If you don't get pregnant during ovulation. If you fail to get pregnant either the first or the second time, don’t despair.

How to get pregnant if you can’t figure out the right moment or if various factors are taken into account, but conception still does not occur? In order to understand this issue, let us remember female and male physiology.

Even in a healthy, young woman, pregnancy may not occur after a year of unprotected sexual activity. Why is this happening? It's simple - a woman can only get pregnant on certain days of the menstrual cycle, when ovulation occurs. That is, only 1-2 days a month can be effective in terms of conception. And at least 2 cycles a year are infertile, when ovulation does not occur at all.

If a woman cannot get pregnant for more than 1 year, then the doctor prescribes a full medical examination for both spouses.

Causes of infertility

1. Lack of ovulation. This can be caused by various pathologies. But let’s leave it to the doctors to figure this out, and we’ll look at the ways in which a woman can determine the absence of ovulation.

a) Using a basal temperature chart. Every day, for several cycles, it is necessary to measure the temperature in the rectum in the morning, and enter the data obtained into a special plate, then build a graph. Ovulation occurs approximately in the middle of the cycle; this is reflected on the graph as a sharp jump in temperature by at least 0.4 degrees, while the temperature becomes above 37 degrees. Many factors influence the accuracy of the measurement. Thus, intimate relationships shortly before the measurement can cause an increase in rectal temperature, although there was no release of the egg, therefore it is not possible to get pregnant during the “favorable” period.

b) Using a test. There is a test to determine pregnancy, and there is one to determine ovulation. They are similar in appearance, but not similar in their reactions. The second responds to the rise of luteinizing hormone, which occurs a few hours before the release of the egg.

c) According to various subjective symptoms. Observant and sensitive ladies may notice on this day unusual sensations or slight pain in the area of ​​one of the ovaries, more abundant vaginal discharge, and in some cases even an increase in sexual desire.

d) Ultrasound. But you will have to visit the ultrasound room several times. It turns out to be quite expensive both in terms of money and time.

We can say that the most common answer to the question “ why can't I get pregnant" is - "there is no ovulation."

To increase the likelihood of pregnancy, make love not every day, save your energy until the most favorable day in the cycle.

2. Obstruction of the fallopian tube or both tubes. Due to adhesions in the tube, the fertilized egg cannot penetrate the uterus and, at best, dies on the way to it, and at worst, it begins to develop in an organ that is not suitable for this, and then an ectopic pregnancy occurs - a very dangerous pathology that requires surgical intervention . The causes of tubal obstruction can be various inflammatory processes, previous operations on the fallopian tubes, etc. In such cases, you should not ask why you can’t get pregnant, but do everything to avoid an ectopic pregnancy. If the doctor deems it necessary, the adhesions will need to be cut. This is done laparoscopically. Afterwards you can plan your pregnancy.

3. Incompatibility of spouses. In fact, there is no such concept in medicine, but there are certain reasons that infertile couples perceive this way. These are pathologies associated with a woman’s immune system, as well as with the microflora of her vagina. Sometimes doctors cannot find the cause of infertility, and partners, if their couple breaks up, can have children in other marriages without problems (this is why the concept of “spousal incompatibility” arose).

The female body can reject sperm as foreign organisms. In this case, doctors prescribe the woman various medications to temporarily suppress the immune system.

In some cases, sperm are “killed” by aggressive vaginal microflora. This feature can be determined using the Shuvarsky-Huner test, the result of which can clarify the question of why you cannot get pregnant if the problem really lies in this feature.

4. Male factor. Male infertility can also be caused by a number of reasons, but all of them lead to either a decrease in the number of viable sperm or poor sperm motility. Hydrocele of the testicle, varicocele, cryptorchidism (a rare congenital pathology that is usually treated in childhood) and mumps (mumps), tuberculosis, taking steroid hormones - these are just a few reasons that can cause infertility.

In less serious cases, various folk methods and herbal infusions can promote pregnancy.

1. Make love in positions that promote deep penetration, preferably with the woman’s hips raised. Thus, sperm will reach the cervix faster, and their viability will remain longer if you do not wash the genitals with soap for 2-3 hours after sexual intercourse.

2. Douching with soda. It turns out that in this way you can not only get rid of thrush, but also create a favorable environment for sperm. It is recommended to douche 20 minutes before sexual intercourse.

3. Take decoctions of three herbs, brewed separately. These are hog queen, sage and red brush. These herbs are popularly known for their ability to help in the treatment of various female diseases. Many women's forums have topics dedicated to treatment with these herbs. Recommendations vary regarding the “correct” intake. You can take decoctions according to the phases of the cycle. But your gynecologist will tell you more precisely about this, if, of course, he is a supporter of herbal medicine.

If even then you cannot get pregnant, and the results of medical examinations are not reassuring, you can take radical measures. Of course, you can adopt a child - orphanages are overcrowded. Or you can try to conceive your own with the help of modern medical technologies. You can start with artificial insemination. The procedure is simple - seminal fluid is injected into the woman in a clinical setting directly into the vagina. In this way, a significantly larger number of sperm reach the cervix than during sexual intercourse, and the likelihood of conception increases.

But how to get pregnant if you can’t conceive this way? If it is not possible to carry out fertilization in a “standard” way, for example, a woman has no fallopian tubes or are in very poor condition, doctors suggest IVF or ICSI procedures. The procedures are expensive and do not always give positive results on the first try. However, for many infertile couples this is the only opportunity to become parents. Conception is carried out in a laboratory, then a fertilized egg, even several for safety, is implanted directly into the woman’s uterus. In addition, doctors can select only genetically healthy cells for replanting (this is very important if there is a high risk of a hereditary disease) and even the desired gender.

If, for some medical reason, a woman is unable to bear a child herself, she can take advantage of the far from selfless help of a surrogate mother. But this is quite risky, the woman who carried and gave birth to your child biologically may refuse to give it to you, and the law will be on her side...

To avoid such difficult decisions, do not delay visiting your doctor if you have been unable to get pregnant for more than 1 year. The sooner you start treatment, the higher its effectiveness will be.

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Every woman who dreams of a child knows well that without ovulation, conception will not occur. This short stage in the menstrual cycle is necessary, but does not guarantee fertilization. Why is it sometimes impossible to get pregnant, despite all efforts and setting the timing of ovulation? Why does the body fail?

How does ovulation occur?

An important physiological process - ovulation - with a standard menstrual cycle, which includes 28 days, occurs at the end of the second week. Sometimes women have a longer cycle, lasting 35 days. Then ovulation can be expected on the 20th day.

You can easily determine ovulation and the most favorable days for conception with the help of ours.

During this period, which lasts about 48 hours, the mature follicle ruptures and the egg, ready for fertilization, is released. Once it enters the fallopian tube, it begins to move along it. There, under favorable conditions, fertilization occurs, resulting in the formation of a zygote. On days 6–12, it moves into the uterus and becomes fixed. Pregnancy begins.

Conception does not always happen the first time. The chance of pregnancy during ovulation is about 30 percent in each cycle. This is to some extent influenced by the short lifespan of the egg. She dies a day after leaving the follicle. Sperm live longer and retain their functions for up to 5 days. That is why there is a high chance of getting pregnant not only during ovulation, but also 3 to 5 days before it. A strong sperm can easily wait until the egg is fully mature.

After the destruction of the egg, the probability of conception is zero. Ovulation divides a woman's cycle into two segments. In the first phase, lasting up to 16 days, the follicle matures.

In the second, the burst follicle transforms into the corpus luteum. It produces hormones necessary to maintain pregnancy. In the corpus luteum phase, fertilization is impossible, since there is no living egg.

  • If conception has occurred, the corpus luteum increases in size, actively producing progesterone. This happens for 4 months. Then the placenta takes over this function.
  • When fertilization does not occur, the production of hormones drops, the endometrial layer begins to be rejected, and menstruation begins 12–13 days after ovulation.

If you didn’t get pregnant during ovulation the first time, don’t wonder why, just don’t be upset. You need to continue intensive attempts, conception will definitely happen. When fertilization does not occur for six months, this is already an alarming signal. In this case, it is advisable to contact a good specialist to undergo a full examination and find out the cause of the failure.

Unable to conceive a child: reasons

When a woman has an ideal menstrual cycle, she correctly calculates the day of ovulation. With regular sexual intercourse, pregnancy occurs quickly. In case of its absence, the culprit is often a man.

Why are husbands often confident that their reproductive system is functioning without interruption, and blame their spouse for the fact that they cannot get pregnant? For representatives of the stronger sex, this is a serious blow to their pride, and therefore some of them refuse to go to the doctor for a check-up. You need to convince them to overcome themselves and decide to undergo an examination in order to detect the pathology in time and eliminate it.

Often a couple is unable to conceive a baby due to common problems in the reproductive function of men.

  • Low concentration or weak sperm activity. With this diagnosis, it is possible to become parents. The spouse must undergo an examination, take a spermogram and follow all the doctor’s instructions. Experts advise saving your energy and giving up sex a week before favorable days. The quality of sperm will noticeably improve. The method increases the chance of fertilizing an egg at ovulation the first time.
  • Sexually transmitted diseases. Many infections, especially gonorrhea and syphilis, become an obstacle to fatherhood.
  • Varicocele. A man often does not notice such a diagnosis; he feels healthy and full of energy. And a woman cannot get pregnant because her partner’s seminal canal is enlarged. With pathology, the temperature in the testicles rises, negatively affecting sperm. Unfavorable conditions make it difficult to conceive a baby the first and second time.

If a man’s examination does not reveal any negative factors, and he still cannot get pregnant, the reason may lie in the woman’s health. Despite the arrival of ovulation, the following diseases can prevent conception:

  • erosion or inflammation of the cervix;
  • endometriosis;
  • adhesions in the fallopian tubes.

In women, the production of mucus in the cervical canal is sometimes disrupted. If there is not enough of it, if it becomes too thick, sperm cannot get into the fallopian tubes for fertilization.

With endometriosis, endometrial cells that should only be found inside the uterus grow in the ovaries or tubes. This disease prevents conception and must be treated urgently.

Blocked fallopian tubes are a common problem among women that prevent them from getting pregnant the first time. During ovulation, the egg cannot be fertilized. The obstruction of the tube prevents it from meeting the sperm. The culprits of the disorder are inflammation, ectopic pregnancy or abortion. Adhesions are removed through surgery.

Sometimes a bent uterus prevents you from getting pregnant. In this case, you must not stop trying and change positions during sexual intercourse more often.

If, during the examination, the gynecologist discovered problems that prevent you from conceiving even on the day of ovulation, do not panic. Follow the doctor's recommendations, follow the instructions, and the long-awaited pregnancy will soon come.

What else prevents conception?

When a married couple’s tests are normal, but they are unable to become a mother and father for a long time, there may be several reasons.

  • Banal nervous tension. Scientists have studied the level of stress hormones for a long time and came to the conclusion that their high concentration greatly reduces the chances of getting pregnant.
  • Poor nutrition.
  • Bad habits such as cigarettes, alcohol, drugs. They must be abandoned forever. If a woman with such a set of addictions does become pregnant, it is almost impossible for her to reproduce healthy offspring.
  • Lack of vitamins and low immunity.
  • Age of future parents.

The older the couple, the more difficult it is to conceive a child the first time. In women, the ability of the egg to fertilize is reduced, and, despite the arrival of menstruation, ovulation does not occur regularly. In men, sperm motility decreases with age.

Relaxation, which includes physical therapy and breathing exercises, will help you get rid of stress. A doctor whom you completely trust will help you choose the right treatment method.

To get pregnant quickly on the first day of ovulation, change your lifestyle. Pay special attention to proper nutrition. This will strengthen the body, make it healthy and strong.

  • For successful fertilization, you need vegetables and fruits filled with vitamins and minerals. They contain many antioxidants that remove harmful molecules from tissues. Regularly eating colorful fruits, such as blueberries or red peppers, will provide your body with nutrients.
  • It is useful to eat flaxseed. This is a good source of fatty acids necessary for the expectant mother. Flax seeds are easy to buy at the pharmacy. Grind them with a coffee grinder and add to porridge or other food.

To get pregnant on the first day of ovulation, give up coffee. Why is this necessary? Caffeine constricts blood vessels and slows blood flow to the uterus. This negatively affects the implantation of a fertilized egg.

Don't forget about the man. He also needs to lead a healthy lifestyle, drink a lot of water a day and follow a diet that enriches the body with selenium and zinc. These minerals influence the healthy development of sperm.

Sooner or later, all couples begin to think about a child. For some reason, most of the couples who want to become parents believe that this will happen very quickly, they just need to stop using protection and make love as often as possible. However, in reality everything is far from so simple. So, is it possible to get pregnant the first time and how to increase your chance?

From this article you will learn several ways that can help you conceive a baby faster. The rest depends on you and your partner, on your health and, of course, luck.

Pregnancy cannot occur on any day of the menstrual cycle, but only at the moment when an egg, ready for fertilization and awaiting sperm, leaves the ovary. This day is called ovulation. As is known, the viability of an egg remains at best for two days (48 hours), but most often - only 24 hours. It is for this reason that it is extremely important to learn how to correctly calculate ovulation. As a rule, on this day a woman notices an increase in the amount and a change in the consistency of vaginal discharge. They become slimy and stretchy.

Thanks to the research of the Japanese gynecologist Ogino and the Austrian Knaus, a natural method of contraception was discovered, as well as a way to get pregnant the first time, which is that a woman can conceive only on favorable days. Such days are the period after ovulation, that is, days 14-15 of the menstrual cycle.

Ovulation directly depends on the duration of the menstrual cycle, because the egg matures approximately in the middle of the cycle. It should be emphasized that the average duration of the menstrual cycle is 28 days, with this cycle ovulation occurs on days 14-15, so the highest probability of getting pregnant the first time exists during this period.

But, ovulation can also occur on another day from the 13th to the 17th, due to which five more favorable days are added during which conception can occur. Undoubtedly, it is worth mentioning that another 4 days before the onset of this period can also be considered favorable, because sperm are able to live in the female body for 3-4 days.

If the menstrual cycle is short, then ovulation occurs earlier, if the cycle is long, then later.

By drawing up your personal calendar of days favorable for conception, you will not only find out what the probability of getting pregnant the first time is, but you will also be able to determine the days on which the possibility of conceiving a baby is greatest.

Determining ovulation by measuring basal temperature

Many women who want to get pregnant the first time calculate the days most suitable for conception by constructing a special chart based on basal temperature measurements.

The fact is that in the first half of the menstrual cycle, the temperature in the rectum or vagina does not rise above 36.9 degrees. Immediately before ovulation, it decreases slightly, and after the release of the egg it increases sharply, becoming above 37 degrees. And if you really want to calculate whether it is possible to get pregnant the first time, it is important not to miss this moment, since ovulation occurs only once per menstrual cycle, and, moreover, not every month. Once or twice a year, and sometimes more, every woman experiences so-called anovulatory (“sterile”) cycles. They can also be seen on charts.

Basal temperature should be measured in the morning, immediately after waking up. It should be noted that measurements must be performed strictly at the same time; the thermometer is inserted to a depth of 4-5 cm.

All measurement data is entered on the graph. On the vertical axis of the graph you mark the temperature shown by the thermometer, and on the horizontal axis you mark the days of the menstrual cycle. Keeping such a graph for several months, you will see that before the temperature rises, there is a short decline. Based on this, the beginning of ovulation will be considered 1/2 days before the temperature rises or the period that occurs between the decline in temperature and the beginning of its rise.

Determining the right days to conceive using home tests

One of the most modern and simplest ways to determine pregnancy is tests. But be prepared for the fact that you will have to “test” for several days in a row. Please note: when 2 stripes appear - to the point.

With the help of home tests, you can effectively calculate favorable days for quick conception and the chance of getting pregnant the first time. Their action is based on the principle of determining the increase in the quantitative ratio of LH (luteinizing hormone). All tests can be divided into two groups: test strips and devices.

Devices are essentially mini-microscopes equipped with an electronic calendar and memory. As strange as it may seem, they determine hormonal levels using saliva and urine. Such devices include: the Russian “Eva-test” and the American-made MaybeMOM device.

Such devices have a lifetime warranty and are designed for repeated use.

Test strips They are small flat pieces of paper soaked in a special reagent. In order to determine the time of ovulation, you need to lower this strip into the urine and wait for the second stripe to appear. Unfortunately, these tests are extremely inaccurate. Their positive outcome depends entirely on the correctness and accuracy of all actions.

Tablet tests. The results of such tests are considered more reliable than the results of test strips. They are usually plastic cases with a small window to view the results. Please note that tablet tests are extremely simple and comfortable to use. To determine the result, you should place the open absorbent component under a stream of urine and after 5 seconds. A bright colored stripe appears on the scoreboard or not.

Inkjet tests. The most reliable assistants in getting pregnant after the first time are jet tests. To date, they provide the most accurate results for determining ovulation. Unlike other tests, inside them there is a layer of special particles that attach to the hormone if it is present in the urine. It should also be noted that sexual intercourse 2-4 days before ovulation can be very effective. This is explained by the ability of sperm to not die in the female genital tract for a long time.

Oral contraceptives

This, as is known, is one of the means of contraception, but with their help it turns out that it is possible to slightly “stimulate” ovulation in cases where it does not occur often. The trick is that while taking birth control pills (oral contraceptives), ovulation does not occur, therefore, the ovaries seem to be “resting”. When you stop taking the pills, they begin to work twice as actively, as a result of which you can get pregnant the first time. Doctors are well aware of this OK effect and often recommend it to many infertile couples. In this case, it is recommended to take the tablets for 3-4 months.

But do not forget that OK has a fairly extensive list of contraindications, and even if the doctor did not find them for you, do not be too lazy to study the annotation on your own before you start swallowing the pills.

How to calculate the favorable time of conception according to the lunar calendar

In addition to the menstrual cycle, there is also the so-called lunar cycle, which depends directly on the lunar phases. The decisive point when calculating the days of conception according to the lunar calendar is the phase in which the Moon was at the time of the woman’s birth. The lunar cycle is counted from this time. The favorable time for conception, accordingly, will fall on the same phase of the Moon, regardless of the menstrual cycle.

For example: if a lady was born on a full moon, then her most suitable days for conception will fall throughout her life precisely on the full moon and the time two days before it. If at the time of the woman’s birth there was a new moon, then, accordingly, days favorable for conception will also fall on the new moon and the time 2 days before it. In this case, nothing depends on the menstrual cycle.

Astrological points important for successful conception

The Vedic concept of family prohibits sexual union of spouses during the day, or during dusk or dawn - only at night. Ancient texts say that a person who has sexual intercourse during the day shortens his life. Tuesday, as well as Saturday and Sunday, according to the Vedas, are ruled by malefic planets, based on the beliefs of Vedic astrology. These are Saturn, Mars and the Sun. These days are considered unfavorable for conception.

The best zodiac signs that rule the days for conception are Taurus, Cancer, Gemini, Virgo, Leo, and Libra.

Malefic planets should not disturb by conjunction or aspect the appropriate influence of the Ascendant and the zenith point. It is worth mentioning that Jupiter should occupy a powerful and favorable position in the natal chart. In this case, it is better that the 1st house and 8th house are empty.

Intimate details

The ability to correctly determine the moment of ovulation is, naturally, a huge plus. It should be noted that although you can get pregnant after the first time, and despite the fact that at this time the chances are much higher, nevertheless, one cannot give a 100% guarantee. After all, the question of why you couldn’t get pregnant the first time is very multifaceted.

Failure to get pregnant can be the result of any pathologies: female (for example, caused by adhesions in the fallopian tubes), or male (there are not enough living sperm in the semen or they are inactive). Be that as it may, but with insignificant deviations, pregnancy can still occur almost immediately, provided that the position for sexual intercourse is correctly selected. It is important to remember that you should not bathe or douche immediately after intercourse.

Many couples do not think that the success of conception largely depends on the chosen position, not only during sexual intercourse, but also after it. After all, the more sperm remains in the vagina, and the longer it stays there, the higher the chances of getting pregnant the first time. You can independently choose such a position by trial, so to speak, experimentally, or use the advice of “experienced” people.

Having studied women's forums, we can conclude that the most effective position is in which a woman lies on her stomach, having previously placed a pillow under her pelvis. The doctor may object to this that it is also necessary to take into account the position of the cervix; it may be tilted forward or backward. It is best to consult the gynecologist with whom you regularly undergo examinations about posture.

Here’s another interesting recommendation: if you didn’t get pregnant the first time, it’s advisable to douche with a weak soda solution before sexual intercourse. This is not only an effective way to combat thrush, but also to create ideal conditions for the long-term life of sperm in the vagina.

This, of course, is not the entire list of folk, pseudo-scientific and medical ways to get pregnant the first time. However, you shouldn’t get too hung up on this topic, tormented by the fact that you didn’t get pregnant the first time. After all, a lot also depends on your psychological mood. Constant stress can lead to a lack of ovulation.

Wishing you a speedy pregnancy!


Attempts to conceive a child do not yield quick results for all married couples. Gynecologists give expectant parents an average of 6-12 months of unprotected sex before they start to worry.

Over the course of a year of regular sexual intercourse, it is recommended to track your ovulation time to increase your chances of conceiving. But in some cases, even a favorable fertile period does not work, and pregnancy does not occur. Why does this happen and how to fix it?

Is it always possible to get pregnant during ovulation?

A successful intrauterine pregnancy occurs when an egg leaves the ovary (oocyte), meets a sperm, then implants in the endometrium of the uterus and begins to develop.

On the part of the woman, the main condition for pregnancy is the maturation of the dominant follicle in the ovary containing the egg. Contrary to popular belief, this does not happen every menstrual cycle (MC).

Therefore, even regular unprotected sexual intercourse does not lead to the desired pregnancy in the current month. This is not considered a deviation: every woman can have several cycles without ovulation during the year.

But sometimes the reason for unsuccessful attempts to conceive a baby is different. What other factors cause failure in future parents? Read on.

What can interfere with conception - an overview of the main factors

Failing to get pregnant is not a death sentence. If you have just started trying and are not pregnant yet, do not rush to panic.

Perhaps the reason lies in banal errors in calculating the fertile period, as well as external factors that are easy to eliminate.

Incorrect calculation of auspicious day

Ovulation occurs in the middle of the menstrual cycle. For example, if menstruation occurs once every 28 days, then the egg leaves the ovary on the 14th day. There is a lot of medical literature on how to correctly calculate the ovulatory period, but many people still make mistakes in their calculations. Most often, the main mistake lies in the incorrect interpretation of the beginning and end of the MC.

It is correct to consider the first day of menstruation, the one on which bleeding began, to be the beginning of the cycle. Some women consider the period of menstruation to be a kind of “blind spot”, and begin to count the MC from the day the menstruation ends. And this leads to an error in calculating the day of ovulation and unsuccessful attempts to get pregnant.

The first day of menstruation is considered the beginning of the follicular phase of MC, when, under the influence of sex hormones, a new follicle begins to mature in the ovary.

This phase lasts two weeks and ends with ovulation. Different women may have different cycle lengths, and in each case you need to make an individual calculation of the day of ovulation.

This is a simple task: divide the number of days in the MC by two, and determine in the calendar the end date of the first half of the cycle. You need to retreat from it for two days in both directions - these five days are the fertile period, when the probability of conception is highest.

For example, the MC lasts 26 days. Dividing 26 by 2, we get 13. Therefore, ovulation should occur on the 13th day after the start of menstruation. It is advisable to have an active sex life with a partner from 11 to 15 days, because... the egg may leave the follicle a little earlier or later.

Tubal obstruction

It also happens that the egg leaves the follicle, but cannot enter the uterus to meet the sperm due to mechanical obstruction of the fallopian tube.

In healthy women, a mature egg leaves the ovary and is captured by the so-called. cilia of the fallopian tube, which move inward in response to the rhythm of the heartbeat. The egg travels through the fallopian tube into the uterine cavity in a few hours.

Due to chronic inflammatory or adhesive processes in the appendages, obstruction of the fallopian tubes occurs, and the egg cannot pass from the ovary to the uterus. Under these conditions, the chances of pregnancy are low.

There is also the risk of ectopic pregnancy, when the sperm manages to penetrate the fallopian tube, and the fertilized egg is retained and attached to the wall of the tube. This is an unfavorable scenario, posing a threat of pipe rupture and severe blood loss.

Endometriosis and endometritis

Inflammation of the uterine mucosa - endometritis, as well as pathological proliferation of endometrial epithelial cells - endometriosis - are considered one of the most common causes of female infertility. Under these conditions, the uterine lining is unable to accept an egg, even if it is fertilized by a sperm.

Another scenario for the development of events with endometritis and endometriosis is spontaneous termination of pregnancy (miscarriage) during the first weeks after conception. The inflammatory process provokes rejection of the endometrium along with the fertilized egg.

Progesterone deficiency of the second phase of the cycle

The menstrual cycle is divided into two phases. The first is follicular, during which the dominant follicle containing the egg matures. After the ovulatory peak, which lasts 24 hours, the second phase of MC begins - the progesterone phase.

At this time, at the site of the burst follicle, the so-called. The corpus luteum is a temporary gland that produces the hormone progesterone. Under its influence, the endometrium proliferates, which thickens and fills with blood to receive a fertilized egg.

If for some reason an insufficient amount of progesterone is produced, the uterus becomes unable to accept the fertilized egg, and pregnancy does not occur.

Medicines taken by partners

In gynecology, there is a method of stimulating ovulation when the ovaries are first put into hibernation mode using conventional hormonal contraceptives for several months.

After discontinuation of COCs (combined oral contraceptives), the so-called. rebound effect, when the ovaries “wake up” and release several eggs at once. While taking the pills, ovulation does not occur under the influence of the progestin component in the drug. After stopping treatment, it takes several months for them to start working again.

Some medications can also reduce fertility in both partners. Various antidepressants, ulcer medications, antibiotics, and antihypertensive drugs reduce fertility by affecting sperm quality and ovarian function.

Sexually acquired infections

Sexually transmitted infectious diseases are another cause of difficulties in conceiving in partners. Syphilis, gonorrhea, chlamydia and even common herpes often cause hidden chronic inflammation of the uterine mucosa, which makes pregnancy impossible.

Varicocele in men

Varicocele - dilation of the veins of the spermatic cord - is one of the common urological pathologies in men that worsens reproductive function. This is a process similar to varicose veins of the lower extremities: the veins in the male genital organs turn out to be pathologically dilated.

The blood vessels supplying the testicles are a continuation of the greater vena cava and the renal vein, located in the abdominal cavity. Increased blood pressure in them leads to dilation of the veins of the spermatic cord - varicocele.

As a result of this pathological process, the blood supply to the testicles is disrupted and, as a result, the quality of the seminal fluid deteriorates. The chances of fertilization of the egg naturally decrease.

Bad spermogram

On the male side, the main factor in successful conception is the quality of the seminal fluid. The sperm must contain a sufficient number of healthy, motile sperm capable of moving through the female reproductive tract towards the egg.

Sometimes, as a result of laboratory analysis of seminal fluid - spermogram - doctors discover:

  • a small number of sperm in a portion of sperm;
  • complete absence of sperm in the ejaculate;
  • sluggish, inactive sperm;
  • violation of the shape of the heads and flagella of germ cells.

All these factors do not allow sperm to fertilize the egg, which makes pregnancy impossible in principle.

From this video you can learn more about the reasons why the desired pregnancy does not occur:

Anovulatory female cycle

During the year, a girl has several anovulatory menstrual cycles, when the follicle in the ovary does not mature. In this case, menstrual bleeding occurs as usual.

In healthy women, 1-2 anovulatory MCs per year are not a pathology. Lack of ovulation is often due to hormonal changes. The female reproductive system is a delicate and complex mechanism, sensitive to external factors.

For example, various factors can inhibit ovulation:

  • stress;
  • past illnesses and surgeries;
  • taking medications;
  • flight to another climate zone;
  • abuse of cigarettes and alcohol.

Because of them, the process of follicle maturation slows down this month, which will be successfully completed in the next MC. But if several cycles in a row occur without ovulation, you need to consult a gynecologist.

He will prescribe hormonal examination and folliculometry - ultrasound monitoring of the ovaries during several MCs. If a violation is detected, the specialist will prescribe hormonal medications that normalize the functioning of the ovaries.

Why is there no repeat pregnancy?

Sometimes women who easily became pregnant and successfully gave birth to their first child cannot conceive a second child. At the same time, both spouses are healthy, so for doctors and for the parents themselves, the reason for the failure becomes a mystery.

Gynecologists name several possible factors why a woman fails to conceive a second baby:

  1. Ovarian depletion (especially if the first child was difficult or with the use of assisted reproductive technologies).
  2. General exhaustion of the body, especially if 6-9 months have not passed after the first birth.
  3. Not restored menstrual cycle after childbirth.
  4. Mother's age after 35 years.
  5. New spouse.
  6. Infections of the genital tract as a consequence of pathological childbirth.
  7. Hormonal disorders after childbirth.

If a woman wants to have another child almost immediately after the first birth, this will be problematic due to natural hormonal processes. Within 6-12 months after birth, the reproductive system is restored, including the functioning of the hypothalamic-pituitary system and the ovaries.

Important! Regular breastfeeding after childbirth causes the so-called. lactational amenorrhea, when the ovaries are in “standby mode” for 6-9 months after childbirth. Weaning the baby off the breast will force them to “turn on” again.

Conscious parenting, when spouses take a responsible approach to the issue of conceiving a future baby, can reduce many negative factors that impede the conception, bearing and birth of a healthy child. Expectant mothers and fathers should check their health at the planning stage to rule out possible problems.

A year before the expected conception, parents must undergo a full medical examination. The expectant father needs to be tested for sexually transmitted infections and a spermogram, as well as undergo a urological examination to exclude testicular pathologies. The expectant mother should take a hormonal mirror test and check for the absence of inflammatory and adhesive processes in the uterus and appendages.

Another important point is the examination of partners for genetic and chromosomal diseases. In practice, it happens that one or both spouses turn out to be carriers of hereditary diseases that are passed on to the child (for example, hemophilia, Leber congenital amaurosis).

If no factors preventing the conception of a child are found, the spouses can safely have sexual intercourse without protection. According to statistics, pregnancy occurs within 2-12 months.

In parallel with medical examinations, the husband and wife must give up bad habits, eliminate smoking and alcohol, and adjust their diet.

The expectant mother especially needs to take special vitamin-mineral complexes containing folic acid, vitamins A, B, E and D, calcium, phosphorus, iron and other micro- and macroelements. This will prepare the body for conceiving and bearing a child, as well as reducing the likelihood of complications during pregnancy.

What to do if you can't get pregnant

If attempts to conceive a child fail one after another, parents, especially the expectant mother, need to remain calm.

Firstly, stress and anxiety only aggravate possible problems and further reduce the likelihood of conception.

Secondly, worry is always unproductive and takes up a lot of mental energy that spouses could direct in a constructive direction.

If pregnancy does not occur within 6-12 months of regular sexual activity without contraception, you should consult a doctor and undergo a hormone test, as well as have your reproductive organs examined by ultrasound. Both women and men need to do this, because... In half of the cases, the cause of infertility in a married couple is problems on the part of the man.

The psychological reasons for failure when trying to conceive a child should not be written off. It happens that a woman or both spouses are not yet mentally ready for parenthood, which triggers psychosomatic processes that block reproductive function.

It often happens that after working with a psychologist, people solve their problems and become parents.

All folk advice based on herbal treatment, spells, checking the horoscope and other methods are not recognized by official medicine.

But no one will forbid future parents from using the advice of “grandmothers” if it increases confidence and helps reduce emotional stress. In psychology, this is called the anchoring method, when a person, through various rituals and other illogical actions, creates for himself the illusion of control of the situation and thereby relieves nervous tension.

But the most rational and effective behavior strategy for future parents experiencing difficulties conceiving remains timely seeking medical help, a full medical examination and following the recommendations of the attending physician.


Ovulation does not occur every menstrual cycle, so spouses do not need to be upset if conception does not occur in the current month.

If you correctly calculate the fertile period, the chances of getting pregnant will increase, provided there are no hormonal disorders, as well as inflammatory, adhesive and infectious diseases of the genital organs in both spouses. It never hurts to undergo a medical examination to rule out possible pathologies in the reproductive sphere.
