Description of fetal development by week. Fetal development by week and the most dangerous periods of pregnancy

During the period of bearing a child, a woman is constantly observed by a doctor.

This allows you to avoid unpleasant consequences and achieve a successful delivery. Despite the control of doctors, the expectant mother wants to know what is happening inside her body, how the fetus develops over the weeks of pregnancy, what sensations should arise and what the baby himself experiences. A gynecologist does not always have enough time to answer all questions, so a pregnant woman turns to the Internet.

Fetal development in the first trimester

The first trimester lasts approximately from conception until the 12th week of pregnancy. This period is considered the most responsible, since at this time the laying of organs occurs. There is no placenta in the full sense of the word yet, so a woman needs to be careful in using drugs, since they enter the embryo through the blood (up to 9 weeks the concept of “embryo” is accepted, then “fetus”) and can cause irreparable harm to it.

During the first 2 weeks after conception, the embryo implants in the uterus. At this time, a woman may not notice any changes at all, no weight gain occurs. Starting from the 3rd week of pregnancy, the embryo begins to actively grow and develop.

The development of the fetus occurs rapidly and largely depends on the state of the mother’s body.

    3 weeks. The size of the fetus at this stage is no more than 2 mm. The formation of the neural tube, chord, and blood vessels are already beginning.

    4 weeks. The size of the embryo doubles, it is already about 4 mm. It develops germ layers that will continue to develop, transforming into full-fledged tissues.

    5 weeks. At this stage, the woman begins to suspect that she is pregnant. Her unborn child reaches 12 mm in length and weighs about 2 g. The formation of the brain and other internal organs occurs. There is no placenta yet, it is replaced by the chorion, a membrane covered with villi, which will then grow with vessels, capillaries and become the placenta.

    6 weeks. The brain develops more intensively than other organs, so the head is still much larger than the body. The genitals are forming, but it is not yet possible to determine the sex. The nervous system improves, facial features begin to be defined.

    7 weeks. By the beginning of the 7th week, the length of the fetus is already almost 2 cm. Its urinary system is formed, the fingers and toes are separated. An ultrasound can determine the heartbeat, which is normally no more than 160 beats per minute.

    8-9 weeks. The embryo turns into a fetus, fat cells appear in it, a four-chambered heart is formed, the kidneys begin to work, secreting the first urinary fluid.

    10-12 weeks. By the end of the first trimester, the fetus already has facial expressions, can actively move, breathe, and swallow amniotic fluid. The genitals are in their infancy.

At the end of the first trimester, a woman is prescribed screening and ultrasound. These procedures make it possible to identify pathologies in the development of pregnancy, if any. It is possible to determine gender at this time, but the likelihood of error is high.

Second trimester of pregnancy

The second trimester lasts until week 28. At this time, the fetus is actively increasing in size, and the woman’s belly is noticeably rounded. If there was a risk of miscarriage at the beginning of pregnancy, the risks usually decrease by the second trimester. Toxicosis also weakens at this time.

The description of fetal development at this time is of particular interest to expectant mothers, because they begin to feel the first movements of the child. If earlier the movements were imperceptible, now you can notice the tremors.

Every week the fetus becomes larger, its internal organs improve:

    13-15 weeks. During this period, the fetus acquires its own red blood cells, which begin to circulate in the blood. The digestive system continues to form, and the baby is already making the first swallowing movements. The sucking reflex is activated, so on an ultrasound, the doctor may notice that the child is sucking his finger. The movements of the fetus become more active, it can turn over.

    16-18 weeks. By the end of the 18th week, the genital organs are fully formed. The fetus not only moves itself, but also turns its head. He begins to blink, his facial expressions improve. The immune system is also developing, but before birth the child’s protective functions will completely depend on the mother.

    19-20 weeks. The growth of the fetus at this stage is already more than 25 cm. The cerebral cortex is being formed, therefore during this period toxic effects (substances, nicotine, alcohol) significantly increase the risk of developing mental retardation in the child.

    21-23 weeks. Starting from week 22, the fetus can survive outside the woman’s body. The lungs are already formed enough to breathe on their own. However, a child born at such a time will have many health problems.

    24-26 weeks. The fetus is actively gaining weight. For this reason, the heart contracts more often, which is why they speak of physiological arrhythmia of the fetus.

    27-28 weeks. By week 28, the centers of vision and hearing are formed. At birth at this stage, the baby begins to hear and see what is happening quite quickly.

You can learn from an obstetrician-gynecologist about how the fetus should develop over the weeks of pregnancy, a description of its appearance and the woman’s feelings. The second trimester is considered relatively calm for the mother. Various pathologies, including intrauterine death, are rare at this stage of pregnancy. Nevertheless, the woman is prescribed a series of tests to determine the development of the fetus and the condition of the expectant mother.

Baby in the third trimester of pregnancy

The final third trimester is full of anxiety for a woman. She is preparing for childbirth, preparing the house for the arrival of the child. And the child himself is preparing to be born.

It is believed that childbirth occurs at the 40th week of pregnancy, but even if a woman is nursing, this is considered normal until 42 weeks.

The child is becoming more and more like a newborn, his development is quite rapid:

    29-30 weeks. The baby's taste buds have already been formed, so he begins to respond to his mother's nutrition. The taste of amniotic fluid depends on the foods eaten, which can cause approval or dissatisfaction of the baby. Baby teeth form inside the gums. Mature tear ducts allow the baby to cry. By the end of the 30th week, the baby should be in a position that will allow him to be born, that is, he turns his head down.

    31-33 weeks. The formation of organs is completely completed at this time. The child's eyes begin to react to light, nails appear, and the skin takes on a pinkish tint. The child's immune system continues to develop.

    34-36 weeks. Basically, at this stage, the child accumulates subcutaneous fat and gains weight. His cheeks appear. The movements become less active, as the baby becomes cramped in the mother’s belly, but he actively kicks, and the mother begins to distinguish between kicks and punches.

    36-37 weeks. The baby already looks completely like a newborn and is ready to be born, but the heart valve has not yet closed. Weight at this stage usually reaches 3 kg. The placenta begins to gradually age, which is considered normal.

    39-40 weeks. There are only a few days left before the birth. All organs and systems are formed, the lungs are completely ready for breathing.

If the pregnancy is terminated at this stage, the development of the fetus allows it to survive outside the mother's body. The chances of survival even at the beginning of the third trimester are very high.

By the time of birth, the baby should weigh 2500-4000 g. If the fetus is large enough, the question of a planned caesarean section is raised. Despite the fact that premature birth in the 3rd trimester is no longer so dangerous for the child, there is still a danger of fetal death and neurological problems, so doctors will try to stop labor before 36-37 weeks.

A woman’s feelings as the fetus develops

During pregnancy, a new organism grows and develops inside a woman’s body for 9 months. This cannot but affect her feelings. If this is the first pregnancy, many sensations are not yet familiar to the woman and can cause fright. All doubts and suspicions must be reported to your doctor.

The closer to childbirth, the more new emotions and physical sensations the expectant mother experiences.

Depending on how the pregnancy progresses week by week, fetal development and sensations will be constantly updated.

Since a trimester lasts 12-15 weeks, sensations during one trimester can constantly change, so it is better to talk about what a woman experiences each month of pregnancy:

    1 month. At this time, the woman only finds out that she is pregnant or remains in the dark for some time. Signs of this condition may be completely absent, but some pregnant women note swelling and tenderness of the breasts, mild nausea, and nagging pain in the lower abdomen.

    2 month. By the second month, a woman usually already knows that she is pregnant. Most pregnant women at this stage begin to experience severe toxicosis, nausea, vomiting, and food preferences change. Also, due to hormonal changes, a woman becomes sleepy and gets tired quickly.

    3 month. The sensations from 2 months are not much different. Toxicosis may continue, and the breasts continue to grow and swell. The nipples become darker.

    4 month. At the 4th month a small belly begins to appear. The abdominal and back muscles may ache a little due to sprained ligaments. Also at this stage, a woman faces such an unpleasant problem as constipation.

    5 month. At the 5th month, a woman feels her baby moving. Since the uterus grows rapidly and puts pressure on the internal organs, heartburn may occur. The skin of the abdomen and thighs stretches and begins to itch.

    6 month. The belly is growing quickly, and the back is starting to get tired. The first stretch marks may appear, so it is recommended to wear a bandage.

    7 month. The woman begins to visit the toilet more often, and her back muscles hurt more. Insomnia appears. The baby's movements are so strong that they can cause discomfort to the mother.

    8 month. Due to the weight gained, a woman quickly gets tired and finds it difficult to move. Sweating increases. The psychological state changes, the pregnant woman becomes more capricious, and anxiety states are possible.

    9 month. The body is preparing for childbirth, so the stool becomes looser and more frequent, the intestines are emptied, and the woman loses a little weight. The stomach drops, so the urge to urinate becomes even more frequent.

Some pain during pregnancy is normal, as a woman's body is being rebuilt, but if the pain is too severe, you should immediately inform your doctor.

Possible deviations

Of course, a woman is not recommended to think about bad things during pregnancy. Stress and pessimism are bad companions of pregnancy. However, not everyone manages to remain calm. If there has already been a history of unsuccessful pregnancy, then the woman will try to find out as much as possible about what could go wrong.

Depending on how the pregnancy progresses, the development of the fetus and the woman’s sensations also gradually change. However, not all abnormalities can be noticed without examination, so all tests and ultrasounds should be done on time on the recommendation of a doctor.

Most often you can find the following fetal malformations:

    Down syndrome. Despite the fact that older mothers are at risk, no one is immune from this pathology. This is a mutation that is associated with the appearance of an extra chromosome. It leads to dementia and stunted growth of the child. During the first screening at 12 weeks, it becomes clear whether there is a chance of having a baby with Down syndrome.

    Patau syndrome. A severe chromosomal disease, which is also associated with gene mutation. The child has impaired mental development, possible deafness and many other pathologies. As a rule, children with Patau syndrome rarely live beyond the age of one year.

    Heart defects. A heart defect in a child can also be detected during pregnancy. This pathology is very diverse. You can live with some defects for the rest of your life, while others are so severe that they are inoperable and incompatible with life.

    Defects or absence of internal organs and body parts. The causes of this pathology are difficult to determine, but it is acquired and not related to genetics. The failure occurs at the stage of organ formation. Most often the brain and limbs are affected.

It is worth remembering that most pathologies and abnormalities in fetal development can be avoided. To do this, it is recommended that both parents undergo examination before conception, as well as be observed by a doctor and follow his recommendations.

Pregnancy is a physiological process in which a new organism develops in the uterus, resulting from fertilization. Pregnancy lasts on average 40 weeks (10 obstetric months).

In the intrauterine development of a child, two periods are distinguished:

  1. Embryonic(up to 8 weeks of pregnancy inclusive). At this time, the embryo is called an embryo and acquires characteristic human features;
  2. Fetal(from 9 weeks until birth). At this time, the embryo is called a fetus.

The growth of a child, the formation of its organs and systems occurs naturally during various periods of intrauterine development, which is subject to the genetic code embedded in the germ cells and fixed in the process of human evolution.

Embryo development in the first obstetric month (1-4 weeks)

First week (days 1-7)

Pregnancy begins from the moment fertilization- fusion of a mature male cell (sperm) and a female egg. This process usually occurs in the ampullary section of the fallopian tube. After a few hours, the fertilized egg begins to divide exponentially and descends through the fallopian tube into the uterine cavity (this journey takes up to five days).

As a result of division turns out to be a multicellular organism, which is similar to a blackberry (in Latin “morus”), which is why the embryo at this stage is called Morula. Approximately on the 7th day, the morula penetrates the uterine wall (implantation). The villi of the outer cells of the embryo connect with the blood vessels of the uterus, and subsequently the placenta is formed from them. Other outer morula cells give rise to the development of the umbilical cord and membranes. Over time, various tissues and organs of the fetus will develop from the internal cells.

Information At the time of implantation, a woman may have slight bleeding from the genital tract. Such discharge is physiological and does not require treatment.

Second week (8-14 days)

The outer morula cells grow tightly into the lining of the uterus. In the embryo the formation of the umbilical cord and placenta begins, and neural tube, from which the fetal nervous system subsequently develops.

Third week (15-21 days)

The third week of pregnancy is a difficult and important period. At that time important organs and systems begin to form fetus: the rudiments of the respiratory, digestive, circulatory, nervous and excretory systems appear. At the site where the fetal head will soon appear, a wide plate is formed, which will give rise to the brain. On day 21, the baby's heart begins to beat.

Fourth week (22-28 days)

this week laying of fetal organs continues. The rudiments of the intestines, liver, kidneys and lungs are already present. The heart begins to work more intensely and pumps more and more blood through the circulatory system.

From the beginning of the fourth week in the embryo body folds appear, and appears vertebral primordium(chord).

Completed by day 25 neural tube formation.

By the end of the week (approximately 27-28 days) the muscular system and spine are formed, which divides the embryo into two symmetrical halves, both upper and lower limbs.

During this period it begins formation of pits on the head, which will later become the eyes of the fetus.

Development of the embryo in the second obstetric month (5-8 weeks)

Fifth week (29-35 days)

During this period the embryo weighs about 0.4 grams, length 1.5-2.5 mm.

The formation of the following organs and systems begins:

  1. Digestive system: liver and pancreas;
  2. Respiratory system: larynx, trachea, lungs;
  3. Circulatory system;
  4. Reproductive system: precursors of germ cells are formed;
  5. Sense organs: the formation of the eyes and inner ear continues;
  6. Nervous system: the formation of parts of the brain begins.

At that time a faint umbilical cord appears. The formation of limbs continues, the first rudiments of nails appear.

On the face the upper lip and nasal cavities are formed.

Sixth week (36-42 days)

Length embryo during this period is about 4-5 mm.

Starts in the sixth week formation of the placenta. At this stage, it is just beginning to function; blood circulation between it and the embryo has not yet been formed.

Ongoing formation of the brain and its parts. At the sixth week, when performing an encephalogram, it is already possible to record signals from the fetal brain.

Begins formation of facial muscles. The fetal eyes are already more pronounced and uncovered by eyelids that are just beginning to form.

During this period they begin upper limbs change: they lengthen and the rudiments of hands and fingers appear. The lower limbs still remain in their infancy.

Changes in important organs occur:

  1. Heart. The division into chambers is completed: ventricles and atria;
  2. Urinary system. Primary kidneys have formed, the development of the ureters begins;
  3. Digestive system. The formation of sections of the gastrointestinal tract begins: the stomach, small and large intestines. The liver and pancreas had practically completed their development by this period;

Seventh week (43-49 days)

The seventh week is significant in that it is finally The formation of the umbilical cord is completed and uteroplacental circulation is established. Now the breathing and nutrition of the fetus will be carried out due to blood circulation through the vessels of the umbilical cord and placenta.

The embryo is still bent in an arched manner; there is a small tail on the pelvic part of the body. The size of the head is at least half of the embryo. The length from the crown to the sacrum increases by the end of the week up to 13-15 mm.

Ongoing upper limb development. The fingers are visible quite clearly, but their separation from each other has not yet occurred. The child begins to perform spontaneous movements with his hands in response to stimuli.

Fine eyes are formed, already covered with eyelids, which protect them from drying out. The child can open his mouth.

The formation of the nasal fold and nose occurs, two paired elevations are formed on the sides of the head, from which they will begin to develop ears.

Intensive continues development of the brain and its parts.

Eighth week (50-56 days)

The body of the embryo begins to straighten, length from the crown to the coccyx is 15 mm at the beginning of the week and 20-21 mm on day 56.

Ongoing formation of important organs and systems: digestive system, heart, lungs, brain, urinary system, reproductive system (boys develop testicles). The hearing organs are developing.

By the end of the eighth week the child's face becomes familiar to the person: the eyes are well defined, covered with eyelids, the nose, the ears, the formation of the lips is ending.

Intensive growth of the head, upper and lower horses is noted In particular, ossification of the long bones of the arms and legs and the skull develops. The fingers are clearly visible; there is no skin membrane between them.

Additionally At eight weeks the embryonic period of development ends and the fetal period begins. From this time on, the embryo is called a fetus.

Fetal development in the third obstetric month (9-12 weeks)

Ninth week (57-63 days)

At the beginning of the ninth week coccygeal-parietal size fetus is about 22 mm, by the end of the week - 31 mm.

Happening improvement of blood vessels of the placenta, which improves uteroplacental blood flow.

The development of the musculoskeletal system continues. The process of ossification begins, the joints of the toes and hands are formed. The fetus begins to make active movements and can clench its fingers. The head is lowered, the chin is pressed tightly to the chest.

Changes occur in the cardiovascular system. The heart beats up to 150 times per minute and pumps blood through its blood vessels. The composition of blood is still very different from the blood of an adult: it consists only of red blood cells.

Ongoing further growth and development of the brain, cerebellar structures are formed.

The organs of the endocrine system are intensively developing, in particular, the adrenal glands, which produce important hormones.

Improves cartilage tissue: auricles, laryngeal cartilages, vocal cords are being formed.

Tenth week (64-70 days)

By the end of the tenth week fruit length from the coccyx to the crown is 35-40 mm.

Buttocks begin to develop, the previously existing tail disappears. The fetus is in the uterus in a fairly free position in a semi-bent state.

Nervous system development continues. Now the fetus performs not only chaotic movements, but also reflex ones in response to a stimulus. When accidentally touching the walls of the uterus, the child makes movements in response: turns his head, bends or straightens his arms and legs, and pushes to the side. The size of the fetus is still very small, and the woman cannot yet feel these movements.

The sucking reflex is formed, the child begins reflex movements with his lips.

The development of the diaphragm is completed, which will take an active part in breathing.

Eleventh week (71-77 days)

By the end of this week coccygeal-parietal size the fetus increases to 4-5 cm.

The fetal body remains disproportionate: small body, large head, long arms and short legs, bent at all joints and pressed to the stomach.

The placenta has already reached sufficient development and copes with its functions: ensures the supply of oxygen and nutrients to the fetus and removes carbon dioxide and metabolic products.

Further formation of the fetal eyes occurs: At this time, the iris develops, which will later determine the color of the eyes. The eyes are well developed, half-closed or wide open.

Twelfth week (78-84 days)

Coccygeal-parietal size fetus is 50-60 mm.

Goes clearly development of the genital organs according to the female or male type.

Happening further improvement of the digestive system. The intestines are elongated and arranged in loops, like those of an adult. Its periodic contractions begin - peristalsis. The fetus begins to make swallowing movements, swallowing amniotic fluid.

The development and improvement of the fetal nervous system continues. The brain is small in size, but exactly replicates all the structures of the adult brain. The cerebral hemispheres and other sections are well developed. Reflex movements are improved: the fetus can clench and unclench its fingers into a fist, grabs the thumb and actively sucks it.

In fetal blood Not only red blood cells are already present, but the production of white blood cells - leukocytes - also begins.

At this time the child single respiratory movements begin to be recorded. Before birth, the fetus cannot breathe, its lungs do not function, but it makes rhythmic movements of the chest, imitating breathing.

By the end of the week the fetus eyebrows and eyelashes appear, the neck is clearly visible.

Fetal development in the fourth obstetric month (13-16 weeks)

Week 13 (85-91 days)

Coccygeal-parietal size by the end of the week is 70-75 mm. The proportions of the body begin to change: the upper and lower limbs and torso lengthen, the size of the head is no longer so large in relation to the body.

Improvement of the digestive and nervous systems continues. The embryos of baby teeth begin to appear under the upper and lower jaws.

The face is fully formed, the ears, nose and eyes are clearly visible (the eyelids are completely closed).

Week 14 (92-98 days)

Coccygeal-parietal size by the end of the fourteenth week it increases up to 8-9 cm. Body proportions continue to change to more familiar ones. The face has a well-defined forehead, nose, cheeks and chin. The first hair appears on the head (very thin and colorless). The surface of the body is covered with vellus hairs, which retain skin lubrication and thereby perform protective functions.

The musculoskeletal system of the fetus is improved. Bones become stronger. Motor activity increases: the fetus can turn over, bend, and make swimming movements.

Development of the kidneys, bladder and ureters is complete. The kidneys begin to secrete urine, which mixes with the amniotic fluid.

: pancreatic cells begin to work, producing insulin, and pituitary cells.

Changes in the genital organs appear. In boys, the prostate gland forms; in girls, the ovaries migrate into the pelvic cavity. At the fourteenth week, with a good sensitive ultrasound machine, it is already possible to determine the sex of the child.

Fifteenth week (99-105 days)

Coccygeal-parietal size of the fetus is about 10 cm, fruit weight – 70-75 grams. The head still remains quite large, but the growth of the arms, legs and torso begins to outstrip it.

The circulatory system is improved. In the fourth month, a child’s blood type and Rh factor can already be determined. Blood vessels (veins, arteries, capillaries) grow in length and their walls become stronger.

The production of original feces (meconium) begins. This is due to the ingestion of amniotic fluid, which enters the stomach, then into the intestines and fills it.

Fully formed fingers and toes, an individual design appears on them.

Sixteenth week (106-112 days)

The weight of the fetus increases to 100 grams, the coccygeal-parietal size - up to 12 cm.

By the end of the sixteenth week, the fetus is already fully formed, he has all the organs and systems. The kidneys are actively working, a small amount of urine is released into the amniotic fluid every hour.

The skin of the fetus is very thin, subcutaneous fatty tissue is practically absent, so blood vessels are visible through the skin. The skin appears bright red, covered with vellus hairs and grease. Eyebrows and eyelashes are well defined. Nails are formed, but they only cover the edge of the nail phalanx.

Facial muscles are formed, and the fetus begins to “grimace”: frowning of the eyebrows and a semblance of a smile are observed.

Fetal development in the fifth obstetric month (17-20 weeks)

Seventeenth week (days 113-119)

The weight of the fetus is 120-150 grams, the coccygeal-parietal size is 14-15 cm.

The skin remains very thin, but subcutaneous fatty tissue begins to develop under it. The development of baby teeth continues, which are covered with dentin. The embryos of permanent teeth begin to form under them.

There is a reaction to sound stimuli. From this week we can say for sure that the child began to hear. When strong sharp sounds appear, the fetus begins to actively move.

Fetal position changes. The head is raised and is in an almost vertical position. The arms are bent at the elbow joints, the fingers are clenched into a fist almost all the time. Periodically, the child begins to suck his thumb.

The heartbeat becomes clear. From now on, the doctor can listen to him using a stethoscope.

Eighteenth week (120-126 days)

The child's weight is about 200 grams, length - up to 20 cm.

The formation of sleep and wakefulness begins. Most of the time the fetus sleeps, movements stop during this time.

At this time, the woman may already begin to feel the baby moving, especially with repeated pregnancies. The first movements are felt as gentle jolts. A woman may feel more active movements when she is nervous or stressed, which affects the emotional state of the child. At this stage, the norm is about ten episodes of fetal movement per day.

Nineteenth week (127-133 days)

The child’s weight increases to 250-300 grams, body length – to 22-23 cm. The proportions of the body change: the head lags behind the body in growth, the arms and legs begin to lengthen.

Movements become more frequent and noticeable. They can be felt not only by the woman herself, but also by other people by placing their hand on their stomach. Primigravidas at this time can only begin to feel movements.

The endocrine system is improved: the pancreas, pituitary gland, adrenal glands, gonads, thyroid and parathyroid glands are actively functioning.

Blood composition has changed: In addition to erythrocytes and leukocytes, the blood contains monocytes and lymphocytes. The spleen begins to take part in hematopoiesis.

Twentieth week (134-140 days)

Body length increases to 23-25 ​​cm, weight – up to 340 grams.

The fetal skin is still thin, covered with protective lubricant and vellus hairs, which can persist until childbirth. Subcutaneous fatty tissue develops intensively.

Well formed eyes, at twenty weeks the blink reflex begins to appear.

Improved movement coordination: The child confidently brings his finger to his mouth and begins to suck it. Facial expressions are pronounced: the fetus may close its eyes, smile, or frown.

This week all women are already feeling movements., regardless of the number of pregnancies. Movement activity varies throughout the day. When stimuli appear (loud sounds, stuffy rooms), the child begins to move very violently and actively.

Fetal development in the sixth obstetric month (21-24 weeks)

Twenty-first week (days 141-147)

Body weight grows to 380 grams, fetal length – up to 27 cm.

The layer of subcutaneous tissue increases. The skin of the fetus is wrinkled, with many folds.

Fetal movements become more active and tangible. The fetus moves freely in the uterine cavity: it lies head down or buttocks, across the uterus. Can pull on the umbilical cord, push off the walls of the uterus with hands and feet.

Changes in sleep and wakefulness patterns. Now the fetus spends less time sleeping (16-20 hours).

Twenty-second week (148-154 days)

At week 22, the size of the fetus increases to 28 cm, weight - up to 450-500 grams. The size of the head becomes proportional to the body and limbs. The legs are bent almost all the time.

The fetal spine is fully formed: It has all the vertebrae, ligaments and joints. The process of strengthening bones continues.

Improves the fetal nervous system: The brain already contains all the nerve cells (neurons) and has a mass of about 100 grams. The child begins to take an interest in his body: he feels his face, arms, legs, tilts his head, brings his fingers to his mouth.

Heart size increases significantly, the functionality of the cardiovascular system is improved.

Twenty-third week (155-161 days)

The length of the fetal body is 28-30 cm, weight is about 500 grams. Pigment begins to be synthesized in the skin, resulting in the skin becoming bright red. The subcutaneous fatty tissue is still quite thin, as a result the child looks very thin and wrinkled. The lubricant covers the entire skin and is more abundant in the folds of the body (elbow, axillary, inguinal, etc. folds).

Development of internal genital organs continues: in boys - the scrotum, in girls - the ovaries.

Respiratory frequency increases up to 50-60 times per minute.

The swallowing reflex is still well developed: the child constantly swallows amniotic fluid with particles of protective skin lubricant. The liquid part of the amniotic fluid is absorbed into the blood, leaving a thick green-black substance (meconium) in the intestines. Normally, the bowel should not have a bowel movement until the baby is born. Sometimes swallowing water causes hiccups in the fetus; a woman can feel it in the form of rhythmic movements for several minutes.

Twenty-fourth week (162-168 days)

By the end of this week, the weight of the fetus increases to 600 grams, body length to 30-32 cm.

The movements are becoming stronger and clearer. The fetus takes up almost all the space in the uterus, but can still change position and turn over. Muscles grow rapidly.

By the end of the sixth month, the child has well-developed sense organs. Vision begins to function. If a bright light hits a woman’s belly, the fetus begins to turn away and closes her eyelids tightly. Hearing is well developed. The fetus determines pleasant and unpleasant sounds for itself and reacts to them differently. When hearing pleasant sounds, the child behaves calmly, his movements become calm and measured. When unpleasant sounds occur, it begins to freeze or, conversely, moves very actively.

An emotional connection is established between mother and child. If a woman experiences negative emotions (fear, anxiety, melancholy), the child begins to experience similar feelings.

Fetal development in the seventh obstetric month (25-28 weeks)

Twenty-fifth week (169-175 days)

The length of the fetus is 30-34 cm, body weight increases to 650-700 grams. The skin becomes elastic, the number and severity of folds decreases due to the accumulation of subcutaneous fatty tissue. The skin remains thin with a large number of capillaries, giving it a red color.

The face has a familiar appearance to a person: eyes, eyelids, eyebrows, eyelashes, cheeks, ears are well defined. The cartilage of the ears remains thin and soft, their bends and curls are not fully formed.

Bone marrow develops intensively, which takes on the main role in hematopoiesis. The strengthening of the fetal bones continues.

Important processes occur in lung maturation: small elements of lung tissue (alveoli) are formed. Before the baby is born, they are without air and resemble deflated balloons, which straighten out only after the first cry of the newborn. From week 25, the alveoli begin to produce a special substance (surfactant) necessary to maintain their shape.

Twenty-sixth week (176-182 days)

The length of the fruit is about 35 cm, the weight increases to 750-760 grams. The growth of muscle tissue and subcutaneous fat continues. Bones are strengthened and permanent teeth continue to develop.

The formation of the genital organs continues. In boys, the testicles begin to descend into the scrotum (the process lasts 3-4 weeks). In girls, the formation of the external genitalia and vagina is completed.

Improved sense organs. The child develops a sense of smell (smell).

Twenty-seventh week (183-189 days)

Weight increases to 850 grams, body length - up to 37 cm.

The organs of the endocrine system are actively functioning, in particular the pancreas, pituitary gland and thyroid gland.

The fruit is quite active, makes freely various movements inside the uterus.

From the twenty-seventh week in the child individual metabolism begins to form.

Twenty-eighth week (190-196 days)

The child’s weight increases to 950 grams, body length – 38 cm.

By this age the fetus becomes practically viable. In the absence of organ pathology, a child with good care and treatment can survive.

Subcutaneous fat continues to accumulate. The skin is still red in color, the vellus hair begins to gradually fall out, remaining only on the back and shoulders. Eyebrows, eyelashes, and hair on the head become darker. The child begins to open his eyes frequently. The cartilage of the nose and ears remains soft. The nails do not yet reach the edge of the nail phalanx.

This week starts more one of the cerebral hemispheres is actively functioning. If the right hemisphere becomes active, then the child becomes left-handed; if the left hemisphere becomes active, then right-handedness develops.

Fetal development in the eighth month (29-32 weeks)

Twenty-ninth week (197-203 days)

The weight of the fetus is about 1200 grams, the height increases to 39 cm.

The baby has already grown enough and takes up almost all the space in the uterus. Movements become less chaotic. The movements manifest themselves in the form of periodic kicks with the legs and arms. The fetus begins to take a definite position in the uterus: head or buttocks down.

All organ systems continue to improve. The kidneys already secrete up to 500 ml of urine per day. The load on the cardiovascular system increases. The blood circulation of the fetus is still significantly different from the blood circulation of the newborn.

Thirtieth week (204-210 days)

Body weight increases to 1300-1350 grams, height remains approximately the same - about 38-39 cm.

Subcutaneous fat tissue constantly accumulates, skin folds straighten out. The child adapts to the lack of space and takes a certain position: curls up, arms and legs crossed. The skin still has a bright color, the amount of grease and vellus hair decreases.

Alveolar development and surfactant production continues. The lungs prepare for the birth of the baby and the start of breathing.

Brain development continues brain, the number of convolutions and the area of ​​the cortex increases.

Thirty-first week (211-217 days)

The child's weight is about 1500-1700 grams, height increases to 40 cm.

Your child's sleep and wake patterns change. Sleep still takes a long time, during which time there is no motor activity of the fetus. While awake, the child actively moves and pushes.

Fully formed eyes. During sleep, the child closes his eyes, while awake, the eyes are open, and the child blinks periodically. The color of the iris is the same for all children (blue), then after birth it begins to change. The fetus reacts to bright light by constricting or dilating the pupil.

Brain size increases. Now its volume is about 25% of the volume of the adult brain.

Thirty-second week (218-224 days)

The child's height is about 42 cm, weight - 1700-1800 grams.

Accumulation of subcutaneous fat continues, due to which the skin becomes lighter, there are practically no folds left on it.

Internal organs are improved: organs of the endocrine system intensively secrete hormones, surfactant accumulates in the lungs.

The fetus produces a special hormone, which promotes the formation of estrogen in the mother’s body, as a result, the mammary glands begin to prepare for milk production.

Fetal development in the ninth month (33-36 weeks)

Thirty-third week (225-231 days)

The weight of the fetus increases to 1900-2000 grams, the height is about 43-44 cm.

Skin becomes increasingly lighter and smoother, the layer of fatty tissue increases. The vellus hair is increasingly wiped off, and the layer of protective lubricant, on the contrary, increases. Nails grow to the edge of the nail phalanx.

The baby becomes increasingly cramped in the uterine cavity, so his movements become more rare, but strong. The position of the fetus is fixed (head or buttocks down), the likelihood that the child will turn over after this period is extremely small.

The functioning of internal organs is becoming more and more improved: the mass of the heart increases, the formation of the alveoli is almost complete, the tone of the blood vessels increases, the brain is fully formed.

Thirty-fourth week (232-238 days)

The child's weight ranges from 2000 to 2500 grams, height is about 44-45 cm.

The baby now occupies a stable position in the uterus. The bones of the skull are soft and mobile thanks to the fontanelles, which can close only a few months after birth.

Head hair grows rapidly and take on a certain color. However, hair color may change after childbirth.

Intensive strengthening of bones is noted, in connection with this, the fetus begins to take calcium from the mother’s body (the woman may notice the appearance of cramps at this time).

The child constantly swallows amniotic fluid, thereby stimulating the gastrointestinal tract and the functioning of the kidneys, which produce at least 600 ml of clear urine per day.

Thirty-fifth week (239-245 days)

Every day the child gains 25-35 grams. Weight during this period can vary greatly and by the end of the week it is 2200-2700 grams. Height increases to 46 cm.

All internal organs of the child continue to improve, preparing the body for the upcoming extrauterine existence.

Fatty tissue is intensively deposited, the child becomes more well-fed. The amount of vellus hair is greatly reduced. The nails have already reached the tips of the nail phalanges.

A sufficient amount of meconium has already accumulated in the fetal intestines, which normally should go away 6-7 hours after birth.

Thirty-sixth week (246-252 days)

The weight of a child varies greatly and can range from 2000 to 3000 grams, height - within 46-48 cm

The fetus already has well-developed subcutaneous fatty tissue, skin color becomes lighter, wrinkles and folds disappear completely.

The baby occupies a certain position in the uterus: more often he lies upside down (less often, with his legs or buttocks, in some cases, transversely), his head is bent, his chin is pressed to his chest, his arms and legs are pressed to his body.

Skull bones, unlike other bones, remain soft, with cracks (fontanelles), which will allow the baby's head to be more pliable when passing through the birth canal.

All organs and systems are fully developed for the existence of a child outside the womb.

Fetal development in the tenth obstetric month

Thirty-seventh week (254-259 days)

The child's height increases to 48-49 cm, weight can fluctuate significantly. The skin has become lighter and thicker, the fat layer increases every day by 14-15 grams per day.

Cartilages of the nose and ears become denser and more elastic.

Fully lungs are formed and mature, the alveoli contain the necessary amount of surfactant for the newborn to breathe.

The digestive system has matured: Contractions occur in the stomach and intestines to push food through (peristalsis).

Thirty-eighth week (260-266 days)

A child's weight and height vary greatly.

The fetus is fully mature and ready to be born. Externally, the child looks like a full-term newborn. The skin is light, the fatty tissue is sufficiently developed, and vellus hair is practically absent.

Thirty-ninth week (267-273 days)

Typically two weeks before birth the fruit begins to descend, pressing against the pelvic bones. The child has already reached full maturity. The placenta begins to gradually age and its metabolic processes deteriorate.

The weight of the fetus increases significantly (30-35 grams per day). The proportions of the body change completely: the chest and shoulder girdle are well developed, the belly is round, and the limbs are long.

Well developed sense organs: the child catches all sounds, sees bright colors, can focus his vision, and taste buds are developed.

Fortieth week (274-280 days)

All indicators of fetal development correspond to new to the awaited one. The baby is completely ready for birth. The weight can vary significantly: from 250 to 4000 and above grams.

The uterus begins to periodically contract(), which is manifested by aching pain in the lower abdomen. The cervix opens slightly, and the fetal head is pressed closer to the pelvic cavity.

The skull bones are still soft and pliable, which allows the baby’s head to change shape and pass the birth canal more easily.

Fetal development by week of pregnancy - Video

The process of giving birth to a new life can only be compared to magic. A woman feels such transformations only during a special period. Not only her body and feelings change, but also her awareness of the whole world. Together with the child, the expectant mother goes through a huge stage from the appearance of one cell to the birth of a new inhabitant of the planet.

Pregnancy week by week, the development of the fetus and the woman’s sensations will allow us to understand the changes that occur at the physiological and psychological level. The entire period will last 40 weeks, or 10 lunar months, each of which has 28 days (a full cycle).

1 week pregnant

According to obstetric terms, the first week is considered to be the last day of menstruation. Conception does not necessarily occur during this period; it can occur after 2 or 3 weeks, depending on the time of ovulation. You can find out about the onset of the long-awaited state only by measuring your basal temperature. At this time, home tests or blood donation for hCG will not show the true result. There are no obvious signs, the woman is still active, her body is still just going through the preparatory stages.


The fusion of the egg and sperm occurs in the fallopian tube. As soon as fertilization has occurred, one main cell is formed - the zygote. It is this that is the basis of all systems and organs that will be laid down and formed over the course of 9 months. The first violent chemical reactions begin, increased synthesis of special hCG hormones is observed on days 5-6. This will reduce the immune defense of the maternal body in order to preserve the embryo.

  • get rid of bad habits, smoking, alcohol;
  • start eating right; your body should receive proteins, fats and carbohydrates in a ratio of 1:1:4, respectively;
  • Avoid medical procedures involving radiation; when taking medications, you should consult a doctor;
  • You may need multivitamins that include folic acid; it is advisable for the expectant mother to start the course at the pre-planning stage.

The woman’s feelings are no different, she leads a normal lifestyle, physiological changes will come a little later. But some mothers, with very developed intuition and sensitivity, can determine the exact onset of conception without tests or analyses.

2 weeks pregnant

According to obstetric dates, this is the time of ovulation. During this period after the end of menstruation, the body is actively preparing for reproductive function. The ovaries release an egg, and if there are several, a multiple pregnancy can occur. Through the abdominal cavity it is sent to the fallopian tube, the whole process is controlled by the hypothalamus. The egg awaits conception throughout the day. The sperm has a higher viability up to 5 days.

The time of ovulation occurs in the middle of the cycle; if it consists of 28 days, then on the 14th day the egg matures. If conception does not happen, then after 2 weeks the unfertilized female cell is excreted during menstruation.

Woman's feelings:

  • hormonal levels change, sensitivity to odors may appear;
  • pulling sensations in the lower abdomen;
  • increased libido, development of sensuality and sexuality.

You can calculate the moment of ovulation using special pharmacy tests, or by measuring basal temperature!

These are optional symptoms; more often than not, women do not notice such subtle processes that prepare her body for motherhood.

3 weeks pregnant

In fact, this is the first week of the birth of future life. Conception occurs as follows. The most active and strong sperm reach the egg 1-2 hours, the rest are destroyed by the protective cells of the female reproductive system. The egg is many times larger than the sperm and consists of several membranes. The strongest and fastest penetrates inside, and fusion begins, forming a unique set of chromosomes. The remaining sperm die.

The resulting zygote moves from the fallopian tube into the uterine cavity. At this time, it is nourished by protein compounds of tissues, as well as internal reserves. As soon as it is fixed on the walls of the uterus, the process of preparing the maternal body begins. Embryo implantation may be accompanied by scanty spotting, and sometimes a woman simply does not notice it.

A woman’s sensations depend on her sensitivity. Some experience nausea, weakness, and dizziness. The most important thing at this stage is to ensure sufficient intake of protein, folic acid, calcium and iron. Therefore, it is worth adjusting your diet and daily routine; overwork and stress can have a detrimental effect on the course of development.

4 weeks pregnant

During this period, the placenta and amniotic fluid begin to form, they will provide the baby with vital functions. In addition, the head appears, 3 main layers are also laid, after which systems and organs will develop. Paternal genes are responsible for their formation.

Appearance of the embryo:

  • ectoderm – formation of the brain;
  • endoderm – organs of the gastrointestinal tract, thyroid gland, liver;
  • mesoderm – musculoskeletal and circulatory system.

Mom's feelings:

  • there is a sharp change in mood, drowsiness, or vice versa – a surge of energy;
  • increased irritability to smells and tastes;
  • nausea in the morning, dizziness;
  • The breasts may already become larger and the sensitivity of the nipples will increase.

Pregnancy can be determined using a test or ultrasound. During this period, it is necessary to provide adequate nutrition and a gentle regime. It is important to take care of your immunity, avoid attending public events and contact with sick people.

5th week of pregnancy

The expectant mother is already beginning to suspect a new condition, because menstruation should have happened a week ago. In addition to psycho-emotional moments, there are other signs of conception.

Physiological changes in a woman:

  • the amount of discharge increases, normally it resembles mucus, like chicken protein, at this time a plug is formed that protects the fetus from infections until the moment of birth;
  • heaviness and pain in the lower abdomen may signal the development of a threat, or be part of a natural process; in any case, consultation with a gynecologist is necessary;
  • fainting and dizziness indicate sudden surges in sugar, so the entire daily diet should be divided into small portions, increasing the number of doses;
  • emotionally, there is instability, fears, doubts, and worries about the assigned responsibility appear.


The baby reaches a size of 1.7-2 cm, with a large head and small body resembling a tadpole. This is a very important period, as the formation of the spinal cord and brain occurs. The small heart beats and the blood circulates. At this time, it is important for the mother to continue taking folic acid for the normal development of the nervous system and to ensure adequate sleep and rest.

6th week of pregnancy

This week you can use ultrasound to measure the CTE (coccygeal-parietal size), its norm of 5-6 mm indicates correct development. In addition, in the photographs you will be able to see the tubercles of the arms and legs, the formation of fingers is beginning, and soon they will become full-fledged limbs. In the meantime, the formation of the mouth, chin, and cheeks is underway.

Changes in the expectant mother:

  • hormonal changes begin to affect eating habits, you constantly feel hungry, or vice versa, foods cause nausea;
  • weight gain is not yet happening, if there is toxicosis, the woman may even lose weight;
  • if the discharge changes, is accompanied by a specific odor and discomfort, you need to urgently consult a doctor, the risk of fungal diseases is high;
  • The area in the lower abdomen may increase, which is easy to detect by clothing; the lack of muscle tone of the uterus gives this effect.

Avoid any contact with chemicals, detergents, tobacco smoke. You should also not visit bathhouses, beaches, solariums, and swimming pools.

7 weeks pregnant

The main feature is the replacement of the corpus luteum with the placenta, which by this time should be fully formed and perform its nutritional and protective functions. The risk is present if previous infections have led to abnormalities.

Fetal development by week of pregnancy description with photo:

  • grows by leaps and bounds, reaching a size of 1.8 cm and a weight of 2 grams;
  • Both hemispheres of the brain have already been formed, the construction of the nervous system continues;
  • the body is exactly the same size as the head, there is also a small tail on the tailbone;
  • blood circulation is completely improved, the placenta now supplies oxygen, nutrients, and protects against toxins, infections, and pathogenic microflora;
  • the musculoskeletal system continues to form, fingers are visible, skeletal tissue turns into bone tissue, the embryo can bend its elbows and knees;
  • the heart already consists of 4 chambers, pumps blood throughout the small body;
  • a nose appears on the face, with nostrils, as well as an upper lip, the auditory system is formed, the rudiments of teeth are formed in the mouth;
  • the integument already consists of 2 layers, the top one is the epidermis;
  • by the end of the seventh week, a mound appears between the limbs; a little later it will be possible to determine whether it is a boy or a girl.

The expectant mother is already beginning to feel all the difficulties of pregnancy. Toxicosis, nausea and drowsiness may be accompanied by swelling, frequent urination, gas formation and disturbances in the digestive system. The baby develops very quickly, and the uterus reaches the size of an orange, which is accompanied by heaviness and pressure in the lower abdomen. The areolas of the nipples darken, and a line is drawn along the lower abdomen to the navel.

8 weeks pregnant

The main symptoms clearly appear, by which inattentive women, forgetting about the delay, can accurately guess their situation.

Main features:

  • the woman’s silhouette is noticeably rounded in the area of ​​the abdomen, chest, hips, the gait becomes smooth and measured;
  • the condition of the skin will change, for the better or worse depending on individual characteristics, or rashes and redness will appear, or vice versa - the face will be clean, fresh, without a single spot;
  • taste preferences are quite original, the desire to eat something out of season arises very often, or a pregnant woman becomes selective in food, stopping at just a few products.

The baby continues to grow, reaching about 2 cm and weighing 2-3 grams. Almost all systems have been laid out, and their further development continues. The tail disappears, the ability to move his arms and legs chaotically appears, he unclenches his fingers. Bones and joints become stronger every day.

The visual system is formed, the embryo becomes less like an alien, the eyes are located closer to each other. On an ultrasound, you can see the ear canal; the face has a clearer contour with barely noticeable facial expressions. At this time, the baby can already respond to touch.

Week 9

This period is characterized by intensive growth and the transition from embryo to fetus. The head is still quite large and lies on the chest, the arms and legs are well formed. The baby can move through the amniotic fluid as long as its small size (about the size of a grape) allows it. The genital organs are indicated, but it cannot be determined by ultrasound yet; you need to take a blood test.

It is important for a woman to still monitor her health; if bloody, yellow, or green discharge appears, she should consult a doctor. You should also be alert for pain in the lumbar region and lower abdomen. The doctor may recommend a consultation with a geneticist; if necessary, a chorionic villus biopsy is taken to identify developmental anomalies.

Fresh and high-quality products should prevail in the diet. If you suffer from heartburn, you should avoid hot spicy foods. Rosehip decoctions and green tea without sugar will ease toxicosis.

10 week

A calmer period begins, the expectant mother gets used to the new state, and the baby’s systems and organs are already formed, and the development of the brain continues. His weight is approaching 7 grams, his head gradually begins to rise from his chest. The most amazing thing at this time is the development of the brain. The process occurs at incredible speed, with new chains of neurons being formed every minute. The fingers continue to lengthen, but the membranes between them remain. The main organs - liver, kidneys, lungs, intestines - are positioned correctly and continue to improve. The synthesis of sex hormones begins, in girls - estrogen, in boys - testosterone.

The woman’s breasts become even larger and veins appear noticeably. The tummy is round enough to think about comfortable clothes. The uterus continues to grow along with the baby, so the pressure on the pelvic organs increases. It is important to maintain a positive attitude, treat yourself with gifts, and not worry about changing body shapes. It’s worth choosing beautiful underwear and clothes to continue to feel beautiful and happy.

11 week

The baby already weighs about 11 grams, and the size is about 5-6 cm; from the first ultrasound, you can determine the development of the fetus and its compliance with the norms. The heart beats very quickly - 140 beats per minute. The growth of blood vessels in the placenta is activated, the baby grows rapidly and requires more nutrients. The auricles are formed and hair follicles are formed.

For expectant mothers suffering from toxicosis, gradual relief occurs. By 14 weeks, morning discomfort should subside. Increased urination is a normal reaction of the body to hormonal changes. You need to drink clean water, as well as healthy drinks; it is better to limit products containing caffeine. You can also start (if there are no threats) to engage in fitness for pregnant women, and use oils for stretch marks; almond, sesame, and olive are considered the most effective.

12 week

The end of the 3rd month makes you forget about the risks that existed from the day the embryo was conceived. This is the time when a woman is already accustomed to the new state and can enjoy it. There are noticeable changes in appearance. The skin is fresher, more elastic, hair grows better, it has become thicker and silkier. Many pregnant women forget about a balanced diet, believing that during this period they can afford everything.

  • You should forget about unhealthy fast foods, snacks, street food; hot, spicy, fatty foods can lead to constipation and affect the baby’s condition;
  • do not overeat, trying to fulfill the norm for two; excess weight complicates the process of childbirth and subsequent rehabilitation;
  • you need to forget about your own taste preferences when eating cottage cheese, fish, lean meats, nuts, fruits, and vegetables.

The fruit reaches 5 cm and weighs about 12-14 grams. The lungs are gradually strengthened and the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract is improved. The baby is trying to raise his head and can already suck his finger. Sensitivity to pain appears and reacts to sounds.

Week 13

The 2nd trimester begins, the same recommendations for nutrition and moderate physical activity remain. A woman may notice a completely blurred waistline, and her breasts have increased by several sizes. You need to choose special underwear; discharge is often observed from the nipples - this is colostrum. You can forget about frequent trips to the toilet; raising the uterus relieves discomfort. If you experience nagging pain in the lower abdomen and lower back, you should consult a gynecologist. Discharge normally remains white, transparent, without any pungent odors.

The child weighs from 15-20 grams, his height reaches 6-7 cm. The baby's sensitivity is rapidly developing. It can react to temperature changes, light, music, noise, pain.

Physiological development:

  • the eyes move closer and closer to each other;
  • bones continue to harden, and muscles grow and improve;
  • the ears take on their final shape;
  • a dream appears, it lasts only a few minutes;
  • motor activity includes various movements; in addition to bending, it can cross limbs and make chaotic swings.

Week 14

The expectant mother gradually passes all her fears and doubts. She learns to enjoy the harmony of life, and her priorities are reassessed. The uterus continues to rise and the breasts continue to grow. A woman already needs to choose looser and more comfortable clothes. At this time, you should not indulge yourself in sweets; it is better to provide your child with high-quality protein. The average weight gain rate is 1.5-2 kg from conception, it is important to watch the clock and not overeat.

The baby continues to develop rapidly, reaching a weight of 50 grams, with a height of 10 cm. Pronounced facial expressions appear, as well as sleep and wakefulness patterns. The respiratory system is trained, insulin production begins. Heart rate often depends on the behavior of the mother. Her bad habits and stress can lead to a noticeable increase in the fetal heart rate.

If you haven’t had an ultrasound yet, now is the time. The doctor can accurately measure the child’s parameters and determine compliance with standards.

Week 15

The expectant mother continues to lead an active lifestyle, not forgetting to monitor her health.

Discomfort may be associated with:

  • with the condition of your teeth, you definitely need to see a dentist to cure caries and bleeding gums in order to prevent infection;
  • reduced immunity leads to respiratory diseases, it is important to limit trips to public places; if symptoms appear, the doctor will advise safe medications;
  • weakness, the desire to rest, to get enough sleep - this is typical for such hormonal changes, you should not deny yourself, because when the baby is born, sleep will become a luxury;
  • if the veins become enlarged, you need to choose the right shoes; you may need light exercises to relieve fatigue;
  • pain in the lower abdomen is not always associated with abnormalities; the growth of the uterus is reflected in the stretching of muscles and ligaments.

The baby reaches the size of an apple, his movements are still active, and his sleep is short. The eyes are still closed, but the optic nerves are formed, the child can distinguish between light and shadow. The first hairs are emerging, the sweat glands are working.

Week 16

The fetus becomes more and more like a baby. His body is covered with light fluff, the skin is still thin, and blood vessels are visible. Height is 11-14 cm, and weight reaches 110 g. The chemical composition of the blood changes, red blood cells, platelets, lymphocytes appear, and hemoglobin is synthesized. All features are already clearly expressed on the face, eyebrows and eyelashes emerge. The fetus is covered with a special white lubricant that protects the thin skin until the birth process.

The expectant mother continues to monitor her diet; sudden changes in weight will lead to dangerous changes in blood pressure. The gait becomes like that of a duck, and fatigue appears in the legs. If this is not your first pregnancy, you may already feel fetal movements.

Week 17

A woman's performance decreases. She needs the support of loved ones more than ever. Heaviness, pain in the sacrum, weight gain, affect the mother’s activity and her rapid fatigue. From time to time it can feel hot or cold, sudden changes in mood are characteristic of accumulated fatigue. The support of not only the husband, but also all relatives is important; someone can cook soup, someone can take documents to the hospital.

The baby reaches a height of 13 cm, sleeps most of the time, and then stretches and grimaces. Reacts well to sounds, sharp, loud ones are scary, but mom’s voice will calm him down. The pituitary gland and adrenal glands are actively working, and in girls the formation of internal reproductive organs begins.

Week 18

The tummy is quite pronounced and the mother has to choose sleeping positions; the left side is considered the most favorable for childbirth. A good appetite must be restrained; during this period, significant weight gain is observed. Carbonated drinks and large portion sizes can lead to constipation and bloating. A high need for calcium can affect the condition of teeth, so the diet must include fermented milk products. Breast sensitivity, darkening and expansion of the areola, increase in size, provoke depression. Don’t despair; after giving birth, if you follow a balanced diet, you will be able to quickly return to normal.

The child reaches 18 cm and weighs 200 g. It is important to talk to your baby, this stimulates the development of his central nervous system. Mom can feel the first tremors during the period of activity; the musculoskeletal system develops. Unique fingerprints have already appeared on the fingers.

Week 19

Toxicosis and heartburn have finally subsided, but a pregnant woman may be bothered by itching of the skin of her growing abdomen. It is worth using special creams or oils to reduce sensitivity. For fatigue and leg cramps, Magnesia preparations may be prescribed. Relaxing exercises will help you cope with back pain. It is important to alternate between activity and rest modes. If there are no threats or pathologies, you need to walk a lot and do feasible work. Self-prescribed bed rest can complicate the birth process due to muscle weakness.

The child reaches 220-250 g, sleeps most of the day, and while awake you can feel his movements. If the mother walks, the baby is rocked, but as soon as she lies down to rest, tremors are immediately felt. The sebaceous glands continue to produce white protective lubricant.

At this time, it is necessary to undergo a control urine test and a scheduled second ultrasound. On it you can already find out the gender and get a photo of the baby.

Week 20

A period of rest for the expectant mother, she enjoys her condition and blooming appearance. The tummy is small, neat, and does not interfere with movement and doing usual things. By her feelings, a woman can understand how the baby is developing. Strong intense tremors will signal a lack of oxygen; you need to go out into fresh air or ventilate the room. If this happens after physical activity, you need to lie down to rest, then the baby will calm down. It is recommended that a woman sleep on her side to avoid squeezing the veins. The basis of nutrition remains foods rich in calcium and iron - beef, buckwheat, cottage cheese, spinach, prunes.

The baby weighs about 280 grams, his height is 22-25 cm, he can not only yawn and tumble, but also play. The legs become longer and more proportional to the body, the head gradually becomes smaller. The skin thickens and already consists of 4 layers, protective lubricant continues to be produced. Nails appear on the arms and legs, and the first hairs appear on the head.

21 weeks

The most interesting thing at this stage is the mother’s opportunity to shape the child’s future taste preferences. If you eat hot, spicy, salty, sweet dishes, you will have to make a lot of effort to get your baby to try broccoli, buckwheat or carrots.

For the mother, problems remain with flatulence, strain on the veins and appetite control. Extra pounds can lead to a large fetus and complications during childbirth. Small portions and frequent meals will save you from feeling hungry. Nails and hair have significantly accelerated their growth, and their condition has also changed for the better.

The child reaches a height of 26 cm, weight – 330-350 g. Outwardly, he already looks like a newborn, all that remains is to gain kilograms and grow. Amniotic fluid allows the baby to know what mom ate for lunch. When the fetus moves, noticeable bumps may appear on the abdomen.

Week 22

At this time, the belly is already noticeable, even under outer clothing; if there are no medical prescriptions, the woman can continue to lead a normal life. The condition of the skin improves, the expectant mother blossoms. It is worth paying attention to swelling; if there is fluid retention, you need to reduce the amount of salt. If physiological anemia is detected, additional tests are performed to make an accurate diagnosis. You already need to undergo a routine ultrasound to determine the development of the fetus, as well as the condition of the placenta.

The child weighs about 410 grams, height - 28-30 cm. Large sizes make physical activity difficult; most of the time he is in a curled up position. The formation of the brain slows down, it is the turn of the nervous system to improve, and neurons are fully formed.

Week 23

You can still enjoy your rest period. Heartburn and toxicosis are a thing of the past, now the main thing is not to gain excess weight. On average, a woman gains 5-7 kg by this time. The belly rises higher, the expectant mother may feel tension and fatigue in the lower parts of the spine. If this period falls on a hot summer, swelling is difficult to avoid. It is worth slightly reducing the amount of liquid, and also avoiding salty foods; it is useful to put your feet on elevated surfaces - pillows - while resting. If cramps occur, you need to avoid walking shoes, and also enrich your diet with foods containing calcium and vitamin E.

Child development:

  • the weight has increased to 400-420 g, but the fruit itself looks wrinkled, soon it will accumulate subcutaneous fat and all wrinkles will disappear;
  • the main processes that the baby is engaged in are the absorption of nutrients in the liquid, and then excretion in the urine, due to the frequent change of amniotic fluid, this is not dangerous for the child;
  • the preparation of the respiratory organs begins, they are not yet fully formed, but the child is already doing the first test exercises;
  • He sleeps most of the day, he develops the REM sleep phase, which means he is able to dream.

Week 24

The baby grows along with the belly, this can lead to the appearance of stretch marks. They can upset women, especially bright red or brown ones. But after childbirth, with proper physical activity, you can return to your previous shape.

Expectant mothers feel great - the first dangerous trimester has passed, but childbirth is still far away. You can work, relax, chat with friends, go on picnics. Recommendations remain on nutrition, as well as the correct distribution of time - active mode and sleep.

  • if the doctor places the fetus in breech position, do not be upset; before birth, he will change his position;
  • the baby has grown to 25 cm and weighs about 500 grams;
  • inhales and exhales, but oxygen continues to flow through the umbilical cord;
  • further formation of the brain occurs, an increase in neural connections;
  • The baby can already play with the umbilical cord, grimace, frown, and suck his finger.

If you experience spotting blood, acute pain in the lower abdomen and lower back, you should urgently consult a doctor; hospitalization may be required to maintain it.

Week 25

Every woman's belly will look different, even though everyone's uterus becomes the size of a ball. There is pressure on the stomach, which often provokes heartburn. To avoid digestive problems, in particular constipation, it is recommended to include vegetables and cereals in the diet. If there is a low level of hemoglobin in the blood, therapy with iron-containing drugs is prescribed. To reduce the load on your back, you can already start wearing a bandage.

Baby development:

  • in case of premature birth, the newborn will be viable, he will be placed in special conditions for maturity equal to 40 weeks;
  • weight becomes 700 g, height 30-35 cm;
  • The skeletal system is strengthened, muscles are improved, a grasping reflex appears, the baby clenches his hands into fists and determines whether his leading hand is right or left.

Week 26

The load on the female body increases every day. Forgetfulness and absent-mindedness are possible, so it’s time to think about maternity leave. Walking becomes more and more difficult, especially if you have gained excess weight, normal fluctuations are from 6-8 kg. When moving, tension may be felt in the lower back, and the gait approaches a pendulum gait. If there is uterine tone, it is important to monitor your condition and prefer bed rest. If contractions or bleeding occur, medical attention is urgently required.

  • the fetus already weighs about 1 kg, and its height is 33-35 cm;
  • pigmentation changes due to the accumulation of subcutaneous fat, the skin brightens;
  • the muscles become stronger; if the baby accidentally pushes the internal organs, the mother may feel painful discomfort.

To fill your life with exclusively pleasant emotions, do not forget about nutrition and exercise for pregnant women.

Week 27

It becomes more and more difficult for mom to do her usual things. Fatigue sets in quickly and you have to rest more. This is a natural process that allows a woman to take a short vacation. It is advisable to devote this period to your favorite activities and hobbies, because after the birth of the baby there will be no time for it. At week 27, you can begin to rapidly gain weight; it is important to control this process with the frequency and number of servings. Shortness of breath and heartburn appear, which is associated with enlargement and pressure of the uterus. Breasts become increasingly larger and change by 1-3 sizes during pregnancy.

Child development:

  • the brain grows and improves, the foundations of cognitive thinking are laid - memory, attention, and the main traits of temperament are also determined;
  • the need for calcium does not decrease, the final formation of bone tissue has not yet been completed;
  • there is further accumulation of subcutaneous fat and changes in skin pigmentation;
  • the placenta helps form the first immunity, which will protect the newborn for the first 6 months.

Week 28

For most mothers, maternity leave has already begun. Depending on the kilograms gained, the pregnant woman’s feelings also change. More than 9 make movements clumsy, provoke fatigue, drowsiness, and digestive problems.

It is worth listening to the doctor’s recommendations and organizing fasting days. By this time, the baby has already taken the correct position, the mother can even count the number of kicks; normally, about 10 should occur in 2 hours. Back pain will be relieved by a bandage and special gymnastics, which will also be useful during childbirth.

Child Formation:

  • accumulation of subcutaneous fat continues, wrinkles are smoothed out, the skin gradually brightens;
  • convolutions form in the brain, further growth and improvement of the rudiments of intelligence continues;
  • emotions appear; the baby may frown or react to any discomfort with movements of his limbs.

If there is a Rh conflict, immunoglobulin therapy may be required; this will not harm the child, but will only avoid the risk of oxygen starvation of the fetus.

Week 29

The baby is already feeling cramped and it seems to the mother that the baby has become stronger. In fact, his weight reaches 1.5 kg, his height is 36-40 cm. The optic nerves allow him to examine light more clearly and blink when its intensity changes. The child coughs and hiccups, and the mother feels it. The emotional sphere also does not stand still - the ability to cry appears. The internal organs are already formed. The muscles continue to grow, the respiratory system improves.

Woman's feelings:

  • if the expectant mother has not yet changed her wardrobe, it’s time to do this, don’t be upset about loose, loose-fitting styles, in a few months you’ll be able to get back into shape;
  • the condition of the skin changes, it becomes drier, pigmentation appears;
  • in order to learn how to control your body during childbirth, it is advisable to master Kegel exercises; if there are no contraindications, yoga classes are useful;
  • irritation and fatigue increase, the stomach becomes larger, the load when walking increases, sleep only on the side.

Week 30

The growth of the abdomen also stretches the skin, it becomes thinner. Stretch marks also appear in the hip area. Constipation and swelling can be corrected with proper nutrition. If the mother experiences dizziness and weakness, it is worth increasing the rest time. It is important to learn relaxation techniques during this period; they will help cope with insomnia and accumulated fatigue.

Child development:

  • the process of interaction with his mother is improving, he calms down when his belly is stroked, he reacts violently in an uncomfortable environment - a stuffy room, tobacco smoke;
  • small hairs – lanugo – that covered the baby’s body gradually disappear, but in some cases, the newborn may appear with it;
  • The brain continues to grow rapidly, the number of convolutions and grooves increases.

31 weeks

At this time, all previous discomfort sensations intensify. The uterus has displaced all the internal organs, so shortness of breath becomes more frequent and breathing becomes difficult. Cramps, swelling, and back pain interfere not only during the day, but also at night, causing insomnia. A positive attitude, a relaxing massage, and yoga classes will help you cope. It is worth reducing the amount of fluid, urination occurs very often, and the woman may even limit her walks. Such sacrifices are not necessary, you need to stick to the right diet and not drink an hour before going out.

Child development:

  • height reached 35-43cm, weight – up to 1.6 kg;
  • trains control of the basic 5 senses;
  • neural connections grow at feverish speed;
  • The period of wakefulness increases, the baby is busy with his own business - breathing, looking, blinking, sucking a finger, clenching his fists, pushing.

Week 32

The body is gradually preparing for the process of childbirth. Some may even feel training contractions. The stomach is already big, it can pull, it’s worth wearing a bandage. The woman’s movements and gait have become clumsy, she is slower in performing usual tasks. You shouldn’t deny yourself the desire to sleep or buy new clothes, and you’ll have to forget about sweets and spicy dishes. It takes longer to choose a comfortable position, the tremors become more intense.

Child development:

  • height up to 46 cm, weight 1.6-1.8 kg;
  • the fetus is still in a breech position, but may already turn head down;
  • Brain development improves if you talk to your baby, read books, listen to music;
  • The muscular system continues to strengthen, movements are better coordinated.

It's time to undergo the 3rd planned ultrasound, you can find out not only the size and formation of the fetus, but also clearly see it on the screen. Information about the state of amniotic fluid, the uterus, and the maturity of the placenta will also become important.

Week 33

On average, a woman gained 10-12 kg during pregnancy. Hormonal levels increase, which can cause bleeding gums. Excessive irritability is caused by fear of the upcoming birth. It is important to maintain a positive attitude, fill life with joyful emotions, and communicate with pleasant people. It is worth remembering about feasible physical activity, it is necessary for muscle tone, otherwise it will be difficult to control your body during childbirth.

  • height - 40-46 cm, weight -2100-2300;
  • the child should already be in the desired position; if not, during childbirth this will require additional attention from the obstetrician;
  • the sucking reflex necessary for breastfeeding is improved;
  • The musculoskeletal system continues to develop, so cottage cheese is required throughout the gestation period;
  • The fetus already looks like a newborn; cheeks and folds appear on the arms and legs.

34 week

Hormonal changes allow the mother to be in a good mood. She's tired of the discomfort and can't wait for the baby to appear. The weight increases noticeably to 12-15 kg, and the breasts continue to grow. The line from the navel to the lower abdomen, as well as the areola of the nipples, darkens. The nesting instinct is at its peak, the expectant mother is busy with household chores.

Baby development:

  • height 41-47 cm, weight 2100-2400;
  • the skin of the fetus is light and smooth, it is covered with a protective lubricant that facilitates the passage of the birth canal;
  • When born at this stage, the child can breathe on his own and does not require intensive rehabilitation therapy.

Week 35

The most crucial moment begins, preparation for childbirth. It is useful for the expectant mother to take special courses in consultation. Choosing a partner for childbirth does not have to be your husband; a close person - a friend, mother - can support and reassure you. The bag for the maternity hospital should already be packed so that the woman does not get nervous about little things. The abdomen reaches its maximum size, fatigue sets in quickly when walking, and swelling appears. It is important not to overeat at this time, otherwise the baby will be large and the birth process will be more complicated.

Child development:

  • training of the respiratory system, sucking and swallowing reflex continues;
  • the amount of amniotic fluid decreases, which causes discomfort for the baby, the body reports that it is time to change living conditions;
  • the endocrine, nervous and immune systems continue to improve;
  • gradually the baby lowers, the mother can feel this in easier breathing and reduced pressure on the back.

36-40 weeks

Everything is ready for the long-awaited emergence of a new life. 2 weeks before giving birth, the stomach drops and becomes stiff - this is a signal that the uterus is becoming toned. Contractions, both training and real, can begin at any moment. The woman has already gained from 9 to 16 kg, immediately before giving birth, a slight decrease is observed. It is mandatory to attend a consultation once a week; the doctor monitors the condition of the fetus and heartbeat.

Signs of the onset of labor:

  • appetite increases;
  • discomfort occurs in the lower abdomen, after which it will turn into pain;
  • contractions begin in spasms with a frequency of 5 times per hour;
  • the body begins to cleanse itself - vomiting and diarrhea are possible;
  • the release of the mucus plug and the discharge of amniotic fluid is a direct signal of the onset of labor; immediate hospitalization is required.

The child reaches a size of 50-54 cm and weighs about 3-3.5 kg. He becomes very cramped in the mother's womb; all organs are formed and ready to support life after birth. The baby is sensitive to light, can distinguish colors, and very soon he will meet his mother. The female body also prepares - the joints become softer and more elastic. If necessary, you will need to undergo an ultrasound to determine the condition of the placenta and the location of the fetus. The child does not stop developing even after birth, the process continues only now he can feel the warmth of his mother’s hands.

How exciting it is to watch the development of the fetus during pregnancy week by week. Thanks to this page, you can always be aware of what is happening with your baby. Add the page to your bookmarks, social networks and make new discoveries with us!

First trimester

1 Week
In the first week, a “meeting” of sperm and egg occurs, resulting in the formation of one cell the size of a grain of salt. But it already contains a set of chromosomes - 46 pieces, inherited from the parents. It contains all the information about the sex and appearance of the unborn baby. Over the course of seven days, the cell develops and turns into a multicellular organism called a morula; later it attaches to the wall of the uterus - it is implanted. Thus, the embryo begins to feed and receive oxygen from the mother.

2 week
Morula cells grow into the lining of the uterus.

The placenta and umbilical cord begin to form.

The appearance of the neural tube ensures the future development of the baby’s nervous system.

3 week
By the end of the third week, the most important organs begin to develop in the embryo - the digestive and excretory, respiratory and nervous systems, and the spinal cord. The formation of the placenta continues. It is noteworthy that it is on the 21st day that the heart of the unborn baby is already beating!

4 week
At week 4, the formation of the spine occurs, the rudiments of the liver, kidneys, intestines, and lungs are already noticeable. The folds of the future body appear, and by day 25 the formation of the neural tube is complete. The division of the embryo into two parts – upper and lower – becomes noticeable. The first pits appear on the head - future eyes.

5 week
The active development of the embryo continues, the places where the head, stomach and legs, and back will be are expressed. The nervous system of the embryo is formed; its length is only 2-2.5 millimeters, but it can already be seen on an ultrasound. At this stage, you can see how many embryos have been formed and where exactly they are located. By the end of the fifth week, the rudiments of the umbilical cord are already noticeable, the places where arms and legs are formed appear, and the nasal cavities and upper lip appear on the head.

week 6
During this period, the embryo is visible on ultrasound; its size is 5-6 millimeters. The large head is distinguished, the auricles are formed on it, while they are shallow depressions on the sides. The places where the nose and eyes are formed become noticeable. In 30 days, the cell has grown 10 thousand times, and the fingers on the arms are barely visible. At the sixth week, the placenta begins to function, although blood circulation is not yet fully formed. This week, the baby’s brain can already send signals. The embryo’s heart is divided into chambers, kidneys, ureters, and stomach are formed, and the small and large intestines develop. The liver and pancreas are formed.

You will also find it useful:- everything is collected in one place!

week 7
This week is notable for the fact that the unborn baby begins to move. True, it is still impossible to feel it, it is too small, the size of a grape. By the end of the seventh week, the eyelids, outer and inner ears are formed, the heart develops, it is finally divided into 4 chambers. Vessels are formed, the esophagus, trachea, rectum and lungs are formed. The first bone cells are created. The baby's head is large, his eyes are closed, he can open and close his mouth, move his arms.

8 week
By this time, the baby is already more like a person. His face is formed, his nose, nostrils and mouth are visible, his tongue appears, and even facial expressions begin to develop.

The heart is actually ready, the stomach is in place.

The reproductive system develops, and boys develop testicles. The limbs lengthen, hips, knees, elbows, and shoulders appear.

Week 9
The baby’s back straightens, the nervous system actively develops: the cerebellum appears. Bone and muscle tissue develops, ossification occurs, fingers are formed, the baby can even squeeze them, but for now they are connected to each other by membranes. Cartilaginous tissue is also formed, the ears, larynx, and vocal cords are formed. The baby's face is already clearly visible, but his chin is still pressed to his chest and his eyes are covered with a membrane. The head remains large. The baby’s circulatory system improves, his heart beats at up to 150 beats per minute. But the blood still consists of only red blood cells.

10 week
This is the last most important week, when the internal organs of the unborn child finish forming. The most difficult time is left behind, if doctors do not indicate any dangerous pathologies in the child’s development during this period, we can assume that he is growing healthy! By the end of this period, the child’s body becomes fully formed, he only has to develop further and grow. His height reaches only 4 centimeters, and his weight is no more than 20 grams. The baby’s brain is actively working, he responds with certain movements to stimuli. When you touch his stomach, he turns his head in this direction, moves his arms, pushes, but due to his small size, his movements are not yet noticeable. The genitals develop, and at this moment the boy begins to produce the male hormone - testosterone. The head is separated from the body by the developing neck, the face is fully formed, and can be seen on an ultrasound. A sucking reflex is formed, he even tries to make such movements with his lips. The diaphragm is fully formed and ready to participate in fetal breathing.

You will also find it useful:- everything is collected in one place!

11 week
An unusual appearance of a baby is the norm. A large head, long arms and short legs indicate that the brain is actively growing and developing, and this is a normal phenomenon. From this week, the baby’s intestines and kidneys are put into operation, and the genitals appear. An iris forms on the eyeball. The placenta is completely ready by this time and provides the fetus with nutrients.

12 week
The baby already has a well-developed vestibular apparatus, he can navigate in space, and reacts to external stimuli. He hears, and the sharp sounds coming from the outside world bother him very much. He tries to shield himself from light exposure with his hands, squeezes his palms, sucks his fingers. The formation of sexual organs occurs, the digestive system improves, the intestines grow and take the correct shape. The composition of the blood changes, new blood cells - leukocytes - appear. The baby can imitate breathing movements, although his lungs will only open at birth.

Week 13
The baby continues to develop, his arms have become normal length, and the ultrasound shows him sucking his thumb. The first four ribs appear, the pancreas begins to produce insulin. The proportions of the body gradually change, and the head no longer seems so big. At week 13, the rudiments of baby teeth are formed.

Week 14
The first trimester of baby development, the most difficult and responsible, is behind us. The weight of the unborn baby reaches only 70-80 grams, height - a maximum of 9-10 centimeters. The first hairs appear on his head, he learns to squint and frown. His movements are varied, but he still feels free in the uterus, his walls are missing. The baby’s bones become stronger, the development of the kidneys and urinary system is completely completed, and urine even begins to be excreted into the amniotic fluid. The change also affects sexual development; in boys, a prostate gland is formed, and in girls, the ovaries migrate into the pelvic cavity. This week you can already determine the sex of the baby.

Second trimester

Week 15
A quiet time begins when the baby simply grows in the womb. He can bend his arms and legs, his heart works perfectly, pumping about 23 liters of blood per day. At this point, you can determine the baby’s blood type and Rh factor. The initial formation of eyebrows occurs. The baby's skin is still very thin, blood vessels are visible through it. An individual pattern begins to form on the fingers. The intestines and urinary system work perfectly, the production of meconium - original feces - begins.

Week 16
The baby has learned to straighten his head, facial expressions become more and more interesting, and the first semblance of a smile appears. Coordination of movements expands, and marigolds begin to appear on the fingers. Thanks to good calcium reserves, the formation of small bones begins. The hair on the head becomes more and more fluffy, eyebrows and eyelashes become visible on the face. The girl’s ovaries completely descend into the pelvic region. By this period, the placenta is fully formed and begins to function fully.

Week 17
The baby hears voices and sounds of the surrounding world, this is the best time to start communicating with him, listening to good music together. By this time, the child begins to actively learn to use his body, checks his facial expressions, and plays with his arms and legs. At this stage, gender is already clearly visible. Fatty tissue begins to form under the skin, and the places where teeth appear are covered with dentin. The baby's heartbeat can already be heard with a stethoscope, it is already quite distinct. The position of the fetus begins to change, the head is almost always in a vertical position.

Week 18
This week, the baby’s movements become most noticeable, he has grown up, his bones become stronger, which allows him to often change position, cross his legs and even do somersaults. A sleep-wake pattern begins to form, but the baby spends most of his time sleeping, which is why movements stop. But the movements are felt; up to 10 episodes of movement per day are considered normal. The baby reacts vividly to the emotional state of the mother; he worries and experiences stress along with her.

Week 19
At week 19, normal proportions of the baby’s body begin to form, more hair appears, movements are already more noticeable, they can be felt by placing your hand on the stomach. Active hematopoiesis occurs, the blood composition approaches standard, lymphocytes and monocytes appear. Brown fat is formed, which after birth provides protection from temperature changes. Later, thermoregulation will begin to work. The endocrine system develops, the pituitary gland, pancreas and adrenal glands, thyroid and gonads function.

Week 20
The baby's height can be from 18 to 25 centimeters, body weight - 350 grams. The skin is covered with a special lubricant and fluff; it is still quite thin. The nails have already formed on the fingers and toes. The child’s activity increases significantly, he engages in physical exercise, swimming from one wall of the uterus to the other, and reacts sharply to excitement and sharp sounds from the outside. The baby may hiccup, suck his finger, and during this period he already has pronounced facial expressions. He frowns and smiles, closes his eyes and blinks.

21 weeks
The baby's activity is very high, he is constantly on the move, changing position as he pleases. He learned to swallow amniotic fluid, which is mostly absorbed by his body. The blood is saturated with red and white blood cells, the subcutaneous fat layer increases. The skin becomes more wrinkled and folds form. The baby will sleep less, spending more time awake.

Week 22
At this stage, the baby begins to practice the grasping reflex. The genital organs continue to develop, the girl already has a developed uterus and vagina, and the boy’s testicles descend into the scrotum. Its size reaches 28 centimeters and its weight is almost half a kilogram. The body dimensions become more proportional, while the legs are constantly bent. The spine is fully formed, the process of strengthening bone tissue is underway. The baby is actively exploring his body, feeling his legs and head. The nervous and cardiovascular systems improve, the heart increases in size.

Week 23
The child's activity is still at its best. The process of fat growth is underway, the baby is already moving more gently. Swallowing amniotic fluid can lead to hiccups, then you will feel bouncing inside. The lungs form a special substance that will allow them to open up in the future. The baby actively reproduces breathing movements, up to 50 times per minute. Outwardly, the baby is still red and wrinkled, but this is a temporary phenomenon. Until good subcutaneous fat is formed, it will remain that way.

Week 24
The baby's weight gain is up to 170 grams per week, and the rate will continue until birth. The lungs mature, eyelashes and eyebrows appear, and hair grows. The sweat-fat glands begin to work. At this time, the child shows his emotions, he may express dissatisfaction and even cry. His movements are clearer and more directional. During this period, the baby and mother establish an emotional connection, the child feels and reacts to everything that happens outside. He experiences sensations, he develops smell, touch, taste and hearing. At night he sleeps and even dreams!

Week 25
This week is significant because the baby’s lungs are actively forming; small elements of the lung tissue - alveoli - begin to produce a special substance - surfactant, which prevents the lungs from losing their shape. Holes appear in the nose. The bone marrow develops further, the skin becomes elastic, and folds gradually disappear due to the accumulation of subcutaneous fat. The baby can still be in any position, as long as he fits freely in the uterus.

Week 26
The baby spends most of the time in one position - curled up into a ball, with his legs tucked in. From this week he will learn to open his eyes and focus his gaze. The development of bone and muscle tissue and the accumulation of subcutaneous tissue continue. This week, the formation of the genital organs in girls is completed. Another sense is added - smell. The baby begins to smell. If a child is born at this time, he will already be able to survive with proper care.

Week 27
This week, the child’s retina is formed, light sensitivity appears, and its own metabolism begins to form. The baby is already able to calm himself independently; he sucks his thumb at will.

Third trimester

Week 28
At this age, the baby is already fully viable. It reaches a weight of 900-1000 grams, a height of 36-40 centimeters. The skin becomes denser, the fluff on the body gradually falls off. The situation is not final yet, but there is enough time to decide. The baby hears well, recognizes his mother’s voice, and gradually masters the language his parents speak. Eyelashes, eyebrows and scalp hair darken. During this period, future left- or right-handedness depends on the development of one or another hemisphere.

Week 29
The weight is actively growing, the respiratory organs are finally formed, a sufficient number of bronchi and alveoli appear.

The blood circulation of a fetus is still different from that of a newborn, but the load on the cardiovascular system is high.

The fetus already occupies a certain location, lies down with its head or buttocks.

Week 30
The weight of a child can reach 1.5 kilograms. This is the time for weight gain, the child’s brain and nervous system are fully formed, he perceives words and movements perfectly. The child finally adapts to the lack of space and takes a comfortable position.

31 weeks
The baby's brain volume in this week of pregnancy is 25 percent of the adult's brain.

The skin turns pink, the eyes are already fully formed, the baby blinks frequently, and the pupil reacts to bright light.

Sleep time is reduced.

Week 32
This week the baby looks more like a baby, his legs and arms become plump. The immune system is formed, the child receives immunoglobulins from the mother, they protect him from illness in the first months of life. The volume of amniotic fluid is only 1 liter, it is renewed every three hours. The fetus begins to produce a special hormone that provokes the preparation of the mother’s mammary glands for milk production.

Week 33
The baby's weight reaches 2 kilograms, the skin becomes increasingly lighter, the fluff disappears from the body, the nails grow and reach the edge of the phalanx.

This week, the position of the fetus is consolidated, and the likelihood of its rotation decreases.

The baby is increasingly ready to be born.

34 week
The baby's skin is smooth, pink, the hair becomes thicker, it has completely replaced the fluff. The layer of generic protective lubricant is strengthened. The position of the child in most cases is head down, the cranial bones are mobile and soft.

Week 35
This week, the position of the fetus may still change if it lies with its buttocks down. There is an active accumulation of subcutaneous fatty tissue so that it can calmly exist outside the womb. Every day the child gains 25-30 grams. By the end of the week, the weight can reach 2500-2700 grams. The body is preparing for birth, the organs are becoming more and more improved. The baby's nails are long, he can even scratch himself carelessly.

Week 38
Preparations for the birth continue. The amount of protective lubricant is gradually reduced. The baby's intestines are filled with meconium, which is passed after birth, but in some cases it is emptied while still in the womb. This is indicated by greenish amniotic fluid.

Week 39
The child's weight exceeds 3 kilograms and his height reaches 50 centimeters. There is a gradual descent of the fetus towards the pelvic bones. The placenta has done its job, has aged, and metabolic processes in it are decreasing. All of the baby’s organs are well developed, and he is actively gaining weight in the last days before birth.

week 40
The long-awaited days have come when a baby can be born at any moment. Delivery is considered timely at 38-40 weeks. The weight of the fetus is ideal for birth, the shoulder girdle is well developed, the limbs and head are proportional. The pliable bones of the skull are ready to pass through the birth canal. The baby becomes very cramped in the limited space of the uterus, and he is preparing to be released. As soon as the baby is born, the lungs immediately begin to work. The baby's first cry will tell you about this. The heart is beating, arms and legs are actively moving, the baby is alive! You can congratulate your mother on the birth of a new little person!

The woman listens to her feelings, trying to notice any possible signs of conception. In fact, in the first week of pregnancy after conception, obvious symptoms appear weakly, but they still exist. Certain changes begin to occur in the female body, which indicate the development of a new life.

By 1 week, the baby is embedded in the epithelial tissues of the uterus. Begins to develop human chorionic gonadotropin.

This is unambiguous sign of advance pregnancy. There are two ways to detect this:

  • Take a clinical blood test.
  • Do it yourself, using morning urine, which contains the highest concentration of hCG after conception.

PECULIARITY! Not all women have human chorionic gonadotropin levels higher than normal at 1 week, thereby signaling pregnancy. If the result is negative, this does not mean that conception has not occurred.

Then you can listen to changes in the body, internal sensations. With developed sensitivity, it is easy to understand what signals the body sends if a new life is born in it.

What happens in 1 week of pregnancy?

After conception, the fertilized egg travels through the fallopian tubes to the uterus, which prepares to receive it. Pregnancy in the first week is a conditional time during which a woman's body undergoes important changes, preparing for fetal development.

is in the stage of crushing while moving through the fallopian tubes, gradually increasing in size. Help them move special cilia and contractions of the walls of the fallopian tubes.

Unfertilized eggs die after 12-24 hours, and the fertilized egg enters the uterus into it. Changes begin in the body, hormonal levels are rearranged.

Condition of the uterus

Changes at the beginning of pregnancy mostly begin in the uterus. At the early stage of the origin of life, structural changes begin in the female womb. Chemical processes occur that affect the entire body of the expectant mother.

The uterus has the following features:

  • Practically does not change its location.
  • It becomes soft and the neck thickens.
  • A mucous plug forms in the area, preventing pathogens from penetrating into the reproductive organ. This is how the fetus, while in the uterus, is protected from infection.

May occur slightly nagging pain in the abdomen, as a result of relaxation of the pelvic ligaments. This is how the woman’s body prepares for the upcoming birth.


Dairy The glands of the expectant mother become sensitive, breast elasticity increases.

From 1 week, the breasts grow and increase in size.

But not all expectant mothers have it denser immediately after conception.

PECULIARITY! While in some women breast swelling occurs immediately, in some women this does not occur even within a month. Each organism is individual. It is better to consider the first signs of pregnancy not individually, but in combination.

The thickening and growing breasts of the expectant mother require careful handling. You need to choose the right underwear so that it does not restrict breathing, is comfortable and made from natural materials.


Early on A woman's belly does not grow. A barely noticeable rounding appears only in mothers with experience, and even then not immediately. At the time of implantation of the egg or during the contraction of the fallopian tubes, when the embryo moves towards the uterus, mild nagging pain in the abdomen may occur.

If pain pass quickly and do not cause noticeable discomfort- no need to worry. This phenomenon is normal in the first week of pregnancy. When the nagging pain intensifies and heavy bleeding begins, this is a reason to consult a doctor.

What happens to the fetus?

Doesn't exist yet such a thing as a fruit. The unborn baby is just a fertilized egg that travels through the fallopian tubes to the uterus to be implanted in its walls.

But he's already carries half of mother's genetic material and half of dad's. By the end of the week, the embryo is implanted into the epithelial tissue of the uterus.

The egg divides and becomes larger. The formation of the placenta and umbilical cord begins. At this moment, the embryo is still small, it is even cannot be seen on ultrasound, but he is closely related to his mother.

A woman can address the baby and talk to him. Such close contact has a positive effect on its further development.

Changes in the mother's body

First changes indicate the very fact of pregnancy. Some of them are noticeable only during a gynecological examination, but most of the changes can be noticed by the woman herself.

These include the following:

  • The uterus slightly enlarges, its surface softens.
  • The vaginal mucosa turns a little blue.
  • There is no menstruation and related processes.

INTERESTING! If a woman ovulates late or coincides with the beginning of the next menstrual cycle, scanty periods may occur in the first week. In the absence of severe pain, this is considered normal. But in the following months, the expectant mother should not have menstruation, otherwise there will be a risk of miscarriage.

  • Hormonal levels are being adjusted.
  • Frequent urination, constipation.

The changes are due to the body’s preparation for pregnancy and the successful birth of a child. All systems and organs adapt to the process of fetal development.

Main signs of conception

In the first week after conception, a woman may experience a condition similar to menstruation.

At this time, a woman experiences:

  • Delayed menstruation – with a regular cycle.
  • Painful sensations of unknown origin.
  • Heaviness in the uterine area.
  • Abdominal bloating, as if it is bursting. The clothes seem tight, although the tummy is not growing yet.
  • Tingling in the chest, swelling.
  • Changes in blood pressure.
  • Emotional instability.
  • Darkening of the nipples.
  • Flatulence is a concern.
  • Changes in the nature of vaginal discharge.

So woman's body beeps about pregnancy.


By this time, the fertilized egg should be implanted in the uterus. This is a dangerous period– there is a high probability of miscarriage.

ATTENTION! The woman’s immune system initially perceives the fetus as a foreign body that poses a threat to the body. This is especially true for expectant mothers with good immunity.

So that the expectant mother’s body does not get rid of from an egg attached to the uterus, the immune system is slightly weakened. In this regard, the woman feels slightly unwell and lethargic. Body temperature may rise, often making you sleepy.

Nausea in the morning, sensitivity to smells and food worsens. Bizarre and new taste preferences arise. Some women want to chew chalk if there is a significant lack of calcium in the body. Appetite disappears or increases.


Among the main signs of pregnancy are implantation bleeding. It occurs after the implantation of the egg into the uterine cavity.

After successful attachment of the embryo to the uterus appear barely noticeable pinkish or brown discharge. They have a smearing character. Sometimes the discharge may simply not be noticed.

By duration Implantation bleeding cannot last more than two days. If it takes longer, this is already a deviation from the norm and a reason to seek advice from a specialist.

If a woman's discharge becomes bloody and their volume increases, and at the same time there is an acute nagging pain in the lower abdomen, need to see a doctor urgently. Any increased bleeding during this period is a risk of miscarriage.

What will the ultrasound show?

In the first week after conception, there is no need to do an ultrasound if the woman feels great. This can harm the baby, so ultrasound examination is recommended to be carried out no earlier than three months or as prescribed by a doctor in exceptional cases.

An ultrasound may show abnormalities. These include:

  • Ectopic pregnancy.
  • Cyst or tumor.
  • Inflammatory process.

During normal pregnancy the study may show the absence of a dominant follicle because ovulation is no longer expected and conception has already occurred.

But this cannot be considered as a clear sign pregnancy for those who are looking forward to it, because women have menstrual cycles without ovulation - 1 or 2 times a year, and this is considered the norm.

How to properly prepare for the process of bearing a child?

To ensure that the expectant mother’s baby is born healthy, and the process of bearing it proceeds safely, the woman need to take care in advance about your health. When planning a pregnancy, you need to pay attention to many factors.

Playing sports is a great way for an expectant mother to prepare for pregnancy and childbearing. It’s especially worth spending time on your body.

Morning or evening slow jogging trains endurance, improves the functioning of the respiratory system. After regular jogging, women's back and legs become stronger.

If conception has already occurred, running is contraindicated. Then the expectant mother can swim in the pool, do yoga for pregnant women, and race walking.

Kegel exercises

Using a specific complex Women develop vaginal muscles. When you master the exercises, it is easier to endure childbirth. The expectant mother reduces the risk of injury and rupture by increasing the elasticity of the vaginal muscles.

Exercises can be done independently and at home or contact a specialist by signing up for individual or group training.

Positive attitude

To a woman It is advisable to set yourself up for the best, think in a positive way. Pleasant emotions have a beneficial effect on the development of the baby. The expectant mother can listen to beautiful music - classical works, sounds of nature. This calms and pacifies a woman.

Contribute to the good mood of the expectant mother good sleep lasting 8-10 hours, regular walks outside. At the same time, a woman needs to choose comfortable clothes and shoes so as not to injure herself and the baby.

If you want to give birth to a healthy baby, you need to lead a healthy lifestyle. It is advisable to start at least six months in advance before expected conception.

During this time it is necessary to identify possible hidden pathologies, overcome bad habits.

If pregnancy has already occurred, then you can’t experiment with your body. Any sudden changes will not improve your health.

First, it is advisable for a woman consult a gynecologist, undergo a medical examination to ensure the proper functioning of the reproductive and digestive systems.

For the expectant mother you need to pay attention to hormonal levels. It is good if, before the moment of conception, the expectant mother puts her teeth in order.

A woman must undergo the following tests:

  • Blood for sugar.
  • Test for toxoplasmosis if there are pets in the apartment.
  • Blood for Rh factor.

In order for the baby to develop comfortably in the mother’s womb, a woman must follow the recommendations of doctors:

  • Eat in small portions, but often. You should not starve yourself or overeat.
  • Get a good night's sleep. Healthy sleep is beneficial for both mother and baby.
  • Take vitamins.
  • To walk outside.
  • Perform breathing exercises to generally relax the body.
  • Avoid stress.
  • Do not contact people infected with viral infections.
  • Rest on time.
  • Stick to a diet.

This will help the female body cope with the load placed on him during pregnancy.


At an early stage of pregnancy, the foods that make up the expectant mother's menu must contain sufficient amounts of nutrients.

In the first week of pregnancy, a woman’s diet should include:

  • Lean meats, boiled or stewed.
  • Fatty fish, rich in omega acids.
  • Fresh fruits, fruits, vegetables, herbs.
  • Fermented milk products. It is advisable to drink whole milk or eat yogurt daily.

The expectant mother can have sugar, but not more than 50 g per day. You can use honey instead of sugar. It is better to replace animal fats vegetable oil. The cooking method is also important. It is extremely undesirable to get carried away with fried, spicy, smoked foods. It is better to replace them with steamed, stewed or boiled food.

What's prohibited?

Pregnancy is not a disease, but only a special state of the body. The woman feels quite well, allowing her to do her usual activities. But reduce physical activity It's a must for an expectant mother.

From the first week of pregnancy, a woman is prohibited from:

  • Work more than 6 hours without a break.
  • Sitting at the computer for a long time.
  • Work night shifts, go on business trips.
  • Lift weights – things over 3 kg.
  • Sitting or standing for a long time.
  • Move or lift furniture and any large objects.
  • When cleaning, use aggressive detergents with chlorine and strong aromatic additives.
  • Drink strong tea and coffee.
  • Drink alcohol, smoke.
  • Visit the solarium, bathhouse.
  • Take a hot bath.
  • Take x-rays.
  • Listen to loud music and be near sound amplifiers.

Taking vitamins

Vitamins must be on the expectant mother's menu. During pregnancy, the need for calcium, iodine and other trace elements doubles.

If a woman does not have enough vitamins, the growing fetus will begin to take the necessary substances from her body. The bones, teeth, and hair of the pregnant woman will be damaged.

ATTENTION! Vitamins are prescribed only by a doctor. You cannot prescribe them for yourself or rely on the advice of friends or women’s forums.

Doctor may prescribe folic acid to reduce hereditary problems, improve the condition of the embryo and reduce the negative influence of the external environment. Vitamin E is also useful for a pregnant woman, as it participates in the formation of the placenta and prevents the threat of miscarriage. For normal metabolism, the expectant mother needs iodine. The body especially needs it in early pregnancy.

A woman can take vitamins prescribed by a doctor, or find an alternative to them - eat foods that contain the necessary active substances. 40 strawberries per day contain the daily requirement of folic acid. Iodine is found in seaweed, seafood, and figs. Vitamin C can be obtained from fresh oranges.

But in everything it's worth keeping in moderation. If a woman wants to rely on vegetables and fruits instead of ready-made vitamins, this issue is discussed with her doctor. An excess of active substances is also harmful.

In order for the baby to develop safely, a woman needs to lead a healthy lifestyle, eat right and be positive.

For the harmonious development of the fetus, 1 week after conception, the expectant mother is recommended:

  • Quit smoking, including passive smoking - try not to breathe tobacco smoke.
  • Stop taking medications prescribed before pregnancy. This is especially true for antibiotics.
  • Avoid stress and nervous tension.
  • If you have a cat in the house, use gloves to clean its litter box and wash your hands thoroughly afterwards.
  • Appear less often in public places during cold epidemics.
  • Avoid crowds and crushes on public transport.

The first week is exciting and difficult for the expectant mother. A woman does not always realize that she is in an interesting situation, but if all the signs are obvious, she should immediately think about the correctness of her lifestyle and listen to the recommendations of specialists.


Watch a short video about the first week of pregnancy.
