Who is "New Year"? What is actually celebrated on New Year's Day? Why do we celebrate New Year? Rituals to attract good luck.

Year after year, without ever thinking about the origins of traditions, all honest people celebrate the New Year. Fun, noise, lights and fireworks, chimes, promises and congratulations, feasting, clinking glasses, dancing until the morning and laughter, everyone wishes each other new happiness in the new year, but no one thought why...

A beautiful beginning, excites the soul, attracts with memories, doesn’t it? But will there be joy on your faces when you find out the truth about what the “bright” holiday “New Year” hides within itself?! You are no longer little children, and therefore, I will wipe the joy from your face! It's time to sober up and wake up, it's time to grab onto knowledge! Having gathered your will into a fist and, without deceiving your soul, it’s time to say goodbye to the Jewish gods! We have our own holidays, we also have our own Slavic New Year, which is called the New Year! That’s all with the rhyme, but if anyone is interested, please read my article “”. I assure you you will not regret it, but you will only become enlightened!

So, from the above article, we already know that our ancestors, the Slavic-Aryans, had their own original calendar - Kolyada Dar, according to which at the time of the introduction of a new calendar by false Peter in 1699 and the celebration of the New Year from January 1, it was Summer 7208 from the Creation of the World in the Star Temple. By his decree, Emperor Peter I stole 5508 years of the past from the Russian people!

In Summer 7208 from S.M.Z.H. or according to the new style in 1699, the false Peter I, who had recently returned from the European embassy, ​​where he was replaced ( approx. A.N.- but there is a detailed article about this “The Great Pretender”), issued a decree on the abolition of the old calendar, which existed in Rus' for no more or less, but at least 7208 years, and introduced the Western European calendar from the Nativity of Christ, which was invented by Dionysius the Less something in VI century ad. At the same time, he moved the beginning of the calendar or the New Year, as it is correct in our Russian language, from the day of the Autumn Equinox to the 1st of January or, as it is now commonly called January. He chose 1700 as the starting date new chronology!

Please pay attention to the phrase “new chronology”, since nothing is done just like that, and I will show a very logical chronologically consistent path to this supposedly new chronology in a further study of the events that preceded such a decision of the newly-minted Peter ( note by A.N.- since another person returned from Europe, calling himself Peter I).

And so, on the eve of the “New Year holidays,” the heralds, accompanied by the beating of drums, announced the Tsar’s decree to Muscovites ( approx. A.N.- Ъ - reads like “e”, and “ ъ"at the end of words is not readable):

“December 20. Personalized.— About the New Year celebration. The Great Sovereign indicated to say: His Great Sovereign knows not only that in many European Christian countries, but also in the Slavic peoples, who agree with our Eastern Orthodox Church in everything, as: Volokhi, Moldova, Serbs, Dalmatians, Bulgarians and His Great Sovereign's very subjects Cherkasy and that's all Greeks, from whom our Orthodox faith was adopted, all peoples according to their own count from the Nativity of Christ eight days later, that is, January from the 1st, not from creation of the world, for many reasons and counting in those letah, and now from the Nativity of Christ the year 1699 has reached, and next January the new year 1700 will begin on the 1st year together and a new capital for that good and useful purpose, the Great Sovereign indicated henceforth Let's count in Orders and in all sorts of affairs and fortresses write from the current January from the 1st from the Nativity of Christ 1700. And as a sign of that good beginning and a new century in the reigning city of Moscow, after due thanksgiving to God and a prayer service in the church and who will happen in his home, along the large and famous streets of noble people and at houses of deliberate spiritual and Irsk rank before make some gates decorations from trees and pine trees, spruce And juniper against the samples that were made at the Gostin Dvor and at the lower pharmacy, or to whomever it is more convenient and decent, depending on the place and the gate, it is possible to do it; and for poor people, each should at least have a tree, or a tree on the gate, or put over his temple; and then it would have come, now of the future Genvar by the 1st day of this year, and that decoration of Genvar will stand until the 7th day of that same year 1700. Yes January on the 1st day, as a sign of joy, congratulating each other on the New Year and for centuries, to do this: when on the Great Red Square the fire is lit and there is shooting, then at the noble courts of the Boyars and Okolnichy and Duma and Neighbors and noble people of the chamber, military and merchant ranks, famous people, each in his own courtyard of small shechek, if anyone has it, and from several muskets or other small guns, fire three times and fire several rockets, as many as anyone has, and along large streets, where there is space, from January 1st to 7th at night, light fires from wood or brushwood or straw, and where there are small courtyards, having gathered five or six courtyards, put such a fire or, whoever wants, put one or 2 or 3 tar and thin barrels on posts, and fill them with straw or brushwood, light them; and in front of the Burmister Town Hall there will be shooting and such lights and decorations will be according to their consideration.”

The first day of the New Year 1700 began with a parade on Red Square in Moscow. And in the evening the sky lit up with the bright lights of festive fireworks. As a sign of the national holiday, cannons were fired, and in the evening, multi-colored fireworks, never seen before, flashed in the dark sky.

Just like that, with one royal decree it was stolen from the Russians, as much as 5508 years past, but not just taken away with a division into new and old eras, as is customary to present your history to the “correct” states, but forever! If anyone doesn’t know, this decree was followed by another, where the impostor ordered to take all the books to the capital of Muscovy or Moscow Tartary ( approx. A.N.- the real name of the Russia ruled by Peter I) - Moscow, supposedly for making copies. But neither the originals nor copies of those originals ever returned to their owners. A huge number of ancient books were destroyed in order to erase from the face of the Earth mentions of the true chronology of our ancestors. But even those few books that have been secretly preserved give a completely different idea of ​​the supposedly barbaric, slave and ignorant period from the past of our, in fact, glorious and great ancestors.

False Peter I did not choose the start date of the new chronology by chance. So, on December 25, the entire Christian world celebrates the Nativity of Christ. And according to the “holy” book of Christians - the Bible, on the eighth day the baby Jesus was allegedly circumcised according to the Jewish rite ( approx. A.N. - the real truth about the one we call Jesus or I And sus is described in Svetlana Levashova’s book “Revelation”). And it turns out that on January 1, the Christian Church celebrated the Circumcision of the Lord, the celebration of which was a great holiday, on a par with the New Year itself, even before the Jewish coup of 1917, which is even evidenced by the calendars of tsarist times, in which January 1 is listed as “New Year and Circumcision.” e Lord." This date was chosen by the false Peter I, and by his decree he ordered all his subjects to celebrate the beginning of a new calendar or chronology and congratulate each other.

Is it by chance that there is an opinion that in fact the impostor Peter I allegedly joked by introducing the New Year celebration, i.e. Feast of the New Circumcised God? After all, why and where did the word “year” come from? As is already known, the young Tsar Peter I, who went to the European embassy, ​​was replaced by an adult man who returned just a couple of years later, and after “Europeanization” he completely forgot native speech. Of his entire retinue, about 200 people, only Prince Menshikov returned to his homeland, and the rest of the servants consisted exclusively of foreigners. That is why at the court of the newly-minted Peter they did not speak Russian, but it was accepted and convenient to speak their native languages ​​- German and Dutch. In many European languages, the word for “god” sounds like “year” (god) - German “ Gott" (Goth), English God (Year) etc. It turns out that the word “year” was introduced into Russian speech by the newly-minted Peter I, as a tracing paper from German and Dutch, which they denoted God. Then, everything falls into place, and the understanding that the joke of the false Peter is not a joke at all, but a real reality, becomes even more significant when we take into account several other facts that led to the appearance of such a substitution.

And it all began from the moment when, on February 16, 1086, on Mount Beykoz near Constantinople, in the fortress of Hieros - then HierOsalim, according to Jewish traditions, exactly on the day of the Jewish Passover, the bright warrior Radomir, whose name means “bringing joy to the world,” was crucified. He could not convince the “lost sheep of the house of Israel,” for which he was sacrificed to their god Yahweh, according to the exact instructions of the “holy” book of the Jews, the Torah, “kill the best of the goyim”!

Before this date, there was no Christianity, and there could not have been!

What about the baptism of Kievan Rus in 988, you protest? Yes, it’s simple, I’ll answer! There was no Kievan Rus, no baptism into Christianity either! If anyone has studied history more or less intelligently, they should remember that Princess Olga was baptized in Constantinople (Constantinople) into the Greek religion. It was the cult of Dionysius! Then, the Jew Kagan Vladimir Krasno Solnyshko, the son of the Jewish woman Malka or rabychich, which means the son of a rabbi, allegedly baptized Kievan Rus with fire and sword, i.e. forcibly into the Christian religion, which is also a blatant LIE, and I will not be afraid to refute this in the future ( approx. A.N.- there are facts). People are accustomed to believing in fairy tales about millions of victims, but the truth is simple - where there are millions of victims and they shout about it on every corner, it is complete nonsense! A real million-dollar genocide is happening right now - quietly, peacefully and with your full consent and for your money - this is tobacco, alcohol, drugs, abortion, education, media, vaccines, GMOs!

In general, we will omit the events of the centuries-long internecine massacre of Rus between Rus - this was later covered up by the Tatar-Mongol yoke, which also did not exist! And at that time a wave of crusades swept across Europe, the only and real goal of which was the complete and maximum cleansing of traces of Radomir’s presence, as well as his teachings and students ( approx. A.N.- the so-called Cathars or enlightened ones - the real disciples of Radomir and his wife Mary Magdalene) were almost completely destroyed! Not many, and not few, but only 8 official crusades were carried out during the period from 1096 to 1270, not counting other small ones. And the date of the first crusade is so interesting - it is 1096, just 10 years after the crucifixion of Radomir. If you believe the official, invented version of the crucifixion of Jesus in 33 AD, then the “good fellows” were planning to avenge him for a painfully long time, more than 1000 years! But the year 1096 fits perfectly into the real events of that time. It took ten years to prepare, draw up plans and think over details, and still in fresh memory, and not a thousand years later, the “forces of good” moved to “save” their messiah and take revenge on the enemies for his crucifixion.

The next logical event was the holding of the first Ecumenical Council in 1325 year AD in Nika ( approx. A.N. - think about whether the name of the city of Nika is encrypted in the famous crucifixion of Jesus, and the inscriptions IC XC on the sides of the crucifix may actually indicate the date of this event; I also know that there is an opinion that the abbreviation IC XC is nothing more than a date written in Latin numerals, and only then, later, interpretations of it were invented in order to hide the true meaning, which manifested itself in the form of the name I sus of Christ)! Yes, I was not mistaken by a thousand years, it’s just that we are being deceived so much that the real events of the past were artificially aged by approximately or exactly a thousand years. Nosovsky and Fomenko came to this conclusion in their books by examining real source documents of the past, thereby discovering a chronological shift. It was then, at the Council, that the divine nature of Radomir began to be discussed for the first time, the doctrine of the Holy Trinity was introduced, which is a dull copy of the Slavic-Aryan triglav Svarog-Perun-Sventovit(approx. A.N. - in fact, the Slavic-Aryans had as many triglavs seven and, in addition, there was one nine-headed). As they say, everything new is well forgotten old!

For those who disagree, I specifically build a logical chronology of past events that led to the emergence of the New Circumcised God (Year)!

My conclusions about the millennial shift were perfectly confirmed by two the following facts, and now they no longer look like an assumption, but like a real fact from the past. So, the wording from the Nativity of Christ (abbreviated R.H.) in the papal office for the first time began to be reflected only in 1431 AD It seems like just a date, at first glance, if you don’t take into account the fact that exactly a thousand years ago in 431 AD The Third Ecumenical Council was convened in Ephesus, which became known as the Ephesian Council. When I was building a chronology of events that preceded the appearance of the New God (Year), I came across the fact about the introduction of the concept of calculating the dates of our era from the Nativity of Christ, I decided to check whether there was a correspondence to this date in later periods and decided to check the ecumenical councils. The result is already known to you - an exact hit, which confirms the chronological shift, with the aim of deliberately aging events related to the Christian religion. Christians couldn’t hide the birth of their deity for a thousand years? And they didn’t hide it! It’s just that the legend about Christ was created just after the crucifixion of Radomir, and then all events become logical and perfectly chronological.

To the Fourth Ecumenical Council, which was convened no earlier 1451 AD, disputes about the divine nature of Jesus-Radomir began to split Christians. A remarkable fact of this Council is the record number of bishops present - 650 ! The struggle for the creation of a new religious doctrine was at its peak. The Council, by a simple vote, “defined the true teaching of the Church, namely, that our Lord Jesus Christ is true God and true man” and condemned other false teachings!

Thus, the “true” teaching of the Christian Church was residually determined. Around the same time, Islam or Islam was created as a rejected sect of Christianity, evidence of which is the name of their main prophet Isa, the prototype of which is the Christian name Jesus, and the so-called Arabic letter is nothing more than the Russian military (Horde) script , written backwards and therefore difficult to read for us now!

A century later, Christianizers reached Venice, having previously subjugated Spain and Italy. The Pope at that time was Paul IV Caraffa (reign 1555-1559) and the events of his reign are reliably known to us from the book “Revelation” by Svetlana Levashova. The people of Venice first met the Holy Inquisition during his reign, and were so intimidated and angry that after his death ( approx. A.N. - Let me remind you that the cause of his death was the Venetian witch - the knowing mother, Isidora, who was also executed on the same day 18 August 1559 years through burning, which led to the death of Caraffa himself), the crowd destroyed his palace and plundered the most valuable library of ancient books that preserved the knowledge of our ancestors.

At the same time, in England, during the coronation of the princess ElizabethI(1559) four evangelists and a certain Saint Paul were prisoners and received freedom under an amnesty in honor of the coronation of the holiest person. What is the famous English writer talking about? Charles Dickens mentioned in his book, which was called “Child’s History of England”. This is translated into Russian as “History of England for young (children).” This interesting book was published in the mid-19th century in London. And it tells about English rulers whom young Englishmen should have known well. I will give a small fragment from it (chapter XXXI):

“...The coronation went splendidly, and the next day one of the courtiers, according to custom, submitted a petition to Elizabeth for the release of several prisoners and among them four evangelists: Matthew, Brand, Luke And Joanna, and St. Paul's, who for some time were forced to express themselves in such a strange language that the people completely forgot how to understand them.

But the queen replied that it was better to first find out from the saints themselves whether they want freedom..."

Written testimony of Charles Dickens ( approx. A.N. - he wrote this book for his children, and he clearly had no intention of deceiving them), that evangelists lived in the 16th century, published about 150 years ago in England, cannot be discarded so easily. This automatically follows the irrefutable conclusion that New Testament the Bible was written, at the earliest, in XVI century! And this fact fits perfectly into the chronological chain that I presented.

“It has served us well, this myth of Christ.” Pope Leo X 16th century.

Less than a hundred years had passed since the “new god” was brought to the expanses of Muscovy or Moscow Tartary, which was expressed in the so-called Nikon reform 1653-1656 gg. It was Patriarch Nikon, the temporary figure of the Vatican, his bargaining chip, who was tasked with replacing the faith of the Slavs, for which he received huge ransom payments, who did great job, tying the ancient Slavic-Aryan holidays to the Christian calendar, imposing a Christian saint on every Russian holiday! And his most important act was the creation of the name of Christ. It was Nikon who introduced the spelling of the word Jesus, like I And sus, inserting another letter “i” into his name. Another harmful act of Nikon was the substitution of the concept of true Orthodoxy, which means the glorification of the Rule, i.e. world of the gods of our ancestors ( approx. A.N. - By gods, our ancestors meant people who had reached the level of creation in their development, i.e. control of the primary matters of space), on Orthodox Christianity, although the Russian Church even before 1943 was called as Russian Orthodox or Orthodox, not the Orthodox Church.

People's dissatisfaction with the imposed rules resulted in widespread uprisings among the populace ( approx. A.N. - from the Ashes of the Fathers Betrayed - those clergy who betrayed the old faith of their ancestors), as a result of which several thousand priests were destroyed and several tens of thousands of rebels were executed. Over time, the people got used to it and less than 50 years later, the false Peter I officially introduced a new calendar in honor of the New Year (God), whose name was Jesus!

Thus, the Dark Forces, through the Vatican, took over Muscovy, and introduced into the consciousness of people not only new religion and a new god, but also new calendar, and even a new calendar, thereby replacing the ancient holidays of our ancestors, and stealing from us at least 5508 years real past!

Now, every time you celebrate the New Year, remember that what a bloody “holiday” this is in the literal sense, for even circumcision of the Lord is a bloody act, and when it is performed on a newborn on the 8th day of birth, the development of such qualities as conscience, compassion, kindness, love. This is what was bequeathed to the Jews:

“Eight days from birth every male child among you shall be circumcised.”(Old Testament, Torah Gen. 17:12).

People circumcised in infancy become real zombies who can be easily controlled, which is what the Levite clan does ( approx. A.N. - by the way, Levites are not circumcised; they are shepherds, and the Jews are their sheep) over their God-chosen circumcised army.

But the most terrible circumcision was carried out on the Russian people, from whom, with one stroke of the pen, so many years of the past were circumcised as never before among any of the “correct” European and even God’s chosen peoples!

Remember, Rusich, whose blood are you raising a glass to?, may you say a toast on the night of January 1st! And isn’t it strange for you that you drink to the destruction of your people, your past, and your own destruction too!

Yes, at least someone would think about why we, the Russians, who have lived by the sun for centuries, suddenly have a holiday that we celebrate for some reason at night, and just at midnight? It's time for the evil spirits to awaken!

And even the Christmas tree, which was imposed by the impostor Peter I, was not accepted by the Russian people with joy as it is now, since the Christmas tree in Rus' had its own reputation, and at the same time not a very good one. Since ancient times, the Christmas tree has been considered in Rus' tree of death: people were buried under fir trees, the last path was covered with spruce branches, graves were decorated with spruce garlands and branches, it was strictly forbidden to build houses from spruce, and it was not customary to plant fir trees near residential buildings. And what kind of fear does a trip to a spruce forest evoke, where in broad daylight you can easily get lost, since spruce transmits sunlight very poorly and in spruce forests, it is therefore very dark and this makes it scary, remember Russian folk tales.

It is no coincidence that the mortal symbolism of spruce is reflected in proverbs, sayings, and phraseological units of the Russian people:

"look under the tree"- be seriously ill;

"get under the tree"- die;

"spruce village", "spruce house"- coffin;

“go or stroll along the spruce path”- die, etc.

The fact that the Christmas tree did not take root in Rus' and was imposed by force is also confirmed by the fact that after the death of the false Peter I, they stopped putting up New Year trees. New Year's festivities and the tradition of putting up Christmas trees were revived only in the middle of the nineteenth century. It is believed that the first Christmas tree in St. Petersburg was organized by the Germans who lived there. The townspeople liked this custom so much that they began to install Christmas trees in their homes. From the capital of the empire, this tradition began to spread throughout the country.

There is so much material about the Christmas tree that I decided to devote a separate article to it - “ Where did the Christmas tree come from??».

Since the New Year holidays are a whole series of holidays, and not one specific holiday, it is worth considering their other components. By the way, the holidays are very interconnected. And we'll start with Christmas.

One documentary called “The Zeitgeist” voiced and clearly showed that Jesus Christ had several predecessors who were also born on the same day, namely December 25th. But this is not the only thing that brings them together. It turned out that they were all crucified too, and then resurrected through three days.

These are the prototypes of our Christ:

1. Gore, Egypt, 3000 BC Born December 25 from Isis the Virgin. When he was born, a star lit up in the east, with the help of which 3 kings found the birthplace of the Savior. At the age of 12 he taught the children of a rich man. At the age of 30, he received the spirit of initiation from a man named Anu. He had 12 students, with whom he performed miracles - healed and walked on water. He was called Truth, Light, Son of God, Shepherd, Lamb of the Lord, etc. After betrayal by Typhon, Horus was crucified on the cross, buried, and 3 days later he was resurrected.

2. Attis, Phrygia, 1200 BC Born of the virgin Nana December 25. Crucified, resurrected 3 days later.

3. Miter, Persia, 1200 BC Born of a virgin December 25. He had 12 students. Worked miracles. After his death he was buried and 3 days later he was resurrected. He was called Truth, Light... The day of worship of Mithra was Sunday.

4. Krishna, India, 900 BC Born of the virgin Devaki. The arrival was indicated by a star in the east. He worked miracles with his students. Resurrected after death.

5. Dionysus, Greece, 500 BC Born of a virgin December 25. Traveled and performed miracles, such as turning water into wine. He was called the King of Kings, Alpha and Omega and other epithets. Resurrected after death.

Really funny coincidences? It is simply impossible to assume that this is an accident, because it is impossible in principle! All these gods are the development of the same forces, which at different times and eras cultivated human ignorance and, by creating religions, replaced the true holidays of the conquered peoples. We'll look at which holidays were changed a little later. The perfect hit and the reliable fact of the substitution have been revealed and will become public knowledge!

“The Christian religion is a parody of the worship of the Sun, they have replaced him with a man called Christ and worship him as they used to worship the Sun.” Thomas Paine (1737-1809)

In addition to the obvious coincidences, I was also attracted by this - 12 students! What is hidden under the twelve disciples? Elementary, Watson is nothing more than 12 months of the calendar or 12 zodiac periods that the Sun goes through in a year!!! It's hard to believe, but it's a fact. Why? Yes, because all these gods, no matter what names, replaced every single one Sun worship cult!

After all, what is December 25th from an astrological point of view? December 21st is the shortest day of the year, before this date the Sun “rolls towards sunset” and thereby the daylight hours shortened! From December 22 to 24, the Solstice occurs - the Sun seems to freeze at one point, and these 3 days are the same length! Then, from December 25th, the Sun begins to rise little by little, and daylight hours begin to increase. Happening Christmas or the rebirth of the Sun, it is also called Solstice, in the annual cycle of the Earth's rotation around it! This is the real truth and what we celebrate at Christmas!

Now you reliably understand why all the gods invented by the Dark Forces are resurrected through 3 days and why they were born exactly December 25th! Since the seizure of the provinces of Great Tartary took place for many thousands of years, the Dark Forces, through their servants the Jews, biting off piece by piece from the Great Empire, had to come up with more and more new religions and the deities leading them, which are ideal copies of each other only because throughout the territory Great Tartary there was one culture and one worldview. And the guides of the Dark Forces only tried to impose their deities, and holidays in their honor, on our Vedic holidays, but only in different parts or provinces of our truly Greatest Empire!

Thus, different territories of a single Empire were enslaved and after the disintegration of their worldview, they broke away and new states and new peoples, new languages, new cultures were created...

Another proof of the imposition by Christians of their deity on the original Slavic-Aryan holidays is the study of A.N. Afanasyev in his book “Poetic views of the Slavs on nature” volume 3:

« Since around the same time Christian rules established to celebrate the Nativity of the Savior called in church songs " righteous Sun, coming from the east", then the ancient pagan holiday of the born sun and was dedicated to Christmas time(In their homelands, when they put porridge on the table, they sing the troparion: “Rejoice, Virgin Mary! the sun of truth is gone - Christ our God»).

To our regret, Afanasyev did not indicate the date or approximate indication of the time when this substitution took place. Most likely, he himself did not know the exact answer to this question, but he still left a valuable message for us in his book. Therefore, it is very important, when drawing conclusions, to study many different sources and from small, isolated and scattered facts in them, to build your conclusions.

You are probably already wondering what true holiday our ancestors celebrated on December 25th, on the so-called Christmas of the Sun?

Yes, there is one, and to the delight of everyone, we still celebrate it, albeit with a shift of 14 days. This festival - Day of God Kolyada, which the Slavic-Aryans celebrated precisely December 25, if you count according to our calendar! Another name for this day according to the Slavic-Aryan calendar is Day of Changes! Is it a coincidence? And you probably already guessed what these changes mean. If not, I repeat - the name is really not accidental and simple, because real changes occurred in the annual circle of life, i.e. The sun began to rise, and the days slowly grew and the nights decreased. And the patron or manager of these Great Changes was, precisely, the god Kolyada! It is no coincidence that the holiday in honor of the god Kolyada fell on the day of the winter solstice.

How did our ancestors celebrate this holiday, are you wondering? Yes, everything is the same as we celebrate now! Once again, nothing new - the traditions were preserved, despite persecution, substitutions and prohibitions... On this day, groups of men dressed in the skins of various animals (mummers), who were called Kolyada squads, walked around the courtyards. They sang hymns glorifying Kolyada ( approx. A.N. - now this is called “carols”), and they organized special round dances around sick people to heal them.

The sign of Kolyada was a wheel with eight spokes painted in bright colors - sun sign, and in the center of the wheel there should have been a fire burning - a bunch of straw, a candle or a torch. Calling on Kolyada to send warmth to the earth as soon as possible, they sprinkled the snow with colored rags and stuck dried flowers, carefully preserved from the summer, into the snowdrifts. On this day, all the fires in the ovens were extinguished for a while and a new fire was lit in them, called Kolyadin fire. Since Kolyada was the god As from the family of the god Svarog, whose usual incarnation in houses was considered a large sheaf, Kolyada was also represented by a sheaf or a straw doll. Kolyada was also revered as a god who gave people a new calendar - Kolyada's Gift, and before that we used the Chislobog roundabout.

It is noteworthy that in 1837 year near Moscow there was a custom to call Christmas Eve "cold" and on Christmas night, carry a girl in a sleigh, dressed in a shirt over all her warm clothes, which they passed off as Koleda.

It is also worth knowing that the holiday of Kolyada is accompanied by more ancient holiday, this is when the god Perun entered Peklo through the gates of the interworld and freed him from captivity poor ancestors, and with them they fell to the ground residents of Pekla. They wandered the earth for some time and begged people for food, until Perun sent them back. The custom of dressing up in disguises (masks) is just a replay of that situation. For more successful caroling you need a scary mask and than scarier mask, the more you can carol.

The holiday of Kolyada, in contrast to Kupala, marks a seasonal turn, the arrival of light, the dying of the old, the arrival of the strong young. It is also associated with cult of Veles, in honor of which the people dress up as a fierce beast - a bear or, in the old way, bera, aurochs, etc.

A logical question may arise - why do we celebrate Kolyada Day, i.e. Nativity of the Sun (God), on the wrong day? After all, a calendar is a calendar, but a real one Sun's birthday (approx. A.N. - Without noticing it myself, I discovered another truth - the Sun, it turns out, also has a birthday) falls on December 25, and not January 7, as the supposedly Orthodox Christian world celebrates. The answer is buried back in 1918.

After the Jewish coup in 1917, the occupation government of the country raised the question of calendar reform. On January 24, 1918, the Council of People's Commissars adopted “Decree on the introduction of the Western European calendar in the Russian Republic”. Signed V.I. Lenin published the document the next day and came into force on February 1, 1918. It said:

“...The first day after January 31 of this year should be considered not February 1, but February 14, the second day should be considered the 15th, etc.”

Thus, our Christmas has shifted from December 25 to January 7, and the New Year holiday has also shifted. Contradictions immediately arose with Christian holidays, after all, having changed the dates of civil holidays, the new government did not touch church holidays, and Christians continued to live according to the old calendar.

The difference between the old and new styles in the 20th century was already plus 13 days! And the day that was January 1 in the old style became January 14 in the new calendar. And the modern night from January 13th to 14th in pre-revolutionary times was New Year's Eve.

It is interesting that in 1929 Christmas was cancelled. With it, the Christmas tree, which was called "priestly" custom. New Year was also cancelled! And, by the way, very correct! The same must be done now and the celebration of the arrival must be postponed New, I don’t want to say the year, Summer, on its original date - the day of the Autumn Equinox - the Slavic-Aryan New Year! However, at the end of 1935 in the newspaper "Is it true" an article by P. Postyshev appeared “Let’s organize for the children for the New Year good Christmas tree. The appearance of this article was hardly accidental: after all, it was in 1935 that Stalin uttered his famous phrase: "Life has become better, life has become happier". Society, which had not yet forgotten the holiday, reacted quickly enough, and Christmas trees and Christmas decorations. Pioneers and Komsomol members took upon themselves the organization and conduct Christmas trees in schools, orphanages and clubs. December 31, 1935 year, the Christmas tree re-entered the homes of our compatriots and became a holiday of joyful and happy childhood ( approx. A.N. - what “happiness” this holiday brings, in fact, we already know). And only with 1949 January 1st became a non-working day.

And what would the New Year be without the main characters - Father Frost and Snow Maiden?

While studying the origins of Father Frost and the Snow Maiden, I came across various versions, and they were all united in one thing - the image of Father Frost was always stern, strict, cold, angry...

Santa Claus, aka Frost-cracker, aka Karachun, aka Student, aka Frost-Red (Blue) nose- the prototype of the modern grandfather was by no means distinguished by his good character. It was harsh god of winter, who reigned from November to March, was a hero of remarkable strength: as soon as he blew, he spit, and in an instant he would freeze a red-hot bathhouse. He walked with a staff and bound rivers with iron chains. The icicles were his tears, and the snow clouds were his hair. They feared him, they worshiped him...

And the funniest thing about this is that Karachun (Treskun) is associated specifically with the day winter solstice, like the day of Change, and the day of the god Kolyada and the Nativity of the Sun (god). It was believed that on this day he takes over his power formidable Karachundeity of death, underground god who rules frosts, evil spirit. The ancient Slavs believed that he commands winter and frost and shortens the daylight hours.

Many have already correctly noted that Karachun absorbed the image of more ancient events, when the god Perun entered Peklo and freed the impoverished ancestors from captivity.

The servants of the formidable Karachun, and later Father Frost, are connecting rod bears in which snowstorms turn, and blizzard wolves. It was believed that, due to the bear’s will, the cold winter continues: if the bear turns on the other side in its den, it means that the winter has exactly half the way to go until spring. Hence the saying:

“At Solstice, the bear in its den turns from one side to the other”.

The people still use the concept of “karachun” in the sense of death. They say, for example: “ Karachun came to him», « wait for karachun», « ask karachun», « enough karachun».

Once upon a time, Karachun (Treskun) was given offerings and gifts. This tradition is still preserved among many peoples in the form of rituals associated with petitions for a good harvest for the next year. And our modern festive table- in essence, nothing more than a special ritual, which, as our ancestors believed, would bring prosperity and well-being in the next season.

Subsequently, the image of Karachun (Treskun) turned into the image of Father Frost - the Slavic god of winter. Frost was represented as an old man with a long gray beard. In winter, he walks through the fields and streets and knocks: his knocking causes bitter frosts and freezes the rivers with ice. If he hits the corner of the hut, the log will certainly crack! His breath produces a strong cold. Frost and icicles are his tears, his frozen words. Snow clouds are his hair. He really dislikes those who tremble and complain about the cold, but gives bodily strength and a hot glow to the cheerful, cheerful, and healthy.

From November to March, Karachun-Treskun-Morozko gains such power that even the Sun becomes shy before it! To celebrate, he covers window glass with amazing patterns, freezes the surface of lakes and rivers so that you can ride on them, freezes snow slides and makes honest people happy with snow, invigorating frost and cheerful winter celebrations.

Santa Claus got his name from folk tales. Folk tales were retold by writers who came up with the colorful name for Treskun - Santa Claus. For example, Moroz Ivanovich appeared in 1840 in the collection “Children's Tales of Grandfather Iriney” by V.F. Odoevsky, as well as in Nekrasov’s poem “Red Nose Frost.”

As a sign of veneration of Frost-Karachun-Traskun, his idols were often erected in winter - the well-known Snowmen. Exactly from Snowman or Snowflake and the well-known granddaughter of Santa Claus got her name - Snow Maiden, the image is also mythological - the spirit of melting ice and snow in the spring.

The Snow Maiden was born in Russia. She is a heroine folk tale, a poetic image of a girl sculpted from snow and brought to life. One of the versions of the fairy tale, in which the Snow Maiden melts from the sun's rays, was creatively developed by Alexander Ostrovsky in the fairy tale play of the same name, written in 1873 year, and then became the basis for Nikolai Rimsky-Korsakov’s opera “The Snow Maiden”.

But, unlike most versions of the fairy tale, where the Snow Maiden is sculpted by old men dreaming of a granddaughter, Ostrovsky’s Snow Maiden is the daughter of Frost and goes to people from the forest. Well, in order to smooth out the sad end of the fairy tale, with light hand writers made Snegurochka the granddaughter of Father Frost.

Therefore, it turns out that many well-known images were invented artificially and relatively recently, basically not arising out of nowhere, but easily modifying already known ancient images known to our ancestors for many thousands of years. This is the story of Father Frost and the Snow Maiden, and the same story with the Nativity of the Sun!

I immediately remembered that in the West, the main New Year and family holiday, and even the main holiday of the year, is Christmas, and what we celebrate on New Year is not celebrated there at all!

Russians, remember our ancient holidays, and do not let yourself be deceived by new images and substitutions!

Celebration of the Autumn Equinox!

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Believe in New Year's signs- not as reckless as it might seem. Often there are much more logical things behind them than we used to think. relax.by proposes for the first time to consider the rational side of New Year's signs.

Perhaps the most popular sign is “How you celebrate the New Year is how you will spend it.” There are many more similar signs, for example, “To ensure the well-being of the New Year, it should be a joyful, friendly meeting,” etc. They all say that the key to the productivity of the coming season is your own mood. If on such a bright holiday as the New Year you have lost your mood, lost faith in the future, quarrel with loved ones or do not want to be positive, it is unlikely that you will be able to gain strength and accomplish everything you have planned in the coming year. Therefore, take this sign very seriously. Think in advance where you will spend the holiday, and do not forget to leave all the bad things in the past year. If you can’t get enough joy, apply your own chosen principle regarding this day. Take a break and celebrate each New Year in a different country; on the night of December 31 to January 1, do what you really like: watch a TV series or a sports match. Don't let yourself lose the most important thing you have under the tree - your presence of mind. Otherwise, where would such signs come from? “Before the New Year you can’t wash your dirty linen in public, otherwise there will be no home well-being for the whole year”, “If the first day of the year is cheerful, then the whole year will be like this”, “If there are guests on New Year, then there will be guests all year”, “If do hard work on the first day of the New Year, the whole year will pass without rest”...

Very sure sign“If you wear something new for the New Year, then the year will be successful,” “B New Year's Eve with new clothes - wear new clothes for a whole year.” Shopping is a great way to relieve stress, and when choosing gifts for your loved ones, don’t forget about yourself. Be sure to wear new underwear for the New Year's holiday, and possibly everything else.

New Year's signs do not recommend that we save on: “A loaf and salt on the New Year's table means prosperity,” “There should be an abundance of food and drinks on the New Year's table, then there will be prosperity in the family all year.” The law that applies here is that those who know how to relax properly can work well and earn money. Do not limit yourself in pleasant pleasure, let the sign “The last glass on New Year's Eve will bring good luck to the one who drinks it” to your advantage. Don’t be afraid of stereotypes and be sure to prepare the traditional Olivier for the New Year. And don’t forget about the smell of tangerines, which we associate with childhood. In addition, there is such a sign: “A minute before the chimes, you need to take a tangerine (orange), peel it and put it under the tree. If you have time, then the year will be very happy.”

Folk wisdom contains many New Year’s signs about money: “You shouldn’t pay your debts on this day, otherwise you’ll be paying off the whole year”, “You shouldn’t borrow money on New Year’s Eve, so as not to be in debt for the whole next year”, “Who will be in debt on New Year’s Day?” If his pockets are empty, he will spend the whole year in need.” We don’t know how our ancestors justified such advice, but in modern economic conditions New Year's Eve can be characterized by instability in rates and quotes, which begins to minimize only a week after the holidays. Therefore, do not rush to implement financial transactions in the New Year, wait until the new financial period begins and you can resolve all issues with a clear head.

In ancient times, people believed that on New Year's Day they became vulnerable to evil spirits and evil spirits. Therefore, they tried to drive them away with a noisy celebration, and any other sounds. It was even believed that: “If someone sneezes on this day, then to their well-being - the whole year will be happy.”

Today is New Year's Eve, perhaps the only time when, on the contrary, neither our neighbors nor the police scare us. You can scream and rejoice! Therefore, take advantage of this opportunity - explode firecrackers, shout “Hurray!”, open the champagne loudly and clink your glasses. Maybe this will really allow you to ward off all evil spirits from your home!

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In the first second after midnight on January 1, Saturday will give way to Sunday. As a rule, such a transition does not have any special significance. However, the change of year is of particular importance and special symbolism for us. This unique moment encourages us to leave all our worries and routines behind to look back, take stock, evaluate what we have done, and decide what to do next. Apart from birthdays, perhaps no other moment during the year receives this kind of attention. Everyone loves to celebrate it.

To survive

Why does the beginning of a new year have such special symbolism? And why is its celebration so widespread around the world, or at least where there are calendars? This behavior, of course, is associated with something internal in the human consciousness, something deeply meaningful and important, considering how much energy and resources we invest in the holiday, how much effort we make to make this moment special, removing many prohibitions. For what? It may be that the symbolism we attach to this moment is associated with one of the most powerful motivations - the desire of humanity to survive.

The reason for the celebration is obvious, because we celebrate birthdays and New Years every 365 days to give a chronological assessment of our lives using a unit of measurement - a year. Hooray! Finally, another year is over and we are still alive! It's time to raise our glasses and drink to those who survived, and remember those who did not live to see this date this year.

This holiday allows us to sum up some results and judge how to live better, longer and of higher quality. It is a natural desire to have at least a rough idea of ​​what lies ahead, because the future without forecasts looks very alarming and foggy. Without knowing what awaits us, we cannot prepare for these events to protect ourselves. We make serious decisions, make many promises to ourselves: quit smoking, play sports, lead healthy image life and start saving. It is not so important whether we will be able to keep our promise next year; what is important is the moment of realizing that a person is able to control the situation, which means that even on difficult days he will be able to maintain composure.

Scientifically proven

Research by psychologist Richard Wiseman in 2007 found that for many of us, the words of the U2 song are true: “Nothing changes on New Year’s Day.” 3,000 people summed up their results on New Year's Eve, and 88% of them failed to achieve their goals, although 52% were confident that they would achieve them no matter what. It's just short description research, but it does provide some suggestions on how to make your life better.

It is interesting to note that people, when giving instructions to themselves on New Year's Eve, usually want the best treatment, new friends to be faithful, and debts to be repaid. This has been the case throughout our history. Therefore, by the New Year, people strive to do all the most important things. The Babylonians repay their debts. Jews hope for forgiveness. The Scots go to visit their neighbors to wish them success in the coming year. What do all these social behaviors have to do with survival? It's simple. We are social animals. We have evolved to depend on others for our own health and safety. Do unto others as you would have them do unto you. It turns out that this principle is an excellent survival strategy that is still relevant today.

More prayers

Many people are determined to pray more. It makes sense from a survival point of view too. Almighty power can make people's lives safer if they pray more. Jews pray at the beginning of their new year to be able to write their name in the "Book of Life" for the following year. And although death is inevitable, throughout history people have dealt with the fear of death, affiliated with religions that promise a happy and serene ending, a calm afterlife. Pray more, and death will no longer seem so scary.

Rituals to attract good luck

There are hundreds of rituals associated with the New Year holidays aimed at exercising control over one's destiny. The Dutch, for whom the circle shape is a symbol of success, eat donuts on New Year's Eve. The Greeks bake a special Vassilopitta - a cake with a coin inside, which grants good luck for the coming year to whoever finds it in their piece. Fireworks on New Year's Eve in China, like thousands of years ago, are a way of driving out evil spirits. The Japanese, celebrating Bonenkai (New Year), say goodbye to the problems of the past year and prepare for better life in the new year. Disagreements and misunderstandings between people must be resolved, grievances must be put aside. In the ritual of New Year's celebrations, houses are cleansed, bad vibrations are eliminated, and space is made for better events.


The New Year is the moment when we can examine our weaknesses and understand what needs to be done so that thoughts about the unknown future do not disturb us. I wonder what different cultures Most often they use the same holiday - New Year - for such actions. All this is dictated by the basic fundamental desire of humanity - to survive, even despite unfavorable circumstances.

Let's sum it up

So, how can you calm yourself down and distract yourself from the thought of imminent death? Donuts, special cakes with coins, fireworks and a glass of champagne with the usual toast: “To survive!” are suitable.

The tradition of celebrating the New Year on January 1 is quite old. In our country, it appeared simultaneously with the New Year tree at the turn of the 17th and 18th centuries (in 1799). Until this time, the New Year was celebrated on September 1, and even earlier (before the 16th century) on March 1.

The New Year is associated with many signs, traditions, superstitions, ritual and etiquette requirements, the observance of which determines the course of the holiday itself and our lives in the coming year.

This includes the feast, without which the New Year is already unthinkable. It is important that the treat is varied and rich, preferably with a roasted pig, which should be served whole. But you can’t serve crayfish on the holiday table - otherwise you’ll be “backing away” all next year.

Don't forget that New Year is family celebration, and it’s best to meet it with your family, and you can visit friends the next day.

The rule is well known that how you celebrate the New Year is how you will live it. Therefore, you need to forget about your problems for a while, make peace with your friends and family members if you quarreled with them the day before. Don’t be afraid to ask for forgiveness; everyone around you will appreciate it. Learn to enjoy the holiday regardless of your financial situation, successes and failures.

Try to keep your table, pocket and refrigerator empty on the holiday, then your house will be full throughout the year.

On New Year's Day, you should not lend objects that are associated with fire to strangers: in the old days - fire from a stove, and today - matches or lighters. If you are spending a holiday outside the city or have a fireplace in your house, then carefully ensure that the fire in the fireplace or stove does not go out during New Year's Eve. It is for this reason that in Europe it is considered a good sign to bring a coal into the house on New Year’s Day and throw it on the fireplace.

The European tradition of throwing old things out of windows, most often at midnight, attracts attention. Therefore, if you find yourself in southern Europe at this time, stay away from residential buildings to avoid getting hurt or injured.

The custom of choosing a “bean king” on New Year’s is noteworthy: before treating those present with a festive pie, a child is seated under the table, who commands who to give each of the sliced ​​pieces of the pie. Soon those gathered will find out who exactly got the pie with the baked bean inside. The person who received such a piece is considered lucky: during the year, luck will be on his side, but in reality New Year's holiday he gets the position of manager and toastmaster.

New Year's Eve is one of the most mysterious of the year. On the eve of the holiday, our ancestors invited a priest to the house to expel demons from the home and consecrate it. To protect yourself and your household from the machinations of evil spirits, entrance doors They drew a cross with chalk or charcoal.

On New Year's Eve you cannot wash dirty linen in public, otherwise there will be no prosperity in the house. Traditional spring cleaning, which many people do on December 30 or 31, is best done a week before the holiday. In this case, you will only have to clean things up a little on December 30th. But cleaning the house on the 31st is not recommended.

To make the year successful, you should celebrate the holiday in a new outfit. There is also a sign that if you wear new clothes for the New Year, then you will wear new clothes for the whole year.

In order for the family to have prosperity all year, the New Year's table should be bursting with treats. Don't forget to put bread and salt on it - symbols of prosperity. You cannot be left without money for the New Year, otherwise you will spend the entire next year in need.

Before the whole family sits down at the New Year's table, entangle its legs with ropes: then peace and love will reign in your family for a whole year.

On the eve of the holiday, it is imperative to appease the animal that is the owner of the year. eastern calendar. Then you will certainly be lucky next year.

To avoid unnecessary losses and turmoil in the coming year, you should plan the holiday in advance. If the celebration goes off like clockwork, then within a year everything you planned and conceived will be fulfilled.

It is considered a bad omen to break a plate, glass or glass during the festival. Try not to spoil anyone’s mood or break anything this night. You cannot throw any garbage out of the window, even if it’s candy wrappers: otherwise you will have to “rasp out other people’s garbage” all year, i.e. deal with the problems of other people, for example, relatives or colleagues.

It is considered a bad omen to see a mouse, rat or bat. If this happens, then be prepared for betrayal from colleagues or business partners.

There is a sign that you cannot celebrate the holiday alone, otherwise you will be lonely the whole year. For this reason, many strive to find at least some company for themselves. But still, you shouldn’t celebrate the New Year with people you don’t like. This is unlikely to save you from loneliness, but your mood for the next year will be ruined.

What should people do if they have no one to celebrate the New Year with? On the eve of the holiday, call your relatives, friends and acquaintances. Congratulate them and ask how they are planning for the New Year. If appropriate, communicate that you will be alone. There is a high probability that someone will definitely invite you to visit. If this does not happen, there is no need to be sad. Perhaps it’s not so bad to be alone with yourself on a festive night, take stock of the past year and think about what you want to achieve in the coming one.

For those who are planning to start with the New Year new life, it is recommended to carry out the following ritual - burn everything you want to part with at the stake. If there are no unnecessary or disturbing things, then prepare notes and objects that symbolize your failures or disappointments. It is important that all negative information about past problems, failures and illnesses come out of you and burn in the fire. You can perform the ritual in the company of a loved one.

  1. The man who drank New Year's table the last glass of wine or champagne from the bottle, good luck awaits.
  2. If something unusual happened to you on New Year's Eve, then expect surprises all next year.
  3. If someone sneezes at the New Year's table, then the coming year will be successful for everyone present.
  4. If on January 1 the trader gives a good deal to the first buyer, then a successful trade awaits him.
  5. Whoever celebrates the New Year with joy will have fun throughout the year.
  6. Pay attention to the events that happened on New Year's Eve and the first week of the new year. They will tell you what to expect this year.
  7. If on December 31 or January 1 a stray dog ​​or cat asks to come into your house, this is not without reason. If you can't take the animal, at least feed it. Then fortune will smile on you throughout the year.
  8. If on the eve of the New Year you have the wrong door or phone number, before saying goodbye, congratulate the person on the holiday.
  9. Happiness is promised by a meeting on New Year's Eve with a white horse, a blue-eyed blonde or a large, good-natured dog. If the dog rushes to greet you and tries to lick you, then success is guaranteed in the near future.
  10. It's a good sign to receive a letter on December 31st. So be sure to check your inbox and check your email.
  11. A horseshoe found on December 31 and even a lump of manure falling under your feet is considered a good omen. In this case, the coming 12 months will be successful in business terms. In addition, this is also a sign from above, indicating that it is time to start a family or legalize an existing relationship.

Money signs for the New Year

In order to have money all year round, you should pay off all debts in the old year. This will not only save you from many problems in the future, but will also bring health and well-being. You also need to ask debtors, if any, to return the money they borrowed from you. It is important that they have time to do this before the New Year.

There is another way to attract money into your life. Eastern astrologers recommend putting a red bag with three coins at the bottom of the refrigerator - always with heads facing up. Nowadays, the refrigerator symbolizes a barrel of rice, which in Ancient China was a symbol of prosperity and wealth.

There is another way to improve your financial situation. Put coins in your pocket and, when midnight strikes, ring the change - the god of trade, Mercury, will visit your home and give you prosperity.

Preparing for the New Year is always associated with spending money. After all, you need to buy gifts for relatives and friends, set the table richly, purchase new outfit, if necessary, distribute debts. The question immediately arises: “Where can I get the money for all this?” So that you always have money, remember a few simple rules that will help attract the energy of money:

  1. Buy a beautiful and well-made wallet. Do not store any garbage in it. Remove and throw away unnecessary checks and receipts immediately.
  2. Never carelessly stuff money into your wallet. Banknotes must lie neatly. Remember, monetary energy does not tolerate neglect.
  3. It is believed that the smell of mint attracts banknotes. Therefore, always have a bag of mint tea or a mint leaf in your wallet.
  4. Place one American dollar in the far compartment of your wallet. On the reverse side of this bill there is a symbol that attracts monetary energy: the all-seeing eye on an Egyptian pyramid.
  5. As soon as you receive your salary, be sure to put some of it aside in a beautiful red box or box. Because this color attracts money to itself like a magnet.
  6. Don't save money for a rainy day. It is better to collect them for some major purchase. If the required amount has accumulated, then purchase the item immediately.
  7. Let's give alms. After all, what we give to the sick, the poor or children will be returned to us with interest.
  8. Beware of freebies. Of course, sometimes you really want to drink beer, go to the cinema at someone else’s expense, or ride as a “hare” on the bus. However, keep in mind that all this is a manifestation of greed, which has a destructive effect on energy cash flows.
  9. Don’t forget to thank the Lord and your guardian angel every time you receive money.
  10. Learn how to properly handle banknotes. Always give money right hand, and take it with your left. Don't take money from someone else's hands. Let the person who gives them to you place the bill, for example, on a table or windowsill.
  11. Learn to receive and give money with pleasure.
  12. Never set yourself the goal of accumulating a lot of money. Remember, money in itself cannot be a goal, it is a means to achieve it.

Good wishes to you in the New Year!

Video: New Year's signs and fortune telling


    • . In other words, a horoscope is an astrological chart drawn up taking into account place and time, taking into account the position of the planets relative to the horizon. To construct an individual natal horoscope, it is necessary to know with maximum accuracy the time and place of birth of a person. This is required in order to find out how the celestial bodies were located at a given time and place. The ecliptic in the horoscope is depicted as a circle divided into 12 sectors (zodiac signs. By turning to natal astrology, you can better understand yourself and others. A horoscope is a tool of self-knowledge. With its help, you can not only explore your own potential, but also understand relationships with others and even make some important decisions.">Horoscope130
  • . With their help, they find out the answers to specific questions and predict the future. You can find out the future using dominoes; this is one of the very rare types of fortune telling. They tell fortunes by tea and coffee grounds, by the palm of their hand, and by Chinese Book Change. Each of these methods is aimed at predicting the future. If you want to know what awaits you in the near future, choose the fortune telling that you like best. But remember: no matter what events are predicted for you, accept them not as an immutable truth, but as a warning. Using fortune telling, you predict your destiny, but with some effort, you can change it.">Fortune telling67

1. Set an unusual New Year's table

If you can't give up gatherings at home, at least diversify the table with treats that you've never tried. Let there not be a single familiar dish or drink on your table. Try the cuisine of another country, ask your friends for delicious recipes and make your own cocktails - alcoholic or not.

There is still a lot of time before the New Year, so you will have time to create an unusual menu.

By the way, if you decide to cook traditional dishes of other peoples, why not celebrate the holiday in the style of the country whose cuisine you chose?

2. Join the traditions of another country

This is another way to celebrate the New Year with relatives and friends, but make it unusual and memorable. Decorate your home in the style of another country. For example, Japanese kadomatsu or Chinese lanterns and pictures with wishes.

Give each other special gifts, such as homemade candles in Sweden, dogwood sticks in Bulgaria, or matching items like cups or candles in China.

10. Celebrate the New Year on a plane

As a rule, plane tickets become more expensive on the eve of the holidays, as people tend to celebrate the New Year on the spot. On the contrary, on the dates of the holidays themselves, tickets become much cheaper.

If you take tickets for December 31, you will kill two birds with one stone: you will save on travel and get an unusual experience of celebrating the New Year a few kilometers above the ground.

The more interesting you spend this day, the greater your chances of a New Year's miracle.

How did you celebrate your brightest and most memorable New Year? Share your experience in the comments.
