Thematic classes 2 3 years. How to create a weekly lesson plan with your child

For the full development of a child, you need to work with him every day. By the age of 2-3, children already have many knowledge and skills that need to be further developed, as well as taught new things.

As before, classes should be conducted in a playful way so that the baby finds it interesting. When planning classes, alternate physical and mental activities, pay attention to the fact that the baby develops in all directions.

Development of creative abilities

Lesson "Modeling"
For modeling, it is better to use dough rather than plasticine. It is more flexible and safe.
Teach your child to pinch off small pieces, roll balls and sausages. You can use molds with which the baby can make figures. Closer to the age of three, a child can be taught to sculpt simple figures, for example, a snowman or a snake. You can also make simple applications using the dough. Place small pieces of dough on a pre-prepared drawing, which the son or daughter will smooth out, attaching to the picture in accordance with the color.

Lesson "Drawing"
Pencils, crayons, and paints are suitable for drawing. While drawing, the little one learns colors at the same time. Children 2-3 years old, as a rule, already know how to draw lines and circles. It is good to teach children to draw pictures consisting of these elements. For example, in order for a child to learn how to draw a sun, it is advisable to first show him how it is done, then draw a circle and several rays, and then invite the child to finish drawing the sun. Soon he will learn to draw on his own. At this age, you need to learn to color without going beyond the outline.
Give your child a large sheet of paper and let the child draw what he wants at the moment.

Lesson “Creating applications”
Applications can be made from paper, natural materials, and cereals.

Speech development

Lesson for children 2-3 years old “Reading”
When reading books, you need to pay attention to the pictures. Ask often what is shown in the picture. Read rhymes in which your child can add phrases. As you approach three years of age, ask questions about the fairy tale you read. Make riddles. Let your little one choose the book he wants to read.

Lesson "Theater"
Use figures of people and animals, assigning a specific role to the baby. At first, the child will present the figures, name them, and gradually pronounce the words assigned to his hero.

Lesson “Speech Apparatus”
Teach your child to blow bubbles and play the pipe, this will help in the future with the pronunciation of words.

Development of memory, logic

At this age, it is important to consolidate and improve knowledge about shapes and colors, sizes, and quantitative indicators. Develop an understanding of the seasons and time of day.

Place objects of various shapes and colors in a box. Ask the baby to give only round objects, then only red objects.

Place beans and beans or buttons of various sizes into a plate. Ask to sort small and large items.

Place various items in a box, ask them to place fruits and animals separately.

Currently, there are many games that help develop memory and thinking. These are all kinds of lotto with shapes, colors, animals, vegetables and other objects, games in which the task is to find identical objects, find a pair, various puzzles. Children willingly play such games and remember the names of objects and their characteristics.

Development of fine motor skills

Mosaics, finger gymnastics, fastening zippers, lacing, and pouring cereal are suitable for developing fine motor skills.

Development of social skills

Teach your baby to do household chores. Play that, for example, a bear will come to visit. Let the little person set the table, arrange the cups, pour the tea.

Ask for help in cleaning, dusting, sweeping.

Let the baby put his favorite toy to bed, comb the doll's hair, and dress it.

Development of motor activity

Exercises, gymnastics, and dancing help the child maintain physical fitness. The baby must be taught to walk in a straight line, over obstacles, climb labyrinths, and jump.

Let your child listen to different music so that he understands the concept of fast and slow, happy and sad.

Video “Developmental activities for children 2-3 years old”

2 years will be the starting point for his further development, will help the baby adapt among his peers, and will diversify his leisure time. A child who has been properly and effectively taught in early childhood is more receptive to science and creativity at an older age.

Basic principles of teaching a child (2 years old)

Today, modern children are well versed with computers and love to watch a variety of television programs. Of course, this makes life easier for mothers. They sit the kids down to watch cartoons and can calmly do household chores. But in fact, activities with a 2-year-old child should not be so scarce. During this period, speech is formed and memory, intelligence, and the ability to think creatively develop.

Set aside time every day to play educational games with your baby. But keep in mind the fact that children during this period are very restless. It is difficult for them to concentrate on one activity; they want to splash out their energy in active entertainment. Distribute your time correctly: one lesson should not last longer than 15-20 minutes.

You need to be able to enjoy the process of playing with your baby. Of course, classes with a 2-year-old child in kindergarten will include instructive forms and introductory moments. Many educators give homework that is designed to be completed together with parents. Don't ignore him. But if your child does not attend preschool, then create and study at home. Classes with such a small child should be carried out only in a playful way. You can't force your baby to do something he doesn't want to do. This approach can discourage learning at a very early age.

Activities with a 2-year-old child at home can be easily varied. Today there are many educational games and all kinds of materials available. In any case, such a process should be bright and bring only positive aspects. When the baby feels that he is being forced, interest will disappear instantly.

A two-year-old child and the peculiarities of his thinking

The child is growing and becoming more active and smart every month. Don't miss this chance and direct all your energy in the right direction. You may notice that the growing little person has become capricious and wants to assert his own “I”. He often uses hand pushing and foot stomping - all part of child psychology. Learn to patiently explain what can and cannot be done. Treat your baby as an adult and when communicating, try to squat down so that your eyes are at the level of his face.

A 2-year-old child learns by imitating. Therefore, if you want to raise an inquisitive person who strives for knowledge, do not sit all day in front of the TV and do not chat with your friends on the phone all evening. Your idleness will become a bad example for your child. It’s better to sit your son or daughter next to you at the table, give him a pencil and a piece of paper for drawing, and solve a crossword puzzle or read a book. You can draw with your baby.

At this age, a child wants to do everything himself. Don't discourage independence from the very beginning! If your baby wants to put on tights or button up a sweater on his own, wait patiently while he fiddles with buttons or an unruly pant leg. Help only when the child asks. Regardless of whether the child did it or not, praise him.

Where to start

Lessons for 2-year-old children should start with development. Buy blocks or construction sets and build towers and houses with your child. First, start with primitive figures; after a couple of days, the child will begin to assemble such structures on his own. Just don’t play silently, talk to your child all the time and show emotions. Say positive words and praise him.

Probably every mother notices that during this period children actively want to take part in household chores. Let them sweep on their own or give them a duster to wipe up dust. This is how you lay the initial foundation for understanding what help is. Always let him help you, otherwise in the future you will have to force him to do house cleaning.

Taking care of kids on our own

Of course, caring for a 2-year-old child can be entrusted to a professional nanny. But you must agree, why at such a wonderful time give the baby into the hands of someone else’s aunt? Entertaining games bring parents and children closer together; be sure to attract the attention of the father. Children should feel the integrity of the family. You won’t notice how quickly time will pass and the baby will grow up. Therefore, take the opportunity to play with your child, at the same time you will develop important abilities and discover a little personality. All this will be very useful in later life.

Design activities that will develop your child's specific abilities. For example, creative or speech. Alternate tasks with outdoor games, preferably outside. The duration of each lesson with a two-year-old child should not exceed twenty minutes. At this age it is quite difficult to focus your attention on one subject.

Developing baby's speech

At two years old, your child should not only know the name of an object, but also give a short description of it. Ask them to tell you as often as possible what the baby saw and retell the fairy tales you read. To do this, it is necessary to conduct thematic classes with the child. 2 years is the age when children are inquisitive and love to listen and watch. While reading stories, analyze what is happening. You can use finger puppets. Do little theater shows with questions and answers.

For example, when reading a fairy tale, skip a word and ask your child to add his own words that fit the meaning. Do the same with poems - let the child say the ending. Always use facial expressions and body movements when telling another interesting story. Children love when there is some action. Toys, cardboard cutouts and dolls make great characters for your stories.

After each book you read, ask questions about the content. Let the child develop attentiveness and memory. Pay attention to little things and details. When reading dialogues, always change the voices. The child must imagine all the characters in detail. Also ask him to retell - let him use facial expressions and voice.

For the child to speak correctly

In bookstores you can find very interesting publications that present poems for speech development. They are used by speech therapists when working with children who have obvious signs of imitating sounds and asking how this or that animal talks. Get pictures of various animals, show them to your baby, and let him imitate their voices. Usually children love to play this game and after a while they independently bring cards with pictures. Every parent should conduct classes with a 2-year-old child to develop speech.

Hand coordination and motor skills

Touch is important to children. You probably noticed that at 1.5 years old the child carefully watched his hands. Now you need to learn how to control your limbs. Activities with a 2-year-old child should include playing with fingers. Learn rhymes that will turn the lesson into an interesting story. Let the baby bend and straighten the corresponding fingers, learn the game “Ladushki”. With the help of such exercises, hand coordination develops. Touch your child's hands as often as possible. Such physical contact with parents is very important for every child.

Why is it so important to develop fine motor skills? Because when the fingers work, nerve impulses provoke the development of those parts of the brain that are responsible for the speech apparatus. This means he is responsible for In addition, this is good preparation for future penmanship classes.

Material for classes

Bring different materials that have a different feel (a piece of fur, velvet paper, foil, a bag of beads, plastic, leather). Let the baby touch them and say what he feels. Exercises with a 2-year-old child with plasticine are very useful for motor skills. You need to start by sculpting simple shapes; let the children learn to make a circle, square, triangle out of plasticine. Next, you can purchase cut-out forms. You roll a thin layer of plasticine, and let the baby cut out various stencils. Make the classes more difficult every week, show that you can make a lot out of such material.

Give him pencils and let the child learn to draw. Just try to explain right away that little scribbles can only be made in a special album. At first, do not leave children alone with felt-tip pens and pencils, otherwise unpleasant surprises may await you. Show how to draw primitive objects that consist of sticks and circles.

The baby must be attentive

Come up with a 2-year-old child for every day that will develop attention. It is very important that the baby is not absent-minded, otherwise over the years this quality will be difficult to eradicate. At two years old, a child does only what interests him. At this age, the baby can abruptly throw one toy and start playing with another. At the age of 2.5 years, passive attention develops into active attention. Then it is important for parents not to miss the moment.

Start playing hide and seek. Place a toy in your baby's room and ask him to find it. Repeat this game several times, each time hiding the item in a new place. You can glue shapes all over the room. For example, cut out mushrooms from cardboard, come up with a symbolic basket, and let the children collect the “harvest” throughout the apartment.

Playing with shadows is suitable for older children. For this you need objects and their silhouettes. The child must match and find the correct shadows to the main pictures. The game “Build according to the drawing” develops attention well. To do this, take cubes and other parts from which you can build various shapes. Then draw a drawing of the future structure on paper, and let the child look at the drawing and build. All children simply love these games. You will see what wonderful results work with your child gives. A two-year-old child needs constant care.

In the future, the skill of switching attention from one to another will be very useful. For this to happen naturally, it is necessary to start training from childhood. To do this, guess the moment when the baby will be actively interested in something. Next, ask a question, and if the child begins to respond to it, then the process has begun. For example, when your child is drawing, ask what he ate in kindergarten. It is necessary that children can simultaneously do their business and at the same time carry on conversations. This will make adult life much easier. You've probably come across people who are doing something and not only cannot talk, but also turn off the TV or radio. They are distracted by any rustling or background noise.

I want to remember everything!

What is memory? This is the ability to reflect on past experiences. From birth, the baby perfectly develops reflexes that are based on memory. At first the baby does not react at all to his parents, but then he begins to smile at his mother, who is associated with food. He simply remembered that this particular woman was capable of giving milk. This is a primitive example, which is based on the child’s first memory experience.

At 2-3 years old, involuntary memory appears: the baby remembers some words and simple poems. Naturally, in order to remember them, you need to speak and show them repeatedly. This is why children need developmental activities. 2 years is a very important age. Use toys and picture cards, remember that lessons should not last more than 30 minutes.

Let's look at a few simple games that will help develop memory skills.

  1. Place any three toys in front of your baby. Talk about each of them. Next, ask the child to turn away and remove one character behind his back. Let the child name who is missing in this three. Over time, increase the number of participants - the more items, the more difficult it is to remember them.
  2. Show your child the picture, then turn it over and ask him to describe the action drawn. To make it easier, you can ask leading questions, for example, “what color dress is the girl wearing?”, “What grows near the tree?” Ask to bring items from another room.
  3. Get into the habit of socializing before bed. For example, read a fairy tale, and tomorrow afternoon let the child tell the story he heard. Ask them to tell you what interesting things happened to the little family member all day. Sing songs and recite rhymes. All this contributes to the development of the memory of your beloved child.

Thinking and perception in children 2-3 years old

A child aged two years chooses bright objects. From logic toys that carry information about shape and size, choose only one item. Today play with a pyramid, on the base of which you need to put rings according to size. Dedicate the next day to a house with cube-shaped holes on the roof. Place all the items together with your baby. Demonstratively show that a round hole does not fit a square.

Organize activities with your 2-year-old child to learn colors. First, show cards of the same color and clearly say what color it is. Then ask your child to point to the card when you say the name of the color. Then the task becomes more complicated: throw a bunch of toys of different colors and ask them to arrange them by color in different containers.

Adding details develops logic well. Leave the room and put on, for example, a scarf. Ask your child what item was added to your image.

Cut the picture into two parts and show that by connecting the parts, the image becomes complete. Next, increase the number of cut pieces.

In fact, a lot of different toys have been invented that develop thinking and logic. Buy such items and pay attention to the game. Only in this way will the child understand how to play complex toys. Don’t ignore your baby, always come to his aid if you notice that he can’t figure it out. Every child should have puzzles and construction sets. Ask to build a tower of the same color or put only yellow objects in the box. Working with a 2-year-old child with colored paper will also lead to the child starting to remember colors. Always explain your actions and state your request in detail. For example, “bring the pink bunny who is sitting next to the horse,” “bring me the green shoes that we will put on our little feet.” This way you can remember more words.

Come up with new educational activities for your child. 2 years is an important period in the formation of thinking and logic. Every baby loves to spend time with their parents, so pay as much attention as possible to your child. Independent play leads to children growing up withdrawn and taciturn. And it is very difficult for such children to adapt to modern society.


Classes for a 2-year-old child at home must be carried out daily. Read and talk more. Listen to a lot of funny children's songs, teach your baby to move to the music. If you see that he is interested in dancing, then do not ignore his talent and enroll your child in the appropriate club. The development of the child depends only on the parents. Classes allow you not only to gain skills, but also to reveal talents.

Friends, if you want to practice systematic developmental activities with a 2-3 year old child at home, but don’t know where to start, we recommend that you read this material carefully, save the article to your favorites or print out its key points. Without going into details or dwelling in detail on individual educational games and exercises, we will tell you what you need to pay special attention to when working with children of this age, and we will tell you how to create an effective development plan.

Interesting? Then let's get started!

Physical development

Health is the main value at any age. An age-appropriate set of physical exercises is an effective tool for maintaining and promoting health. Active outdoor games are the best way of physical development in preschool age. Is your baby already 2 years old? Actively instill in him a love of sports, using all available methods.

  1. Walking along curved lines, on a board slightly raised above ground level, over hills and bumps.
  2. Running after a goal (catching games, for example) and/or with obstacles.
  3. Jumps on one/two legs, in length and height, with legs raised, over obstacles (from hummock to hummock, over an imaginary river or cliff, etc.).
  4. Obstacle courses in which you have to climb ladders, jump from object to object, walk on sensory mats, climb through a tunnel.
  5. Active games with the ball: kicking the ball, rolling it, carrying it from one place to another, throwing it at a target (the target should be large and the distance to it small), catching and throwing it.
  6. Morning exercises with poetry.
  7. Dancing (rhythmic movements to music).

Fine motor skills

In addition to general motor skills, i.e. dexterity, coordination, strength, speed of movement of large muscles, it is important to develop fine motor skills of the hands. By training children's fingers to perform delicate work, you develop the baby's intellectual abilities, stimulate the speech parts of the brain, and improve the properties of children's memory and attention. To develop fine motor skills at 2–3 years old, you can still use hand massage and simple finger gymnastics exercises for babies. But do not forget to include more complex tasks for classes with a grown-up toddler.

  1. Games with fasteners: buttons, Velcro, laces, buttons, loops. They can be sorted through, folded from one jar to another, tied, strung, sorted.
  2. Games with a constructor.
  3. Games with cubes.
  4. Mosaic
  5. Modeling from plasticine, dough, special mass for the little ones.
  6. Crafts from scrap materials: cones, leaves, sticks, beans, cereals, pasta.

Speech development

By the age of two, a child’s vocabulary is about 50 words. Naturally, we remind you that children are different, and if your child has not yet started talking at 2 years old, there is no reason to panic, but there is motivation for more diligent pedagogical work on speech development. It is important that the little one constantly hears correct adult speech around him, that they talk to him, that he is encouraged in every possible way to express his thoughts, desires and needs using words. By the age of three, the child should already be able to correctly form phrases of 4-5 words, learn rhymes and songs, maintain a simple conversation on everyday topics, and understand verbal instructions well.

  1. Articulation gymnastics.
  2. Finger gymnastics, classes for the development of fine motor skills.
  3. Expanding vocabulary (reading, conversations, watching educational cartoons and children's programs).
  4. Making up simple stories based on pictures.
  5. Development of phonemic hearing.
  6. Introducing letters and sounds.
  7. Learn nursery rhymes by heart, simple poems for the little ones.

Development of imagination

In early childhood, kids are great dreamers. Attentive attention to children's fantasies, competent work to direct them in a creative direction helps to educate a creative person with a developed imagination. It is important to understand that sometimes, carried away by the fictional world, kids give out their fantasies at face value. In this case, you cannot scold the child for lying: learn to distinguish deception from the fruitful work of the imagination. Teach your child to distinguish fiction from reality, but have tact and patience for this. Create favorable conditions for the effective implementation of creative imagination.

  1. Drawing with pencils, felt-tip pens, wax crayons and crayons on asphalt, finger paints and watercolors.
  2. Non-traditional drawing techniques: blotography, stamps, drawing with crumpled paper, mat.
  3. Applications on given and free themes. Encourage children of primary preschool age to create tear-off appliqués and appliqués from prepared fragments. Children over three years old can already be taught to use safety children's scissors.
  4. Read - a lot, often and with pleasure. Change intonations, read the roles, come up with new plot twists in your child’s well-known, favorite fairy tales.
  5. Look at the pictures, make up stories based on them, imagine what the artist dreamed of when he painted this picture, or fantasize about what could have preceded the events depicted on it or what happened after them.
  6. Role-playing games: let the child put his favorite doll to bed, prepare borscht from imaginary vegetables, or build a beautiful house, laying brick by brick.
  7. Home theater: Show your child theatrical performances using a finger theater or toys. Involve your toddler in playing roles. Let him perform to the best of his ability in front of enchanted spectators: baby dolls and dolls, plush hares and bears, brothers, sisters, parents...

How to create educational activities for children 2–3 years old

  1. When talking with your child, abandon the term “activity” in favor of the concept “game.” Educational games should bring not only benefits, but also pleasure. Without this, there can be no talk of effective development in early childhood.
  2. Have a rough lesson plan for yourself, but be prepared to change the planned course of events at any time, obeying the interests and mood of the child. Do not force your child to do something that is not interesting to him at the moment, and do not force him to give up an activity that interests him without good reason.
  3. At 2–3 years old, the child’s memory and attention are involuntary. The baby is simply unable to concentrate on anything that is not interesting to him. If you manage to hold the child’s attention on the object of study you have planned for about 7–10 minutes, we can consider that the lesson was more than successful.
  4. Create conditions in which the child can switch from activity to activity, choose the type of activity that is most interesting for him at the moment, and demonstrate cognitive activity in a safe, inviting environment. If possible, leave creative materials, books, educational aids, and teaching materials within reach while the child is awake. Of course, child safety is a priority!
  5. In our proposed plan, in each direction of development of a 2-3 year old child, we proposed 7 groups of classes. This means that you can take a group for every day. For example, on Monday you focus on walking along curved paths, lacing, articulatory gymnastics and drawing with colored pencils, on Tuesday you teach your baby to run over small obstacles, offer him games with clothespins, do finger gymnastics and draw with crumpled paper... But how As a rule, during the day you will repeatedly return to the same activities, alternate them in random order, or come up with new activities based on familiar games and exercises. Be prepared for this!

We wish you successful studies. May your parenting be happy! See you again!

(In these exercises, the name is replaced by the child’s name)

Our Yaroslav is a mischief maker,

Pulls lips to ears.

Look, he says

I'm a frog now!

Who plays the guitar

And Yaroslav is on the pipe,

He pulled his lips forward

A narrow, narrow tube!

Yaroslavka went into the forest,

I found a mushroom under a pine tree,

Lift your tongue up -

Show how the fungus grew.

The tongue goes up and down.

The baby sat on the swing,

Here's the swing high, here's the swing low,

How good!

Yarik is having fun!

2. Breathing exercises.

The hedgehog is kind, not prickly (turn the head to the right - inhale),

Look around better (turn your head to the left - exhale).

We pretend to be a train, walk around the apartment, imitate the movements of the wheels with our hands, and say “Chuh-chukh-chukh.” Sometimes louder, sometimes quieter, sometimes less often, sometimes more often.

“The sun is shining, the clouds are floating, the train is going “choo-choo-choo-choo.”

"Geese fly high, they look at the children." When walking slowly, we raise our arms to the sides - inhale, arms down - exhale, say “guuuuuu”.

3. Finger gymnastics.

I remove the berries from the branch (with my left hand we depict a branch with berries. With the fingers of the other, we stroke each finger from the base to the tip)

And I collect it in a basket (cup both palms)

There will be a full basket (cover one palm with the other).

The mouse climbed for the first time

See what time it is.

Suddenly the clock said "Bang!"

(One clap overhead)

The mouse rolled head over heels!

(Hands “roll” to the floor).

The mouse decided for the second time,

See what time it is.

Suddenly the clock rings “Bom, bom!”

(Two claps overhead)

The mouse rolled head over heels!

(Hands “roll” to the floor).

The mouse climbed for the third time,

See what time it is.

I heard: “Bom, bom, bom!”

(Three claps overhead)

And she fell head over heels!

(Hands “roll” to the floor).

You can try this rhyme in English, called "Hickory Dickory Dock".

4. Logorhythmics. 1-2 songs by Zheleznova + squats, hanging on the horizontal bar;

5. Didactic game. Dienesh blocks. We sort by color, size, shape. We lay out houses, cars, caterpillars. You can simply, you can use printed pictures (the blocks can be replaced with cardboard circles, squares and triangles, yellow, blue and red colors, of different sizes, but I advise you to still buy Dienesh blocks, this inexpensive manual can be used for up to 7 years);

6. Creativity. Application "Elmer the Elephant". Draw an elephant and cut pieces of multi-colored paper. The child must stick these pieces on the elephant. Don’t forget to ask your child the color of the piece of paper when he glues it;

7. Hearing development. "Dance with Rattles" by Antonova. We teach children to perform round dance movements to music, to evoke an emotional response to music;

8. Games with therapeutic material. Playing with sand. We bake filled pies, make cakes, decorate them on top, cut them into pieces, make cookies (roll out a thin layer of sand and cut them out with cookie cutters or cookie cutters).

We invite and treat guests;

9. Role-playing games. "Tea party." We combine sand games and role-playing games.

1. Articulation gymnastics.

We close our teeth evenly,

And we get a fence,

Now let's part our lips,

Let's count our teeth.

A baby elephant came to visit us,

Amazing child.

Look at the baby elephant

Pull your lips with your proboscis.

Under a tall pine tree

We found a fungus with you,

So that the boletus grows,

Lift the tongue up.

Clack-clack-clack along the pavement,

The horse is coming towards you and me,

Click your tongue faster

May she come soon.

Woodpecker, woodpecker, knock, knock, knock.

Why are you knocking, my friend?

It’s not for nothing that my mouth is chattering.

I teach you the right sounds.

2. Breathing exercises.

We blow on the clouds, blow them away from the sun (draw a sun on a piece of paper, cut out the clouds from colored paper);

We blow on the turntable;

Blowing on the bells "Music of the wind"

"Tell us, wind, what color are you?

I'm the color of the sunset

I am the color of dawn

I am snow-colored

I am the color of fire...

This is me as you see me. (Lunin)

3. Massage fingers with massage balls;

Stroke my palms hedgehog,

You're prickly, so what?

I want to pet you

I want to get along with you.


The hedgehog is exhausted

I carried apples,

We'll rub his sides

You need to knead them slightly.

And then we'll stroke the legs,

To rest a little,

And then we'll scratch our belly,

Let's tickle near the ear.

The hedgehog ran into the woods

He squeaked thanks to us.

4. Logorhythmics. 1-2 songs by Zheleznova + we walk along the jump rope and between toys (teaches the child to look at his feet);

5.Fine motor skills. Apples in bags. Cut out multi-colored bags (yellow, green, red) and apples (circles) from cardboard. We draw circles on the bags. We ask the child to place the apples in circles according to color;

6. Hearing development. Listening to Russian folk songs. We teach the child to perform simple dance movements to music: heel and toe, turns with hands on the belt, round dance);

7. Mathematics. We play with counting sticks or popsicle sticks. We count and lay out geometric shapes from them;

8. Alphabet. We read poems about Marshak's alphabet. We color coloring pages with words starting with the letter B (hippopotamus, beaver, squirrel, chipmunk, banana, eggplant, bulldog).

1. Articulation gymnastics.

The hippopotamus opened its mouth, held it, then closed it,
We tease the hippopotamus, we want to make fun of him

The puppy smiles, teeth on display,

I could definitely do the same

Look now.

The baby elephant is pulling his proboscis, he is about to get a banana,

Fold your lips into a tube and show it to the baby elephant.

The dog is tired and breathing tiredly.

And she didn’t even run after the cat.

The wide tongue will rest and lie down.

And again the dog is in a hurry after the cat.

The kitten loves milk, you pour it and there’s not a drop in an instant,

Lapping quickly and easily, sticking out his tongue with a spatula.

2. Breathing exercises.

Learning to blow an airball. We use not only the ball, but also feathers and pieces of paper.

We blow the ball into the goal. Or, in our case, into the koala's mouth:

“We will blow on the balloon together, we need to feed the bear.”

3. Massage your palms with pencils.


Bom, bom, bom

We hit the nails with a hammer.

The nails are not driven in, only bent. (The child taps his fingers with a pencil, beating out the rhythm of the poem);


We take a sharpener

We put a pencil in it.

Ours will be sharp

Blue pencil.

(Squeeze the pencil with one hand, twist it with the other. The pencil should be ribbed);

4. Logorhythmics. 1-2 songs by Zheleznova + exercise “Bear” (we waddle on massage mats, climb up an inclined board);

5. Didactic games. "Magic bag" We teach the child to recognize objects by touch, by description and special features. We teach him to choose words to indicate the signs of what he feels. We put vegetables and fruits in the bag; real ones, toy ones don’t give such tactile sensations;

6. Creativity. Let's draw a phone. We make a cardboard blank in the form of a telephone (cell phone or regular) with numbers. The child must draw buttons and circle each number. Reading Chukovsky's "Telephone";

7. Hearing development. We play musical instruments. We imagine that the bear is walking - a drum, the birds are singing and playing pipes, the squirrel is cracking nuts - a rattle, etc. Guess what instrument it sounds;

8. Games with a touch box. Using cereals, stones, shells, sticks and animal figurines, we make a themed box. We hide the figures in the cereal, after the child finds everything, we ask him to hide it;

9. Role-playing games. Let's play at the zoo. We build enclosures out of cubes or Legos and put animals there. An excursion to the zoo arrives (several small toys). A zookeeper (another small toy or child) gives a tour. Tells what kind of animals they are, where they come from, what they eat, etc.; (you can take demonstration cards; as a rule, information about the animal is written on the back);

1. Articulation gymnastics.

The hippopotamus opened its mouth
The hippopotamus asks for rolls.

The hamster will puff out his cheeks,
He has grain in bags,
We'll puff out our cheeks too,
Let's help the hamster now.

We imitate frogs,
Pull your lips straight towards your ears.
We will pull and stop,
And we won’t get tired at all.

I will imitate the elephant -
I pull my lips with my trunk.

The squirrel cracks nuts
Thoroughly, without haste,
We push the tongue left and right to the side.

2. Breathing exercises.

Exercise "Lumberjack"

Feet are shoulder-width apart, arms are lowered and fingers are clasped together. Quickly raise your hands - inhale, lean forward, slowly lowering the “heavy ax”, say - wow! - on a long exhale.

Inhale calmly through your nose and exhale through your mouth.

I will blow high (raise your arms up, stand on your tiptoes, blow),

I'll blow low (sit down and blow),

I'll blow far (lean forward, blow),

I will blow close (fold my arms on my chest and blow on them).

3. Finger gymnastics.


The walkers have a song like this: tick, tick, tick (hands are arrows).

The tit bird has this: peak, peak, peak (palms with beak).

The pig has this - rumbling, rumbling, rumbling. (Ring of thumb and index finger).

The hedgehog has a song like this: splash, splash, splash. (Spread our palms).

The kitty's song is like this: meow, meow. (The hand strokes the other hand.)

What about the fish? (Cover your mouth with your hand.)


We chop and chop cabbage,

We three or three carrots,

We salt and salt the cabbage,

We press and press cabbage.

4. Logorhythmics 1-2 songs by Zheleznova + exercises with balls, learning to throw a ball into a basket against a wall. Learning to play edible-inedible;

5. Fine motor skills. Leaf and caterpillar. Cut out from cardboard. We make holes there. We ask the child to thread the lace or chenille wire;

6. Hearing development. We show the child a card with a picture of an organ. Let's listen to Bach;

7. Mathematics. On Lego pieces or cubes we write numbers from 1 to as many as needed. We ask the child to assemble a tower. We write numbers on plastic bottles. We ask the child to put the balls into the bottles according to the number;

8. Alphabet. Let's learn Zakhoder's poem "The ABC Song". On a sheet of paper we draw printed letters randomly, ask the child to circle all the letters B. We draw a large letter B and ask the child to stick pieces of plasticine on it.

1. Articulation gymnastics.

We open our mouth wider, we play hippopotamus, We open our mouth wide, like a hungry hippopotamus, We can’t close it, I count until 5, And then we close our mouth - the hippopotamus rests.

Oh, doo-doo! Oh, doo-doo!

The shepherd lost his duda,

Curl your lips and show it to the boy.

The whale is huge, like a house, smiling and beating its tail.

Show the whale a smile and remember a whale is not a fish!

I'm a happy horse, dark as chocolate

Click your tongue loudly and you will hear a loud clatter of hooves.

The wolf starts the sea engine, the blue ones go out into the sea,
Start the tongue-motor so that a storm rises into the sea.

2. Breathing exercises.

We make a storm in a glass, blow out the candles.

"You need to take a deep breath,

To blow out the candle for us."

3. Finger gymnastics.

Khoma, homa, hamster (place your hands on your cheeks, shake your head from side to side),

Striped side (pat the sides with your palms),

Khoma gets up early (spread your arms to the side, stretching),

Wash your cheeks (rub your cheeks with your palms),

Rubs paws (washing movements with hands).

Khoma, homa, hamster,

Unclench my fist!

(Offer your clenched fist to the child with a hidden candy or dryer).

Come on, come on, unclench it,

Whatever you find, take it for yourself!


I am my little cow (we put our fingers and horns to our head),

Early in the morning I will milk (we make movements with our hands as if we are milking)

I will stroke her sides (we stroke the cow (air);

Give the kids some milk (with your hands making a begging-grasping motion);

4. Logorhythmics. 1-2 songs by Zheleznova + obstacle course (we run on massage mats, climb through a tunnel, crawl under a gymnastic arch or chair, climb over sofa cushions);

5. Didactic games. We ask children to identify and show furniture and household utensils by description;

6. Creativity. We draw with pieces of ice (when freezing, add paint to the water);

7. Hearing development. We listen to fragments from “Carnival of the Animals” by C. Saint-Saëns;

8. Games with therapeutic material. Games with water. Pouring water. We catch ping-pong balls or lids from mashed potatoes with a net or sieve;

9. Role-playing games. A dramatization of the Russian folk tale "Zayushkina's Hut".
