How to raise your spirit. Exercises to develop unshakable fortitude

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Loss of spirit is a condition in which a person feels:

  • Exhaustion of physical and mental strength;
  • Mood swings;
  • Pessimistic view of things;
  • Desire for privacy and interruption/reduction of social contacts, even with loved ones and family;

This is a lack of human internal resources that help to withstand difficulties from the outside world. When asked: “How are you?”, such people often answer: “Everything is bad” or “Everything seems fine, but something is wrong.” Neither fish nor fowl…

There are many reasons:

  • Loss of meaning in life when a person does not understand who he is and why he lives;
  • Health problems, when all a person’s strength and resources are spent on treating or restoring physiological defects;
  • Loss of loved ones and significant people;
  • Wrong choice or fear of choice, which entails living in unacceptable conditions, etc.

It is important to understand that factors that directly influence the decline of mental strength will always exist. This does not depend on our place of residence, contacts or economic situation in the country.

A person cannot influence many aspects. But our attitude to what is happening definitely depends on ourselves. The following tips will help lift your spirit and tune your body to a different perception of reality, which implies lightness and peace.

Understand the reasons

Understanding the cause of internal decline is extremely important for overcoming it. Think about what could serve as a starting point.

Perhaps there was some event that led to similar consequences? Injury? Unpleasant conversation or misunderstanding?

Sometimes people, having not coped with something or solved a problem, focus all their attention on this and, accordingly, spend mental strength, if not on overcoming, then on internally experiencing the situation. And this is draining.

Thus, if you have identified the reason for the current state of affairs, consider the option of removing the burden of worrying about something that does not depend on you.

Utility bills have been increased. Sad and unpleasant. And how can you influence this? No way. Therefore, focus your attention and review the family budget, or think about.

These energy expenditures are more constructive and effective than giving up one’s positions and ineffective mental suffering.

What do I really want

If it is impossible to determine the true cause, this may indicate an existential crisis, a search for the meaning of life and what is happening in it, one’s place and the correctness of the chosen path.

The following exercise will help you figure this out.

  1. Take a sheet of paper and divide it into four parts:
    1) I want and I do;
    2) I don’t want to, but I do;
    3) I want, but I don’t;
    4) I don’t want to, and I don’t do it.
  2. Now analyze your activities in all its manifestations and write down the results under each item, from brushing your teeth in the morning to working on passing a bill.
  3. Rate the list. How much activity is there in points 2 and 3?
  4. Now drag things from points 2 and 3 to points 1 and 4.

As soon as you manage to do this in practice, your life will noticeably improve and be filled with new colors.

Throwing out trash

Depression is a situation where we spend too much energy on unnecessary things. These are unnecessary things, contacts, activities, thoughts.

Analyze your life for the importance of everything that takes place in it.

Perhaps you have too many friends and acquaintances with whom you meet too often and it is draining? Or are there old and unnecessary things gathering dust in your apartment that you haven’t used for years? Or do you perform the same action every day without understanding its meaning (clean your shoes with cream every morning, even though they are not dirty)?

Get rid of it.

  • Don't do things that give you trouble and don't fill you with energy.
  • Don't do anything that doesn't make sense to you.
  • Engage in enjoyable activities, things that bring you pleasure.

You don’t have to quit your job, but it’s worth getting yourself a hobby or hobby that resonates with you as an individual.

Seek help from a psychologist

It will not only help you understand the reasons for your bad mood and loss of cheerfulness, but will also demonstrate suitable and acceptable ways to regain what you have lost.

Psychologists often discuss problems of psychological health, but rarely address the question of precisely defining what psychological stability or fortitude is. From my point of view, fortitude means that you can manage your emotions, manage your thoughts and behave positively, despite the circumstances. Developing fortitude means finding the courage to live by your values ​​and being confident enough in yourself to define what success is for yourself.

Mental strength is more than just willpower, it requires serious work and dedication. This is about developing healthy habits and consciously choosing to dedicate your time and energy to self-improvement.

Although it is easier to feel strong in spirit when life is simple and serene, it is often in the whirlpool of tragic events that true strength of spirit is fully manifested. Developing skills that build resilience is the best way to prepare for life's inevitable challenges.

There are many exercises that help develop mental strength. Here I present five exercises with which you can begin this work:

We all have developed core beliefs about ourselves, our lives, and the world in general. Our core beliefs develop over time and are largely influenced by our past experiences. Whether you are aware of your beliefs or not, they influence your thoughts, your behavior and your emotions.

Sometimes core beliefs limit you and are ineffective. For example, if you are convinced that you will never achieve success in life, you will simply not be ready to apply for a new job and, as a result, will perform poorly in interviews. In this way, your core beliefs can become a self-fulfilling prophecy.

Identify your core beliefs and evaluate them. Identify your beliefs that the world is divided into black and white, and then look for exceptions to this rule. There is very little in life that is defined by the words “always” or “never.” Changing your core beliefs takes dedicated, serious work, but it can change your entire life.

2. Spend your mental energy wisely

It is ineffective to spend all the power of your intellect constantly thinking about what is beyond your control, because... this quickly depletes your energy reserves. The more you think about negative problems that you cannot solve, the less energy you will have for creativity and creation. For example, there is no point in sitting and worrying about the weather forecast. If a strong hurricane is heading towards you, your worries will not stop it. However, you can take it and prepare for it. Focus only on what is under your direct control.

Save your mental strength to do good things, such as solving problems or setting goals. When your thoughts become ineffective, make an effort on yourself and direct your mental energy to thinking about more useful topics. The more you practice the “smart” distribution of your mental energy, the sooner it will become your habit.

3. Replace negative thoughts with useful ones.

Most of us don't think about how we think, but becoming more aware of our thinking habits can be beneficial for our mental resilience. Exaggerated negative thoughts, such as “I'm doing everything wrong,” hold you back from reaching your full potential. Keep your negative thoughts in check, do not let them get out of your control and influence your behavior.

Identify negative thoughts and replace them with positive thoughts. Helpful thoughts do not have to be entirely positive, but they must be realistic. A more harmonious formulation might be: “I have weaknesses, but I also have many strengths.” Changing your thoughts requires constant monitoring, but this process can become a tool that will help you become a better person.

4. Practice acceptable discomfort.

Being mentally strong does not mean that you should not express emotions. Of course, fortitude requires you to have a high awareness of your emotions in order to more adequately choose your answer and reaction. Strength of spirit is manifested in acknowledging your feelings without subjugating them.

Strength of mind also means that you understand when to act contrary to your emotions. For example, if you experience anxiety that prevents you from trying new things or taking advantage of new opportunities, try to get out of your comfort zone if you want to test your strength. Dealing with unpleasant emotions calmly takes practice, but it will become easier for you as your self-confidence increases.

Try to behave like the person you want to become. Instead of saying: “Oh, I wish I could be more sociable!”, start behaving more openly, and it doesn’t matter whether you feel like such a person or not. Often some discomfort is even necessary to achieve greater success, and a calm attitude towards such discomfort can turn your dreams into reality, this will not happen immediately, but gradually.

5. Celebrate your results daily

In today's hectic world, there is very little time for quiet, serious reflection. Set aside time for yourself daily to review your progress in developing mental strength. At the end of the day, ask yourself what new things you have learned about your thoughts, emotions and behavior. Think about what you want to improve or do tomorrow.

Developing fortitude is a constant, never-ending work. There are always things that need improvement, and at times it will feel like it's harder than ever. The habit of analyzing your successes will help you strengthen your ability to understand what success is for you while living by your values.

Posted by Amy Morin, a licensed social psychologist in Lincoln, Maine. In addition to her psychotherapeutic practice, she also holds the position of adjunct instructor in psychology at the university and is an expert on parenting adolescents on the


The first step that needs to be taken to gain inner integrity is to accept the full degree of responsibility for. Do not look for the guilty and face the blows of fate with your head held high. Everything that happens is actually your doing, it’s just sometimes difficult to admit it. No one can force us to do something against our will. Each choice is an independent decision. Once you realize this, life will become much easier.

Try to understand. Most often, when communicating with people, we hear only what they tell us, without paying attention to the words spoken. However, not one is born out of nowhere. Anger and sarcasm most often hide the fear of showing weakness. And feigned neglect is nothing more than the fear of being rejected. Try to hear and sympathize. Strength lies in the ability to recognize your own and forgive someone else's weakness.

Act according to your conscience. When we start pretending and looking for excuses for our actions, it only means that something is going wrong. You often have to pay too dearly for momentary success. Don't treat people badly. By committing unsightly acts, we thereby saw off the branch on which we sit. As a rule, all committed actions come back to us like a boomerang.

Be yourself and don't regret anything. Sometimes, when a person finds himself in a new team, he tries to adapt, breaking his foundations and principles for the sake of society. Of course, there is no point in showing “stupid stubbornness” either. But if you, stepping over yourself, begin to do something or not do something just because everyone else is doing it, this is a completely different question. Be yourself, calm and reasonable, and people with a similar worldview will be drawn to you, and those with whom you are not on the same path will fall away on their own.

The most important thing is to live in the present. We cannot change the past; the only reasonable tactic is to accept it as it is and not repeat past mistakes. The future has not yet arrived, so we can only influence today.

For effective combat and confrontation with the enemy, as many trainers say, physical strength alone is not enough - you need to be strong in spirit. It is this “layer” between your body and your inner self that allows you to use less strength, energy and body movements in battle than your opponent.


Remember: spirit is not only a psychological component, but also a physical one. Collectively, all these are psychotechnics and techniques. To train the spirit means to learn to use your body and control your emotions, skillfully managing your power through your thinking, rather than blindly reflexing to an attack.

Use special psychotechniques to train your spirit: autogenic training (it has been used for these and other purposes in domestic sports for a very long time), non-standard behavior and techniques during combat, high-speed study of strategy, combat tactics, meditation, study of external psycho- and physiological characteristics manifestations of emotions in battle. Take an interest in psychic techniques in other arts (Asians, for example, are unsurpassed masters in this area).

Read some literature first. One of the best books is “Jeet Kune Do” by Bruce Lee; it also has a philosophical side, not just a technical one. Also use exercises before training or fighting; for example, close your eyes and imagine how the full moon is reflected on the completely smooth surface of the lake. If you see even weak waves, then you are not calm; if the surface is like a mirror, feel free to train or go into battle.

Learn techniques for entering the so-called combat trance. Choose an opponent who is equal in strength to you or even obviously stronger than you; offer to arrange sparring - without aggression, i.e. like a friend.

Develop lateral vision (not to be confused with looking sideways) - this means that at a long distance your gaze is directed into the eyes of the enemy; but at the same time - on his entire body - the result is disorientation of the enemy, because he does not understand the reason why you are looking “through him”. At a closer distance, the gaze must be shifted to the middle part of the body, so that absolutely everything can be seen with peripheral vision. If there are many opponents, remember the phrase “look into nothing, but perceive everyone” - that is, even those who are behind you. And only at close range you will not have time to look; here you need to rely on sensations.

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Not many people can say about themselves that they are strong in spirit. You should not confuse physically strong people with strong spirit. In the first case, people are strong - they reach heights in sports, for example. In the second case, a person knows how to soberly assess the situation and make the right decision, he has willpower, he can sacrifice himself for the sake of a loved one. It is very important to gain fortitude, since it is this quality that makes a person strong-willed, purposeful, and confident.


Think about what causes you fear and weakness. It is known that by understanding and overcoming these feelings, you will gain strength of mind. Just be honest with yourself. Remember a situation from life - for example, you are afraid to start a conversation first. What is this fear? Maybe you are afraid of being rejected and misunderstood? Analyze all findings. A good way is to create fear every time, over time it will fade away.

If something doesn’t work out for you, don’t get upset and don’t give up; failures should spur you on to be the best and continue to improve. That is, go forward, no matter what. Stumbled on the way? Get up and move on with your head held high.

Set a goal for yourself, develop a plan to achieve it. You can even break it down into several small tasks. Follow strictly your goals without being distracted by various factors. But keep in mind that there must be one goal. Once you reach it, put another one.

You also have to believe in yourself, say that you can and will achieve what you want. Avoid criticism of yourself. A person has the right to make mistakes, so do not exclude them.

Boost your self-esteem. To do this, do not compare yourself with other people, constantly remember your achievements, reflect on your positive qualities, praise and encourage yourself for the results achieved.

Try to take on those things that are less interesting to you, in this way you will develop willpower, and it, as a rule, is identical to fortitude.

Develop your intellect, constantly improve your knowledge. Play sports, training your willpower and patience - you increase your mental strength. You can also attend yoga classes, with the help of meditation you will understand your place in life and feel your “I”.

Making the right decision is only half the battle. The most difficult thing is to muster the courage and take a step towards its implementation. It seems that if you carry out your plan, it will knock the usual ground out from under your feet. After all, it is unknown how everything will turn out. But the decision you made has already affected you. Not to follow him means to betray yourself.


Usually, courage is not given much importance. People around you recommend being quiet and keeping a low profile. Life itself is designed in such a way that the easiest way is to go with the flow and obey the forces of inertia. But we can guess what this behavior will lead to. As you know, the force of gravity on Earth works in one direction - down. Realize that courage is not the absence of fear, but the understanding that fear is not the most important thing. There is something more important than what you are afraid of. To gain courage, understand that it is really important for you to carry out this decision.

To understand that something is really important to you, and calmly decide to do it, come face to face with your own inner voice. In a quiet place where no one will disturb you, think about your problem. Your inner voice always clearly understands the essence of the situation. Often hesitation comes from deceiving yourself by refusing to face what is actually obvious to you.

Be conscious. After all, you know perfectly well which direction to move in. Even if it seems impossible, even if you think you can't handle it. You may have absolutely no idea how to solve the problem. Just stop pretending to yourself that you don't want it. Even if it is completely unclear how to get it, just admit that you need to implement this decision.

Fear is not a hindrance, but a sign of the direction in which you need to go. Having made a decision, proceed to action. Do this consciously. Fear will give way to determination. After all, what you fear is not a property of the goal itself. This is your reaction to it; for others it seems quite achievable. If anyone can, then why not you?

If you remember how many people regret doing something and compare it with the number of those who regret something they never managed to decide on, then there will be so many more of the latter that it may seem implausible. However, this is true. Often people do not dare to take on the most wonderful adventures of their lives, which they later regret. Don't join them. Live your own life, do what you want.

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A person’s spirituality is understood as the totality of his moral principles and traditions. These qualities are perceived as positive characteristics, so many people wonder how to develop them.


You should not completely trust books about esotericism. Even this concept itself has now begun to be distorted. In the original, esotericism is hidden, “internal” knowledge, known only to initiates of the highest degrees. For example, the Orthodox practices of silence and prayer, hesychasm, are true esotericism, the mystical knowledge of Christianity. Today, light esotericism is presented with elements of science from male authors and openly magical thinking from female authors. Don’t waste your money and time reading such literature; it’s better to read modern philosophers, for example, José Ortega y Gasset or Mounier. They will give a non-trivial understanding of modern processes and events, while the authors of pseudo-esotericism only present truisms. Another thing is that many people in the book are simply looking for confirmation of their thoughts, and not the most original ones. For example, that money should be respected so that you have it. Trite? Yes, but coming from a guru it sounds like a revelation.

Try to appreciate beauty more, for starters, the beauty of the material world. Stop to admire the sunset, carry a camera with you and capture beautiful moments. You can become a personal photographer for your other half. Gradually, you will begin to appreciate intangible beauty when you learn to find time for it.

Start appreciating your own and others’ emotional states and not converting everything into a material equivalent. Believe that any good deeds will bring you goodness. This law sounds strange, but it works. The laws of retribution for good and evil exist because through your actions you create your own circle of people who remember both good and bad. But in most situations a lot depends on people. So act kindly and be prepared to receive a positive response from the Universe or God.

To develop spirituality in yourself, remember God. Buy books that align with your faith. Almost any ancient religion has a coherent system of spiritual improvement; it begins with observance. Try following a path paved by tens of thousands of people. The experience of generations cannot be wrong. This is the best path to true spirituality.

A strong spirit is not afraid of obstacles. He knows how to cope with life’s difficulties that suddenly arise along the way, to go through insults and pain, and not to lose heart, no matter what happens. Many people are ready to follow such a person.


A strong spirit is always strong physically, so start by improving your body. Perform 40-minute exercises in the morning to develop muscle strength and endurance. This could be: push-ups, squats, pull-ups, working on the horizontal bar, jogging at various distances. The most important thing at this point is to maintain regularity. It's better to do three workouts a week, each 20 minutes long, than to do two hours a month in one sitting.

Start to harden up. This will strengthen the blood vessels and muscles of the body, and also add strength and endurance to you. You can douse yourself in the morning with a bucket of cold water, or you can walk barefoot in the snow. Remember that hardening must be carried out by gradually increasing the speed. If you have never poured cold water on yourself in your life, then first perform warm douches. Then you can lower the temperature by two degrees every day.

Practice overcoming yourself. To do this, you need to perform actions that you rarely or almost never did before. For example, getting up at 6 am is a great way to overcome yourself. Any actions that you are not used to performing are suitable here. For example, cleaning a friend's room, going to the circus with your younger brother, ironing a mountain of laundry at your grandmother's - anything, if you haven't had to do this before. The most valuable experience will be with those variations that you don’t really like to do - here you will get a grandiose overcoming of yourself, because you will have to show more inner strength than in other cases.

When you already have victories in sports, hardening and overcoming yourself, begin to cope with your fears. For example, if you are afraid of black cats, deliberately pick up a night-colored kitten and just observe your feelings. You can do the same thing with rope climbing, winter swimming in an ice hole, a walk along a dark street, skydiving, or rappelling. Any things that you previously felt fear about are suitable here. Of course, respect the limits of reason, do not try to do something that is directly dangerous to life.

What is fortitude!? Strength of spirit is a person’s ability to withstand the blows of fate no matter what! It’s not for nothing that they say “don’t lose heart”! When a person is faced with problems and difficulties, he overcomes them no matter what! No one will ever say about a person who lives in abundance or luxury, who gets everything easily and simply, that this is a person with great fortitude!

People who go through all the obstacles, break the barriers that stand in front of them, these are people who have well-developed fortitude! From this we can conclude: The strength of a person’s spirit is revealed only when he overcomes difficulties and, accordingly, only these very difficulties strengthen it.

Definitely The strength of your spirit can only be developed if there are some stressful and extreme situations in your life. Don’t be alarmed, in order to strengthen and develop your willpower, you don’t need to do super-terrible things, give up your way of life and go to the far north, or to the jungle, and so on.

The best way to strengthen your fortitude in the city is to enroll in a sports section or martial arts. Visit them regularly and give your 100% there. After a year of training, you will feel like a completely different person - confident, strong, knowing your worth and understanding that you can do a lot.

After all, a person’s fortitude and personality are formed precisely from various psychological indicators and small nuances that are invisible at first glance, but together make up what a person really is.

If you constantly drink, smoke, sit in front of the computer for several hours, lead a completely unhealthy lifestyle, do not set any goals for yourself and do not achieve them, then of course you will degrade as a person. And suddenly, if such a person has difficulties that he must overcome, then it will be much more difficult for him to overcome them. He's just not prepared for them. If in human relationships you are constantly being mentally or physically suppressed, it is only because people know that they cannot get a rebuff from you.

Now let’s take a person who plays sports and knows what he wants! Nobody touches such people, and if there are conflicts, then those who started it immediately get a rebuff on the head. My personal example: at the same time I got a job with another guy. As a result, they started riding him and forcing him to do things that he shouldn’t have done by his own employees. Why? It’s just that his whole energy, his body and thoughts say: “I cannot answer for myself and stand up for myself.” On the contrary, this hasn’t even happened to me, I can immediately see where you climb in and get off, that’s why people don’t come at me, don’t try to crush me mentally, they know that I’ll just physically crush them)))

Imagine being a person who can do ANYTHING! A person who can overcome any difficulties and troubles in life! For you, solutions to problems such as having breakfast this morning. Would you think about developing mental strength? I think definitely not. So anyone can learn this. Solving your daily and small problems, large and serious tasks trains and strengthens your fortitude. Remember the saying “The North Wind gave birth to the Vikings”!

People with strong character are often said to have willpower or fortitude. This trait allows a person to achieve his goals, regardless of any obstacles in life. Strength of spirit helps a person to withstand difficult situations. Therefore, the question of how to develop willpower is quite logical. But before doing anything, you should directly understand the definition of the very psychological concept of will.

From a psychological point of view

Will is one of the most difficult concepts to understand in psychology. But, despite this, in order to know how to develop willpower, it is necessary to clarify for yourself what willpower is. This concept is formulated differently in different sources, so you need to understand it intuitively. The psychology of will is related to the fact that human behavior and all activities are based not only on emotions and feelings. When making decisions, will is required. This means fortitude is a prerequisite for success.

According to its structure, human volitional behavior can be divided into the following stages:

  • Decision-making;
  • Implementation of plans.

In psychology, there are several types of will:

  • Inviting or initiating. It is conscious decision making that helps you move towards your goals.
  • Stabilizing. These are the efforts that a person needs to maintain his active activity.
  • Brake. These are actions aimed at limiting the most powerful desires that prevent the achievement of a goal.

Psychologists say that the essential components of fortitude and willpower are:

  • Desires, which are the motivation that discards everything secondary. They initially indicate to a person where to strive in order to achieve his goals.
  • Belief in your own strength. It is this that allows you to move in the right direction to make your dream come true.
  • Courage responsible for making important decisions. It gives impetus to the desire to realize your own desires.
  • Decisiveness, allowing you to make a choice in a timely manner without hesitation.
  • Patience, which allows you to remain faithful to your goals and not give up, no matter what.
  • Discipline. It forces a person to make decisions in accordance with the rules and norms of society.


Strength of spirit guarantees a person’s determination and organizes his life. Therefore, the question of how to develop willpower is not idle. Without such a character trait it is impossible to become a successful person. Strength of spirit makes a person free and independent. He becomes an active member of society, and the ability to self-regulate makes him resistant to negative external circumstances. When faced with obstacles on the way to a goal, a person is able to make the right decision about whether to choose a different way to achieve what he wants or increase his efforts to overcome the obstacles that have arisen.

The question of how to develop willpower often arises in people during difficult periods of life. But it does not apply to complex dilemmas. This is due to the fact that every person has the desire to become strong by nature itself. As a result, when wondering how to cultivate willpower in yourself, you should not immediately resort to the first exercises and trainings you come across. Initially, formulate for yourself what fortitude is in your understanding. Then evaluate how this character trait can affect your life.

If after this the desire to learn how to train willpower or how to strengthen willpower does not disappear, then in order to tune in to effective work on yourself, follow these steps:

  • State your goals briefly and precisely in writing. Analyze each goal and predict how much faster you will be able to achieve your goal if the willpower training is successful and you learn to overcome yourself.
  • Write down those traits of your own character that the development of will will allow you to modify. It doesn’t matter how many shortcomings you plan to get rid of, the main thing is to take them all into account. If you know how to develop mental strength, you will be able to successfully overcome them in the shortest possible time.

This approach will allow you to better understand what willpower represents in your particular case and how to develop and strengthen it.

Types of training

If you are interested in how to strengthen your fortitude, you must first of all understand that for a long time you will need to make certain efforts every day, without doing yourself any favors. You can train willpower with special exercises, which are as follows:

  • In keeping a diary. It is necessary to record your plans and monitor their implementation. Planning will ensure greater efficiency in the life process and will help cultivate commitment. You should not note your own achievements in a diary.
  • In developing the habit of acting purposefully. To do this, strive to observe all your actions, as if from the outside. The development of willpower involves an objective assessment of one’s own actions. You cannot exaggerate your achievements and flatter yourself. Any failure should become an incentive to successfully take the next step.
  • In getting rid of the desire to fight and destroy. A trained will makes a person transform and build. To do this, learn to treat your own mistakes strictly, but always wisely. This will allow you to develop the strong-willed side of your character associated with the desire to become better.
  • In the correct formulation of tasks, taking into account the fact that you need to move from simple to complex. Strengthening character cannot be associated with the desire to embrace the immensity.

In addition, among character-strengthening methods, you can focus on the fact that you need to strive to make real promises to yourself. Moreover, they must be fulfilled. This will teach you to keep your word given to other people.

It is also important to train yourself to never quit something you start. It must be brought to its logical conclusion, even in cases where enthusiasm has disappeared or an understanding of the meaninglessness of the activity has come. In this situation, you need to take a little rest and wait until your “second wind” opens. The habit of giving up what you start has a detrimental effect on a person and quickly stops his further development.

Understanding the question of what willpower is, you need to realize that this character trait is incompatible with laziness. Not wanting to do anything is a serious hindrance. Laziness can destroy a person’s will and force him to give up his most cherished desires. Therefore, the strengthening of character developed during training is always associated with the fight against laziness. To do this, it is recommended to praise yourself for any overcoming. You need to force yourself to enjoy even the smallest positive result in your activity. When doing difficult or unpleasant work, never regret it. Discard even the thought that your hobby or communication with friends would be much more enjoyable for you.

An effective way is self-hypnosis. It is only very important to use specific incentives for this. For example, during the auto-training process, prepare yourself for the fact that you are quite capable of achieving your goals. Remember that thanks to a strong character, each of us can become the manager of our own strengths, which are given to us by nature. In other words, this will allow a person to become the master of his own destiny.
