother to all of us -
We'll dedicate a verse to you.
You will feed everyone deliciously,
Knit a scarf and socks,
And your beautiful laugh -
There is not a single melancholy in you!
You are the most precious of all forever,
I won't forget our days
The world's man -
And there are lights on my way!

You and I are shady today,
We will do it for the requested guests.
Granny teaches me a lot!
I have more fun in the world with you!
You always give excellent advice,
You teach me life, if I ask,
I adopt your wisdom
And you will always answer when I ask!
May your health be good,
Live to see your great-grandchildren,
And today grandfather is happy,
He composes a poem of congratulations!

Embroider me, knit me,
You taught as a child.
And the secrets of sewing
She gave generously.
Your pies are tastier
I didn't eat anything!
And the advice is all yours
Smart in practice.
Happy Birthday to You,
Dear granny!
For me you are more valuable than everyone else,
I love you so much!

Be joyful on any of your days
And let love cover you with its wings;
I want to tell you with all my heart:
There are no people like you in the world.
I wish you many years of happiness,
After all, they are priceless wealth;
May your path be illuminated with bright light
And you just have to think about it and try.
Granny! The sun be in your eyes
So that not a drop of sadness remains,
So that the spirit of life does not wither at all
And so that you always want something.

Happy birthday, grandma,
Happy birthday, darling,
Our dear,
Simply golden!
Knows everything in the world
She can do everything
Gently caresses
The sun will warm you...
Ready to help everyone,
Or give advice.
Be always healthy
There is no one better than you!

Accept congratulations from your granddaughter,
My beloved grandmother -
On this day, your birthday,
All words today are for you!
You are smart, beautiful, noble,
You have a lot of wisdom,
You will always support and help,
One can only dream about such a granny.
I wish you a lot of happiness,
Many, many bright warm days,
Good health and good luck,
For me there is no one dearer.

Happy Birthday, dear grandma!
How much in life you have given to all of us!
I want you, my dear,
She lived in this life for up to a hundred years!
How can I express all my gratitude?
For your care and affection?
I love you like the holy Madonna,
I adore you for your patience!!!
You are simply irreplaceable for us,
Never, ever get sick!
You are our golden one, my love,
You are forever young at heart!

Happy birthday grandma.
You are relatives of all others.
Please accept congratulations
From his granddaughter.
I wish you joy
Health and miracles.
Not bitter, but sweet!
And happiness to heaven!

Happy birthday, Grandma!
You're not old at all:
You cook for us crab
Children are waiting for guests!
Snow-white head
Your grandchildren are happy:
Hands are smart, gentle,
There is a sea of ​​love in my heart!
Let it not be crabs - pancakes
With cheese - they will be for lunch,
There is no better grandmother than ours,
And no younger ones either!!!

Happy birthday, grandma.
Be healthy and cheerful.
Let the bad weather go away,
Let the years not make you sad.
And also, my dear,
Be happy, be yourself
May there be in the heart and soul
Peace, hope and calm.
All the birds of the world are for you
They will sing a friendly song.
And bouquets on the planet
In a moment they will all bloom together.
Only for you, dear,
All beautiful words.
Just be, my granny.
The rest is nonsense!

Grandma, today is my birthday
I would like to wish, like my granddaughter,
Let your whole life bloom with lilies,
You won’t even know about sorrows!
May they be with you every day
Fun, laughter, health, grace!
You are my precious granny,
Let me kiss you now!

Grandmother, my dear, my beloved,
Please accept congratulations from your granddaughter.
For me, grandma, you are a great authority,
There is no such cool grandmother in the world anymore.
You always give useful advice
And you cook the most delicious borscht in the world.
You always surround me with care,
You know a lot of interesting stories.
I wish you good health,
I love you very much, appreciate and respect you.
The main thing, grandma, is not to grow old at heart,
Stay forever young in heart!

Grandma, grandma, grandma,
Happy birthday to you,
Grandma, grandma, grandma,
I wish you happiness.
Don't be sad that the years fly by,
We can learn from Your courage.
And let them warm you all the time
Grandchildren will receive the attention and love of children.

Happy Birthday, dear grandmother,
Granddaughter congratulates you,
You are still young with us, as before,
And I wish you, lovingly:
And enough health to last forever,
Full of love and joy,
Cheerfulness of spirit and mental strength,
May we all have enough warmth!
To be loved, respected,
And the men all looked after
To be obeyed and considered wise,
And he loved you as in his youth, grandfather!

Beloved grandmother, dearest,
Your granddaughter wishes you Happy Birthday!
You, like the sun for me, are the best in the world,
Please accept my gratitude for your advice!
I remember how, covered with a blanket, she read fairy tales to me,
You never get tired of playing with me!
May health patiently please you,
My most beloved grandmother!

Your beloved granny
I congratulate you on your birthday,
I wish you great health,
Good luck, good luck!
Are you worried about me
And let me spoil you sometimes,
You warm me with warmth and care
And you will always be treated to delicious food.
Don't let wrinkles bother you,
After all, this is only a trace of wisdom.
I love you and adore you
There is no better granny in the world!

I love my grandma very much
I wish you good health,
Let me congratulate the whole family
On your birthday, dear.
Granny, if it weren’t for you -
The family wouldn't exist
Grandma raised flowers
And she watered them with care!

Happy birthday, Grandma,
I congratulate you
You are the most beloved
And the dearest.
I remember your fairy tales
And songs before bed,
Raspberry jam
Your house always smells.
For your granddaughter you always have
Sweets hidden
May love and happiness
It will be in this house.
I wish you 100 years
I can live in good health
You, my dear,
I will always love you.

To my dear granny
On my birthday I say,
That with all my heart and soul,
I adore her!
This word is not easy
Not easy to pronounce.
On the verb “love”, probably
It's better to replace it.
Which of the two words is better?
I can tell her now
To tenderness and care
Show me to grandma!
Words cannot be replaced
What's in my heart...
There is always a corner in it,
Darling, for you!

The most beautiful woman
Happy birthday.
Accept it, my granny,
Congratulations from my granddaughter.
I remember your songs
And bedtime stories.
Thank you, grandma,
You bring good things to the house.
you can calm down
With just a kind glance.
I promise, honey
That I will always be there.
Much love, health,
Happiness and warmth.
Let it certainly be
Fate is kind to you.

Dear grandmother, happy birthday!
Let the sun shine brighter
And today, on this day, grandma,
Let your granddaughter hug you!
May they always be with you
Faithful, old friends,
And of course the most cherished thing -
Our whole family is fully assembled!

Grandmother, beloved, dear,
Happy birthday!
And I hug you tightly,
My grandma is golden!
And don't you ever get sick,
Your soul is young.
Laugh more often, smile,
Don't be upset over trifles!

It's our grandmother's birthday today!
And our grandmother is no more beautiful in the world!
And her cheesecakes and jam are the best,
And her smile shines brightest for her grandchildren!
And these golden hands are the most tender of all,
That they knit mittens, socks and sweaters,
They will always help us place commas,
And they will find treasured lotions for the bruise,
After all, our grandmother is a great sorceress!
He knows three hundred songs, two hundred jokes,
And he almost reads a hundred fairy tales by heart,
And she always has work to do around the house, -
We want to finish our poem,
Don't judge us harshly for our rhymes.
Granny! Grandchildren congratulate you on your birthday!
Live a hundred years, and, of course, be healthy!

Grandma, granny,
Happy Birthday to You!
You are as beautiful as ever,
Let's not be so young.
But you are wise, grandma,
And you always give good advice.
I love you madly!
I wish you many long years.
I wish you great health,
Have a good day, good nights,
So that your heart doesn't worry
Because of various little things.

Grandmother, dear, kind, nice,
How much kindness you have!..
Be the happiest on your birthday,
Accept the cake and flowers!!!
We remember how you sang songs to us at night,
We remember your concern.
How fun it was always with you,
It's like being in a beautiful paradise!!!
Don’t let the wrinkles around your eyes bother you,
You are young at heart.
Tales from your lips, dear grandmother,
We will always remember!

Happy Birthday, dear grandmother!
There is no one kinder in the world.
I sincerely wish with love
Joy to you and many years to come.
Be healthy, forever young,
Don’t be sad that the years float into the distance.
I will not hide the honor of being your granddaughter,
I will always love you.

Congratulations to grandma today,
And I want to wish you good health.
Your granddaughter knows this for sure -
You will live long and prosper.
The kindest and most wonderful person,
I was able to teach a lot,
I always want to think clearly
Many happy years to come!

At my beloved grandmother's
Birthday today,
From granddaughter, darling
I'll send her congratulations.
I'll put a postcard in the envelope
With beautiful flowers
And with her - your smile
With the sweetest words!
Let grandma smile
From my news,
From congratulations to grandma
Let it become more fun!

I wish my beloved grandmother on her birthday
More loyal friends, I give you a poem!
Friends - you always need them, let everything work out in life!
Let the years not be terrible - they give the best!
I wish you not to be sad, I wish you inspiration!
Always be fun yourself. Good luck and good luck!
Let the warmth of your family give support,
May happiness never leave you in life!

How I love you, grandma,
Can't put it into words!
Happy birthday congratulations
And, of course, wish:
So that I love my granddaughter the same way
You still have many years left.
Better than my grandma
In the whole world, simply not.
So that my heart does not grow old,
And let the years fly by.
You are mine, that's the point,
I love you always.

I'm the happiest on the whole planet,
So my grandmother is the most beautiful!
And for your birthday
I'll read a poem.
Don't be angry that I'm being naughty
Because I love you so much!

Happy birthday grandma
Let spring bloom in your soul.
Let your heart be young
And good health to you for years to come.
So that I have time, grandma,
To give birth to a great-grandchild.
And you helped me, dear,
To nurse him and marry him.

I'm standing with a bouquet of scarlet roses:
Happy Birthday - Happy brightest day -
Congratulations to my grandmother! —
So much sun, happiness, strength in him!
On my way to the big life,
Like a guiding star
Shine on me with your smile,
Be always cheerful and healthy!
You are a grandmother, a gift to me from God:
May he give you many, many years!!!

Dear Grandmother,
Dear, dear,
Happy Birthday to You
Granddaughter congratulates.
So that she does not know sorrows
And I didn’t know sorrows
So that you are not old,
Just an older lady.
For me you, grandma,
The most beautiful,
I wish that you always
You were happy.

My grandmother braided my hair,
I fed my granddaughter a delicious pie,
Now I've grown up. The time has come
Fill your bright home with your care.
I congratulate my grandmother today,
I want to wish her a lot of happiness,
Health is the main thing - I wish you,
No worries or troubles!

Today the sun shines in a special way
And there is one big secret in this.
After all, grandma celebrates her birthday,
There is no other like it on the entire planet!
I, your granddaughter, am the happiest,
Because I remember all your works:
Like at night she read long poems to me,
And in the morning you went for milk.
Dear, Happy Birthday!
Health, respect, kindness.
And know, grandma, the main and important thing:
What is most precious to me is you!

Wonderful holiday - birthday
My beloved grandmother.
For your work, care and patience
May God give her long days.
Let all troubles fly by,
Let peace reign in your soul,
May you always be loved,
To stay young!

Grandma-granny, my dear,
I congratulate you on your birthday.
It’s so nice for me to be your granddaughter,
So warm and joyful, like in a wonderful dream.
Grandma, be happy and healthy,
And don’t let your energy fall asleep.
Youth, vigor, and spring in your soul!
Be even more beautiful... and without gray hair!

Our grandmother, dear, beloved,
Happy birthday,
We wish you to live in health!
And we ask together - don’t get sick.
We promise to get together again
For your centenary.

A holy woman - that’s for sure...
My sweet granny
Happy birthday urgently
And I wish you sun and dawn!
I wish you good health,
Strength for everything and tenderness of children,
I wish you peace
To my wonderful grandmother!

On my dear grandmother's birthday
Let the gardens bloom and there will be summer,
After all, her boundless kindness
Everything around has been warmed up a long time ago!
We wish you many years to come,
Wake up every day with a smile!
May the Lord protect you from troubles,
Protects from evil with holy prayer.
May peace always reign in your soul,
And nothing worries the heart!
We love you, dear, with the whole family
Gently hug and kiss!!!

Happy birthday grandma
My favorite person.
For care and guardianship,
I will be grateful forever.
I'll kiss the wrinkle
On your dear face.
You are my reliable friend in life,
And it’s not boring for the two of us.
Be healthy, dear,
Be cheerful, don't be discouraged,
Your granddaughter is mischievous
Always there, you know that.

Granny, our dear,
Today we all gathered -
Celebrating your birthday
Say words of love to you!
Your kindest smile
It warms us even in the distance!
At your age, you are like a dove,
Your own, now big family!
To you, grandma, we want to say:
We love, appreciate and are proud of you,
You are our core, you are our grace!
Let's enjoy your company today.
We want you to be healthy, cheerful,
All the best to you - words, gifts!
So that she also lives joyfully and happily,
May your days continue to be as bright!

Grandmother, beloved, the best in the world,
Happy birthday to you my dear,
These congratulations are for you today,
And with all my heart I wish you!
Good health, so as not to get sick,
Spring youth, so that it always blooms,
Everything you want you to have
And most importantly, that you be happy!

Accept, my grandmother, this bouquet,
Declaration of love, wish for a hundred years!
I kiss your golden hands,
Your eyes are blue like heaven...
I want you to always shine with happiness,
And the fact that the years fly by is not a problem!
You are our protector, our joy,
And the main thing is that you are nearby.
The spring of your pure soul cleanses,
Fills all our hearts with hope.
Let there be no separation between us,
Both children and grandchildren love you very much!!!

Granny is like a friend to me,
We love each other very much.
I will wish her happiness -
Congratulations on your birthday.
I promise not to be naughty
Come visit more often
And I’ll tell you, like a granddaughter -
Let the evil cloud go away
Let the sun laugh
A song flows from the heart.
Your kind eyes
Let no tears touch you!

Granny, dear, today is your holiday
It's your birthday and congratulations!
I wish you warmth, a lot of happiness,
I wish you good health!
Forgive me, grandma, I rarely call,
Forgive your granddaughter, accept congratulations.
You know, I love you very much,
And I wish you a happy birthday!

Grandma is kind, grandma is the best
I wish you a happy birthday!
You are my bright ray in this world,
And you are more and more dear to me day by day!
Be healthy dear grandmother,
May we all enjoy many more years!
You are the dearest, dearest!
Congratulations from your granddaughter - hello!

Granny, a bright, dear person,
Let me congratulate you on your birthday!
Be healthy, my love, forever,
You are worthy, dear, of admiration!
We wish you only a good journey,
Always be happy and smile!
And don’t be sad for a minute, darling,
Never get upset over little things.
Let your eyes shine with the sun,
Look at life more cheerfully from now on!
And let no bitter tears hurt,
Only joy will be your companion!

Beloved grandmother, dearest!
Happy birthday to you today.
You live now for at least a hundred more years
Without illnesses, sorrows, sorrows and without troubles.
You get up early in the morning with the sun every day,
You are never too lazy to bake pies.
I want more strength, wish you health,
So that you remember that you need to rest.
And I wish you harmony in the family,
May she always be strong and big.
May you be met with success in any endeavor.
The main thing is to remember: for your family you are the best!

May it be on my grandmother's birthday
May the Lord give her more days,
May she always make us happy
Here's to many more happy years!
What delicious treats she prepares,
And there is nothing more wonderful than strawberry jam,
She will feed everyone, without exception,
Her cooking is admirable!
I kiss your hands, dear grandmother,
I thank you for everything now!
Your reward is your grandchildren,
I give you the whole world today!

My star, my standard
And wisdom and strength.
I bow with all my heart
To my dear granny!
Bloom, be forever young,
Not knowing evil ailments,
With a dream in my blue heart,
Bathing in the affection of my grandchildren.
You are perfection, an example -
It's flattering to be your granddaughter.
May the Creator give you happiness,
Grandma is the best!

Irreplaceable, dear, golden,
Grandma, we congratulate you!
We want your home to be filled with joy,
So that happiness illuminates everything around!
Kiss your tender hands
With love, your husband, children, grandchildren...
Let the years rush by, but the soul only blossoms,
And your beauty does not fade!
Stay with us longer, dear,
Live in harmony, not knowing sorrows,
Let the bright light of the heart not fade away,
And know that there is no better person in the world!

Granny, dear kind,
There is no better person in the world!
You will always love me
Hug and give good advice.
Today I want to congratulate
Happy birthday to you,
Steel like the bars of health,
I want to wish you lovingly!
I want to wish you to smile,
Judging me, my granddaughter,
Granny, you are very much -
I love you, happy birthday to you!

Dear grandmother, we all need you,
You are the best one to find a way out of problems!
On this Day we wish you peace and goodness,
Sunlight, happiness and warmth!
Let the bright light of the heart not fade away,
There is no one more precious or more beautiful than you!
Be healthy, cheerful, always have fun,
Don’t be sorry that the years have flown by so quickly.
We are proud of your wisdom, know that
Meet your grandchildren today!
We celebrate birthday together as a family
And we wish grandma great joy!

My dear grandmother,
I want to wish you more.
I appreciate and respect you,
I want to hug and kiss.
When I was a baby
You read books to me.
You were kind and cheerful
And she never lost heart.
I wish you great health,
I wish you many long years.
I want to say with love -
There is no better person in the world.

Second mother, close person,
That's what I call my grandmother.
Let the snow whiten on your temples,
I congratulate my grandmother today!
Your holiday - your birthday - has arrived,
I want you to be happy with him.
I wish you good health and strength,
As in his youth, with the most perky look!

Let joy and happiness live in your heart,
New days will only bring good things.
Only good things, loving you very much,
I wish you a happy holiday, my granny.
I'm like a granddaughter, when I grow up,
I will immediately fulfill any dream.
I'll do everything I can for you.
Well, happy birthday, my granny!

In the morning, grandma, you are busy,
You always want to help us with everything,
You will always console and understand,
And whisper a kind word.
We wish grandma good health,
Let him get tired less.
Let it be marked by love
And this day, and the whole year.

For your gray hairs, grandma,
For love and kindness,
Happy Birthday!
You give everyone warmth
You carry joy through the years,
Loud laughter and warm hands.
And from your caring eyes
There is light in my soul.
So don't let them touch you
Vanity and chaos!
I love you, grandma!
I'm your granddaughter.

My dear granny,
I sincerely congratulate you,
Happy birthday, golden one,
I don’t know how life is without you.
You sang songs to me when I was a child,
Knitted socks and sweaters,
And she helped me out in fights,
She scolded me when I was wet.
Now I'm big, but with you
I will never tire of making friends
And I’ll gently stroke your hands,
I'll get a bouquet of flowers.

Dear granny,
May you know no evil.
So that you are happy
She took care of her health.
Have a nice, radiant day,
I wish you.
I am proud of my pure thoughts,
That I am your granddaughter.

Happy birthday my dear,
I can't find a better grandmother,
And today your grandson will wish,
Bloom everywhere on this day.
May success and wealth come,
May luck rush to you,
And sadness passes by.
Do what only your heart tells you to do.
So that profit flows like a river,
Joy flowed in my heart,
So that illnesses don’t break you,
To be strong like a rock.

You are always like a friend to me,
My dear grandmother.
Congratulations from the grandson
You better accept it.
Happy Birthday, Grandma,
Smile as always.
Know that I love you very much.
And let the years fly by
But as before, you are beautiful
And you are still kind.
You, with a pure, clear smile,
It's like a rose has bloomed.

Congratulations on your birthday,
My beloved granny,
Accept wishes from your grandson,
Like a linden tree, bloom in spring.
Prosperity, great attention,
Kindness, warmth, long years.
There is always understanding with the authorities,
And may you not encounter troubles.
Good luck, victories, prosperity,
Large salary increase
Always work according to your calling
Always be a calm soul.

My beloved granny,
Congratulations, my love.
Know that I and all my relatives,
We are glad to honor you!
Let the crazy years fly by
Let misfortunes await
I know you can handle it, grandma,
I know you can handle it by playing.
I wish you happiness
And I wish you well.
Remember, there is love in this world
Dear granddaughter!

You are too young,
To be called grandmother,
And on this day we hurry
We confess our love to you!
We wish you all.
Today, on my birthday,
Health, happiness, joy,
Hope and luck.
And may love be like a rainbow
Color your days!
From our entire family!

I want to congratulate grandma on this day,
Do you remember, you took me to kindergarten,
I really want to sing a beautiful song,
And get a star from the sky for you,
I want the light of your tender eyes,
Shore from trouble and grief,
Even in reality and in colorful dreams,
We will be secretive with you,
You know, dear, how dear I am,
Your smile is like a reward
Grandma, happy birthday to you,
May she always be by my side!

I congratulate you on your birthday,
My dear granny,
As a grandson, I wish you inspiration,
Thank you for my former life.
You are in my heart like a torch
You shine with an incomparable light,
And you illuminate the darkness of life,
Your light will dispel the darkness instantly.
Success, happiness, prosperity,
Fire in your eyes and happy days!
So that everyone's wishes come true,
And good news soon.

For me you are like a friend,
Even though she’s my grandmother!
Happy birthday wishes
Your granddaughter!

Let your years fly by -
Never give up!
Stay young!
With your head held high!

So that you don't know about diseases,
So that the grief recedes.
So that tears are only from happiness,
Let's leave to get out of the bad weather!

Happy birthday greetings to grandmother from granddaughter

Granny, dear, in you
The enthusiasm is only young!
All because there is no kinder
Your soul is great!

Kissing the faded cheek,
I see only beauty!
On your birthday I confess again,
I love my grandma so much!

Happy anniversary to grandma from granddaughter

There is nothing more tender in this world
My beloved grandmother!
You won't find a kinder person on the planet!
And today, on the anniversary,
I wish you happiness, dear,
For many many years to come,
You are always with me, I know!
Live a hundred years without knowing troubles!

Anniversary wishes for grandmother from granddaughter

It's my dear grandma's birthday!
I was getting ready for your anniversary with excitement,
There is so much I need to tell you in confidence,
After all, my childhood was warmed by your love.

You are unparalleledly beautiful even at this age.
There is peace and boundless strength in your gaze.
You always found a moment for me,
I loved your sparkling jokes.

I wish you the best granny in the world,
So that you can live for many years without getting sick,
Your wisdom gives me hope and strength,
Be always young and as beautiful.

Granny, beauty,
Smile, dear, don’t be sad,
How the years fly by.

For me you are as beautiful as ever,
You are like a bright sunshine
It’s not by chance that I call you that,
In the world better than grandma No!

And I wish you on your anniversary,
Be healthy, dear, never get sick,
Strength, joy, patience,
My grandma, happy birthday!

Happy anniversary greetings to grandmother from granddaughter in verse

You have been for me since childhood
Always a second mother.
She gave me so much in life,
She was my favorite!

Let it be, my grandmother,
On your holiday, on your birthday,
Your life will be happy,
In health and fun!

Touching anniversary greetings to grandmother from granddaughter

Dear Grandmother,
I congratulate you
And good health
I wish you!
I'll dance for you
I'll sing for you,
I'll kiss you, I'll hug you
My beloved.
You are so different
You're so kind
You are so cool
And so cheerful!
Be like this for many years
Let's say no to all the ailments!
You and I need
Win a ton of victories!

Beautiful congratulations on the anniversary to grandmother from granddaughter

Grandmothers are better, I’m sure not!
Your granddaughter will not forget you!
The main thing is long and joyful years,
And everything else will happen!
May your birthday give you
Strength and health, of course!
Less worries, troubles in fate,
To please us forever!

My dear granny,
Wishes from me.
Congratulations on your anniversary
Your glorious granddaughter.

I wish you to be healthy
Smile, don't mope.
Branded pies,
As always, feed me.

You are my grandma
My berry!
Forever young
You will always be there!

And soul and thought,
Are you going to be naughty?
On the anniversary of smiles
You will give to everyone!

I want health
Just wish
The rest is all up to you!
Just so as not to lose!

My dear granny,
Today is your anniversary,
I arrived like a bullet
To congratulate you quickly.

I love and adore you,
My dear, close person,
I wish you with all my heart
Live to a very long age.

Health, happiness, many grandchildren,
And the most delicious pies,
Let there never be boredom
Give us tenderness and love.

You, grandma, are just wow!
Strong mind and cheerful spirit.
Be a cheerful girl
Happy birthday in rock and roll style.

All I know is your “school”:
Songs instead of validol.
Be healthy, be free,
Always be a cool friend.

Happy anniversary, my grandmother,
Congratulations sincerely and tenderly!
Let life be yours
Bright, sunny, boundless.

I am so glad at this hour to say:
You are the best in the world!
I will never tire of wishing you happiness,
Let goodness and laughter surround you.

My beloved grandmother, dear,
I congratulate you on your anniversary!
I dream of being like you
Shine in the rays of wonderful beauty.

Grandma, I wish you health,
So that every day is filled with love.
May all your dreams come true,
So that everything is as you want.

There is no kinder person
Than granny. Happy anniversary!
I wish you to live to be 100 years old,
Be healthy and energetic.
So that there is no reason to be sad,
But there was only one holiday in life.

Grandma, this anniversary
Let it be full of positive things!
Be healthy and don't get sick,
Always calm and happy
Live to at least a hundred
Try to smile more often!
Let your dreams always
Will be easy to implement!

Dear grandma, on your anniversary
I hasten to congratulate you as soon as possible.
I wish you happiness and joyful days,
So that everything is as you can imagine.

May your health be stronger,
Let your home be also cozy and bright.
Congratulations, beloved grandmother,
Always remain more gentle and kind to everyone!

May there always be happiness
Bright joy warms.
Don't worry about bad weather
Every day will be sweet.

I am for my dear grandma
I wish you to be healthy.
I love you very much,
Happy anniversary, dear!

You have my grandma
Golden pens,
They work all day
For my beloved granddaughter!

You have my grandma
Heart of gold
Loving, kind,
The most dear!

I'm your grandma
I love you with all my heart,
On your birthday,
I give you this poem!

I want you to smile
Having listened to him,
I want them to come true
Everything, all your dreams!

Grandma, I sincerely congratulate you!
I wish to live a thousand years.
Happiness, wealth, success in work,
Let all sorrows melt in the water.

Like at eighteen - health and strength!
Always be so kind and sweet.
Faith, hope, love, beauty.
I want you to never cry.

Let the sun warm you forever,
Guardian angel protects.
In spite of all enemies and any troubles in life,
Always fill the whole world with your light.

You are a sorceress, grandma,
My fairy fairy.
You care about everyone
Strength and health without sparing.

Everything you touch
Whether it’s everyday life or something else,
One hundred percent it turns out
Everything is “alive” in your hands.

On your birthday I wish
You have many years and strength,
So that from your smile
A ray of happiness came out.

You are pure virtue
You are the queen of kindness.
No man is wiser.
I want to be like you.

Happy birthday, grandma!
Joy, tenderness and kindness
Let them watch you
May you be lucky in everything.

Let your health only get stronger,
Heart and soul sing
Life will be great
Gives happiness and comfort!

Dear Grandmother,
My listen to the verse.
There are no better girlfriends
Except the two of us.

You will always help
You will give me the advice I need.
You have no equal in the world
This is simply not the case.

I wish you
Light and goodness.
Be always healthy
May you be cheerful.

Smile to the world
As I do for you.
Just be happy
On Earth!

Dear grandma, happy birthday,
Today I say thank you
For pies, pancakes, jam,
Thank you for everything, everything, everything!

I wish you good health,
So that she does not know sorrows and troubles!
From the bottom of my heart I say with love:
There is no better granny in this world!

Happy birthday, grandma!
I'm knocking on your door again.
Can I tell you
Everything I want to express?

So invisible, invisible
You always create comfort
This is how you love selflessly
You are giving away your work.

And under this blue sky
May your life be long,
My dear, beloved, strong,
Wise, sensitive person.

Let the dawn greet you
Smiling from above,
Let sadness not darken
These are good traits.

At grandma's, let him be dear
The heart rings with joy,
Let nature give you strength,
And the Lord protects you.

My dear granny,
I congratulate you today,
And your whole family is gathered,
I wish you happiness and joy!

Live dearly for a long, long time,
Have fun and don't get sick!
And let the road be easy,
The world is always brighter with you!

Granny, beauty,
My good one!
Always be healthy
I wish you.

So that you don’t know grief,
She lived happily.
And I didn’t count the years

I admire you
You are an example for me.
As I see it, I smile,
You are the best - believe me!

Congratulations from granddaughter
Take it on your birthday.
There is no better grandmother in the world,
You, grandma, know that.

Be as kind and sweet
And young at heart,
And cheerful and beautiful,
Like a girl, naughty.

Let your eyes shine
Let comfort reign at home,
The pies are blazing on the stove,
They invite us to visit.
